Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 110: Original Sin Kindergarten (13) Changes after Amnesia


If Qi Xiaokui was still here at this time, she would probably soon discover that Xin Meng is completely different from the one she had when she first entered the game.

At that time, Xin Meng was quiet, docile, and happy-go-lucky.

Also very soft-hearted.

Later, he went through a lot. His unreliable teammates made him cold-hearted. He gradually became tougher and colder towards others. Although he still had a smile, he was obviously more rational and maintained a close relationship with others from the bottom of his heart. At a certain distance, apart from facing You Yi, he can still see his past appearance, and his attitude towards other people is obviously cooler.

Although she still looks very gentle and considerate on the surface, if you look at the overall situation, you can find that in the beginning, if a teammate is in danger, the physically exhausted Xin Meng will often be the first to rush to help, but later, Even if there are new teammates and even if the physical fitness improves, Xin Meng's actions unknowingly become less and less, but You Yi silently helps more and more.

The most important thing is that this personality does not seem to be due to past experience, nor is it due to greater maturity, but... an inexplicable reason.

To be more precise, with the loss of his past memories, even his personality has undergone unpredictable changes.

Quieter, colder, more indifferent.

Tougher too.

At least in the past, Xin Meng would never stare at other people with such sharp eyes. Even if the other person was suspicious, he would just keep it in his mind silently and not show it so obviously.

No one knows this. Qi Xiaokui is no longer here, and none of the new teammates who joined later have seen Xin Meng's appearance before.

You Yi, the only one who accompanied Xin Meng all the way, just watched silently and said nothing in the face of Xin Meng's changes.

Dou Dou and Jie Zi, who were being scrutinized by him, gradually broke out in cold sweat. Dou Dou was very careless and felt that the other person was suddenly possessed by the dean. In addition, he was thin-skinned and guilty, so he didn't find any problem, but Jie Zi It was different. He was usually more shameless than Dou Dou and put an A4 paper upright, but he was also affected by this sense of oppression, which made him feel incredible.

Who is this Xin Meng...

This time, he looked at Xin Meng suspiciously. Xin Meng looked at him lightly and finally looked away.

The pressure disappeared and Dou Dou breathed a sigh of relief, but Jie Zi became more and more confused.

"Speaking of which, what's going on?" Seeing that the atmosphere had relaxed, Li Wenjun brought the topic back, "Why can't they be found anywhere?"

"If it's not a game bug..." Xin Meng glanced at Dou Dou, and Dou Dou quickly apologized, but Xin Meng ignored him, "Then there may be another reason why no one can be found."

"What's the reason?" Luo Yingying suddenly had a bad premonition.

"They have been watching us," Xin Meng said, "following behind us."

Luo Yingying trembled all over and was about to say not to scare people when she saw You Yi suddenly raised his head and looked upstairs. She also reflexively looked over and saw those little ones that she could not find in the building just now. The children were lying on the window at this moment, looking down at them. When they were discovered, instead of panicking, they showed a proud and ferocious smile to them.

You are making fun of them!

Luo Yingying was defenseless, so frightened that she almost screamed and quickly covered her mouth with her hands!

When they were searching just now, these children were really following them! No wonder they couldn't find it!

But it's too late, the first light appears on the horizon, it's almost daybreak!

"Go upstairs first!" Without any time to think, Xin Meng called on everyone to go upstairs and hide, otherwise they would become living targets if they were still standing here at dawn.

The six people entered the building and separated as before. Xin Meng told them, "Remember to go to the tool room and get the stick when you have the opportunity. We haven't found the kid who was beaten to death. One more prop may save his life at the critical moment." ."

The other five people all nodded, indicating that they understood, but they would not go to get it immediately, because just now, there was a child lying on the window of that room.

Xin Meng and You Yi randomly chose a floor and turned right on the fifth floor.

There is also a half-paned glass door, which is the kindergarten kitchen.

The smell in the kitchen was very unpleasant, filled with the stench of rotten vegetables and meat. The cabinets were relatively clean, but the vegetables on the chopping board had long since rotted into a puddle of black mud. It was hard to tell what the original dish was. , the trash can was not cleaned, and there were two rotten fish with only white bones left on the ground.

Xin Meng held her nose and walked in, but was not fumed by the smell. The kitchen was a place with many cabinets and drawers, so there might be some clues.

You Yi was still guarding the door. Xin Meng went in and rummaged through the cabinets, but in the end, she found nothing.

It seemed that any hope of hitting the clue every time was dashed.

Xin Meng squatted on the ground, closed the door of the last low cupboard, sighed, and was about to stand up when something familiar suddenly passed by the corner of her eyes.

He paused and looked at the half of the face exposed from under the cabinet.

