Hope Coffee House

Chapter 88: Kill for life


In the audio-visual room, the content played on the big screen did not stop.

In another surveillance video that took place three months ago, Ye Han pushed a five or six-year-old boy directly from the balcony on the eighth floor. The boy died on the spot.

Even more cruel is a video from a subway station.

There were very few people in the subway station at night. A young woman was standing alone by the platform waiting for the subway to go home.

The subway station is relatively old, and there are no guardrails on the edge of the platform. The young woman is wearing headphones and seems to be listening to music.

Just at the moment when the subway was about to arrive, a short figure suddenly came behind the woman and pushed the unsuspecting woman off the platform...

Blood splattered everywhere.

The short figure looked at it with satisfaction for a while, then slowly left.

This person is Ye Han.

The screen turned pitch black again, and two lines of bloody characters flashed on the pitch black screen.

Born a bad seed, there will be endless disasters.

Killing for life is a matter of course.

The film finally ends here.

Wu Liang quickly turned to look at everyone, but everyone was sitting in silence in the darkness, and could not see the expressions on their faces at all.

After a long time, Luo Yu was the first to react and quickly turned on the lights in the video room.

The moment the lights came on, Wu Liang discovered that everyone's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and four of them were looking straight at him.

Wu Liang was stunned for a moment, and when he looked again the next second, the murderous intent in the audio-visual room was gone. Everyone was looking at the blacked-out screen, and no one was paying attention to him. It was as if the scene just when the lights were turned on was just his own illusion. .

Wu Liang closed his eyes and thought about it. The four murderous glances looking at him came from Du Fei, Lin Jiamu, Ren Bo and Pei Guang respectively.

Du Fei had always had a bad relationship with her, and now the strange wooden box she found contained a CD accusing Ye Han of his crimes. It was understandable that she looked at him with murderous intent.

But he had never offended Lin Jiamu, Pei Guang and Ren Bo, so where did their murderous intent come from

"Mr. Ye, Mrs. Ye, in this situation, should we call the police?" Luo Yu broke the silence in the video room and asked warmly.

"No need." Ye Zhenghe and Du Fei said in unison.

The two looked at each other, and Du Fei was the first to speak: "According to the last information in the video, my son was obviously kidnapped, and that person wanted to kill him! If we call the police at this time, he will definitely be in danger. Only Only by delaying time with the kidnapper and then searching for him secretly can we save his life!"

"Sorry, I just didn't think well." Luo Yu said apologetically.

Ye Zhenghe glanced at his watch and said to everyone with gratitude: "I'm really sorry for waking everyone up so early today. Thank you everyone for helping to find Ye Han. I didn't even have time to eat breakfast. It's been a busy day. In the morning, let's go have lunch first. If you are still willing to help us continue to look for Ye Han, we will gather in the lobby at 1:30 after lunch and search the mountains and forests outside the hotel. Thank you very much!"

After saying that, Ye Zhenghe bowed to everyone.

"Your decision is right. Xiaoyu and I will help together after dinner." Lin Jiamu stood up and said calmly.

"If something like this happens, that's all we can do. It's fate to be here together. I'll help you look for it this afternoon." Pei Guang said solemnly.

Others also stood up and agreed, saying that they would go to help in the afternoon.

Unexpectedly, Ye Han has already transcended the scope of a naughty kid and is a complete murderer.

The person who made this CD clearly had murderous intentions towards Ye Han, and he did not send any blackmail messages. The normal way to deal with this is to call the police, right

Why did the couple say in unison that there was no need to call the police

Lin Jiamu was clearly indifferent to Ye Han's matter in the morning, and only agreed to help because Du Fei found the scraps of paper in the trash can. Why did he suddenly change his gender at this time

Why doesn't anyone think there is a problem with Ye Zhenghe and Du Fei's unwillingness to call the police

Full of doubts, Wu Liang called Lu Yun and Wang Zhaozhao and followed everyone to the restaurant.

Because the hotel staff were also helping to find Ye Han in the morning, only the Chinese restaurant was open for lunch, and the ten dishes and staple food were already prepared for everyone to take.

Everyone ate quickly. When lunch ended, it was only half past twelve. Lin Jiamu suggested dividing the group into groups and defining the directions that each group would search in the afternoon, so that those who were not tired at noon could start early.

Ye Zhenghe and Du Fei were very grateful. They originally planned to keep the morning groupings and just divide the search directions for each group, but Pei Guang also made suggestions.

Pei Guang pointed out that the mahogany box containing the CD was found in the open-air hot spring. The location was very hidden. Ye Zhenghe and Du Fei had not found it when they were looking for Ye Han in the open-air hot spring, but Wu Liang and Zuo Zhe happened to find it. Found out, in order to avoid suspicion, it is best to separate Wu Liang and Zuo Zhe for the afternoon operation.

Wu Liang raised his eyebrows, not understanding the purpose of Pei Guang's somewhat far-fetched proposal, but he thought of the murderous eyes of Pei Guang and the others when they looked at him in the video room, and he felt wary in his heart, but he did not rush to refuse. , but he made a wronged and angry look on his face and said: "Are you suspecting that Zuo Zhe and I kidnapped Ye Han?"

