Horror Camgirl

Chapter 67: Tang Mingli's method


No wonder there are so many rewards, I rubbed my chin, this live broadcast room is really a cash cow, but all the money, I bought it back with my life.

High income comes with high risks, and I don't know how many people behind me have been eyeing me.

Who cares, if you can make money, what big things can you do if you are afraid of wolves and tigers

I opened the friend chat group again, and found that Mr. Huang Shan left me a message, saying that the reward had been sent, and asked me to check it carefully.

What could it be

The doorbell rang and I was surprised, so fast

When I opened the door, there was still no one outside. There was only one package. Like the previous two times, there was no recipient address on the package. Could it be that someone sent it

I opened the package, and inside was another jade slip.

Could it be Huang Tianmen's cultivation technique

I stuck the jade slip on my forehead. Just as I was probing my spiritual sense in, suddenly a majestic amount of knowledge entered my mind. I let out a scream, threw my head back, and passed out again.

Just like last time, I was floating in the darkness again, surrounded by golden lights, and there were countless knowledge of Chinese medicine. I reached out to touch those words, but all those words rushed towards my head.

Pain, severe pain.

My head seemed to be splitting open. I kept rolling and screaming while holding my head. Blood was pouring out of my eyes and nose, but the knowledge still burrowed into it desperately. I couldn't even get dizzy, so I could only endure it forcefully.

Mr. Huang Shan, I have been tricked by you.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed like a whole century, I woke up from the coma, I reached out and wiped it, my face was covered in blood.

I rushed to the mirror and took a picture. His eyes were bloodshot, his seven orifices were bleeding, and he looked like a ghost. Fortunately, he was not disfigured.

I looked at the time and was startled. I actually fell into a coma for three whole days.

I washed my face and opened the friend group of Heiyan TV. Mr. Huang Shan said happily: "Girl, how is it? I gave you something good?"

My head was full of black lines: "It's really a good thing, I almost went directly to the underworld to report."

"What?" He also looked confused, I told him the matter, and he yelled angrily: "Huang Luzi, this old boy, dare to bully me! Girl, it's not that I deliberately tricked you, this jade slip is the one I have never seen before." Huang Luzi won it, and that old boy lost in chess, so he set me up in the Jade Slips, and see if I beat him until the next time I meet him, he won't even recognize him."

I am speechless.

Huang Shanjun said again: "Hey, girl, although the process was a bit tortuous, you must have benefited."

I have a lot of knowledge of Chinese medicine in my mind, and even a lot of it has surpassed the level of ordinary Chinese medicine. This knowledge is deeply imprinted in my mind, and it is easy to come by, as if I have learned it for many years.

"I did get a lot of benefits." I nodded and said, "Thank you."

Huang Shanjun chuckled again: "It's not easy to thank me, continue to find me some movies to watch, maybe I can advance to a small realm again."

I am speechless again.

Huang Shanjun, do you know that your image of a master has collapsed so much

However, I uploaded and downloaded several action movies and passed them on to him. As if he had found a treasure, he announced to retreat again.

Fairy Yunxia was so eager to see, she also came over and said, "Girl, do you have mine?"

The corners of my mouth twitched twice, could it be that this fairy also wants to watch erotic action movies

"I'll find what the fairy wants." I said respectfully.

Fairy Yunxia thought for a while and said, "I have nothing good, I just like cooking, you can find some rare recipes for me."

I was in a difficult situation all of a sudden, the Chinese food sold outside now. It can't compare to the diet recipes Fairy Yunxia gave me last time. She will definitely not be satisfied if I find these.

Touching my chin, I thought, I might as well help her find western food recipes.

I searched around on the Internet, selected some well-known food bloggers, asked them to buy the e-book of the recipe, and then passed it on to Fairy Yunxia.

Fairy Yunxia looked at it and said, "This cake is delicious, you can try it."

So, she also announced her retreat.

Everyone is in retreat, and I feel a little melancholy inexplicably.

I turned on my phone and found many missed calls from Tang Mingli.

"Where have you been these two days?" Tang Mingli asked anxiously as soon as the call was connected. "If it's not in the capital, I'll come to you in the morning."

I said, "I've been practicing in seclusion for the past few days, what's the matter?"

"watch the news."

I opened the page, and the headline of the local portal in Shancheng City read: Cao Yan, the CEO of Guanglu International, was arrested on suspicion of huge tax evasion.

Cao Yan was arrested!

My heart trembled, and I read the news carefully. Cao Yan was also suspected of more than a dozen crimes such as buying a murderer. Cao Tianquan went in again because he abused girls over the years. Cao Tianning was also charged with seven or eight crimes. I don’t know if I expected this One day, he has fled the country.

I am amazed in my heart, Tang Mingli is really a good method, it has only been three days, a majestic Guanglu International has been wiped out like this.