One of the eyes sewn on two black buttons had its thread loose, and the button hung down long, like a stripped eyeball, staring at him quietly.

A creepy shuddering feeling made him tremble all over, and he sat back on the ground!

It's that rag doll, why did it appear again!

The rag doll seemed to be alive. In the dim light, its expression twisted like a smile but not a smile, and its limbs stretched out, as if to say: I see you.

Xin Meng's expression was full of incredible fear, and she quickly moved her butt back, trying to get further away from the doll.

His movements caught You Yi's attention, and he came over quickly and saw half of the doll's face.

You Yi paused, walked over, and pulled the doll out.

The cotton-filled interior is very elastic when pinched, and it looks like the most ordinary rag doll.

But the fact that it appears here is already extraordinary.

"Did someone put it here?" The more Xin Meng thought about it, the more she shuddered. "Could someone have been following us and then put this doll in front of us? Why? To scare us?"

You Yi felt that things were not that simple. He thought for a while, put the doll on the ground, took out a dagger, and tried to separate the doll's body to see what was inside.

The sharp blade of the dagger pierced the baby's belly easily, but a fierce howl suddenly sounded, making Xin Meng almost jump up in shock!

The sound came from the doll!

You Yi also frowned, but did not stop. Instead, he increased his strength and quickly opened the baby's belly, revealing a large ball of black and gray cotton.

The baby screamed even more miserably!

You Yi pulled out the dagger and cut off the baby's head, and the screams stopped immediately.

"Is this doll alive?!" Xin Meng reacted, and a chill ran down her spine.

It’s not that someone follows them and puts the doll in front of them, but what follows them is the doll itself!

"These should be their eyes." You Yi said.

When he said this, Xin Meng suddenly realized, "When we were looking for people just now, no one paid attention to the rag dolls on the ground, but those ghost children were able to see us through the rag dolls. No wonder they were able to accurately avoid our search!" "

Then he suddenly remembered, "Then when this doll appears here, do they also know our location?"

"I'm afraid so." You Yi stood up and pulled him up, "Leave now, quickly!"

The two quickly rushed out the door and ran up to the seventh floor before turning into another corridor.

But they didn't know that shortly after they left, a little girl in a red dress was walking to the kitchen door step by step, stopped accurately, opened the door silently, and walked in.

Soon, an angry roar came from inside.

Xin Meng and You Yi turned to the corridor on the seventh floor. Xin Meng still remembered the tips You Yi told him and wanted to continue looking for a door with glass to go in. There was indeed such a door there, but when he was about to push it open , but was stopped by You Yi. He was stunned. He followed You Yi's gaze and looked in from outside the glass. He suddenly discovered that there was already a child inside!

The child was bending over and rummaging through cabinets and drawers. Because his back was to Xin Meng and the others, he didn't notice anyone at the door.

Seeing that he was about to raise his head, Xin Meng quickly took two steps back, turned to the side of the door, and left the range that could be illuminated by the glass.

You Yi looked both ways, chose the door on the right side of the door, near the stairs, and hid in with Xin Meng.

Inside is the hot water room, which is relatively small. The two of them pressed against the door, breathing softly and listening carefully to the movements next door and outside.

"Squeak... bang. snap, snap, snap..."

The door opened and closed again.

The child came out.

Xin Meng's heart was beating so fast that she even held her breath!

However, You Yi squeezed his hand and told him not to be too afraid.

Sure enough, You Yi chose the right direction. The child should have checked all the way inside from the stairs. The hot water room was close to the stairs. He should have already checked it, so he walked to the room further inside. There was no Close here.

Xin Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked around the house first and saw no rag dolls or anything like that on the ground. Then he walked inside with confidence to check the situation inside the house.

They had been here at night, but they didn't find any clues at that time. They didn't know if it was because of the night or if there was nothing useful.

There were two boilers for boiling water in the narrow hot water room, a dozen faucets, several thermos bottles on the floor, and a red plastic bucket with a handle, which lay crooked on the ground, with two small pieces broken on the edge of the bucket. , as if caused by falling from a height.

Xin Meng bypassed these things that he had seen before and searched the whole house again, but found no other clues.

"It seems there is none in this room. Do you want to go out and find another room?" Xin Meng finally walked back to the door and asked You Yi.

You Yi shook his head, leaned against the door, and whispered, "Someone is outside."

Xin Meng leaned over to listen, and sure enough, childish footsteps were wandering in the corridor, passing by their door from time to time.

It seems I can't leave for the time being.

The waiting time was very long. Xin Meng listened to what was going on outside, and his eyes were not idle. He looked around the room. Suddenly, he discovered a problem - the number of thermos bottles in the pile was exactly six!