Horror Camgirl

Chapter 109: Huang Luzi's tip


I'm powerless now, it seems that joining the association is not bad

Wait, I still continue to look down, maybe there is still a pit behind.

I kept looking down until I saw an article saying that if the mandatory task assigned by the association cannot be completed, you can use pills or elixir to make up for it, otherwise you will be severely punished.

This is super cheating, if the higher-ups covet the alchemy in someone's hands and arrange tasks that are impossible for him to complete, can't he just be obedient

And it also stipulates that once you join the Alchemist Association, you must never withdraw, otherwise it will be regarded as a betrayal, and you will be excluded by the entire association, and you will not be able to gain a foothold in China.

If I join such an association, I will be out of my mind.

"What do you think of Ms. Yuan?" Wan Zhongyin's eyes flashed with pride. For many alchemists, pills are hard to find, and as long as there are points in the association, they can be exchanged for pills, which is the biggest temptation. Can't stand such a temptation.

I closed the document, showed a regretful expression, and said, "Mr. Wan, these clauses are indeed attractive, but it's a pity that my teacher has strict orders, and I dare not disobey them. Otherwise, wouldn't I become a person who bullies my master and destroys my ancestors?" "

Wan Zhongyin's face was a bit ugly, his majestic association officer, the future high-level, came to invite him in person, how dare you refuse

But as long as I firmly insist that it is the master's order, there is nothing he can do, because the alchemy profession is also very respectful of the teacher, if someone deceives the master and destroys the ancestors, then don't even think about messing around in this circle.

Wan Zhongyin said: "I don't know who the revered master is? I will personally visit the door, maybe the revered master can also join the club."

I am very dissatisfied, not only coveting me, but even my master, you are too greedy.

"My teacher has lived in seclusion for many years, so it's inconvenient to see guests." I tried to maintain a smile, gently put the purple sand teacup on the coffee table, stood up and said, "Thank you for the spirit tea."

Wan Zhongyin's expression darkened, and he said, "After drinking my spiritual tea, do you still want to leave?"

Ren Zhengde appeared at the door and blocked my way. I was furious and turned my head and said, "Mr. Wan, what do you mean?"

Wan Zhongyin stood up and said coldly: "Today, whether you want to or not, you must join the Alchemy Association."

I said angrily, "Does your association force people to join?"

Wan Zhongyin sneered and said, "For those who don't know how to praise, some special methods are indeed needed."

I said angrily, "Aren't you afraid to spread the word and make people laugh?"

"There are only a few of us here, who will spread the word?" A look of cruelty flashed in his eyes, "You have a younger brother in a vegetable state, right? My people have already gone to the hospital and brought him to the headquarters of the Alchemy Association for treatment. Our association There are countless alchemists, as long as you are willing to join the association, it will only be a matter of time before your brother is cured, if you are not willing, hehe."

He smiled ambiguously twice: "You should know the consequences."

There was a bit of killing intent in my eyes: "You dare to touch my brother."

Wan Zhongyin spread out his hands and said proudly: "There is nothing in this world that I dare not do. This is the privilege of the Alchemist Association."

I squinted my eyes and looked at him for a while, then suddenly smiled: "I thought I was thinking too much, but I didn't expect it to come in handy."

Wan Zhongyin's face darkened: "What do you mean?"

"It's useless for you to think you are an alchemist." I mocked, "I didn't realize that you have been poisoned."

Wan Zhongyin was startled, and immediately pressed the pulse on his wrist. After a moment of silence, he suddenly smiled: "Don't play tricks, I'm not poisoned at all."

I leaned forward slightly: "Are you sure?"

Wan Zhongyin looked at me contemptuously, and said, "My master is Qin Zhizhen, the current national champion, and I am his closed disciple. If you poison me, will I not know?"

Why is it Qin Zhizhen again? Am I destined to clash with him

I said unceremoniously: "Don't say that you are a disciple of Qin Guoshou in the future, so as not to tarnish his old man's reputation."

Wan Zhongyinjun's face was full of anger, and his eyes seemed to cut ten thousand knives on my face wearing a mask: "How dare you look down on my medical skills?"

"You touch your own dick." I said sarcastically, "I don't need to tell you, where is the dick?"

He was silent for a moment, put his hand on the sandalwood chest, pressed it lightly, suddenly showed pain and surprise, pressed his pulse again, this time the pulse has changed, it is a sign of poisoning.

He looked at me in disbelief: "You, how did you do it?"

I looked coldly, and said: "You are too confident in your medical skills, but you never thought that there are people outside the world, there are people outside the sky, and there are many people in this world with better medical skills than you. Everyone in this room was poisoned."

I looked at the time and said, "There are still five minutes, and the poison will kick in. If you let me leave smoothly, I will use the antidote to detoxify you without anyone knowing. If not, then I can only let the poison kick in." gone."

