Hope Coffee House

Chapter 68: Death of Li Ze


After saying goodbye to Gu Donglin and his wife, Wu Liang took a taxi and went straight to the gym where Li Ze was.

Today is a working day, there are not many customers in the afternoon, and Li Ze doesn't have an appointment at this time.

When Wu Liang asked Li Ze at the front desk if he had an appointment, Lu Yun felt his aura. Coach Lu, who had no appointment all day, thought Wu Liang was here to train with him and quickly came to greet him.

Seeing Lu Yun's enthusiasm, Wu Liang was a little embarrassed to refuse. In addition, he did see Lu Yun's combat power last time and was yearning for it. He made an appointment with Lu Yun to start training in half an hour. Lu Yun then nodded and left.

"Hey, why do Lu Yun's students come here to see me?" After Wu Liang waited at the front desk for a while, Li Ze slowly walked over with an unexplainable smile on his face.

"I was assassinated a few days ago and almost died. Fortunately, Lu Yun happened to pass by and rescued me. After asking Lu Yun, I found out that Coach Li asked Lu Yun to help buy pot stickers so that I could pass there. Today I am naturally I came to thank Coach Li." Wu Liang smiled.

"Thank you? Verbal thanks are too weak. If Mr. Wu really wants to thank me, why not do something practical, such as buying me 180 fitness classes first." Li Ze suggested with a smile.

"I'm afraid Coach Li, who drives a sports car, doesn't need my little money. I have something more practical to thank you for, such as a story or a truth." Wu Liang looked at Li Ze with pity and suggested.

While the two were talking, they slowly walked to an empty tea room.

"Does Coach Li know about Miu Zi? It is said that she is a very beautiful woman. When you were eighteen years old, she took you out of that small town and started a new life. Who is she?"

Li Ze looked at Wu Liang with a funny look and said, "Mr. Wu, do you think I will tell you?"

"It seems that you like her very much and want to protect her. But you probably don't know that from beginning to end, you are just a pawn in her hands, just a work." Wu Liang looked at Li Ze with pity.

Li Ze smiled and said nothing, looking at Wu Liang with eyes full of teasing.

"I know you don't believe it, why don't I tell you a story first?" Wu Liang smiled slightly and told in detail his speculation about Li Yu's death and Miao Zi's role in it.

After listening to Wu Liang's story, Li Ze's face turned pale slightly, and he stared at the ground for a long time. Suddenly his shoulders shook and he burst out laughing uncontrollably.

"Wu Liang, after holding it in for so many days, is this your ultimate move? Made up a story to create a estrangement? Do you really think that I will believe your lies and go to Miao Zi to fight for my life?" Li Ze wiped the tears from laughter at the corner of his eyes, looked at Wu Liang and shook his head.

Wu Liang took out his mobile phone from his pocket and shook it at Li Ze: "You don't believe it? Do you dare to add WeChat?"

Li Ze sneered, took out his phone, and quickly added Wu Liang.

After Wu Liang passed all the photos of Li Yu's death file to Li Ze, he stood up and said, "Coach Li, take your time and read it yourself. Since Coach Li knew that I would eat pot stickers that morning, I think he has his own channels to verify the file." The truth of the matter."

Before Wu Liang got up and left, he paused and added: "Coach Li is just a poor chess piece. I am more interested in the Miao Zi behind you. If Coach Li wants revenge, maybe we can cooperate."

Li Ze frowned slightly and ignored Wu Liang, just silently looking down at his phone.

Things were going to be over soon. Wu Liang was in a very good mood and found Lu Yun to start class.

Lu Yun seemed to be in a very good mood today. Although his face was still expressionless, his eyes were very bright and seemed to be full of hope.

This was the first time Wu Liang had seen Lu Yun like this, and it felt as if he had become "alive".

Wu Liang asked Lu Yun why he was in such a good mood. Lu Yun unexpectedly raised the corners of his mouth slightly and told Wu Liang that in the near future, he would be able to regain his memory.

Wu Liang thought Lu Yun had found some clues, and because he was still paying attention to Miao Zi, he didn't think much about it and just said congratulations.

Under Lu Yun's strict training requirements, Wu Liang soon became exhausted, sweating profusely, and collapsed to the ground.

At this moment, a woman's scream suddenly sounded in the gym, and then more exclamations sounded, and the originally quiet gym suddenly became noisy.

