Hope Coffee House

Chapter 7: Additional tasks


The top priority is to find Chen Wei first.

Wu Liang thought of the tracking card he had unlocked in the mall, which he called useless.

At this time, only the tracking card can help him find Chen Wei quickly.

With blood dripping from his heart, Wu Liang gritted his teeth and exchanged a tracking card worth 5,000 Hope Coins in the mall, thinking about Chen Wei's appearance.


But in an instant, Wu Liang heard the sound of strong wind blowing in his ears.

Wu Liang quickly opened his eyes, only to find that he was standing on the edge of the rooftop of a tall building.

The building is very high, with a panoramic view of Jicheng.

Looking at the dense flow of people and vehicles under his feet, Wu Liang's legs felt a little weak and he quickly took two steps back.

Unexpectedly, Chen Wei, who turned off his mobile phone, went directly to the roof of the building.


With a 98% hope value, it’s self-evident why you came up here.

Wu Liang wiped the cold sweat from his head and quickly looked for Chen Wei, but after walking around on the rooftop, he did not see Chen Wei.

Where is Chen Wei

Cold sweat fell from Wu Liang's forehead again.

"Brother Wu Liang, why are you here?" Chen Wei's low voice came from behind Wu Liang.

Wu Liang turned around suddenly, and Chen Wei was standing at the door leading to the rooftop, looking at him in surprise.

It seems that Chen Wei is one step behind him and has just come up.

"Let me... blow some air, Brother Chen, what a coincidence, why are you here too? You look bad, has something happened?" Wu Liang quickly showed a warm smile to Chen Wei.

"I'll come up and get some fresh air." Chen Wei said tiredly, "Just now, Gao Qi called my mother and said something. My mother fainted directly in the hospital and is now in the emergency room."

How could it be Gao Qi

She clearly used her trust card at noon and told her that she didn't know Chen Wei. Why did she suddenly make this call to Chen Wei's mother

Seeing Wu Liang frowning and saying nothing, Chen Wei looked into the distance and said in a bitter voice: "I really don't understand why she still made this call to my mother after the matter has come to this."

Wu Liang was puzzled. He looked at Chen Wei and comforted her gently: "Brother Chen, my aunt will be fine. I'll wait for the news with you. Don't do anything stupid."

Chen Wei turned his phone back on with a wry smile, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I won't jump. Before I die, I will make arrangements for my parents and pay off all my debts."

When waiting for news from Chen Weiyi, Wu Liang tried his best to comfort Chen Wei, but Chen Wei's hope value was always frozen at -98%, motionless.

After waiting with Chen Wei for nearly an hour in fear, the two of them finally received a call from Bingcheng Hospital. Chen Wei's mother fainted due to excessive emotion, but she was fine now.

From Chen Wei's mother's mouth, the two of them just learned the content of the phone call Gao Qi made to Chen Wei's mother at noon.

Gao Qi told Chen Wei's mother in a bad tone on the phone that he had broken up with Chen Wei and was now engaged to someone else. He hoped that Chen Wei's family would have some sense of shame and not be so unkind and shameless to him. entanglement.

Gao Qi also said that the money Chen Wei spent was purely voluntary. Now that the relationship between the two has been severed, even if Chen Wei's father got liver cancer, he would never get a penny from him. Before hanging up the phone, Gao Qi also Chen Wei's father was viciously cursed to ascend to heaven as soon as possible.

Chen Wei's mother had been running around for days for her husband's surgery. She was already very sad and exhausted. Gao Qi's ruthless words were a fatal blow and made the kind old lady faint from anger.

After the old lady woke up, she quickly asked her husband to call her son. After briefly telling the story of her fainting, she began to comfort Chen Wei not to worry about him.

The old lady told Chen Wei that there are some men and women in the world who are destined to be destined to each other. When they are together, they should treat each other sincerely. If the relationship is over, there is no need to force it. Just be honest with yourself.

The old lady also said that Chen Wei shouldn't feel bad about the money spent on treating Gao Qi's father. If the money is gone, he can still make it again. Saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda, not to mention when saving Gao Qi's father. The two of them were in love. Chen Wei did nothing wrong in this matter. The son who is willing to do this is the pride of the old couple.

