Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 126: Bloody Mary (10) The team was destroyed


Xin Meng remembered that the prostitute Li Yan once said that the task she received was to go to a haunted house to kill a "ghost".

Of course, this "ghost" is not a real ghost. I am afraid it refers to a staff member who plays the role of a ghost in the haunted house.

He had a mobile phone and directly navigated the neighborhood. There was a playground in the southeast of Xingfu Street, at the very edge of the city, and as usual, it was the only one. When he tried to look outside at the map, his phone's screen went black.

Because of Xin Meng's bad premonition, the two of them almost ran to the entrance of the amusement park. They found that the iron gate was wide open and the various entertainment facilities inside were running normally - even if there was no one there. .

As soon as they entered the main entrance, there was a huge topographical map of the amusement park in front of them, marking the location of the haunted house. Xin Meng and the two remembered the location and headed straight for it.

Lifting the black curtain at the entrance of the haunted house, before Xin Meng stepped in, her nose smelled a familiar smell - the smell of blood.

He walked in carefully and saw a corpse on the ground divided into six pieces in the faint flickering green light.

Li Yan.

Judging from the method of killing and dismembering the body, it was exactly the same as what Shen Tukou did to Olivia.

"It's too late." Xin Meng felt a little pity, "It seems that he really wants to kill all his teammates."

"There is one woman left." The environment inside was really not good, so You Yi dragged her out, "Do you know where her mission is to go? If you hurry up, it might be too late."

Zhou Shengnan? Xin Meng frowned and thought for a moment. She didn't say what she was going to do at that time...

But Xin Meng blinked and said, "She is still in college and wants to kill a college student."

You Yi saw the blue light flickering inexplicably in his eyes and then disappeared instantly, and suddenly smiled, "Recovered?"

"Well," Xin Meng was a little embarrassed, "I just remembered how to use the system functions."

You Yi sighed, "There is no NPC as stupid as you."

Xin Meng couldn't agree with this and retorted, "Look at other NPCs, aren't they all stupider than me!"

You Yi laughed and asked him, "Can they compare with you?"

Xin Meng choked, faced the other party's teasing gaze, and said bravely: "Yes... what can't be compared... No, aren't they all NPCs..."

He felt guilty as he spoke, and the last word was swallowed in his stomach.

"Oh, you are an NPC." You Yi's voice was flat, with no emotion.

However, the look in his eyes was different. It clearly revealed: "I'll see how you go on."

"Anyway... it's an NPC! I haven't remembered anything else yet!" Xin Meng's eyes were wandering around, "I really didn't think of anything, I just remembered that I was an NPC! You can't blame me... By the way, hurry up and save me. Come on, or the murderous maniac will succeed again!"

After saying that, he grabbed You Yi's arm and ran towards the exit. You Yi couldn't do anything to him, with a very helpless expression on his face.

The two of them rushed back to the university without stopping. It was already dawn, but the school seemed like a giant beast that was still sleeping. There was no sound, no people, and it was quiet, as if it was on summer vacation.

They searched around and finally found Zhou Shengnan broken into pieces on the school playground.

The smell of blood was pungent, attracting flies buzzing around the corpse. The woman's expression was still frozen in fear, her eyeballs were bulging, as if she didn't expect to die suddenly.

Although she will be resurrected in the next game, this horrific experience will probably be something she will never forget.

So far, except for the murderer and these two special beings, the team has almost been wiped out, and none of the three women have survived.

The dungeon originally did not require high physical fitness, but due to the variable Shen Tukou, they died faster.

Xin Meng sighed: "Actually, looking back now, there is a reminder on the card, [There is more than one murderer], which probably means that in addition to the mirror ghost, there is also a murderer in the team, but it is their first time to participate in the game. Still lack of experience, insufficient awareness of dangers, and insufficient vigilance.”

You Yi said "Yeah" casually, obviously not caring about the fate of others.

There was no sign of Shen Tukou around the body, but Xin Meng knew that he must not be far away and was just hiding.

He did not use the system function to directly locate the opponent's position. After all, it was... the last game, and he wanted to end it successfully as a player. Besides, although Shen Tukou is perverted, he is still an ordinary player in essence. It is neither a bug nor affects the normal operation of the game. Those killed by him are just losers under the law of survival of the fittest, and are not people needed by the game. , if there is a dark horse among them, you can fight it out on your own, and no one else needs to interfere with your destiny.

Thinking this way seems a bit cold, but Xin Meng has no other choice. "Kindness" is not in his established program. Even if a small amount of it spontaneously arises over time, it is only enough. Used on a limited number of people.

He has a clear goal. Since he wants to pass the level, he must first analyze the current situation clearly.