Wu Liang looked towards the direction where the sound came from. It was the tea room where he had been talking to Li Ze before. Bad thoughts suddenly arose in his mind. He reluctantly propped himself up and walked towards the tea room.

Seeing that Wu Liang looked bad, Lu Yun also walked over.

In the center of the crowd, on the seat in the tea room, Li Ze was leaning back on the chair, his face calm, his chest no longer rising and falling, and he had stopped breathing.

There was a small empty bottle on the table in front of Li Ze. The air was filled with a faint smell of bitter almonds, which suggested that he had taken cyanide.

Wu Liang looked at Li Ze's body with a complicated expression. He never expected that after reading the file of Li Yu's death, Li Ze chose to commit suicide instead of seeking revenge against Miu Zi.

Seeing Li Ze's body, the sparkle in Lu Yun's eyes completely disappeared, leaving only a gloomy expression. He looked at Wu Liang and whispered: "Last night, he promised to help me retrieve my memory, but today he died."

"He was used by others and did many wrong things. I showed him the evidence that he was used by others, hoping that he would identify the real culprit behind the scenes. I didn't expect that he committed suicide because of this." Wu Liang murmured.

Lu Yun said nothing more, just looked out the window silently. Perhaps the gap from hope to disappointment was too big, Lu Yun's eyes were full of confusion and despair.

Seeing Lu Yun like this, Wu Liang felt a little uncomfortable, and a thought came to his mind again.

People at the gym had already called the police, and a few minutes later, Zheng Danqing arrived quickly with his colleagues.

Colleagues quickly set up a cordon, evacuated the crowd, and inspected the scene. Zheng Danqing pulled Wu Liang aside, frowned and asked in a low voice: "What's going on? Why did Li Ze suddenly commit suicide?"

Wu Liang had no choice but to give Li Ze the file on Li Yu's death, and wanted him to tell Zheng Danqing about taking revenge on Miao Zi.

Zheng Danqing was somewhat dissatisfied with Wu Liang's unauthorized actions, but there was indeed no progress in the investigation of Miao Zi. Zheng Danqing himself had the same plan, and there was actually nothing wrong with Wu Liang's behavior.

Zheng Danqing called his colleagues and asked them to check Li Ze's call records. After learning that he had been cheated, Li Ze would most likely call Miao Zi to confront him before committing suicide.

Colleagues quickly gave Zheng Danqing feedback that Li Ze did make two phone calls before committing suicide, but they were both virtual numbers, and there was no way to follow the clues and continue to investigate.

Zheng Danqing told Wu Liang that except for Ah Wei's case, which was relatively old and had no progress for the other five husband-murder cases under Li Ze, the police had found some important clues in the remaining four cases.

Li Ze's four clients who successfully killed their husbands are actually not living a good life now. Although they have no worries about their material life, after their husbands died, the negative emotions and hatred towards their husbands that were stimulated by Li Ze also followed. Dissipated.

When I dream back at midnight, I often think of my husband's good deeds and feel extremely regretful.

Over the past few days, through the unremitting efforts of the police, all four people have confessed to their husband-killing crimes.

Even if Li Ze did not commit suicide, he would not be able to escape the punishment of the law.

After listening to Zheng Danqing's story, Wu Liang felt relieved.

Ah Wei's case is not difficult to handle. Wu Liang still has three truth cards and three trust cards. He used the invisible card to sneak into the police station and secretly helped during the interrogation. He didn't have to worry about killing Ah Wei's second wife. No confession.

It's just that for Li Yu's death, if you want to avenge her, you still have to find Miu Zi.

"Didn't you find any information about Miao Zi?" Wu Liang looked at Zheng Danqing and asked.

"All her documents were fake. The KTV that year was also registered with someone else's identity information. Local colleagues investigated for several days and only made some portraits based on the descriptions of people who had seen her because it took too long. "In fact, everyone has no impression of Miao Zi's appearance. Everyone's description of the portrait is different, which cannot be called a clue at all."

"Is it possible to combine those portraits with technology, perhaps to piece together a complete Miaozi?" Wu Liang asked.

"I've tried it a long time ago. Everyone who has seen the synthesized portrait says it doesn't look like it. I haven't found any clues in the database." Zheng Danqing said, holding his forehead.

"Can you let me see those portraits?" Wu Liang looked at Zheng Danqing.

(End of chapter)