Hope Coffee House

Chapter 80: Texas Hold'em


After listening to Wu Liang's serious advice, Wang Zhaozhao nodded and said: "Don't worry, boss, I will be careful."

Wu Liang then looked at Lu Yun and asked, "Coach Lu, are there any dangerous people among the people we have lunch with today? The ones you think are very strong?"

"No, among the twelve, I am the strongest." Lu Yun shook his head.

Wu Liang: “…”

Although Lu Yun was telling the truth, why did she always feel like he was showing off? Or the most powerful one

Wu Liang rubbed his temples, looked at Lu Yun and warned: "Coach Lu, when you play billiards with Ren Bo in the afternoon, chat with him more. Although he stutters and speaks slower, don't be annoyed. Talk to him more and we can analyze him better when we come back in the evening."

Lu Yun thought for a while, nodded seriously and said, "It's not annoying. He speaks slowly and talks much less than the two of you."

Wu Liang: “…”

Wang Zhaozhao, who was lying with a gun beside him: "..."

In order to observe the crowd more, Wu Liang arrived at the hotel chess and card room half an hour earlier than the agreed time.

I thought I was the first, but I didn't expect that Luo Yu was earlier than me. Not only did he arrive at the chess and card room in advance, but the card table, seats, chips and pokers were also neatly prepared.

"Thank you, Manager Luo." Wu Liang said hello with a smile.

"You should work within your duties. Mr. Wu came very early." Luo Yu took two cans of beer from the refrigerator in the chess and card room and handed one to Wu Liang.

"I thought I could help tidy up the tables and chairs if I came early, but I didn't expect you had already tidied them up." Wu Liang took the beer and asked casually: "This hot spring hotel has just been built, but I think Manager Luo is meticulous in his work. A rare talent, I wonder where Manager Luo worked before?"

"Mr. Wu was so complimentary. I'm just an undergraduate student majoring in hotel management. I'm not considered a talent. Maybe it's because I had a lot of internship experience when I was a student, so I was recruited by my boss to be the lobby manager of this hot spring resort. I'm quite young. Mr. Wu, who has become a boss, you are more worthy of learning from a migrant worker like me." Luo Yu opened the beer and raised his glass to Wu Liang.

"Manager Luo is so humble. Hotel management attaches great importance to practice. Manager Luo can directly take the position of lobby manager after graduating from a bachelor's degree. He must have come from a prestigious school. As far as I know, hotel management is a relatively young major in our country. "There are not many famous universities in Longguo that offer this major. I wonder which university Manager Luo studied at?" Wu Liang and Luo Yu took a sip and asked curiously.

"Mr. Wu is really well-informed. There are really not many prestigious domestic universities that offer hotel management majors, and most of them are concentrated in Xiangcheng and Haocheng. However, I studied at the Central University in the mainland." Luo Yu said with a smile.

"That double first-class CUHK in Suicheng?" Wu Liang asked in surprise.

In my previous life, the person I admired the most was the man who founded CUHK. During high school, I worked hard to get admitted to CUHK. Unfortunately, I worked hard for a whole year, but in the end I was still a short distance away from the admission score of CUHK.

Luo Yu nodded and said, "It's true that it's the Central University in Suicheng, but I'm not a top student. Just because my family is in Suicheng, I applied for the National University of Science and Technology in the college entrance examination. My grades were average, so I chose the relatively unpopular one. Hotel management major.”

"Even if you are from Suicheng, you have to be one of the best in a hundred if you want to go to CUHK. However, Suicheng is warm, while the winter in Ningcheng is cold and wet. How could Manager Luo go to Ningcheng so far away to find a job?" Wu Liang drank. Taking a sip of beer, he asked casually.

"At first glance, Mr. Wu is just a kid from a wealthy family who has never experienced the experience of finding a job after graduation. Even if he is from a double first-class university, it is difficult to find a job with a satisfactory salary after graduating from a bachelor's degree. Not to mention in Ningxia City, even if it is the Ice City at the northernmost tip of the Dragon Kingdom, I am willing to do so." Luo Yu said with a smile.

"I see, but your choice is indeed very good. At noon, when you told us the reason why the hot spring villa has no mobile phone signal and network, I was already impressed. Your boss is very thoughtful. I wonder what kind of person he is? "

"Actually, I have only met our boss once. When the construction of this hot spring villa was completed, I was doing the final decoration here. The boss took his girlfriend Miu Zi to take a look and also took a look at this hot spring villa. The name of the hotel was changed from the Wisteria Hot Spring Hotel planned by the previous owner to the Hot Spring Villa that Miss Miaozi preferred.

