Horror Camgirl

Chapter 103: Ghost in the painting


As soon as the two of us took two steps, we felt a strong suction suck us in and pulled us back.

After a while, I don't know how long it took. When we came back to our senses, we found ourselves lying on the wooden floor with a bright moon hanging above our heads, which dyed the whole world with a layer of hoarfrost.

"Anchor." Tang Mingli reached out to help me, "Are you okay?"

I rubbed my sore shoulder and said, "It's okay, this is... where?"

This is a small courtyard, surrounded by wooden houses, a tall willow tree is planted in the courtyard, and the willow branches hang down like a green curtain.

I was shocked. The house and the furnishings inside looked like the style of the Tang Dynasty.

"Are we in the painting?"

I quickly took out my phone and found that the live broadcast was still going on, and the barrage had already flooded the screen.

The anchor crossed over

Traveling through a ghost, this obviously entered the painting.

There are beauties in the painting, I also want to go in the painting, maybe I can communicate with the beauties in depth.

Those in front are really not afraid of death.

Haven't you heard that peony flowers are also romantic when they die under the peony? You people don't even dare to do ghosts, and dare to call yourself old drivers!

I was not in the mood to talk to those bragging in the barrage, put away my phone, adjusted the camera brooch, and said with a wry smile: "I think, this live broadcast must be the most exciting and weirdest one since I live broadcast."

When we walked into the room, Tang Mingli frowned and said, "This seems to be the room where the ghost appeared before."

I went to the table, picked up a white rouge box, touched it carefully, and said, "It's made of human bones."

Tang Mingli also picked up a beautiful wine glass and said: "This is also a human bone. It is said that this kind of glass is made of human skulls, then covered with gold, and inlaid with various precious gems. The tomb of Emperor Song Lizong of the Song Dynasty was covered. After the Yuan invaders dug it out, they used the emperor's skull to make wine cups for drinking."

I showed a disgusted expression: "Drinking with human bones, such a vicious act, sooner or later you will go to hell after death."

Tang Mingli sighed: "In ancient times, many ethnic groups had the tradition of using the bones of the dead to make utensils, and even some cannibal tribes believed that if they could eat the flesh of a warrior, they could gain his strength."

"Okay, needless to say." I felt a little nauseous.

We walked out of this room and continued to move forward. This palace is very large, with countless rooms, but there is no one there. It is empty, and under the moonlight, it looks extremely strange.

We walked into another room, which looked like a woman's boudoir. There was a bronze mirror on the table. I walked over and opened the jewelry box, which was full of hairpins made of bones.

Tang Mingli came up behind me and said, "These are all made of girls' bones. It is said that wearing these jewelry often can keep a woman young forever."

"You know a lot." I smiled, put the hairpin in my hand back into the box, and accidentally glanced into the bronze mirror, but suddenly saw a skeleton standing beside me!

I was startled and turned around abruptly, the originally gentle Tang Mingli showed a strange smile.

Without hesitation, I drew out my mahogany sword and stabbed at him.

He turned into a black shadow, flashed by, I stabbed in the air, and the black shadow turned into a black-smelling skeleton in the air, howling and rushing towards me.

I grabbed a handful of cinnabar and sprinkled it on him. It was as if sulfuric acid had been poured all over him. His pale bones began to rot, and bursts of black gas rose.

I took the opportunity to tiptoe and rushed up, piercing its dark eye sockets with the mahogany sword in my hand.

There was a cloud of black air in its head, and after being stabbed by me, it slammed and disappeared without a trace.

I retracted the sword, and the human bones were scattered all over the place.

I'm dizzy, the tyrant has been impersonated by a ghost again.

My God, nothing will happen to my tyrant, will he

How do you mortals understand how terrifying a dark warrior is.

The one in front is also a warrior, right? It's a pity that your martial arts cultivation is too low, so you can't see that the tyrant is already a martial artist.

What? Don't tease me in front of you, Huajin Warrior is already a figure in the martial arts world, no matter how bad it is, he is also the enshrinement of some small and medium-sized families, with endless glory and wealth, how could he come to be popular for live broadcasting!

Hehe, you are still a martial artist in vain, did you not see it? When he was live broadcast last time, he was just a dark martial artist. It seems that he has benefited a lot from doing this live broadcast.

Are you so amazing, anchor, why don't you let me participate in the live broadcast, as long as I can be promoted to Anjin, I can kneel down and call you queen.

I was a little flustered, where is the real Tang Mingli? Captured by a ghost? Or is it outside the painting of beauties

Tang Mingli, don't let anything happen to you.

I ran through the long corridor, suddenly, I smelled a strange smell, stopped, and pushed open the door of a room next to me.

