Horror Camgirl

Chapter 36: Shocking sword


These ghosts are all scorched and festered. The chemical gas leaked back then will burn people's skin and look like it's burnt. The most terrifying thing is that after being sucked in, it will also burn people's respiratory system, making people suffocate. die.

Those who died back then all died extremely miserably. Their soaring resentment has entrenched the factory for many years, and all of them have evolved into resentful ghosts.

With my current strength, it is impossible to deal with so many grieving ghosts.

"Mingli, lend me your phone." I took Tang Mingli's phone, quickly logged into my Heiyan account, and reopened the live broadcast room.

"Guys, as you can see, I'm still alive," I said, "but I guess I'm going to die soon."

I scanned the phone lens, and countless ghosts appeared on the screen.

"Everyone, wish me good luck." I found Zhenjun Zhengyang's account and asked to call, but there was no reply.

I saw that he wasn't online at all.

It's over, today is really a day for me.

When I was in despair, the bell rang suddenly. I saw that it was a friend request from a person named "Huang Shanjun".

I passed right away and connected to the communication.

"Girl, the old man Zhengyang Zhenjun introduced me to watch your live broadcast, it's pretty good." The voice over there was very young, sounding like a teenager, but he was on the same level as Zhengyang Zhenjun, so he was considered an expert.

"Senior, please help me." I begged immediately.

"Hahaha, I like young girls the most, beg me, come, please beg me again." Huang Shanjun said carelessly.

I was speechless, so I squeezed my throat and said, "Brother Huangshan, please help me."

"Okay, just call me big brother, I'll help you!" He said, "The yin energy is strong tonight, and women are yin, so it can be said that yin is added to yin, which is just right to resist ghosts. Bloodletting, painting the ground as a prison!"

I directly cut my palm and drew a circle around the three of us with blood.

The ghosts rushed over, but they seemed to be stopped by an invisible barrier. Huang Shanjun said again: "You have lightning strike wood and century-old peach wood in your hands. They are powerful, but you don't know how to use them. Infuse spiritual energy into them!"

I followed what he said, and poured all the spiritual energy in my body into the peach wood sword, and the thunderbolt wooden sword suddenly glowed with a faint metallic luster. I raised the sword, pointed at the five or six grieving ghosts opposite, and said, "Old Tai Shang Jun taught me to kill ghosts, and my gods. Calling on the jade girl, it is ominous. The gods kill, do not avoid the powerful, first kill the evil ghosts, and then kill the night light. What gods do not subdue, what ghosts dare to be? Urgent like a law !"

Following the exit of the word "Ling", a golden light shot out from the tip of the sword and hit the group of grieving ghosts. The grieving ghosts screamed pitifully, and all of them turned into black smoke and entered my mouth and nose.

There was a road ahead, and my spiritual power was exhausted, so I shouted: "Go!" and my body went limp.

Tang Mingli picked me up and rushed out, desperately rushing out of the factory gate.


There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and a violent explosion occurred in the factory area. Flames and thick smoke billowed into the sky in the night.

I was exhausted and said: "Everyone, we have already called the police. I think the police should give everyone a satisfactory result."

After speaking, I didn't watch the barrage, and closed the live broadcast room directly.

At this time, I was exhausted and fell asleep in Tang Mingli's arms.

It has been two days since I woke up. I was lying in Tang Mingli's house, and he was sitting by the bed, looking a bit haggard.

I moved my hands and feet, and after two days, my body has completely recovered, and my spiritual energy has actually increased a bit.

After all the spiritual energy is used up, although it will lose strength, it can increase the spiritual power. No wonder Zhengyang Zhenjun said that the strength is improved in battle.

"How's it going?" I asked.

Tang Mingli said: "The police have been investigating the ruins for two days, and now they have preliminary results."

He turned on the TV and was broadcasting a press conference. The police announced that in the 1990s, a group of criminals headed by the deputy director of the factory, Huang Qiuhua, opened up secret rooms in the factory area and used technology to manufacture and sell drugs.

Later, the chemical factory was about to go bankrupt and auctioned off due to poor management. His crime was discovered by the old factory manager and some workers. In order to escape the crime, he deliberately leaked poisonous gas, killing more than a dozen workers that night.

I frowned, making poison

It will definitely not be that simple, Yin Shengyao will not grab the materials for making drugs, after all, anyone with a certain level of chemistry can make them.

Tang Mingli took out a tablet, handed it to me and said, "This is what I captured from your live broadcast."

