Hope Coffee House

Chapter 86: Dark red wooden box


Lin Jiamu asked, and Luo Yu didn't know what to say for a moment. The corridor became quiet again, and you could hear a needle drop.

Du Fei sneered, stared into Lin Jiamu's eyes, and said word by word: "Are you sure you want to do this? Lin, Jia, Mu."

"Just this once." Lin Jiamu snorted coldly, opened the door, and got back into bed.

Wu Liang frowned at the side. Why did he feel that Du Fei and Lin Jiamu seemed to be old acquaintances

After the confrontation just now, Wang Xiaoyu had already put on his clothes and was sitting on the sofa without saying a word.

Ye Zhenghe and Du Fei quickly entered Lin Jiamu's room and started searching.

Because he noticed the weirdness between Lin Jiamu and Du Fei, Wu Liang also walked into the room deliberately, stood at the door with a concerned look, and stared at Lin Jiamu and Du Fei closely.

Du Fei and Ye Zhenghe searched for a long time, but finally found no trace of Ye Han.

Lin Jiamu, who was lying on the bed, sneered: "Is it confirmed this time? People always don't have a clear understanding of their children. Ye Han, that little poison, if I really let him in, he might not be the one today. Missing, but my head is in a different place.”

Du Fei said nothing, but Ye Zhenghe frowned and looked at Lin Jiamu: "Ye Han is usually naughty, but he has disappeared now. What you said is too mean, rude, and irresponsible."

Lin Jiamu sneered, as if he was too lazy to argue with Ye Zhenghe, and turned over on the bed, facing the direction of the door, closing his eyes and falling asleep.

Ye Zhenghe and Du Fei, who found nothing, had no choice but to leave.

When passing by the table, Duffy suddenly stopped, pointed at the trash can and asked, "What is this?"

The trash can next to the table was not far from the door of the room. Wu Liang pretended to be curious and took two steps forward. He saw a large push of torn pieces of paper in the trash can. Colors could be seen on the scattered pieces. Like a photo.

Lin Jiamu sat up straight and looked at Du Fei coldly: "Of course what's in the trash can is garbage. Is it possible that your son will be in my trash can?"

After saying that, Lin Jiamu moved his eyes away from Du Fei and began to look around at the people at the door. Finally, his eyes fell on Wu Liang and said with deep eyes: "Ye Han is lost. Isn't the top priority to find him? Could it be me?" The garbage in the trash can is more important than Ye Han?"

Du Fei, who wanted to bend down to check, paused, and Wu Liang, who was full of doubts, had to stand still.

Lin Jiamu exhaled forcefully, put on his clothes quickly, looked at Ye Zhenghe and Du Fei and said, "I am very angry when I wake up. I did say something unpleasant just now. I'm sorry. Xiaoyu and I will help you find it." Child."

Du Fei took a deep look at Lin Jiamu and slowly walked towards the door.

"Since everyone is willing to help find Ye Han, why don't we split up and search the hotel inside and out again? I will also wake up other hotel employees and ask them to help in the kitchen, workroom, and closed areas. Let’s look for hotel rooms and other places together,” Luo Yu suggested.

This was all that could be done at this time. Luo Yu divided everyone into groups of two. The two groups were responsible for the hotel courtyard, and the rest were responsible for searching inside the hotel.

Du Fei, Ren Bo, Wu Liang, and Zuo Zhe were responsible for searching in the hotel courtyard. Du Fei and Ren Bo were in a group, and Wu Liang and Zuo Zhe were in a group.

The two groups of people avoided each other in a tacit understanding, and each searched in one direction using the path from the hotel entrance to the hotel lobby in the middle of the open-air hot spring as a boundary.

After Zuo Zhe and Wu Liang searched deep into the open-air hot spring for a while, Zuo Zhe couldn't help but mutter to Wu Liang: "Lin Jiamu's behavior just now was really weird. What is in the trash can? Did you see it?" "

Wu Liang shook his head and said: "I just glanced at it, it looked like a pile of scraps of paper."

"I think there is something weird between Lin Jiamu and Du Fei. Even if they are angry, Lin Jiamu's words about Ye Han are too exaggerated. One mouthful is a little poison, one mouthful is full of bad things, and there are other places where the body and head are missing. Yes, it sounds scary." Zuo Zhe muttered.

