Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 123: Bloody Mary (7) Accidental separation


You Yi moved the fastest and rushed to the corner immediately. Xin Meng, who was coming from behind, thought he would chase after him, but saw him suddenly stop and face the road on the other side of the corner with a frown.

Xin Meng was a little confused as to why she stopped chasing him, but when she ran next to him and followed his gaze, she knew the reason.

The two men were gone.

There was no one on the desolate and quiet street. There was no Feifei, no man holding her hostage, and not even a single footprint on the ground.

How is this going

Xin Meng ran forward a few meters and searched the surroundings carefully, but found no trace.

"Are they teleporting, or am I hallucinating?" Xin Meng's eyes widened in surprise, "Where are the people?!"

You Yi's eyes kept scanning the walls on both sides, and suddenly he paused and walked to the left.

There are two jewelry stores there. Normally, there will be a relatively narrow wall between adjacent stores. The wall between these two jewelry stores is slightly wider than other places, but it is not obvious. Really ignore it.

You Yi touched around on it and fiddled with it a few times. He didn't know which brick he pressed, and the wall suddenly opened silently inward like a door.

Feifei's whimpering sound was immediately heard from the dark passage with her mouth covered. Not only was she in great pain, but she was also continuing to move deeper!

You Yi dodged and entered the passage first, followed by Xin Meng. He walked in with one leg, but suddenly heard a strange noise.

Another female scream came from somewhere behind, echoing over the quiet street, shocking.

This voice seems to be... the NPC Olivia brought with her

It seems that they have indeed arrived here!

This is very embarrassing. There is Feifei struggling for help in the front, and another NPC wailing heart-wrenchingly in the back. If they save one, something will happen to the other one, and no matter which NPC dies, the game will fail!

You Yi turned back and looked at Xin Meng: "Split up to save people. Wait until I come back to find you."

The situation was urgent, and Xin Meng had no better solution. He could only nod and watch You Yi continue to sneak into the passage. He turned back and quickly ran towards the direction of the sound, which was the bank.

As the distance got closer, the sharp screams became clearer!

When Xin Meng turned the corner, what he saw in front of him made his hair stand on end!

The young and beautiful Olivia has turned into six separate pieces of minced meat. On the rolled head, the eye sockets are sunken and the eyeballs are protruding. The sticky blood slides down the high bridge of the nose and drips from the tip of the nose to the ground. , his expression was distorted and frightened, and he seemed to be confused, as if he couldn't figure out why he died like this...

The girl whom Xiaojia and Feifei called their eldest sister knelt on the ground facing the corpse with tears streaming down her face. She grabbed her hair and screamed. Her vocal cords were torn. She gradually lost her voice and her spirit collapsed.

Next to the body, a bent man was picking up her scattered limbs and reassembling them into a human shape on the ground.

He is not tall, thin and thin, wearing prison uniform...

When he heard the noise, he raised his head to look at Xin Meng and gave him a humble smile.

Xin Meng couldn't believe her eyes, Shen Tukou...

Did he kill Olivia? !

how so!

Moving his eyes to the side, a strange female ghost with disheveled hair and a bloody face was reflected on the bank glass. Shen Tukou was staring at him with a vicious look!

Xin Meng turned back to Shen Tukou in shock: "Why?"

Shentu Kou put Olivia's legs into a perfect posture, with her knees bent and at a wide angle. If you ignore the blood still gushing out, she would be like a prostitute trying to please a customer, facing the murderer. The devil reveals his seductive paradise.

After setting it up, he straightened up and even took the time to look at his "work". When he felt satisfied, he said casually: "It's just a little hobby."

Xin Meng never expected that she would meet a murderer who killed and dismembered his companions as a hobby!

He said angrily: "She is your teammate! Don't you want to clear the level?"

Shen Tukou still looked harmless, spreading his hands: "What the card says is that as long as one person completes the task, the whole team will pass the level. If I kill you, my Mirror Immortal will be satisfied, and I can pass the level." , you still have to thank me!"


Xin Meng's eyes narrowed, and instead of being irritated as the other party expected, she keenly caught the strangeness in his words.

He didn't say "she", but "you".

Does he also want to kill himself and other players

The murderous player and the ferocious Mirror Ghost NPC actually reached an agreement...

A chill ran down his spine. With sharp eyes, he saw Shen Tukou picking up a long and sharp machete from the ground. He made a sudden decision and turned around and ran away without hesitation!

Sure enough, footsteps followed closely behind, and Shen Tukou laughed wildly: "When I think about killing you six times in a row, I am so happy that I never want to leave this game!"

abnormal! ill!

Xin Meng cursed in his heart and ran even more crazily.

I originally thought that after restoring my NPC identity, I would no longer have to worry about dangers in the game, but I actually encountered threats from players again!

Although he probably wouldn't die, he didn't want to experience the process of being hacked to death and dismembered.

How did this kind of murderer get into the game, and how could anyone break the game

Shen Tukou was chasing after him, his devilish laughter was in his ears, and the sharp cold wind caused by the blade was constantly cutting on the back of his neck. The illusion of falling.

