Horror Camgirl

Chapter 117: Haunted house abroad


Later, my mother married a scumbag. Aunt Gui was extremely opposed to it, but my mother didn't listen to her and insisted on getting married. Aunt Gui became cold-hearted and gradually alienated her.

But she takes pity on me, and she visits me in the countryside from time to time, and brings me delicious clothes and good clothes. My grandma knows how to be grateful, and always gives her the newly harvested rice and other local specialties every time. .

After coming and going, Aunt Gui became very familiar with us. I liked Aunt Gui the most when I was a child. As long as she came to my house, I would have candy.

However, when I was in my freshman year of high school, their family went abroad, and it is said that they went to settle in the United States. Since then, I have never seen them again.

I happily called back, and Aunt Gui was also very happy, asking me to have dinner together in the evening.

Back then, Aunt Gui also contacted many doctors for me, hoping to cure my illness. Tonight, I plan to not wear a hat and mask to make her happy too.

I took out the black dress I bought last time, only to remember the pearl hairpin, I promised to return it to Yin Shengyao, but I forgot about it later.

I put the hairpin back, combed my hair, and went out happily.

Along the way, people secretly looked at me, and some girls whispered: "She has good skin, I really want to know what kind of cosmetics she uses."

I secretly laughed in my heart, no cosmetics can be more beautiful than practicing kung fu, of course, those who practice evil kung fu are not counted.

The environment of this Yijianmei Chinese restaurant is very elegant. Each private room is separated by multi-treasure shelves, and there are many decorations on the shelves.

I found Aunt Gui at a glance. There was a pair of young men and women sitting beside her. They were her twin girls. The boy's name was Hu Di, and the girl's name was Hu Tao.

Aunt Gui was originally a beauty, her genes were particularly strong, and the pair of children were very beautiful.

"Mom, do we really want to eat with that ugly girl?" Woody said dissatisfied, "I'm afraid I won't be able to eat it."

Hu Tao punched him and said angrily: "What are you talking about? Be careful if you talk nonsense again!"

Woody rolled his eyes: "I'm just telling the truth."

Hu Tao reached out and slapped him on the mouth: "You're still talking nonsense!"

Aunt Gui stared at her eyes and said, "Good fight, let's see if you dare to talk nonsense again. You kid, you used to bully Junyao when you were young, but now that you're so old, you don't know how to improve."

Woody rolled his eyes again and didn't speak.

I waited a while before going in to avoid embarrassment.

When I was young, Aunt Gui came to visit us and often brought these two children with me. Hu Tao was a tomboy back then, climbing trees and descending rivers, daring to do anything, and helping me beat those children who threw stones at me.

And Woody has always been very cold, always with disdain in his eyes. When he came to my house, he sat in the yard and played a game console, and he didn't even enter the door.

I opened the door and came in, smiling, "Aunt Gui, Tao Zi, I'm here."

All three of them stared at me with bewildered faces.

"You are?" they asked cautiously.

"I'm Junyao, my face has been healed." I said with a smile.

The three of them were shocked, Tao Zi stood up, looked me up and down, and said, "You, are you really Jun Yao?"

"It's me." I said, "You came to play at my house when you were ten years old. I took you to pick peaches. The branches scratched your skirt. You were too scared to go home. We stayed in the mountains all night. It made Aunt Gui and my grandmother easy to find for a while, and when we got home, we were both beaten up severely."

Taozi grabbed my arm excitedly: "It's really Junyao! I didn't expect your face to heal, and you look so beautiful."

I pinched her face and said, "You too, I didn't expect you to become more and more beautiful, I dare not recognize you."

Taozi turned her head to the side, glanced at Woody triumphantly, and seemed to say: Look, who said our Junyao is ugly

Woody stared straight at me, his eyeballs almost fell off his face, and he didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Tao Zi waved her hand: "Okay, I've returned to my soul."

Only then did Woody come to his senses, a suspicious red color appeared on his face.

We sat down and talked to each other about what happened over the years. When I mentioned that my younger brother had become a vegetable, they were overwhelmed with embarrassment.