"Maybe it's you, maybe it's Zuo Zhe, or you and Zuo Zhe are colluding. Of course, what I'm talking about is just a possible hypothesis." Pei Guang smiled.

"Forget it Wu Liang, I know you feel wronged in your heart, but the current situation is special. It's best for us to avoid suspicion. Let's change it. In the afternoon, you and Xiaoyu will be in a group, and I will be in a group with Zuo Zhe. How about that? Lin Jiamu suddenly said.

Pei Guang and Lin Jiamu sang together, leaving Wu Liang no room to refuse.

Of course, Wu Liang himself did not want to refuse. At present, the hot spring villa is full of fog. Wu Liang can be sure that the unknown danger has already quietly approached. Instead of making random guesses without any clue, it is better to run directly into the conspiracy. Wang Zhaozhao has Lu Yun to protect him. What’s more, there’s hope that the coffee house’s disease-free and injury-free time will be increased. Are you still worried about being hacked

"Okay." Wu Liang nodded simply, looked at Wang Xiaoyu and said, "I will go back to the room to rest for a while, and then I will go find you."

Wang Xiaoyu nodded lightly with his lowered head, while Lin Jiamu looked at Wu Liang with a deep smile.

After returning to the room, Wu Liang exchanged a few words with Lu Yun and Wang Zhaozhao carefully, and then changed his clothes. Then under Wang Zhaozhao's worried and concerned eyes, he put on his backpack and went to 106 to look for Wang Xiaoyu.

Wang Xiaoyu didn't have a backpack and was only wearing a short down jacket that was as fluffy as bread. He looked a little cute.

Wu Liang and Wang Xiaoyu were assigned to the twelve o'clock direction of the hotel, which was the opposite direction to the hotel entrance, which happened to be the direction up the mountain.

The hillside was not too steep, and Wang Xiaoyu didn't like to talk. Wu Liang tested her a few words, but seeing that she remained silent, he stopped talking, and the two of them climbed slowly towards the top of the mountain in silence.

There was no road leading directly to the top of the mountain, so Wu Liang and Wang Xiaoyu had to force their way through the overgrown mountain forest.

After all, Wang Xiaoyu is a girl, not tall and not very strong. She soon became tired, her face turned red, she was sweating profusely, and she walked slower and slower.

"Xiaoyu, this road is full of weeds. If the people who kidnapped Ye Han really walked towards the top of the mountain, they would definitely leave traces on this piece of weeds. In my opinion, they must not have gone to the top of the mountain. How about Let's change the route." Wu Liang stopped and suggested.

Wang Xiaoyu finally spoke and whispered: "We have agreed to go in this direction, and we cannot change it."

"We agreed before to cover a larger area to find Ye Han. But the farther we go, the larger the area we are responsible for. We have to be more flexible, right?" Wu Liang said with a smile.

Wang Xiaoyu glanced at Wu Liang, stopped talking, walked directly around Wu Liang, and continued walking with difficulty toward the top of the mountain, which seemed a bit stubborn.

"That's all." Wu Liang sighed, took two quick steps, came to Wang Xiaoyu to clear the way, and said helplessly: "It will be easier if you follow me."

Wang Xiaoyu looked at Wu Liang's back and was slightly startled. The complex expression in his eyes disappeared in a flash, turning into a pool of stagnant water again, and whispered: "Thank you."

Wangshan is a dead horse.

After walking for nearly two hours, the two finally reached the top of the mountain.

At this time, Wu Liang was in a very embarrassed state, his temples were soaked with sweat, the sweatshirt under his coat was also soaked with sweat, and there were countless unknown weed seeds stuck to his pants.

There are still a lot of weeds on the top of the mountain, but they are slightly shorter, and the north slope is steeper than the south slope that Wu Liang and his wife climbed up.

Wu Liang used his last bit of strength to reach the north slope of the top of the mountain, glanced down, and said helplessly: "Look, Xiaoyu, there are no traces of anyone coming up here at all, and there are no traces on the steep north slope. The two of us can be regarded as All your hard work is in vain.”

"I know."

Wu Liang turned around and looked at Wang Xiaoyu behind him in confusion, "I know you still..."

Before he finished speaking, Wu Liang felt a chill in his chest. He looked down and saw a sharp dagger stuck right at his heart.

"I'm sorry." Wang Xiaoyu exerted force on his hand again, and the dagger completely penetrated Wu Liang's chest.

Wu Liang looked at Wang Xiaoyu in confusion and stretched out his right hand forward, as if asking her why.

"I'm just following Lin Jiamu's order." Looking at Wu Liang's eyes, Wang Xiaoyu, who has been working in the industry for many years, gave a rare explanation, then stretched out his right foot and kicked Wu Liang off the top of the mountain.

Wu Liang's body kept rolling down the steep north slope, and soon disappeared into the grass without a trace.

Blade was frightened by Wang Xiaoyu. He hid in the corner of the mountain and shivered, not daring to make a sound. He didn't dare to see what happened next. Therefore, only this chapter will be updated today...

(End of chapter)