Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 128: Bloody Mary (12) Goodbye friends


Xin Meng actually didn't expect to have such direct contact with the opponent from the beginning. There was really no place to hide around. There were crop fields on both sides, and there was only one road leading here.

Anyway, there was nothing scary about him. There were very few people who could hurt him in the game now, so I relied on my skill to be bold and generous and walked over directly.

But the other party still surprised him, because he found that the NPC named Xiaotong was tied up and thrown aside like garbage. This was not something a GM would do at all!

He immediately became vigilant and quickly looked at the other people present. In addition to the NPC, there were three men and two women. The system indicated that they were all GMs, and one of them was...

"Xiao Kui?!" Xin Meng was taken aback and thought she was dazzled.

When her name was called, the girl who had always lowered her head suddenly looked up and saw that it was Xin Meng. She immediately smiled in surprise and stood up to run over, but Cheng Jiali grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

Xin Meng watched their movements and noticed the unfriendly eyes and attitudes of those people, and her heart sank.

Not a player.

"Qi Xiaokui, who is he?" Wan Zing came over and looked down at Xin Meng from head to toe. Seeing that he was young and thin, his eyes showed disdain and his tone was not very good.

Qi Xiaokui pursed her lower lip and said thoughtfully, "He is my teammate. He has been with me all the way and has a very good relationship. Don't look at him as a young man, but he is actually very powerful. I can survive thanks to him. "

Although she is lucky to be able to become a GM, it must also be difficult along the way. Although Qi Xiaokui has not told them about her experience, it seems that it is similar to others. What is important is that she has been in the main god space for a while. Her experience in the same period This teammate is still alive and seems to be in good spirits, which is unusual.

There must be something special about it.

The eyes of several people changed. Even Li Chu, who was sitting in the highest position, jumped off the stone, walked to Qi Xiaokui, and whispered: "Qi Xiaokui, ask him if he wants to return to the real world and let him join us."

Qi Xiaokui nodded, "Then I'll tell him the situation."

Cheng Jiali put down her hand, and Qi Xiaokui ran towards Xin Meng, holding his hand very excitedly, "I found you! Where is You Yi? Why haven't you seen him?"

Xin Meng didn't know the situation and didn't elaborate. He just said, "He has something to do and is not with me."

Qi Xiaokui looked at those people, held Xin Meng's hand tightly, took him a little further away, and whispered: "Xin Meng, stop talking first, listen to me, and don't show any other expressions. Now. The situation is a bit complicated. Instead of returning to reality, I went to a place called the 'Lord God Space'."

Xin Meng nodded, these were all things he knew.

"It was there that I learned that these game worlds are actually created by a large computer, and there is no way in or out. No one can return to the real world! The selected person can become a GM, or work in a technical field Players, living in the main god space, do not need to clear the game. They just need to maintain the computer so that it can operate normally. But it is impossible to return to reality. The card gives the player a false promise, but the result is a dead end. .Everyone who becomes a GM knows this."

Xin Meng murmured to herself: "They are all GMs..."

Qi Xiaokui didn't hear the deep meaning and nodded, "It's quite lucky, but also quite unfortunate. It's better to have hope than to know the truth."

Xin Meng frowned: "They destroyed these worlds. What do they want to do, attack the host?"

"They think it's this computer that's trapped them here, and if they destroy it, everyone can return to the real world."

Xin Meng said nothing, her eyes dim and unclear.

Qi Xiaokui sighed, "Actually, there are many people who think the same way, but they don't have the courage and have nowhere to start, because no one can find the real main body of the computer. The leader of this team is that Li At first, he was a programmer responsible for maintaining programs. He used data loopholes to create a weapon during his work. This weapon is very special. It can destroy game data, open up different game worlds, and completely destroy the data flow, such as killing an NPC. , the data of this NPC will disappear completely and will not be regenerated. If too much data is destroyed, the system will be affected, loopholes will appear, and there will be more and more loopholes. One day, it will no longer be able to hold it, and the host will be paralyzed. He felt When the opportunity came, I gathered some people and broke into the game to wreak havoc."