It seems that Zuo Zhe also noticed the weirdness between Lin Jiamu and Du Fei. Wu Liang looked at Zuo Zhe and said, "What do you think is the connection between Lin Jiamu and Du Fei?"

"Ye Han was lost. Everyone was full of sympathy after hearing this, and took the initiative to help Du Fei and his wife find the child. Only Lin Jiamu ridiculed him when he heard that Ye Han was missing. But after Du Fei said a few words, Lin Jiamu not only opened the door to cooperate The Du Feys were looking for the child, and even took the initiative to bring their girlfriends to help... Could it be..." Zuo Zhe touched his chin and thought to himself.

"I know!" Zuo Zhe said excitedly, "Lin Jiamu and Du Fei both look to be in their early thirties. They should have been a couple! For some reason, Du Fei didn't choose Lin Jiamu in the end, but went with someone older than her. Ye Zhenghe, a teenage entrepreneur, got married and had children.

Lin Jiamu has never forgotten Du Fei in his heart, so he has not been married for many years. Now he meets Du Fei again at the hot spring villa and sees Du Fei's family enjoying themselves. Lin Jiamu loves and hates Du Fei in his heart. It is very complicated, but for Du Fei Ye Han, the son born to Ye Zhenghe, felt nothing but disgust in his heart.

Therefore, when he learned that Ye Han was missing, Lin Jiamu started to speak harshly. But facing the sad and anxious Du Fei, Lin Jiamu finally gave in to love and decided to help her find her son.

As for Lin Jiamu's Wang Xiaoyu, who doesn't look like his girlfriend at all, and Wang Zhaozhao, whom he has been pretending to pursue yesterday, they are just a cover, a tool for Lin Jiamu to test whether Du Fei still has feelings for him! "

After listening to Zuo Zhe's story, Wu Liang thought carefully for a while, but found no logical flaws. He couldn't help but stretched out his thumb and said: "Zuo Zhe, your ability to see the big from the small and know the autumn with a leaf is real." I admire you and I believe you will become an excellent novelist in the future."

"Really? Hey, I'll think about the matter of our hot spring resort carefully, and I think I can actually write a horror novel when I look back." Zuo Zhe scratched his head happily and said with a smile.

"horror story?"

"Yes, think about it, Wu Liang. This hot spring villa has no internet or mobile phone signal, and there is no way to contact the outside world. The hotel is built like a city. Once the heavy iron gate is closed, we can't get out. Yes Isn’t it particularly scary? Especially since Ye Han disappeared today... "

Speaking of this, Zuo Zhe quickly slapped himself: "Bah, bah, bah, don't talk nonsense! Ye Han will be found soon. This child must be playful. He is hiding somewhere to play."

"Yes, we will definitely find it." Wu Liang looked up at the tall "city wall" surrounding him in the center. The blue-grey frosted stone bricks were like the rough stomach wall of some kind of vicious beast, and he was a piece of the belly of that vicious beast. Fat meat.

For some reason, Wu Liang suddenly felt a little inexplicably depressed, and Zuo Zhe seemed to feel the same way. The two of them said nothing and silently searched for every inch of land on the right side of the courtyard.

Suddenly, Wu Liang saw a dark red under a vegetation, his eyes narrowed, and he quickly walked forward.

Zuo Zhe noticed something strange about Wu Liang and quickly followed him.

What was covered in green plants was not blood or corpses, but a dark red wooden box with a small golden lock hanging on it.

Wu Liang got close to the wooden box and smelled it, but there was no smell of blood.

Zuo Zhe and Wu Liang looked at each other and whispered nervously: "There... there won't be anything... strange in this, right?"

"I don't smell any peculiar smell, I can't tell." Wu Liang frowned and hesitated for a while, thinking about whether to use a stone to smash open this strange wooden box.

"Shall we...shall we invite someone to join us?" Zuo Zhe, perhaps because of his strong mental ability, turned slightly pale and looked at Wu Liang nervously and asked.

Wu Liang lifted the wooden box. The wooden box was not too heavy. Wu Liang shook it slightly from side to side, and there was a rattling sound inside the wooden box.

"It shouldn't be a scary thing." Wu Liang explained to Zuo Zhe, "Let's continue looking for Ye Han. This wooden box will be opened later when everyone gets together."

Zuo Zhe nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, clasped his hands together and whispered to himself: "The most holy master is here, please bless me, the ancestor, the hot spring villa is safe, Ye Han is safe, this story is a comedy, a comedy!"

(End of chapter)