Hope Coffee House

Chapter 66: Inherit the business


After cleaning up, Wu Liang left Hope Cafe and found a soup dumpling shop for brunch.

Before I had taken a few bites, a strange call came in. The phone number was a long series of numbers.

"Hello?" Wu Liang answered the phone.

"It's me. My mobile phone was monitored, and a bug was found in a pack of tissues on my body, so I called you from an Internet phone that couldn't be traced. How are your injuries?" Zheng Danqing's voice started from came from the other end of the phone.

"There is no danger to his life, but we may not be able to meet each other in the next few days. We can contact him by phone." Wu Liangxiang stuffed a soup dumpling into his mouth.

"The man who attacked you is called Zhao Bowen. Your friend just knocked him out and he is fine now. Zhao Bowen has mania, which is a type of mental illness, so... there is a high probability that he cannot be held criminally responsible for this matter. It's my responsibility." Zheng Danqing whispered.

"What about Li Ze? Can you prove that Li Ze ordered Zhao Bowen to ambush me?" Wu Liang picked up a soup bag and gently sipped the sweet soup.

"After Zhao Bowen woke up in the hospital, he fell into a manic state again. He yelled and hit everyone he saw. He couldn't ask questions. His family could not be found. Now he has been sent to the city mental hospital." Zheng Danqing said regretfully.

"It is most likely that Li Ze did this. It should be because I was investigating his past recently and persuaded Shan Ziling to get psychological counseling, which is why he was alarmed. Now that we can't meet in person, why don't we chat directly on the phone? Let’s chat.” Wu Liang suggested.

"Tell me first." Zheng Danqing said.

Wu Liang's plan is very simple. Li Ze's instigating murders have not only appeared recently. The first case he committed was to avenge his sister Li Yu. He took advantage of Awei's second wife's postpartum depression and pushed Awei directly. Went downstairs.

In the first case, often due to the unfamiliarity of the crime techniques, various clues will be left behind, so it is easier to find evidence.

In addition, the deceased Ah Wei was Li Ze's brother-in-law, so Li Ze had sufficient motive for the murder, and the charge of abetting the murder was even more credible.

Zheng Danqing's ideas coincided with Wu Liang's.

As early as Zheng Danqing began to suspect Li Ze from the paraquat poisoning case and discovered that all the husbands of his four female clients died unexpectedly within a short period of time, Zheng Danqing investigated Li Ze's events that year.

The death of Li Ze's brother-in-law Ah Wei attracted Zheng Danqing's attention.

It was once suspected that Awei's death was caused by his wife. The police had launched a series of investigations. Although there was no evidence to arrest Awei's wife in the end, the files that compiled the investigation clues from that year were still well preserved. With.

After Zheng Danqing contacted the local police two days ago, he received the photos of the dossier yesterday.

Because Awei's first wife, Li Ze's sister Li Yu, also jumped to her death with her child in her arms, the local police passed along the photos from the file investigating Li Yu's death.

Although Li Yu committed suicide by jumping off the building with his child in his arms, Li Ze, who reported the crime, not only refused to admit that he was present when his sister jumped from the building, but also insisted that his brother-in-law Awei killed Li Yu.

Therefore, Li Yu's suicide was only investigated that year. In the end, the police found evidence that Li Ze and Ah Wei were fighting. Ah Wei was proven innocent, and the matter was not filed.

The final investigation results of these two incidents showed that neither incident constituted a case, so the files did not have any confidentiality requirements. Zheng Danqing sent the photos directly to Wu Liang’s WeChat and asked Wu Liang to see if they could find them. What a clue.

After reading the file of Ah Wei's death, Wu Liang was very surprised. According to the trace identification report of the Physical Evidence Department, no signs of struggle or problematic fingerprints were found around the window. Ah Wei did jump off the building on his own initiative.

The results of the forensic report also confirmed that no pharmaceutical ingredients with hypnotic effects were detected in Awei's body, and that he indeed jumped to his death while awake.

Ah Wei is tall, but his second wife is very thin. There is no possibility of controlling Ah Wei and throwing her downstairs.

Therefore, the cause of Awei's death can only be as told by his wife. He jumped to his death in anger because of a quarrel with his wife.

Now Awei's wife is living well in the local area with their children. Yesterday, the local police specifically confirmed with Awei's wife that she had indeed never met Li Ze.

Unexpectedly, there was no trace of Ah Wei's death, and even a case could not be filed. It was even more difficult to find out Li Ze's role in it.

Things were at an impasse again.

Wu Liang picked up his phone with a headache and continued to look through the files of Li Ze's sister Li Yu who committed suicide. A name suddenly caught Wu Liang's eyes - Miao Zi.

Wu Liang clearly remembered that the person who sold the information told him that Miao Zi was the woman who claimed to be Li Yu's friend and took Li Ze away from the small town.

In just a moment, Wu Liang felt that he had found the most critical clue.

