Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 102: Original Sin Kindergarten (5) Clues in the newspaper


When Xin Meng heard this, he raised his head curiously and took a look, and was immediately shocked!

I saw a dozen children appearing in the front yard that was empty just now!

He looked up and saw that the sun had fully risen.


These dozen children, both boys and girls, are not very old. Some are from the small kindergarten class and walk crookedly. There are also those from the big class who are running and jumping very nimbly.

The little girl in a red dress that Xin Meng saw before was also among them.

Only this time he looked just like a normal child.

They were like curious kittens, running around in the kindergarten yard, moving around quickly, some digging sand in the sand pool, and some running on the swings.

However, there were several older children among them, who clearly had clear goals. They were lying at the exit of the slide, sticking their heads into the rollers, looking for something one by one.

"Fortunately, no one is hiding in the slide. They will be found soon." Xin Meng said happily.

He wanted to take a closer look, but suddenly he was pulled by You Yi and squatted down together!

"What's wrong?" Xin Meng was startled.

"Someone is looking here." You Yi bent down and walked two steps to the side of the window, then straightened up and looked out carefully, Xin Meng followed him.

"What's going on now?" Xin Meng asked softly.

"They have entered the building." You Yi said, pulling Xin Meng towards him so that Xin Meng could see the scene outside.

A dozen children found nothing outside and started jumping around, entering the gate on the first floor one by one.

"Will they search one by one?" Xin Meng guessed, "The lower the floor, the more dangerous it is?"

The first person to bear the brunt was Jie Zi on the first floor.

"No." Unexpectedly, You Yi said with certainty, "Looking from bottom to top like you said, you can go through all the rooms and reach the top floor in less than a day. No player can escape. It is too difficult. It won't be set up like this. It should be separated as soon as you enter the building, and which floor you appear on is random."

Xin Meng trusted You Yi very much and did not doubt the accuracy of his guess at all. She nodded directly, "Then should we just find a hidden place to hide, or should we engage in guerrilla warfare?"

You Yi weighed it up and said, "You can't stay in one place all the time. Once an accident occurs, you will easily be blocked. Try not to stop and find more hidden places to hide in case of emergency."

"Understood." Xin Meng nodded.

The two of them first went to the place where Xin Meng woke up, which was a children's activity room and was now covered with dust.

The space inside was very open, with only a bunch of tables, chairs, and tattered toys on the floor. There were no cabinets or places to hide, which was not suitable for them to hide.

After taking a look, they were about to go out, but when Xin Meng turned around, he accidentally kicked something with his foot. He looked down and saw that it was a rag doll.

The rag doll was also in tatters, with several holes in its dirty body, and the cotton inside was exposed. It was also very dirty.

The two eyes were originally sewn on with black buttons, but now one of the threads has come loose, and the button hangs down long, as if it is about to fall off.

"It feels like this place has suffered some kind of disaster." Xin Meng couldn't help but say, "There were destroyed toys, dolls, cars, and even picture books torn into pieces everywhere. And it didn't look like it was done by someone else. , how powerful are the destructive powers of these children."

This rag doll is relatively complete, but the other toys are even worse.

Xin Meng didn't pick it up, walked around the doll, and told You Yi, "I don't like children at all."

"Really?" You Yi said lightly.

Xin Meng paused and pursed her lips, "You... don't like it very much, do you?"

When You Yi heard something was wrong with his tone, he turned his head and took a look, knowing it in his heart. He couldn't help but smile and said, "It depends on who it is."

"What do you mean?" Xin Meng didn't understand. This also requires dividing people

"I once had a child that I liked very much." You Yi said, "But he has grown up now. I don't like other children."

Xin Meng couldn't help but feel sour in her heart. There was a child she liked... You Yi never said she liked him!

"Then he..." Xin Meng asked, jealous.

You Yi interrupted him, "But if you can give birth to one for me, I will like it."

Xin Meng's mouth twitched and she stared in protest: "I'm not a woman, how can I give birth to a child!"

"That's not necessarily the case." You Yi smiled meaningfully.

Xin Meng felt an inexplicable chill on her back and immediately changed the topic. "Hurry up and take a look in the next room, before they come looking for you soon!"

You Yi maintained a smile and watched him rush to the second room next to him in a hurry.

Xin Meng didn't realize until she entered the room that she seemed to have been distracted by the man...

But the time has passed, and asking further will make him appear unwilling. Even if he is unwilling, he can only find another opportunity to ask.

The second room is not a classroom, but a utility room for storing sundries.

