Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 122: Bloody Mary (6) House of Mirrors


As soon as the front door opened, the two girls outside were so frightened that they almost screamed.

Seeing that it was them, the two started dancing again, but Xiaojia was frightened and Feifei was happy.

"Wow! This is really exciting. It's more fun than the games we played before, right Xiaojia?" Feifei slapped Xiaojia on the shoulder carelessly, almost knocking Xiaojia's weak legs to the ground.

"I'd rather play something else!" In this team, Xiaojia was a little less courageous, but she was far better than the others. At least she didn't really cry, she just complained with a grimace.

Xin Meng briefly explained the situation inside to the two girls.

"That man should be the target that Jingxian wants us to kill," he said.

The two girls looked at each other. Feifei hesitated and said, "You said he buried the body in the middle of the night, and it was a female corpse without clothes? Think about it, he is not a good person. How can we kill him?"

Xin Meng shook his head, "How to kill is not the question, the question is whether you can kill him. The card says that the NPC cannot die. If you kill him, the mission will fail."

"But if you don't kill him, the mission will fail." Xiaojia said.

Yes, this is a paradox, and it is also a problem that Xin Meng has not figured out so far. It looks like a BUG, but theoretically there should not be such a big BUG in the game, and no staff has been seen...

Wait, is there really a new staff member hiding in their team and they didn't notice it

It's not impossible.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he should be sure, and Xin Meng began to think in this direction.

Li Yan, Zhou Shengnan, Olivia, Shen Tukou...

Who is the GM

Li Yan and Zhou Shengnan don't look alike, and a pervert like Shen Tukou shouldn't be chosen as the GM, right

"Shall we go find Olivia first?" He discussed with You Yi.

You Yi had no objection. The two girls' opinions could basically be ignored, so they turned around and walked outside Xingfu Street.

No one noticed that a dark shadow quietly climbed over the wall and looked in the direction where everyone left.

The moment he passed by, the house number was bumped by his shoulder, and the last nail came loose. The house number fell to the ground, with the dirty 99 facing the sky, lying on his back like a corpse.

Silence was restored.

"I remember she said her mission was to rob a bank, but she didn't tell us which bank it was." Xin Meng looked around and thought that there might not even be an ATM in such an abandoned old community.

You Yi glanced at Feifei, who quickly took out her phone and started checking the navigation, and quickly said, "There is a bank on the commercial street... and it is the only one in this area."

That must be it.

Following the directions on the map, the four of them walked for a full hour, and it was almost dawn before they reached the commercial street.

The two girls panted tiredly and clamored to rest for a while. Although Xin Meng wanted to complain about how an NPC could complain about being tired, he still considerately let them sit in the interface for a while while he and You Yi waited beside them.

This commercial street looks a bit antique from a distance. There is a wooden sign at the street entrance. The text on it cannot be seen clearly, but the hollow patterns and retro reliefs are quite nice. Unfortunately, the first thing after entering is... The business owner is McDonald’s…

Xin Meng looked at the McDonald's and stared at it for a long time. Just when You Yi wanted to ask him if he was hungry, he suddenly burst into laughter and couldn't stop laughing. You Yi had to be supported so that he wouldn't sit on the ground.

Not to mention the two girls looking at him in horror, even You Yi was confused, "What's wrong?"

"There are four people here, no one needs to eat, and there isn't even a normal person! Hahaha!" Xin Meng laughed so hard that tears came out.

You Yi: "..."

Xiaojia: "Haha..."

Feifei: "Haha..."

After Xin Meng had laughed enough, the two girls didn't dare to rest and ran inside at the lead.

The four of them walked into the commercial street.

I don’t know if it’s because it’s too early, or because there’s no one else in the game. The commercial street is very quiet, there’s no one there. The shops, shopping malls, and restaurants are all closed, and the windows are like the open mouths of monsters. , black hole.

Even fast food restaurants like McDonald's, which are supposed to be open 24 hours a day, are unusually closed.

Xiaojia felt a little hairy and held Feifei's hand tightly along the way. She didn't dare to look around. She just stared down at the asphalt road under her feet and was led forward.

But Feifei kept looking around curiously and didn't find a stone in front of her. She tripped on it and almost fell to the ground. Xiaojia was pulled forward by her and swayed forward, but she still grabbed Feifei's arm in time and didn't let her go. She falls.

However, it was precisely because of this incident that she raised her head and happened to see the large display window of a clothing store on the right. There were several dummies wearing fashionable women's clothes in the display window, and the glass was polished to a shine.

Just on the shiny glass, a familiar shadow reflected.

The woman with torn skin and flesh asked her with a smile: "Why didn't you kill him? Why didn't you kill him...?"

"Ahhh-" Xiaojia covered her ears and screamed wildly, but the sound seemed to be able to penetrate her palms and pour into her ears. Xiaojia almost collapsed!