When I saw it, it turned out to be the ghost photographed in the lighted office just after entering the factory area.

"Look at the documents on the table." He zoomed in on the picture. "Your phone's photo is very blurry. I'll ask someone to restore the photo with the most advanced equipment."

Those documents are full of formulas and English, which I don't understand.

"what is this?"

Tang Mingli said solemnly, "I invited the best scientists in the country to look at it, and they said that this is a drug that can develop people's potential."

I took a breath: "Develop potential? Is it super power?"

"It's very possible." Tang Mingli said, "It's a pity that there is too little information." He paused and asked me: "The person who kidnapped you at that time, did you really not see his face?"

I thought of Yin Shengyao's threats, and I felt chills all over, and I quickly shook my head and said, "You can't see your fingers in the secret room, how can you see them?"

He was full of pity.

I didn't see my brother these days, so I was a little worried, so I said goodbye to Tang Mingli, declined his pick-up, and took the bus to the hospital by myself.

The TV on the bus is also reporting the news of the chemical plant. The reporter mentioned that near the chemical plant, the police found a stripped man. When they found him, he was knocked out and unconscious. Guess Possibly a bum.

I didn't take it to heart at the time.

Entering the ward, I saw Shen Anyi lying quietly on the snow-white hospital bed. The nurse took good care of him. His body was clean and his face was peaceful, as if he was asleep.

My heart was sore, I gently stroked his forehead, and took out the healing pill.

This medicine can treat trauma, An Yicheng is like this, it is caused by trauma, I don't know if it will be useful.

I gritted my teeth and stuffed the pill into his mouth.

I sat by the bed and waited for a whole day, but I couldn't wait for Shen Anyi to wake up.

Of course not.

I can't directly ask Zhengyang Zhenjun and the others to ask for it, which makes them angry. I will have nothing in the future, so I can only continue the live broadcast to please them. Maybe one day they will reward me with a piece of paper that can cure An Yi. What about Dan Fang

"You are Mr. Shen's older sister." Just as the doctor came to make the rounds, I quickly got up and said hello, "Hello, Doctor Qin."

Doctor Qin's name is Qin Ai. This word is rare. I checked the dictionary and found out that it reads "ai".

Dr. Qin Ai is very handsome and talented. Wearing a white coat, he looks tall and straight. It is said that he is the god of all the female nurses in the hospital.

"Doctor Qin, thank you for taking such good care of An Yi." I quickly thanked you.

He waved his hand and said, "You are Young Master Tang's friend and mine. But... your brother's illness is a bit strange."

My heart tightened: "What's wrong?"

"Judging from his examination, his injuries are almost healed, and there is no problem with his brain CT, but he has been in a deep sleep. I have been practicing medicine for eight years, and this is the first time I have seen such a situation. ’” he said with a sigh.

I was very anxious, no wonder I gave him healing pills and it didn't work.

He said helplessly: "Maybe it's a mental problem. It's also possible that he doesn't want to wake up. In short, observe first."

I was a little lost, Qin Ai hesitated, and said: "Some things cannot be explained by science, Ms. Yuan, you have to be mentally prepared."

I froze for a moment, what does Doctor Qin mean

Zhengyang Zhenjun's booklet said that if a living person is unconscious, it is possible that the soul is out of the body, but after the out-of-body, if they cannot come back within seven days, they will definitely die.

If it's not out of body, is it damage to spirit

I scratched my hair anxiously, if only I knew medical skills, in the final analysis, I am still too weak.

Suddenly, I heard noises outside. When I went out, I saw a family member of a patient grabbed Dr. Qin by the collar and yelled at him.

I asked an aunt who was watching: "What's going on?"

The aunt curled her lips and said, "His mother has a cerebral hemorrhage and is lying in the ICU. He wants to enter the ICU, but the doctor won't let him. Can he enter this ICU casually? This family is a typical hospital trouble, and it's not a bad thing to come here." Once or twice."

Qin Ai patiently explained something, the thick man punched him in the face, he dodged to the side, the thick man hit nothing, fell to the corner of the wall, just hit his head, blood flowed out all at once .

This time, the hornet's nest was stabbed, and the men and women of that family rushed up, tore Dr. Qin apart, and kept shouting, "The doctor is beating someone!"

"What's going on here?" With a stern shout, the family stopped and roared angrily, "Who are you?"... Friends who read books, you can search for "", and you will be the first Time to find this site.