Finally, the old lady asked Chen Wei to find a job in Jicheng with peace of mind. She said that the 100,000 yuan treatment fee that Chen Wei called was very timely. The doctor was already planning the operation for his wife, and she would take good care of his wife so that Chen Wei would not have to Return to Ice City.

The old lady said to Chen Wei sincerely that her friend was willing to lend Chen Wei 100,000 yuan for an emergency. It was because the friend trusted Chen Wei that 100,000 yuan was not a small amount. Chen Wei stayed in Jicheng and found a job as soon as possible. Returning money to a friend, on the other hand, also reassures the friend. Such a deep friendship should be cherished.

Chen Wei held the phone, choked and speechless. He just nodded in agreement with tears streaming down his face.

The old lady said a lot.

At the end, Chen Wei choked up and said, "Mom, don't worry, I will work hard to find a job, and everything will be fine."

After the old lady hung up the phone, Chen Wei sat on the ground and cried loudly.

The old lady's words actually raised Chen Wei's hope level to 60%.

Chen Wei's mission was successfully completed in such an incredible way.

Wu Liang had dinner with Chen Wei, and after confirming that Chen Wei's mood had completely calmed down, he sent Chen Wei back home. He secretly toured Chen Wei's neighborhood carefully and found several secret and secluded places for future convenience. Teleported directly from the coffee house, he said goodbye to Chen Wei and returned to the Hope Coffee House.

The dull pain in my upper abdomen has completely disappeared, and my body feels relaxed and comfortable that I haven't experienced in a long time.

Hope the coffee house has fulfilled its promise, and Wu Liang has been rewarded for completing the task, 30 days free from illness and injury.

Wu Liang lay on the bed in the employee lounge, repeatedly watching the video that was not sent to Chen Wei in the end, but he was not happy at all, and questions kept rising in his heart.

There will be absolutely no problems with trust cards purchased from the system mall.

Although Gao Qi suspected that he was behind the destruction of the engagement party, he had already used his trust card to make her believe that he and Chen Wei did not know each other. Why did Gao Qi make that call to Chen Wei's mother

Gao Qi's father passed away, and Chen Wei had no use value after using up all his and his family's savings. That's why Gao Qi found a new fiancé, the rich man Deng Gao, in just one month.

Before Chen Wei did not search for Gao Qi in a big way and demanded hundreds of thousands of treatment fees, why would Gao Qi bother Chen Wei's parents

Why did she do this

The more Wu Liang thought about it, the more puzzled he became. In the mobile video, the host asked with a dry smile: "Then why are you engaged to Mr. Deng?"

"Get engaged, then dump him, make him lose face, make him dying of shame and anger, make him go crazy..."

Gao Qi's words were spoken after Wu Liang used the truth card.

Gao Qi was not engaged to Deng Gao for money

Was she trying to make Deng Gao angry and crazy

What about everything she did to Chen Wei

Could it be that it is also regarded as a game

Wu Liang felt depressed for a moment.

If my guess is true, what does the kindness and generosity of the Chen Wei family mean

A joke

This world shouldn't be like this.


The system prompt sounded into Wu Liang's mind: "You have a new additional task generated, please check it and decide whether to accept the task."

Wu Liang quickly looked at the system panel in his mind.

[Additional Task]: Find out all Gao Qi’s crimes within 30 days and make her completely despair. (Hope value drops to -100%)

[Task Restrictions]: It is not allowed to use truth cards on Gao Qi.

[Task Reward]: 30 days without illness or injury.

Warm reminder: The additional tasks are encouraging tasks, and there is no penalty for the host if the task fails.

Want the value to drop to -100%

Just what I wanted.

Wu Liang pursed his thin lips and accepted this additional task without hesitation.

The additional task instantly appeared in Wu Liang's task bar, and Gao Qi's hope value also appeared in the task bar. What surprised Wu Liang was that Gao Qi's hope value was 0%.

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(End of chapter)