Hope Coffee House

Chapter 82: Chicken feed


Wu Liang was amused by Lu Yun and joked: "Coach Lu is right, Lin Jiamu does have a problem with his eyes. Otherwise, he wouldn't have chased Zhaozhao after just one meeting, and threatened to open a cafe for Zhaozhao." .”

Lu Yun nodded in agreement.

Wang Zhaozhao, lying on the gun again: "..."

Speaking of this, Wu Liang suddenly froze, frowned and said to himself: "Lin Jiamu is already in his early thirties, and judging from his methods, he is definitely an expert in love. How can he just flirt with the well-matched Wang Xiaoyu next to him? Zi fell in love with Zhao Zhao?"

"I am a naturally beautiful girl, why don't I like her?" Wang Zhaozhao said angrily.

Wu Liang shook his head and said: "This is unscientific. I still don't believe it... Zhao Zhao, you continue to deal with Lin Jiamu first and see if he has any other purposes."

Wang Zhaozhao: "...Okay, boss."

Afterwards, Wu Liang looked at Lu Yun and asked, "Coach Lu, did you gain anything from Ren Bo's place this afternoon?"

Lu Yun nodded and said, "There are three gains."

"First, Ren Bo thinks I am your hired thug."

"Second, Ren Bo said that he had killed many people."

"Thirdly, Ren Bo also asked me to tell you, don't hide your head and show your tail, just say what you have to say."

Hearing Lu Yun's short and concise but bombshell answer, Wu Liang was surprised and said: "Wait a minute... Coach Lu, the amount of information you have is really too much. Can you explain it in more detail?"

Lu Yun nodded and began to tell.

Lu Yun and Ren Bo met in the corridor on the first floor of the hotel, and they opened the door almost at the same time.

After meeting, the two nodded to each other and walked silently to the billiards room on the second floor. The time when the two entered the billiards room happened to be 14:30.

After that, the two of them started playing billiards in tacit understanding without saying a word. Ren Bo played very slowly and had to think for a long time before taking action.

But every time Ren Bo cleared the table with one shot, he played very beautifully. The two of them were going back and forth, and they were having a great time.

After playing for a full two hours, Ren Bo stopped playing, went to the refrigerator nearby to get two bottles of beer, handed one to Lu Yun, sat on the edge of the table, and took the initiative to talk to Lu Yun.

Ren Bo asked Lu Yun what he was doing.

Lu Yun told Ren Bo that he worked as a cashier in a coffee shop and washed cups and cleaned the store part-time.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Ren Bo shook his head and looked at Lu Yun with a chuckle and asked Lu Yun how much Wu Liang gave him.

According to the pre-prepared words, Lu Yun told Ren Bo that the store would provide food and accommodation, and a monthly salary of 4,000 yuan.

Ren Bo shook his head and looked at Lu Yun, saying that he knew he was lying.

In Lu Yun's silence, Ren Bo explained that he could feel that Lu Yun was of the same kind as him.

Later, Ren Bo told Lu Yun a story.

Ren Bo opened a small chicken farm on a mountain in the outer suburbs of Ningcheng, raising 500 native chickens by himself.

Because he often has to go out, Ren Bo also keeps four big dogs to look after the chicken farm.

Sometimes, Ren Bohui drives his van and brings back some nutritious meals of chicken and dog, alone.

Skillfully bleeding and disemboweling, the meat was removed and cooked in a large iron pot. The fresh meat was very fragrant when cooked, and four big dogs competed to eat it. They could eat 20 kilograms in one day.

Most of the people Ren Bo brought back were women, with not much flesh on their bodies.

A pot of meat will usually be eaten by the dogs in less than four or five days.

As for the clean bones, Ren Bo will throw them into a big bone crusher, crush them into bone residue, and mix them with cornmeal to supplement calcium for his native chickens.

After eating this nutritious meal, the native chickens grew very strong and their feathers were shiny.

Ren Bo's local chicken is delivered to a fixed restaurant every week. The restaurant is a roast chicken restaurant. Even though Ren Bo's local chicken is three times more expensive than ordinary broiler chicken, the sales are still booming, and people in the city are Love to eat.

After telling this story, Ren Bo asked Lu Yun if he understood what he meant.

Lu Yun nodded seriously, saying that he already understood Ren Bo's secret to getting rich by raising chickens, but he just couldn't agree with it. After all, feeding chickens to people sounds like it's illegal. Lu Yun also kindly gave Ren Bo some advice. He might as well replace people with pigs and feed them scientifically to truly make a fortune.

After listening to Lu Yun's suggestion, Ren Bo actually laughed strangely and said to Lu Yun, it seems that Wu Liang didn't tell you anything, you are just a thug he hired, that's all, help me pass a message to Wu Liang, don't hide your head and show your tail. , speak directly if you have something to say.

Lu Yun didn't quite understand what Ren Bo meant, so he asked.

Ren Bo said that if he passed the message to Wu Liang, he would know it himself.

Afterwards, Ren Bo asked Lu Yun about Wu Liang's situation, and Lu Yun told him the speech he had prepared before.

Ren Bo sneered and said that Lu Yun was so stubborn that it would be a pity to leave him here. He then asked Lu Yun if he would like to work in his chicken farm.

