Hope Coffee House

Chapter 89: Hidden in the dark


In the evening, everyone who had been searching in the nearby mountains and forests all day returned to the hotel, but no one found Ye Han's whereabouts.

After everyone arrived at the hotel, they found that Wu Liang and Wang Xiaoyu had never returned.

This incident cast a dark cloud in everyone's mind.

People who don't know the inside story, considering that the two have not returned yet, speculate that the two may have found Ye Han's traces, and even met the gangsters who kidnapped Ye Han, which may have been dangerous.

People who knew the inside story were also very uneasy. Wang Xiaoyu had not come back for so long. Could it be that Wu Liang killed him? The two of them were looking for Ye Han toward the top of the mountain. Could it be that when Wang Xiaoyu made his move, Wu Liang strongly resisted, and they both fell off the cliff and died together

When everyone's expressions were changing and they were hesitating, Luo Yu suggested that it might be difficult to walk on the mountain road, Wu Liang and Wang Xiaoyu were delayed, and everyone was tired after a day, so it was better to have dinner first to replenish their strength and wait until eight o'clock in the evening. , if the two of them haven't returned yet, make another plan.

The ones who didn't come back were Wang Xiaoyu and Wu Liang, but everyone still glanced at Wang Zhaozhao, Lu Yun and Lin Jiamu.

Even though he felt uneasy, Lin Jiamu would not take risks for a mere Wang Xiaoyu. At this moment, he was thinking about his own response if Wang Xiaoyu was killed, so he would naturally not oppose Luo Yu's proposal.

Lu Yun and Wang Zhaozhao looked at each other. Although Wang Zhaozhao's eyes were full of worry, Lu Yun still nodded calmly and said: "Okay."

After walking around in the wild all afternoon, everyone was in a very embarrassed state, so they decided to go back to their rooms to clean up before going to eat.

After Wang Zhaozhao opened the door with the room card, just as he was about to insert the card to get electricity, Lu Yun tightly covered his mouth and nose, pulled him into the room, hooked the door with his feet and quickly locked it.

Wang Zhaozhao was startled by Lu Yun's actions. He looked closely through the dim light from outside the hospital and saw a black figure walking around the room, seemingly holding something in his hand.

"Don't say anything, it's Wu Liang." Lu Yun whispered in Wang Zhaozhao's ear.

Seeing Wang Zhaozhao nodding desperately, Lu Yun thought she was scared. He was afraid that her yelling would expose Wu Liang, so he didn't let go immediately and wanted to wait for Wang Zhaozhao to calm down a little.

Sure enough, Lu Yun found that after Wang Zhaozhao nodded desperately for a while, the range of his movements began to decrease significantly, and he finally "calmed down".

Only then did Lu Yun let go of his hand covering Wang Zhaozhao's mouth and nose with satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, Wang Zhaozhao suddenly fell to the ground, coughed several times, and greedily breathed the air in the living room.

"What's wrong with you?" Lu Yun asked in confusion.

Wang Zhaozhao breathed silently for a while, and then said in a hoarse voice: "Brother Lu, if you are afraid that I will scream, just cover my mouth. Why do you even cover my nose... I nodded to you desperately. , I want you to let me go, but in the end I don’t even have the strength to struggle... "

Lu Yun: "I'm sorry."

Wang Zhaozhao: "..."

After Wu Liang checked the room with a wireless signal receiving detector, he happened to see this scene and could hardly hold back his laughter.

"Boss, what's going on with you? Where's Wang Xiaoyu?" Wang Zhaozhao asked softly.

"I was stabbed by Wang Xiaoyu. I'm fine now. But that person was very persistent and wanted to find my body. He probably wanted to take something as a token. As a result, he stuck a knife in my chest and took the initiative to walk all the way from the hillside. Rolled to the bottom of the mountain... After she gave up chasing my body, I returned to Hope Coffee House and went to Jicheng to buy a wireless signal receiving survey device. She walked so far, I think she will not be able to come back until later." Wu Liang said helplessly.

"She really attacked you?" Wang Zhaozhao asked in surprise.