Our boss looks very masculine, treats Miss Miaozi very well, and is also very kind to us employees. Although we have only met him once, I think he is very nice and he is a good match for Miss Miaozi. " Luo Yu recalled slowly while drinking beer.

I originally wanted to dig out some clues from Luo Yu, but the two of them chatted for a few words. Luo Yu turned out to be a highly suspicious associate of Miao Zi, and seemed to be just an ordinary lobby manager who didn't know the truth.

Wu Liang felt a sense of caution and asked a few questions about campus life and hotel management at CUHK. Luo Yu answered all questions fluently and did not seem to be faking.

Wu Liang and Luo Yu chatted for a while, wanting to see if Luo Yu would intentionally spy on him, but Luo Yu was very measured and did not take the initiative to ask Wu Liang until Ye Zhenghe's family and Pei Guang also came to the chess and card room. A word about him.

After arriving at the chess and card room, Pei Guang briefly introduced the game rules of Texas Hold'em to everyone, then gave everyone 300,000 chips, and was ready to start the game.

After listening to Pei Guang explain the rules, Ye Han looked at Ye Zhenghe and Du Fei with a troubled look, muttering in a low voice that this game was too difficult and he would definitely not be able to play it well, and he was not at all interested in confronting Wu Liang and the others. arrogance.

Du Fei did not express his position, but looked at Ye Zhenghe. Ye Zhenghe waved to his son. Ye Han, as if he had received amnesty, whispered that he would go to the electronic game room and left the chess and card room.

Luo Yu removed a chair, helped Wu Liang and the others adjust their positions, and then started dealing cards.

The game rules of Texas Hold'em are actually very simple, but it is a very skillful game. Luck brings little bonus to game victory. If you want to win, the focus is still on observation, self-control and the psychological game with your opponent.

The card table and chips prepared by Luo Yu are exactly the same as those in Haocheng Entertainment City, making playing very immersive.

Wu Liang didn't have a strong desire to win the game. He played casually and had been secretly observing everyone's personalities through the game.

Ye Zhenghe played very steadily. He was always trying to figure out the mentality of other players. His tactics were constantly changing between the virtual and the real. He was both patient and measured. Although he rarely made huge profits, he always had the chips in front of him. It is slowly increasing, which is very consistent with the status of a wealthy businessman who started from scratch in the industry.

Du Fei was a pure novice player. He followed the bet blindly at first and wanted to follow all the cards until the end. After a few rounds, he realized that he was losing more than he was winning, so he became obsessed with bluffing again and clutched a handful of broken cards. , but he dared to place a heavy bet, and he was out of the game after not playing for long.

In order not to affect Du Fei's gaming experience, croupier Luo Yu "lent" another 300,000 chips to Du Fei so that she could continue playing. Although she had gained some experience, Du Fei was still very impulsive in her bets. The more she lost, the more she won. Shao's ending has never changed.

This also convinced Wu Liang that Du Fei's emotional intelligence was not high. It's just that such a woman dared to lead her son to be unreasonable and domineering. She must have some unknown confidence. As for where this confidence comes from, it still needs to be slowly discovered. observe.

As for Pei Guang, who is planning the game, he is a complete gambler.

Because Pei Guang has rich game experience, can act, and is very bold in betting. He went all-in twice, both with small cards, but once he scared away Du Fei who followed a big bet, and the other time scared away Du Fei who followed a big bet. Ye Zhenghe had only been playing for an hour, and the chips in front of Pei Guang had piled up into a small mountain.

Perhaps the sense of immersion was too strong. As the game continued, the red-faced Pei Guang gradually lost his self-control when placing bets. The chips in front of him flowed back to Wu Liang and the others after several heavy bets failed. Du Fei also defeated Pei Guang once because of a good hand of cards.

Pei Guang's breathing became more and more rapid. Perhaps he had caught a good card. After the fifth card was dealt, his expression changed and he chose all in again.

However, this time, his opponent was Wu Liang.

Wu Liang pushed all the chips in front of him to the center of the card table and followed Pei Guang's all-in.

After seeing Wu Liang's move, Pei Guang turned over the cards in his hand and laughed: "You were fooled! This time, my cards are really good."

Pei Guang's winning cards were three kings and two fives, an extremely rare full house.

Wu Liang smiled and turned over the cards in his hand.

Wu Liang's successful card is four 5s, which is more rare than a full house.

Originally it could be published at eight o'clock, but... because I wrote about Texas Hold'em poker, I couldn't help but play it for two hours... This chapter was published at 10:00. I wish everyone a happy Lantern Festival!

(End of chapter)