"Oh, I forgot, this is not your first time participating in the game. Have you died before? How many times have you died?" Shentu Kou Jiejie smiled, his expression becoming more and more abnormal, seeing the machete getting closer and closer to Xin Meng, It's like taking sildenafil and I can't help myself.

Xin Meng paid no attention to him. He ran as fast as he could and looked to both sides, looking for a way to escape the pursuit.

The opponent has weapons, but he is bare-handed. He will be the one who suffers in the fight. It is definitely not a wise choice to face him head-on.

But all the shops were closed, there were no side roads, and there was no place for a chase.

"Why are you running! Is this the last time? Hahahahahaha!" Shen Tukou was so excited that he hit the glass of a nearby store with his machete, and it suddenly shattered into pieces, while he was holding the handle of the knife. His hands were extremely steady, not a bit loose!

He looks so thin, but he is so strong!

Is there a small universe hidden in the perverted chest

Xin Meng thought and barely dodged the flying glass shards. Looking forward, he saw that it was the entrance of the commercial street. Without any time to think, he rushed out quickly, turned right into an alley, and picked up the The gravel on the ground hit Shen Tukou behind him in the face.

Shen Tukou had no choice but to raise his hand to stop him. In just a moment, Xin Meng had already dived into the unfinished building at the end of the alley like a swimming fish. By the time Shen Tukou caught up to the door of the building, he had lost track of him.

Shen Tukou raised his head and looked at the sixteen-story building with exposed steel and concrete with a gloomy expression.


Suddenly, he smiled.

He bent down and used his free hand to pick up a small piece of cut steel bar from the ground.

The eyes behind the lenses narrowed, looking at the cold and hard weapon intoxicatedly as if appreciating a work of art. His scarlet tongue poked out and licked his lips, with a strange look on his face.

"How naughty..."

He holds the steel bar in his left hand and the machete in his right hand.

Shen Tukou walked into the building.

Because of her previous experience of hiding in the kindergarten building, Xin Meng saved a lot of time to think. She rushed straight to a floor that was neither high nor short, probably in the middle, but the environment here was much worse than that of the kindergarten. It was too empty and bare. The rough house didn't even have a door, and the windows hadn't been installed yet. The glass was still leaning against the wall. There was almost no place to hide except behind the wall.

The first thing he did was to cautiously walk to the window and look down. Unexpectedly, he didn't see anyone, and Shen Tukou chased him in.

After confirming his guess, he went back to the wall near the corridor, listened to the sounds outside, and went over the matter.

Shen Tu Kou is indeed a murderer, or to be more precise, a psychopathic murderer. From the conversation just now, it can be heard that he has reached an agreement with his Mirror Immortal. If he kills these players, the Mirror Immortal will let Shen Tu Kou passes the level, and Shentu Kou can continue to the next game to continue killing his companions and enjoy the pleasure of killing.

From this point of view, Shen Tukou is also a very smart murderer. He knows how to negotiate terms, knows how to find gaps in the rules, and knows how to use the intelligence of NPCs to do things that others can't think of.

No wonder the NPC girl who was with him when he entered the door was so pale, as if she was greatly frightened. She probably didn't expect to hear that incredible agreement.

So these players are in danger.

Now that Olivia is dead, I don't know what happened to the other two girls - of course, Xin Meng doesn't particularly care - the most important thing is that You Yi is separated from him.

I don't know who kidnapped Feifei in the first place, but he should not be You Yi's opponent. I hope You Yi can come back and join him soon so that he can tell him about this and let him be careful about the Shentu Kou... and deal with him together.

To be honest, Xin Meng was still a little reluctant to face Shen Tukou alone. It wasn't that he was a coward, it was just that the man was mentally disturbed at first sight. As the saying goes, soft people are afraid of hard people, and hard people are afraid of hard people. Those who don’t care about their lives, those who don’t care about their lives are afraid of those with mental illness...

Even an NPC with rudimentary intelligence would be afraid of an ultimate being like Shen Tukou who was tough, lifeless and mentally ill, let alone someone with normal human thinking like him

Especially now that You Yi is not with him, he always feels a vague sense of uneasiness.

But the good news is that at least he doesn't have to worry about the lives of those NPCs. Judging from Shen Tukou's intentions, he won't let the game fail easily before killing a few of them. He still wants to clear the level and continue to kill his teammates. Slaughtered like a pig.

This can be considered a blessing among misfortunes, otherwise if he had to go back to save people, the risk factor would immediately increase greatly.

The next step is to delay time and wait for You Yi to come back, or look for an opportunity to kill Shen Tu Kou with one strike!

Xin Meng narrowed her eyes, a cold light flashing across her pupils.

After deciding on the strategy, Xin Meng relaxed her body, leaned slightly against the wall, exposed one eye, and silently stared at the corridor outside the door.

The sky was already bright, and the bright sunlight came in from the window, reflecting a dazzling square shape on the ground.

A dazzling light slipped through the glass window leaning against the wall.

The long-haired evil spirit quietly appeared and stared at Xin Meng's back quietly.

She belongs to Shen Tukou.