"Before I died, Wang Xiaoyu told me that it was Lin Jiamu who ordered me. She was just following orders. When she attacked me, she was clean and tidy. Think about it, she always likes to sit at the door every time she is in the video room or dance hall. , it should also be a habit of professional killers." Wu Liang explained.

"Boss, why don't you pretend to be a ghost at night to scare Wang Xiaoyu and Lin Jiamu? Lin Jiamu has murderous intentions for you for no reason, and Wang Xiaoyu is a professional killer who kills without blinking an eye. If you get into the fun, just kill them both. Just forget it." Wang Zhaozhao suggested.

"I'm not you. I can't complete this task. Besides, your boss, I have more important things to do. I guess Wang Xiaoyu will say that I'm missing. You and Coach Lu just need to pretend to be worried for a while. It just looks like it." Wu Liang smiled.

"Okay boss! No... Boss, what do you mean by that sentence?!" Wang Zhaozhao protested in a low voice.

"In the days that follow, I will keep hiding in the dark, and from time to time I will use the Hope Cafe to sneak into this room directly to communicate with you. You just need to observe what everyone is doing at all times. None of these people are simple. Please pay attention to safety. .”

After that, Wu Liang walked to the water bar in the living room, holding a bag of free instant coffee and said: "In the next few days, if all eleven of you, including Luo Yu, go out to look for me or Ye Han, you Just brew a cup of coffee in a cup and point the handle to the departure time.”

"If someone stays in the room, make a cup of tea and use the handle of the cup to represent his or her room number. If it's just the two of you going out, put a cup of water on the table."

"Okay boss." Wang Zhaozhao obediently wrote down Wu Liang's explanation.

In order not to arouse others' suspicion, Wu Liang explained a few more words before returning to the Hope Cafe.

Tonight is a sleepless night, I still have a lot to do.

After everyone had finished cleaning up, Wang Xiaoyu, who was covered in dust and weeds, came back halfway through the meal on the second floor.

Everyone quickly gathered around Wang Xiaoyu and asked her what happened and why Wu Liang didn't come back with her.

Wang Xiaoyu explained to everyone that there were many weeds on the mountain, which not only blocked the view, but also caused many obstacles for the two of them to go up the mountain. Wang Xiaoyu lost strength halfway through, so Wu Liang went ahead to clear the way. He suggested that Wang Xiaoyu rest for a while and they would meet at the top of the mountain.

Unexpectedly, when Wang Xiaoyu climbed to the top of the mountain following Wu Liang's trail, he did not see Wu Liang. There was a downward trail on the other side of the mountain. That side of the mountain was very steep, and Wang Xiaoyu was facing downwards. He walked away, shouting Wu Liang's name loudly. Later, it was too late, and Wang Xiaoyu, who was tired and hungry, returned the same way.

Wang Zhaozhao quickly showed an anxious look and proposed to look for Wu Liang, while Lu Yun, expressionless, said that he listened to Wang Zhaozhao's wishes.

Everyone quickly comforted Wang Zhaozhao. Wu Liang was an adult. Since he voluntarily violated his agreement with Wang Xiaoyu and went down the mountain alone, there must be a reason for doing so. I believe he would take good care of himself.

It was late at night, there was no road on the mountain, and it was pitch black. Even if everyone went out to look for Wu Liang, there would probably be no progress.

Wang Zhaozhao and Lu Yun listened to everyone's opinions humbly. After a hasty dinner, they said hello to everyone and returned to their rooms, planning to get up early tomorrow and go up the mountain to look for Wu Liang.

After everyone had eaten, they quickly dispersed.

At twelve o'clock at night, in the KTV box in the dance hall on the second floor, Lin Jiamu, Wang Xiaoyu, Pei Guang, Du Fei, and Ren Bo gathered together again.

Thanks to the book friends for the tips, Bao Bao took a look and found that there were finally two real book friends in the fan list. The others were all relatives and friends of Bao Bao. I originally wanted to be lazy today, but I saw that the fan list had changed again. , I found out that some book friends actually recognized Blade’s works. I was so excited that I updated it twice as normal, haha.

(End of chapter)