In the file, Miao Zi's identity is not Li Yu's good friend, but a woman who has a sworn relationship with Ah Wei.

It is precisely because Miaozi is a beautiful single woman and has a close relationship with Awei that she arouses the suspicion of the police.

When Li Yu was three months pregnant, Miao Zi came to the small county town and opened a KTV.

Because of the good environment, new equipment, and good drinks, Miaozi's KTV quickly attracted many customers. Awei, who likes singing and drinking in KTV, naturally became a regular visitor here.

Naturally, the beautiful owner of the KTV also attracted the attention of Ah Wei and a group of bad friends.

Miu Zi is a woman like mist, mysterious and fascinating.

Awei likes chatting with Miaozi very much, and the two seem to have a good conversation. Every time Awei and a group of bad friends come to sing and drink together, Miaozi always comes to toast a glass of wine and chat with everyone.

Gradually, everyone became more and more familiar with each other. Sometimes Awei and his bad friends would invite Miaozi to join them for dinner. Although Miaozi was a woman, she could chat well with the men. Even if she told a few dirty jokes, everyone would not hesitate. Feel embarrassed.

According to one of Ah Wei's bereaved friends, Miao Zi was a very fascinating woman, but like the clouds in the sky, she could be seen but could not be caught.

Miao Zi understands men and women even more.

When eating together, Awei and a group of bad friends often complained to Miaozi about their troublesome household problems, and the solutions Miaozi gave were very useful.

According to Awei's friend, since he became acquainted with Miaozi, the family has become much more peaceful. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are polite to each other, and the husband and wife have not had any quarrels for a long time.

In Wu Liang's view, all this seemed very suspicious.

At that time, the police officers investigating the matter also suspected that Ah Wei and Miao Zi had an extramarital affair, and then they found a way to kill Li Yu.

It’s just that all of Awei’s bad friends can prove that Awei and Miaozi are just friends and have definitely not crossed any boundaries.

The police officer investigated the occupancy records of all hotels and guesthouses in the county. From the time Li Yu was pregnant to the time she jumped to her death, neither Ah Wei nor Miao Zi had checked into any hotel.

As for the surveillance of Miao Zi's community, there was no evidence that Awei had been there.

Awei's motive for the murder could not be found, and the confession of Li Yu's brother Li Ze was overturned. The matter was eventually not filed. Everything the police found about Awei and Miaozi was also put into files and sealed. Not announced to the public.

After Awei's death, Miao Zi quickly left the small town.

What the police and Zheng Danqing didn't know was that Miao Zi took away Li Yu's younger brother, Li Ze.

After reading the file in his hand, a story evolved in Wu Liang's mind.

The woman named Miao Zi should be the real murderer of Li Yu, but her killing method was very subtle.

Miao Zi should have known about the misfortunes of Li Yu's siblings in their early years. He knew that what Li Yu feared the most was domestic violence men, while Li Ze's only support was his sister.

Therefore, after Li Yu became pregnant, Miao Zi deliberately approached Awei and his friends because he successfully helped Awei's friends resolve disputes and trivial matters at home, and gained Awei's trust.

Later, Miaozi grasped Awei's face-saving character, and started to arouse Awei's obsession with having a son through the fact that all his bad friends gave birth to sons.

I think back when Li Yu was four and a half months pregnant, Awei's friend who helped Li Yu find connections to find out whether the baby was a boy or a girl was arranged by Miao Zi.

It was clear that Li Yu was pregnant with a girl, but Miao Zi deliberately made people think it was a boy.

Ah Wei, who was full of vanity, stayed out for five months because his wife was pregnant with their son.

More expectation, more disappointment. When her daughter was born, it was inevitable that Ah Wei, who was so proud of her face, would find it hard to accept.

Miu Zi only needs to provoke him a little, and Ah Wei will continue to use cold violence against Li Yu, making Li Yu's postpartum depression worse.

At this stage, Miaozi is very likely to give Awei some psychological hints that women should be taught a lesson if they are sometimes unreasonable.

After that, as long as Ah Wei and Li Yu have a slight conflict, Li Yu and Ah Wei cry and cry after postpartum depression, and Ah Wei becomes impatient and attacks Li Yu, which will trigger Li Yu in an instant. The shadow of domestic violence creates endless fear and despair.

Li Yu definitely didn't want to follow the same path as his mother, who was beaten and tortured by her husband, causing her children to have a miserable life.

Therefore, Li Yu held his daughter in his arms and jumped downstairs resolutely.

As soon as Li Yu died, Miao Zi, as a friend of Li Yu, left the small town with Li Ze, who had no idea about it and only hated Ah Wei.

Two years later, Ah Wei died.

From then on, Li Ze was filled with demons and came to Ningcheng to work as a fitness instructor and began the road of murder.

Miao Zi successfully trained Li Ze as his successor and inherited his career of killing people through psychological suggestion.

Killing people and killing people is nothing more than that.

(End of chapter)