Lu Yun decisively shook his head and refused. Ren Bo talked to him for a while about the salary of the chicken farm. When he saw Wu Liang walking into the chess and card room, he quickly left.

After listening to Lu Yun's story, Wu Liang muttered to himself with some confusion: "Does Ren Bo want to kill me? And he wants me to speak out? Does he have any misunderstanding about me?"

"Boss, I know! Is this Ren Bo specially arranged by Miao Zi to deal with you?" Wang Zhaozhao said excitedly.

"Miao Zi and Li Ze used subtle means of psychological intervention to kill people. This Ren Bo is like a butcher, and his brain is not very clever. He doesn't look like Miao Zi." Wu Liang shook his head.

"That's true. He killed people and cooked the corpses to feed chickens and dogs. If what Ren Bo said is true, it would be too scary! The three of us will not be made into chicken feed by him!" Wang Zhaozhao Worried.

"No, he can't beat me." Lu Yun said calmly.

"So the only ones who will be made into chicken feed are me and the boss?" Wang Zhaozhao said sadly.

"I will protect you." Lu Yun said calmly.

"Brother Lu, you look so handsome when you say this! Why don't you go to the entertainment industry before this mission is over? You will definitely become famous! I'm going to be your manager!" Wang Zhaozhao suggested.

"don't want."


"It's good to have white skin. Only dead people can become red and purple." Lu Yun said matter-of-factly.

Wang Zhaozhao: "..."

Wu Liang said helplessly: "Stop making trouble and think about how to deal with Ren Bo, otherwise your boss will really be turned into dog food and chicken feed by Ren Bo."

"How about I go and kidnap Ren Bo tonight, and we can clear things up with him?" Lu Yun asked.

"Binding Ren Bo? He is a murderous devil!" Wang Zhaozhao said in surprise.

"It's not difficult to subdue him." Lu Yun said calmly.

"What if he is determined to make our boss into chicken feed?" Wang Zhaozhao asked.

Lu Yun thought for a while and suggested: "He is a murderer, why don't we bury him overnight?"

Wu Liang listened dumbfounded. His two "generals" were more suitable for carrying out tasks. He had to rely on himself to come up with ideas.

Except for Wu Liang and the others, the other nine people at the welcome banquet all came to the song and dance hall. Even Luo Yu came to sing a song with everyone, arranged a beer and fruit plate for everyone, and then left after everyone had a meal.

Although Wang Xiaoyu and Lin Jiamu came to the KTV box of the song and dance hall together, they still chose a corner position near the door and sat silently, neither drinking nor singing.

Although Ren Bo stuttered, he still liked the excitement. He sat on the sidelines drinking beer and listening to everyone singing with a smile.

Ye Han didn't like playing with adults. After eating some fruits from the fruit plate, he ran off to play without knowing where to go.

Others like to sing very much. Everyone has ordered a lot of songs. If they finish singing them all, they may be able to sing until dawn.

Ye Zhengping usually sings and drinks with beautiful women in his arms, hugging each other, but there are only two women here. Wang Xiaoyu is good-looking, but he is a boring gourd. Let alone singing, he has not even heard a few words from her.

As for his daughter-in-law Du Fei, although she can sing well, after listening to it for so many years, she can only sing dozens of songs, and she has long been tired of it.

Following a group of tone-deaf old men enjoying themselves, Ye Zhenghe soon felt bored. After singing a song and drinking a can of beer, he made an excuse and went back to his room to sleep.

Among the remaining people, excluding Wang Xiaoyu, who was sitting in the corner like an invisible man, Zuo Zhe was the youngest. Zuo Zhe was a complete Maiba, and could sing any song. After getting the microphone, no matter if it was his own song or not, Singing one song after another, the entire KTV box seemed to be his personal concert.

After singing more than a dozen songs, Zuo Zhe's voice became hoarse. Then he muttered regretfully, "It's a pity that Zhao Zhao didn't come." Then he looked at the people sitting aside and asked in surprise: "Everyone." Why don’t you sing?”

Seeing that everyone looked at him with unfriendly eyes, Zuo Zhe realized that his Maiba behavior had caused public outrage. He put the microphone on the table with a dry smile, took a can of beer, and said hello to everyone, looking dejected. I went back to my room to sleep.

After Zuo Zhe left, Lin Jiamu played the original song directly, turned the sound down a little, and winked at Wang Xiaoyu, who had been sitting in the corner of the door.

Wang Xiaoyu nodded silently, walked out of the box, closed the door carefully, and stood guard at the door.

Lin Jiamu kept the microphone in his hand on the sofa and made a loud muffled sound. He looked at the other three people with a sneer and said: "We are all old acquaintances. If you want to have a party, just say so. As for inviting me here in this way?" "

Recently, the biological clock has been messed up. I am sleepy during the day and sleepy at night... Blade uses personal experience to remind everyone that you must sleep regularly! If you don't sleep regularly, you will be like me. You can't even be interested in the code words you love most, and you look like you are half-dead and hopeless all day long. Of course, Blade's mood has recovered today, so everyone who has started work must bring it with them. Mask, stay safe!

(End of chapter)