"Yu Lang has been released without charge." Tang Mingli said, "Don't worry, Cao Tianning will not escape."

I thanked him and hung up the phone. For some reason, instead of being happy, I felt scared.

if. One day he used it on me...

Impossible, I said to myself, he is my friend, I should trust him.

After being in a coma for three days, my stomach was growling with hunger, so I made Guben Peiyuan soup to warm up my body. I stayed at home for a few more days. Apart from practicing, I practiced alchemy every day until my body fully recovered.

These days I have refined a lot of elixir, and the small box of medicinal materials that True Lord Zhengyang gave me has already run out. I have to find a way to find more medicinal materials.

The jade slips Huang Shanjun gave me this time are good things, but they only contain medical knowledge and some prescriptions, and there are no prescriptions. In the future, I will have to rely on live broadcasts to earn rewards. Who can give me a complete collection of prescriptions

I searched everywhere for good medicinal materials, and although I bought quite a few, they were only ten or twenty years old at most, and very few were more than fifty years old.

Huizhen Pavilion is the best traditional Chinese medicine store in Shancheng City. I bought a lot of medicinal materials here, and the shopkeeper knew me well, and said, "Ms. Yuan, I won't hide it from you. But those are all from the town hall, they are not for sale, and it is difficult to buy good medicinal materials in the market, if you really want it, I will introduce you to someone."

My heart moved: "Then I have to thank the shopkeeper."

The shopkeeper gave me a call, I called, there was a hoarse male voice, I said it was introduced by the shopkeeper of Huizhen Pavilion, and I wanted to buy some precious medicinal materials. He asked me to go to him the next day and talk about it in detail.

Early the next morning, I took a taxi and went to the place I had agreed upon. It was an old courtyard house with a mottled wooden door. After knocking on the door and entering, I saw that the room was full of dustpans and covered with a lot of medicinal herbs.

I picked up a handful of medicinal materials and looked at them. Although they are only ordinary medicines, they are of high quality.

"Are you Ms. Yuan?" A hoarse voice sounded, and I turned around to see a middle-aged man in a vest with a beard and a somewhat ugly appearance.

"You are Mr. Li Hao?"

"Call me Li Haoxing." He said blankly, "What medicinal ingredients do you want?"

"How many vintages do you have here?" I asked, "How many do you want?"

He looked me up and down and said, "Come in, let's see the goods first."

He took me to the back room, took out a small box, opened it, and there were many small boxes inside, all of which were high-year medicinal materials.

However, these are at most 50 or 60 years, and there are very few 70-year-olds, let alone a hundred years.

Good medicinal materials are hard to find nowadays, these will be used.

I picked most of them out, and he looked at them coldly, his eyes flickering. It seems that I didn't expect that I would be so knowledgeable at such a young age, and the ones I picked out were all the best.

"Mr. Li, these are the prices." I said.

He took a rough look and said, "A total of 6.35 million."

I was shocked, so expensive

He snorted coldly and said: "I, Li Hao, have always been innocent in my business. You can inquire about it. If my medicinal materials are not worth the price, I will compensate you a hundred times."

I looked at the small box full, and it should be the price, forget it, good medicine is hard to find.

I was about to swipe my card, but suddenly I heard a voice saying: "I want all these herbs."

I'm a little dissatisfied, what do you mean by cutting off your beard halfway

What came was a handsome young man, tall, 1.9 meters tall, wearing a silver-gray suit. The hair is combed meticulously, and the eyes are a bit sharp.

Li Hao frowned and said, "Who are you?"

At this moment, a short old man came out from behind the man, and he said to Li Hao with a smile: "Old Li, I'm here to introduce you to a big business. This is Boss Lu, whose name is Lu Qilin, and he's from Jinling." The big boss, the rich man. He wants to buy precious medicinal materials, as much as he wants, quickly take out all the stuff you have at the bottom of the box."

The little old man looked at the ones I picked out and said, "Boss Lu, look, these are pretty good."

"These are the ones I'm going to buy," I said unhappily.

Only then did he notice me. I was wearing a sportswear, a mask and a hat. Although the sportswear was a famous brand, it was only worth a thousand dollars. In the eyes of these rich people, it was no different from street stalls.

Lu Qilin said coldly: "I will pay twice as much as you pay."

Without waiting for Li Hao to speak, I said, "It's not about money. I selected these carefully, and I've already negotiated the price, and it's time to pay. You jumped out at this time to cut off the bullshit, and you didn't do that." For business?"

The little old man sneered and said, "Girl dolls come first served, but there is also a saying that the price is higher for those who come later, if you are not convinced, you can continue to pay more."

I was so angry that my teeth were itchy, I looked at Li Hao and said, "Mr. Li, what do you say?"

Li Hao stroked his beard and said: "We are in business, and we can't be troubled by money." Friends who read books, you can search for "", and you can find this site immediately.