"Xiaojia! Xiaojia! What's wrong with you!" Gradually, the voice disappeared and was replaced by the voice of a familiar friend. She opened her eyes and saw Feifei anxiously calling her name. When she saw that she stopped calling, Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What did you see? Why did you scream suddenly? It scared me to death!" Feifei complained.

Xiaojia immediately turned to look at the glass, pointed hard and said: "There, there..."

She was stunned.

There was nothing on the glass, only three dummies standing crookedly with strange expressions, as if they were laughing at her panic.

"There's nothing there!" Feifei said with a pout, "Do you think the dummy is a real person? Don't be surprised and scare me."

As she said this, she pulled the stunned Xiaojia forward, and Xiaojia had to follow her.

Xin Meng and You Yi looked at each other, and Xin Meng shook her head, "She didn't scare me..."

It turns out that ghosts can bully the weak and fear the strong.

The four of them continued to walk forward, but Xiaojia's legs were weak and she almost fell down several times. It was all thanks to Feifei that she caught them in time, and the two of them fell behind unknowingly.

I don't know which city this is. It's not marked on the navigation, and the two girls can't tell clearly. It doesn't look very prosperous along the way, but the commercial street is quite big. It has a "bow" shape from the entrance to the exit. Go up several turns to reach the bank on the last street.

Just after they turned the first corner, Xiaojia suddenly pulled Feifei, then covered her mouth with one hand and whispered something in her ear.

Feifei rolled her eyes, "Okay, okay, I'll go tell them."

Then she stopped Xin Meng in front of her: "Well... Xiaojia wants to go to the toilet, can you wait for her?"

Go to the toilet

Xin Meng pursed her lips. Going to the bathroom in a horror movie was not a good sign. It was a proper flag...

But first of all, this is a girl, so she can't act like a pervert and prevent her from going to the toilet. Secondly, it may also be a task of NPC, and it is probably impossible to avoid it. Now, as players, they can only adapt to the situation and prepare in advance.

Sure enough, the NPC's main mission was to commit suicide. There was only one shop door on this street that was ajar. Xiaojia held her stomach and opened the door without hesitation and went in.

Xin Meng looked up at the sign: House of Mirrors.

Xin Meng: "..."

Xiaojia, who was born, didn't know whether she was timid or brave. She stood in the door and waved to them: "Don't be so far away. Can you just wait for me at the door of the toilet? I'm scared."

Xin Meng really wanted to say that if you're afraid, don't go into a place like this where someone could die at first sight, but Xiaojia had already run in on her own.

In order to prevent the 250 NPC from actually dying inside, he could only drag You Yi in with him. Feifei seemed to be tired from walking, so she simply sat on a round stool at the door and stretched her legs to relax.

The so-called Mirror House is actually a place that sells mirrors. There is not much space inside. There are shelves on the counter and all kinds of mirrors hanging overhead. There are Chinese-style, European-style, finished products, semi-finished products, and others. There is a large mirror that has not been processed yet. The mirrors are all facing the direction of the door, reflecting the hazy skylight outside. If you step in, you will be scared to death.

However, this brainless NPC seemed to have forgotten that he had just been frightened by the Mirror Fairy and screamed. Instead, he was bewitched by this scene that was comparable to a literary fantasy film. He wished he could transform into a heroine and dance among the messy mirrors. Dance and shed tears of emotion.

Xin Meng: "..."

Refuse to acknowledge being a colleague.

There was no one in this small shop. Now that I thought about why the door was open, I felt that it was a trap. If the NPC had to come here to use the toilet, the plot would be triggered.

Xin Meng thought about this from the perspective of an outsider, and then together with her dear boyfriend, she did something she had never done before in her life - guard the bathroom door for a girl.

You Yi turned his head and glanced at the caught wrist: "...Why are you dragging me with you?"

Xin Meng clenched her hands a little tighter, "It's so embarrassing for me to be alone, like a pervert, you have to stay with me."

You Yi: "..."

It's like saying it doesn't matter if there are too many people.

The two of them were talking and thinking about things, but their attention was always focused on the small toilet in front of them. Xin Meng called Xiao Jia from time to time, and waited patiently when she heard her response, for fear that this person was born to hold him back. The NPC died silently, causing their mission to fail.

According to the normal routine, there must be a mirror in this toilet. The chance of Xiaojia being frightened and attacked by the Mirror Fairy is more than 80%. As long as she screams or suddenly doesn't respond, they can rush in and save her.

Every second of waiting was very long. When Xin Meng was complaining in her mind about why it took so long for a girl to go to the toilet, a piercing scream suddenly and unexpectedly sounded. The sound was very shrill and frightening. Breaking sound.


However, Xin Meng was shocked when she reacted. No! Not Xiaojia!

The sound came from the door!

It’s Feifei!

You Yi had already run out one step ahead of him, but it was still too late. He only had time to see Feifei being choked by a man and dragged to the corner of the street. In the blink of an eye, he was out of sight!