Hope Coffee House

Chapter 78: Self introduction


There are several restaurants on the second floor of the hotel. According to the young man at the hotel front desk, because there are not many experience customers, only the hotel's Chinese restaurant and a small buffet bar will be open in the past ten days. The welcome banquet at noon today will be Held in a Chinese restaurant.

Experience customers come from all walks of life. According to Wu Liang’s experience, most people are bound to be unpunctual. It is clearly stated that the banquet will start at 12 noon, and it is considered good if everyone can arrive at 12:30. Therefore, Wu Liangsan People walked slowly and slowly, and when they arrived at the Chinese restaurant, they were only 5 minutes early.

The hall of the Chinese restaurant was empty, and no one was seen, but someone could be heard talking in the private room deep in the restaurant.

Wu Liang followed the sound and walked towards the source of the sound. He knocked twice lightly and once hard three times on the closed box door, and then slowly opened the box door.

Inside the door, nine pairs of eyes looked over.

There was a large round table in the large box with some fruits, drinks and snacks on it. Wu Liang took a quick glance and saw that there were three empty seats in the box.

Wu Liang was a little surprised. He didn't expect that everyone else had arrived. Although the three of them arrived five minutes early, they became the last ones to arrive.

"Miss Wang, Mr. Wu, Mr. Lu, please sit over here." The young man at the front desk stood up from his seat and greeted Wu Liang and the others enthusiastically.

It must have been a young man who had greeted everyone in advance. Three empty seats were connected together. Next to the left side of the empty seat was a bearded man with a gloomy face. In the seat to the right of the empty seat, Ye Han was looking at him meaningfully. Wang Zhaozhao, who was beside Wu Liang, stuck out his tongue and licked his lips exaggeratedly.

"Zhaozhao, please sit in the middle." Wu Liang whispered to Wang Zhaozhao, and sat down directly in the empty seat next to Ye Han, showing a "warm" smile to Ye Han.

Seeing the three people sitting down, the young man at the front desk of the hotel tapped his wine glass and smiled at everyone: "Welcome to the Hot Spring Villa. You have all seen me when you checked in. I am Luo, the lobby manager of the Hot Spring Villa. Yu, I will be responsible for handling everyone's food and accommodation issues for the next ten days. You can contact me by dialing the front desk number from your hotel room."

"First of all, on behalf of the Hot Spring Villa, I would like to thank and welcome everyone for coming. I wish you all a happy holiday during these ten days!" Luo Yu raised his wine glass and toasted to everyone.

Everyone also raised their glasses together and took a sip of the red wine in the glass.

"Everyone knows that the mobile phone signal at Hot Spring Villa is not good, so you can't make calls or access the Internet. Here I want to explain to you that this matter is not because our hotel equipment is not perfect, but because our boss did it deliberately.

Everyone who travels on weekdays should also have a deep understanding of this. Even if you have taken annual leave and sent emails and WeChat Moments, there will always be some people who keep sending us emails and calling us because of work or other trivial matters, asking us to handle it. All kinds of trivial matters destroy the good mood of our vacation.

Therefore, our boss wants to create such an environment, where there is no mobile phone signal or Internet. Guests enjoying their vacation at the hot spring resort can completely relax here and enjoy a completely uninterrupted vacation. " Luo Yu introduced to everyone.

"Because there is no Internet, in the next ten days, you will meet each other every day in restaurants, gyms, game rooms, etc., and you will definitely become friends. In order to make it easier for everyone to get familiar with each other quickly, why don't we introduce ourselves first? ." Luo Yu suggested.

Seeing that everyone was looking at each other, but no one said anything, Luo Yu smiled and said: "Why don't I do it first? My name is Luo Yu. I am the lobby manager of the Hot Spring Villa Hotel. I live in the staff lounge behind the hotel's front desk. , I usually prefer playing cards.”

Zuo Zhe, who was sitting on the right side of Luo Yu, stood up and said: "Hello everyone, my name is Zuo Zhe. I am currently on leave from college and writing fantasy novels at home. My favorite things are reading novels, writing novels, working out, and sleeping."

Then, Zuo Zhe looked at Wang Zhaozhao and smiled and said: "Well... I don't have a girlfriend yet. I live in 104, alone." Seeing Wang Zhaozhao glare at him, Zuo Zhe quickly added: "Well, everyone is welcome. Come and play cards with me."