"The requirement for clearing the level is to meet the requirements of each mirror ghost. You didn't, and mine has been solved. There are only four mirror ghosts left to deal with. In addition, Shen Tukou said that his mirror ghost requirement is to kill us all, but ... When it encounters us, it doesn't dare, and will even try to help us and become a hindrance to him, so in fact, there is no need to consider Shentu Kou's side, the remaining three women's mirror ghosts. As long as we do it for them After completing the mission, you should be able to clear the level.”

"There is still a time limit." You Yi added, "There are only two days left until July and a half."

Xin Meng nodded, remembering Shen Tukou's card: [In July and a half, a hundred ghosts ascend to heaven.]

By July and a half, these mirror ghosts will all disappear together. If this is the real world, it would be fine. You can survive without threats, but this is in the game. NPCs are gone, so the mission cannot be completed. Once it fails, the team will Everyone in the game will drift in the game forever, gradually losing their minds, having their traces of humanity erased, and finally disappearing silently.

This is the [punishment] for failing the game.

Cruel and unreasonable.

There won't even be a chance to turn around again.

Xin Meng walked around the scene and finally found the mirror ghost following Li Shengnan on the surface of the pond.

The Mirror Ghost's face was gloomy - of course, this creature never seemed to be happy, and now it was a little more impatient. After seeing Xin Meng, the impatience calmed down a little, and he said directly: "I want to kill Li Zhuo , he will pass by here in the afternoon."

Xin Meng asked it: "Who is Li Zhuo? What does it have to do with you?"

Mirror Ghost's face seemed to be darker, and he said viciously: "He is my boyfriend, this disgusting scum, not only stepping on two boats behind my back, but also pushing me into the water for that little bitch! He obviously Knowing that I couldn't swim, I died like this, and he wanted to kill me on purpose! Even if I become a ghost, I won't let him go!"

This is just the setting of the game. Xin Meng didn't feel anything at all. He said bluntly: "Besides killing him, is there any other way that would satisfy you? Is it okay to lock him in prison for more than three hundred years?"

He made the suggestion according to the request of his mirror ghost, thinking that it was probably a universal solution. Unexpectedly, the mirror ghost denied it: "No!"

Xin Meng had no choice but to continue asking: "Then what do you think we should do?"

Mirror Ghost insisted on his condition: "I want him to die!"

Xin Meng had no choice but to kill the NPC, so no one would be able to pass the level. He thought for a while and persuaded it: "Look, it's quick to make someone die, but now that he's dead, he can't regret the wrong things he did to you. Isn't this pain over too soon?" ? Are you willing to do that? It’s better to lock him up and let him spend the rest of his life in prison repenting for his mistakes, what do you think?”

Mirror Ghost gritted his teeth: "That's not okay, I still can't let me completely vent my anger... If we lock that bitch together for three hundred years, then I will reluctantly agree!"

It's more troublesome and time-consuming to get two people than to get one person. Xin Meng said impatiently: "If they are imprisoned together, there will be endless children and grandchildren in three hundred years. It's not enough for them to cheat outside, you also want to Put him in jail and continue fooling around?"

When the Mirror Ghost heard this, his face turned green, and he finally compromised after a while, "Okay then, just lock that bastard in alone. As for that woman... I'll figure it out myself."

It can try whatever method it can think of, it is nothing more than to scare the opponent. It is best to scare the opponent into having a heart attack and rescue efforts will be ineffective, but that has nothing to do with the player.

According to Mirror Ghost's instructions, Xin Meng and You Yi dug out Mirror Ghost's bones from the pond. They then went to the boys' dormitory building and caught the only male college student in the building, tied him up, gagged him and threw him to the edge of the pond. , where the mirror ghost could see him, and he could also see the rotting bones he had caused, and he called the police with the other person's frightened eyes, waiting for the police to come and arrest him.

It seems that this game is not empty, there are many necessary NPCs.

While waiting, Xin Meng suddenly felt something was wrong.

"By the way, where are the female college students?"

Xin Meng remembered at this moment that the two female college student NPCs who were supposed to follow Li Yan and Zhou Shengnan had gone somewhere so far. Because the sense of presence was too low, and Xin Meng didn't need to search for clues to solve the puzzle as before, so he didn't pay special attention, nor did he query through the system functions, he just asked casually.

"Someone took them away." The mirror ghost in the water never took his eyes away from the trembling "scumbag". With hatred and indifference, he answered Xin Meng's question.

"Is it Shen Tukou?"

There was obviously no other answer, but Xin Meng felt something was wrong. Why did Shen Tukou take away the NPC? He is not stupid. Judging from the general direction of his actions, he also wants to clear the level so that he can continue to kill more people. He should not do anything to hurt NPCs. When he killed Olivia before, he also It can be seen from the fact that he didn't attack the NPC who was following him, and just let her cry without any injuries.

But why did he take two oil bottles with him this time

To threaten them

However, Mirror Ghost's next words shocked Xin Meng:

"No, not him."