It was very chaotic inside, with everything there, but most of it was broken, including a bare broom head, a plastic bucket with a missing piece, broken brushes on the floor, painting stands, tables and chairs with broken legs, and sticks. The separated mops and dirty strips of cloth were piled in the corner like moldy kelp, and sticks were lying in a mess on the side, stained with dark brown stains.

There were several broken cabinets against the wall with the drawers almost falling out, but they were not large enough to hide people.

Xin Meng walked over, opened the drawer, rummaged through it, and found several newspapers inside.

The newspaper was yellowed, and of course there was still no date on the top.

Xin Meng took the newspaper and read it together with You Yi, who was following.

There is a black and white photo in the center of the home page. The content is very familiar. It is the main entrance of the kindergarten where they are now.

In the photo, you can see that the gate of the kindergarten is very new, with ribbons and banners hanging on it that read, "Warm congratulations to the official completion of Original Sin Kindergarten!"

There were several female teachers standing in front of the door, wearing formal A-line skirts. They stood in a standard posture and faced the camera. However, their faces were mosaic, making it impossible to see their faces clearly.

"This is news from when the kindergarten was just built. It looks quite normal." Xin Meng looked at other places, but found no written reports. It seemed that there was only this one photo.

Scroll backwards and there is no useful information. Most of them are advertisements and legal pages.

Xin Meng looked at it and saw that some cases under investigation were published in the form of tofu cubes, but they were not very detailed and some looked like made-up stories.

He put down the newspaper and flipped through the rest, but there was no other report about this kindergarten.

When it came to the last newspaper, with Xin Meng's carefulness, he found an inconspicuous corner of the legal page and wrote such a report:

"The day before yesterday, a bizarre case occurred in a kindergarten in our city. A five-year-old child accidentally broke into the utility room of the hospital and died because he was accidentally hit on the head by a tool. The specific case is under investigation."

It is said to be a report, but in fact it is only a short sentence, and there is no more content.

But Xin Meng knew that this "kindergarten" must be the Original Sin Kindergarten, and the utility room was the one they were in now.

"A child died here." Xin Meng said, "He was accidentally hit on the head by a tool... It's not impossible, it's such a mess here. But I don't understand what the use of putting this newspaper here and letting us see it is Woolen cloth?"

You Yi wandered around the room, picking up something and throwing it away from time to time. Xin Meng asked curiously, "What are you looking for?"

"Tools." You Yi said.

"You mean, you want to find the tool to kill the child?"

"I don't know yet." Unexpectedly, You Yi shook his head, "But although there is little content in the newspaper, there must be some useful information. Since there are no children's bodies here, the only thing that can be tried to find is the mention of Another thing - 'tool'."

Xin Meng nodded, and her thoughts suddenly became clear.

No wonder he didn't know where to start. This was his first time playing this game of finding items and then sorting out the clues.

He suddenly became a little excited, and immediately started to rummage through the boxes and cabinets in the room. Finally, their eyes fell on the mops piled in the corner at the same time.

To be precise, it's a wooden stick made of mop.

The thing stained on the wooden stick looked very much like blood stains, and it was the only item in the whole house with such traces.

You Yi picked up a wooden stick, lightly rubbed his fingers on the dark brown area, put it under his nose and smelled it.

"is blood."

After identifying the "tool", Xin Meng looked at the pile of sticks and subconsciously counted them. There were exactly six sticks.

Each one was covered with irregular blood stains.

"I was hit on the head by a tool..." Xin Meng felt a little baffled, "I was hit on the head by a stick and was hit to death?"

How is this possible

Even if he is a child, he is already five years old, and his skull is not that soft, right

And he picked it up and bumped it, and found that these cloth sticks were lighter than those sold in the general market. Even if six of them were smashed down at the same time, it would still be difficult to kill a child.

Not to mention, mops are usually erected on the ground. Who would put such a thing on them

However, You Yi looked at the distribution of blood on the stick and said, "He wasn't killed by smashing, he was beaten to death."

"Ah?" Xin Meng was stunned.

"Someone took this stick and beat the child to death." You Yi stretched out his finger to show him, "The location of the blood stains and the traces of spatter indicate that he was hit hard, and there are still a few bullets visible on this end. Bloody fingerprints.”

Xin Meng lowered his head and took a look. Sure enough, there were indeed two or three fingerprints, which were also dark brown. However, they were blurred because they had been rubbed, but the general outline could still be seen.

What chilled him was that these bloody fingerprints were very small and definitely did not belong to adults.

"Six sticks, six children, beat another child to death." Xin Meng shuddered, as if she had seen the scene that day, their little arms waving sticks around a dying child, beating them crazily, blood everywhere. splash.

"It's too scary..." Xin Meng murmured.