On the bed, the curtain was lowered, and there seemed to be a person lying under the quilt.

I walked over and opened the curtain, pulled the quilt, and a dead body appeared in front of me.

The man looked like an old man, the skin all over his body was very dry, wrinkled and wrapped around his bones, his eye sockets were sunken, but his face looked like he was about to die, as if he was enjoying the bliss of the world.

I stretched out my hand and pinched his bones, and said in surprise, "This man's bones are only twenty-four or five years old, and he died of exhaustion."

What does it mean to be exhausted? Can the anchor speak human words

The one in front is really fresh, don’t you understand? X is dead!

Isn't the tyrant dangerous

I searched anxiously for Tang Mingli. I passed one guest room after another. There were men’s corpses in many rooms. They all died of exhaustion. The female ghost in this painting absorbed the energy of many men. , after so many years, must be very strong.

"Hee hee hee." The girl's crisp laughter resounded, and she looked very scary and treacherous in this palace like a devil's cave.

I turned my head, looked around, pricked up my ears to hear the source of the sound, and slowly leaned against the wall.

The laughter came from the wall!


A bony hand stretched out from the wall and grabbed my neck. I quickly raised the mahogany sword and severed that arm.

There was a rumbling sound from the wall, and a skeleton with a broken arm came out of the wall, then the second, and the third, all of them were wearing girlish dresses, with black hair tied into a bun on their heads, There was a charming chuckle in his mouth.

This is the real pink skull!

I feel like I've lost interest in all the beauties.

Congratulations to you earlier, you can become a monk, even from the palace.

The pink skeletons surrounded me, their laughter was crisp, and strange changes appeared on those skeleton-like faces, and they turned into peerless beauties, all of them smiling like silk at me. Qian Xi.

"Hee hee hee, come on..."

So beautiful, I suddenly became interested in women again.

Has been masturbated.

They are so beautiful, they are so beautiful, I can't do it...

There was a hint of seductive power in their laughter, and even the male audience in front of the computer were attracted to do indescribable things.

If it was a different man, maybe he would really be fascinated by them, have sex with them, and be killed by them.

I said coldly, "Unfortunately, I'm not a man."

I stabbed out with a sword, and headshot the female ghost closest to me. The other female ghosts immediately showed fierce lights and turned back into skeletons. Their bony hands were extremely sharp, and they grabbed my face. .

Fuck, what happened to me just now? I am here! Fortunately, no one found out, otherwise the police would have been called.

Order 10,000 waxes for the previous ones. Fortunately, I am at home. Alas, I have to boil another egg to supplement nutrition.

Damn it, I thought that my majestic warrior at the peak of Ming Jin would also be recruited, so I still watch it with my junior sister! Now that my junior sister is gone, how can I explain to her? Waiting online, very urgent.

While sprinkling cinnabar, I waved the mahogany sword, one sword at a time, killing these pink skeletons, and the rest fled in terror, got into the wall, and lost their trace.

want to run? no way!

I let out my consciousness, swept across the wall, poured spiritual energy into the mahogany sword, and stabbed the sword into the wall.

The blade of the sword pierced deeply like cutting tofu, and there was a scream from the wall. I pulled out the blade violently, and bright red blood and strands of black air gushed out from the hole in the wall.

After killing all these pink skeletons, I turned around and was about to leave when I suddenly saw a young man standing in the yard.

The man wore a robe from the Republic of China period, parted his hair, and wore glasses. He looked like an intellectual from the Republic of China in a TV series.

But his eyes were black and his face was pale. He was obviously an old ghost who had been dead for many years.

I raised the mahogany sword and looked at him vigilantly. He slowly raised his arm and pointed in one direction.

My heart moved and I said, "Are you telling me, is my friend over there?"

He actually understood and nodded.

I hesitated for a moment, and said: "Okay, I believe you once, if you dare to lie to me, I will make your soul fly away, and you will never be reborn forever!"

After all, I ran towards the direction he pointed.

Unexpectedly, along the way, I actually saw a lot of men. Some of these men were wearing Song Dynasty costumes, some were wearing Ming Dynasty costumes, and some were wearing modern costumes. There were quite a few of them.

They were all pointing in one direction, staring at me blankly.

I ran forward until I reached the depths of the palace, and suddenly, I saw a very large and magnificent hall, above which there was a strong Yin Qi, which made people feel creepy.

"Girl, this is a ghost. Although it's only a junior ghost, with your ability, you can't kill her." Zhenjun Zhengyang's voice sounded through the earphones.

I paused, feeling a trace of fear in my heart.

It turned out to be a ghost!