Horror Camgirl

Chapter 25: Fight with the master


There was a plastic rope on the door. Tang Mingli raised the knife and dropped it. I was about to open the door when suddenly there was a tinkling sound, which startled me.

I looked at the phone, and it turned out that it was Zhengyang Zhenjun asking for a call.

His old man is back

I happily connected to the communication, and the familiar old voice sounded: "Girl, you must not go in."

I was startled in horror: "Old man, could it be that the ghost inside is too fierce for us to deal with?"

Zhengyang Zhenjun said: "Girl, the corner where this private room is located is called ghost corner in Fengshui. This place must not open rooms, let alone enter people. There is a saying that ghost corner people haunt and evil ghosts haunt the upper body. Ordinary people go in. , even if you are not killed by a ghost, you will suffer a serious illness for no reason, and your vitality will be severely injured."

I was anxious: "Then what should I do?"

"It's okay, I'll teach you a method so that you can enter and exit the ghost corner at will without being harmed."

According to what he said, I drew a spell on my chest with special cinnabar. In order for the audience to see it, I took a close-up of my chest.

Who knew that this was a hornet's nest.

I wiped the cold sweat off my forehead, and took another close-up of Tang Mingli's chest muscles. This time, it was the female audience who exploded, screaming all over the screen.

The rewards flew towards me like snowflakes, and I was full of surprises, and said, "Now, let's go and see if there are really ghosts."

I pushed open the door, and a gust of cold air came towards me, which made me shiver.

"It's so cloudy." I tightened my collar and looked around. Before I could take a closer look, I suddenly heard footsteps coming from outside.

"Someone is coming." I gave Tang Mingli a hand and hid in the shadows.

"Master Zhou, you are willing to nod your head to cast down demons and eliminate evil spirits for us. You really saved our lives. We are an entertainment place, and haunted things are flying all over the sky. Who wants to come for entertainment and consumption? The top-level private rooms on the first floor are overcrowded, and the business is so bad now, alas."

"Boss Qiu, be safe and don't be impatient. I'll talk about it after I read it." A voice that sounded unfathomable came.

"Hey, why is this lock broken? Is there someone?" He shouted, "Who, get out of here."

Seeing that I couldn't hide anymore, I glanced at Tang Mingli, he took my hand, strode out, and said, "It's me."

"You?" Boss Zou frowned, "Who are you?"

I was a little surprised, and asked in a low voice: "Your name seems to be difficult to use sometimes."

Tang Mingli said: "My base camp is not in Shancheng City, and there are only a few people who know me here."

The corners of my mouth twitched twice: "Then what should I do?"

Tang Mingli strode forward and said, "We heard that this place is haunted, and we are here to catch ghosts."

"You guys? Catching ghosts?" Boss Zou laughed loudly, "It's really ridiculous, you two little kids, you haven't even grown hair yet, and you still come to catch ghosts? Someone, give these two guys I'll fight out!"

There was an uproar in the live broadcast room.

When Tang Mingli waved his hand, the two security guards who were from special forces were startled, and they all took a step back involuntarily.

Their skills were among the best when they were in the army. Those who had won the military competition award were unexpectedly repelled by a young man.

This young man is definitely not simple.

Tang Mingli said: "Boss Zou, you opened the door to do business, how can you drive the customers out? Since they are all here to catch ghosts, why don't you show off your skills, anyway, you have nothing to lose."

Boss Zou still wanted to stop, but Master Zhou sneered twice: "They want to stay, let them stay, I'm just catching ghosts, there's nothing shameful about it, just don't pee your pants later."

The audience's tastes have changed. If it's just ordinary ghost hunting, it's inevitable that there will be times when they get tired of watching it. It's best to have some scenes with forks to satisfy the audience's desire to hang and beat tall, rich, handsome, and bully people.

The question is, can I really hang him

"Hahaha, it's just a guy who hasn't started yet, girl, don't worry if the old man is here." Zhengyang Zhenjun said.

I was overjoyed, yes, with this worldly expert around, what else should I worry about

I recalled how the fork was installed in the novel, took a step forward, and said: "Master, this room is very fierce, I saw that you didn't wear any magic weapon, so you came in so rashly, aren't you afraid of accidents? "

Master Zhou snorted coldly: "A layman is a layman, and he has no eyesight." Then, he took out a compass, gave me a disdainful glance, and said, "This compass of mine was handed down by my ancestor, and it has been around for a long time. Eight hundred and eight hundred years old, it is a unique magic weapon in all of China."

"Hahaha, this person really dares to brag." Zhengyang Zhenjun laughed, "This compass has a history of at most a hundred years, and there is no aura on it, so he dares to call himself a magic weapon."

I smiled, didn't touch him, and said, "Master Zhou, then you have to be careful."

Master Zhou sneered and said: "Joke, how many ghosts will I be injured by my dignified celestial master disciple? Laymen get out of the way, don't hinder me from casting spells."

Boss Zou also said: "Get out, get out, don't get in the way of the master here, otherwise, I will tear your bones apart."

I winked at Tang Mingli and retreated to the corner. That day Master Zhou walked around the room with a compass, and when he came to a corner, his expression changed, and he yelled: "Where is the ghost, how dare you do evil here! Get out of here quickly."

After finishing speaking, he threw out a handful of cinnabar. The cinnabar was just an ordinary product, and it couldn't be compared with my special cinnabar.

Suddenly, a bloody human figure appeared in the corner of the room, looking like a graceful long-haired beauty.

Boss Zou's face changed drastically, and he said hastily, "Master, it's a ghost, it's really a ghost, get rid of her quickly!"

I narrowed my eyes slightly, could it be that Boss Zou has some ulterior secret

Master Zhou drew out the peach wood sword from behind, and said loudly: "You evil ghost, today I will do justice for the heavens and beat you to death!"

After all, he stabbed out with a sword, and there was a bloody sound, as if piercing into the human body, and the bloody figure let out a shrill scream.

He yanked back the mahogany sword again, and the bloody figure turned into a cloud of red smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Master Zhou got rid of the female ghost, turned around triumphantly, and said to Boss Zou: "Fortunately, I am not disgraceful." Friends who read books, you can search for "", and you can find this site immediately.