Wan Zhongyin's face was livid, and after a long time, he squeezed out a sinister smile: "Don't forget, your brother is in my hands. I will be able to cure the poison you poisoned me sooner or later, but once your brother's life is gone , but there's nothing left."

At this time, my mobile phone vibrated, I took it out and looked at it, and suddenly smiled, and said, "Are these the people you sent?"

I held out the phone in front of him, and inside was a photo of several people in black suits lying on the ground with their noses and faces bruised from beatings.

Wan Zhongyin's expression became even uglier.

I put away my phone and said, "Since you are so confident that you can undo my poison, then you must have looked down on my antidote. Goodbye."

I turned around and left, but Ren Zhengde wanted to stop him, but he felt that his chest pain was extremely painful, his limbs were weak, and he couldn't use all his internal strength.

There was a bang from behind, and the purple sand teapot in the beauty's hand fell to the ground and shattered.

Wan Zhongyin stood still by leaning on the wall. He looked at me viciously and said, "Yuan Junyao, are you really going against the Alchemist Association?"

"I have already said that this is a strict order from my teacher." I said in a deep voice, "But you want to arrest my younger brother and force me to join the association. Even if there is no order from my teacher, I will never join an association like this." of!"

After finishing speaking, I walked away, Wan Zhongyin's voice was as cold as a knife and as vicious as a snake: "You will regret it, and we will make you cry and beg to join the club."

I ignored him and went out. A Hummer H stopped at the door. Tang Mingli said, "Get in the car."

I smiled and said, "Thank you for helping me deal with those people sent by the Alchemist Association."

"It's just a small matter." He said, "The Alchemist Association is a little troublesome. I can use the power of my family..."

"I can't rely on you for everything." I interrupted him, and rubbed the aching sun, "Mingli, don't worry, I will take care of it myself."

If Tang Mingli used the power of the family, it would be declaring to the world that I belong to the Tang family.

I don't want to be tied to any family just yet, it's too much trouble.

After returning home, I watched Yin Changsheng online and started chatting with him. I often chat with him recently, but usually I talk and he listens.

But he seems to like to listen to my experience, especially customs, celebrity gossip and so on, and occasionally he will open his mouth to comment.

He asked me why I came so late today, so I didn't hide anything and told about the Alchemist Association. Yin Changsheng sneered and said, "This association has such a big face, Huang Luzi, what do you say?"

Huang Luzi, who has been offline all of a sudden, went online all of a sudden, and I have black lines all over my head. Could it be that he has been spying on the screen

Huang Luzi thought for a while and said, "Alchemist Association? Is it the old medicine gang?"

I nodded and said: "I checked the Alchemist Association, they were established in the Song Dynasty, and they gathered most of the alchemists in China, called the 'Yao Gang', and it was changed to the Alchemist Association after the founding of the People's Republic of China. "

When Huang Luzi heard this, he was furious: "These bastards, the medicine gang was established in the past to provide shelter for alchemists, but now they are used by these bastards to steal!"

I said in surprise: "Senior Huang Luzi, did you ever become a member of the Alchemy Association?"

Yin Changsheng said: "He is one of the founders of Yaobang."

Huang Luzi snorted and said, "Yin Changsheng, don't laugh at me, there are not many unworthy descendants in that family."

At this time, Zhenjun Zhengyang also went online and said, "Huang Luzi, your disciples and grandchildren make things difficult for our girl Yuan, what do you say?"

I'm a little speechless, so it's all there.

Huang Luzi was silent for a moment, and said: "Girl, with the character of these people, they will never let it go. How about this, I will give you something, you hold it, even if they measure it, they will not dare to touch you."

I was overjoyed and quickly said, "Thank you, Senior Huang!"

After a while, there was a knock on the door. There was a jade box at the door. When I opened it, I found a sign made of iron.

The brand is very antique, with a faint herbal fragrance, and the word "medicine" is engraved on it.

I turned the iron card over, and the back is: Once this card is played, who dares not to obey.

The corners of my eyes twitched, these words were too secondary.

Huang Luzi said: "Girl, when the people from the Alchemy Association come to you again, you don't have to give me face, just cut them for me, cut them hard! You turned against them!"

True Monarch Zhengyang said: "Is it okay to let the girl broadcast live at that time?"

"Yes." Huang Luzi said, "It must be broadcast live, let us see who are people with poor character who have sneaked into my medicine gang!"

I agreed, and within three days, people from the Alchemy Association came.

I practiced the elixir for a few days, and the medicinal materials at home were bottomed out, so I went out to buy them. I just walked into a Chinese herbal medicine store, and several men in black suits rushed in.

Those few people are tall, their eyes are like torches, and their blood is very strong, and they are all masters of dark energy.