At this moment, I found that the three members of their family were all black, and there were wisps of ghosts lingering around their bodies.

I frowned slightly, what the hell did Aunt Gui and the others get contaminated with

I asked around insinuatingly, and Aunt Gui only talked about their experience in the United States with a sad look on her face.

Aunt Gui’s husband’s company is in China, and they often go back and forth between the two countries. After Aunt Gui and the others immigrated to the United States, they lived in Los Angeles for several years, but Aunt Gui suffered from insomnia and couldn’t stand the hustle and bustle of big cities. I bought a villa in a small town in my hometown, only a two-hour drive from Los Angeles.

This house is very old, it is said that it has a history of two to three hundred years. Although it is a bit old, the previous owner has overhauled it, and the environment and facilities inside are still very good.

Both Hu Di and Tao Zi are one year younger than me. They have just been admitted to college and have already gone to study in Los Angeles. Aunt Gui lives in that old house alone.

The house is starting to be haunted.

At the beginning, Aunt Gui often saw strangers in the house. He suspected it was a thief and installed a camera in the house.

One day she saw a little girl holding a red-eyed bunny doll in her home, she went to ask, the girl didn't say anything, she turned around and brought her food, the girl was gone.

Strangely, nothing was recorded on the camera, only her talking to herself.

She thought she was mentally ill, so she went to the hospital and prescribed medicine, but the situation became more and more serious, and then a man with an ax appeared, wearing a mask of a bull's head, chasing and killing her in the house, killing her. She fell down the stairs, and now her hands are not very good.

Later, she learned the truth from a neighbor.

It turns out that this house is a well-known haunted house in the local area. It is said that accidents will happen to every owner of the house, some of them die strangely, and some of them disappear mysteriously.

Aunt Gui was terrified, thinking that there were many capable people and strangers in her hometown, she wanted to come back and ask a master to help her drive away the ghosts in the house.

I asked in surprise: "In this case, you should sell the house and buy another villa."

Aunt Gui was a little embarrassed, and Taozi said carelessly, "My dad's business has had some problems recently, the turnover is not working well, and there is no money to buy another house."

I nodded and said, "Then have you found the master?"

"I found it." Aunt Gui said, "It is said that it is the famous Master Zhou in the mountain city."

Master Zhou? So familiar.

By the way, in the previous live broadcast at the nightclub, the boss Zou invited to exorcise the female ghost, but he didn't even enter the door of cultivation, and the person who kept asking me to be his teacher, wasn't it Master Zhou

My face was a little cold, and I came to my aunt Gui's house.

I said calmly, "I've heard of him. When are you going to see him? I'll go with you."

Aunt Gui nodded and said, "Okay, I'll call Xiao Di to pick you up tomorrow."

I glanced at Woody, and he blushed again.

After dinner, Aunt Gui took me out for shopping, took me into the famous brand street, and wanted to buy me some good clothes. I didn't spoil their interest, I went shopping with them enough, but in the end, I went to pay secretly account.

Aunt Gui had a strange expression on her face. She secretly took my hand and said, "Jun Yao, tell me the truth, what kind of work are you doing?"

I looked at her blankly, and she said solemnly: "Jun Yao, we can be poor, but we can't sell the most important thing for a woman for money."

I was stunned for a moment before I realized what she was talking about. I couldn't help but laugh, and said, "Aunt Gui, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person."

As I said that, I took out two paper bags from my bag and said, "This is the handmade soap I made. It is all natural and has no additives. It can whiten and beautify the skin. Now I sell this on Taobao, and the business is pretty good."

The paper wrapped with handmade soap is specially made, and there are small flowers inside, which are rough, but have a simple and natural beauty.

Aunt Gui held it in her hand and couldn't put it down. When she opened it, she found that the handmade soap was shaped like a flower and had an intoxicating fragrance.

She believed it all at once.

Early the next morning, Woody drove a Land Rover Freelander. He was very handsome and treated me very warmly and gentlemanly.

I looked at him who was courteous, and remembered his disdain and contempt for me when I was a child, and I felt a little uncomfortable.