On the right side of Zuo Zhe is a man of about thirty-five years old, with a plain appearance, a mustache on his lips, a slight hunchback, and a dazed expression, as if he has something on his mind.

"My name is Pei Guang. I live in No. 103. I'm good at Texas Hold'em." The man looked at everyone and smiled. "If you are interested in Texas Hold'em, I can save some games."

I like to play Texas Hold'em poker, but my name is... Lose all? Could it be that Pei Guang wants to get everyone to gather together to gamble? Wu Liang secretly raised his eyebrows.

To Pei Guang's right is a girl who is about the same age as Wang Zhaozhao. She is not as beautiful as Wang Zhaozhao, but she has a girl-next-door comeliness. However, the girl's face is expressionless and she exudes a repulsive aura.

The girl did not stand up like Zuo Zhe, but just sat down and said calmly: "My name is Wang Xiaoyu, I am a freelancer, and I live in 106."

On the right side of the girl is a man of about thirty years old. He is quite handsome, but he has two deep Sichuan-shaped lines between his eyebrows. He seems to frown often, and his right thumb always touches the first part of his index finger quickly and unintentionally. knuckles, and his eyes were dark and deep, making it impossible to see his emotions.

"My name is Lin Jiamu, I live in 106, and Wang Xiaoyu is my woman." When he said this, the handsome man did not look at Wang Xiaoyu. Instead, he took a deep look at Wang Zhaozhao and raised the corners of his mouth: "I like to be with young girls. We chat with each other. I have everything that girls in their 20s want, and I can do everything they like.”

After hearing Lin Jiamu's words, Wu Liang glanced at his girlfriend Wang Xiaoyu without any trace. Wang Xiaoyu was not angry. He sat in his seat without saying a word, his eyes did not change at all, as if he had not heard Lin Jiamu's words. generally.

After Lin Jiamu's introduction, it was the turn of the gloomy man with unshaven beard on his right and Lu Yun's left.

The gloomy man looked to be over forty years old, with slightly dark skin, medium build, plain clothes, and ordinary appearance. There was absolutely no way he could be found among the crowd.

"I... my name is... Ren... Ren Bo, live... live... live 1... 105." The gloomy man said with difficulty.

"There are only two floors here. Are you living in 1105 in the sky?" Lin Jiamu looked at Ren Bo and said jokingly.

Ren Bo was teased by Lin Jiamu because of his stuttering, but Ren Bo did not fight back. He just glanced at Lin Jiamu, then at Ye Han's mother opposite him who was covering her mouth and smiling, and lowered his head in silence.

"Lu Yun, 102, likes to play billiards." Before anyone could react, Lu Yun had already introduced himself neatly.

"I am Wang Zhaozhao. This time I came to the Hot Spring Villa for team building with my boss and colleagues. I live in 102 and like to watch movies." Wang Zhaozhao said without forgetting to show an innocent and simple smile.

"My name is Wu Liang. I don't have any hobbies. I just want to come to the Hot Spring Villa to relax and live in 102." Wu Liang said.

"Boss and employees, three of them living in one room? You really know how to play." Ye Han's mother pretended to be surprised.

"Don't we all come here to have fun on vacation?" Wu Liang looked at Ye Han's mother, smiling.

Ye Han's mother curled her lips and stopped talking.

"My name is Ye Han, I live in 101, and I like to play with my beautiful sister." Ye Han turned his head to the left, wanting to look at Wang Zhaozhao, but his sight was blocked by the sneering Wu Liang.

"I'm Du Fei. I came here for vacation with my husband and son. I have no interest in the gym or game room. I just want to soak in the hot springs." Ye Han's mother said.

Ye Han's father cleared his throat and spoke slowly: "I am Ye Zhenghe who lives in 101. I am Ye Han's father and Du Fei's husband. Everyone has introduced me well before, so I will simply say it here. In a few words, I am a local entrepreneur in Ningcheng..."

Ten minutes later, Ye Zhenghe finally finished telling the story of his fortune in Ningcheng, his values and life creed, and gave everyone some constructive suggestions for enjoying the ten-day holiday before completing his self-introduction. .

Although they haven't had lunch yet, everyone in the seats felt as if they had taken sleeping pills and were drowsy.

(End of chapter)