Xin Meng felt heavy. It turned out that this was actually the case. It was not the players who broke in, but the rebels among the internal staff.

He looked at Qi Xiaokui with a complicated expression: "You also joined them?"

Qi Xiaokui shook her head unobtrusively, "For me, life is better in the game than outside, and there is no one I care about in reality. I just came back to see if I could find you. I didn't expect to be so lucky. I met him as soon as I arrived.”

After saying that, she glanced over there secretly, and then added in a breathy voice: "I was deceived by my roommate, that girl, Cheng Jiali. She said she could help me find you, but I didn't find out until I came. That’s what it’s for.”

Xin Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

Qi Xiaokui was very nervous. She was trying to prevent herself from being overheard by the group. She didn't pay attention to Xin Meng's expression and continued, "They want me to persuade you to join, but I think you'd better leave quickly and go to GM. Follow them at your own risk." It's too big, and I always feel uneasy. The game system may not be destroyed so easily, and I don't know what will happen."

Xin Meng also moved closer and asked in a low voice: "Where is the weapon?"

Qi Xiaokui said: "The one in the middle wearing glasses is Li Chu, the person who invented the weapon. The weapon is pinned to his waist."

The shape is like a big knife, but it has a strange blue light, low-key and gorgeous. Xin Meng saw it, but the thing was created by Li Chu through loopholes to avoid system detection. Xin Meng could not scan it and could only observe it with the naked eye.

He thought for a while and suddenly said: "I'll join."

Qi Xiaokui was anxious: "Xin Meng!"

"Listen to me," Xin Meng looked into her eyes and said word by word, "I want to destroy that weapon."

Qi Xiaokui was stunned, and found her voice after a while, "...don't you want to go out?"

She thought Xin Meng would at least hesitate. After all, she became the GM and no longer had to clear the game. But Xin Meng still had to struggle. Wouldn't it be a better choice to take You Yi and the two of them out of the game

Letting Xin Meng leave was just because she was afraid that he would be hunted down by the system and the GM. Qi Xiaokui felt that Xin Meng wanted to leave, so even after knowing that she had been deceived, she did not find a chance to leave, in order to help Xin Meng and the others. After all, it doesn't matter where she lives.

Unexpectedly, Xin Meng suddenly sneered and showed an indifferent look that Qi Xiaokui had never seen before - of course, not at her, but at the four people over there, and said sarcastically: "Going out? Not going out. The host crashed, Everyone will die.”

Qi Xiaokui gasped.

"Help me." Xin Meng looked at the only friend in front of him, and his expression returned to gentleness.

No matter how many questions she had in her mind, now was not a good time to ask questions. Qi Xiaokui still decided to believe Xin Meng. She nodded. After the two of them had a preliminary communication about the situation, she took Xin Meng to her "companion".

"He agreed to join." Qi Xiaokui said, adding another thing. "But his mission is to rescue this NPC. Can you let her go and let him complete the mission first? It's easy to find a hostage anyway, but it's still a burden to take her with you."

Li Chu and Zhang Qinghe looked at each other, whispered a few words, probably to express their sincerity in acceptance, and finally agreed. Zhang Qinghe went to untie the rope that tied Xiaotong. Xiaotong got up in embarrassment, and gave Xin Meng one last look. , ran away without looking back.

Li Chu adjusted the black-rimmed glasses on his face, "You don't have to worry about the mission anymore. Follow us and you will never have to do missions again."

Xin Meng showed a relaxed smile and shook hands with him.

When Qi Xiaokui heard this, she suddenly thought of Xin Meng's cold words "Everyone will die" just now. She shuddered and did not dare to think about it further.

When a person dies, there is no need to do anything more than tasks.

Although he joined a small team, Xin Meng did not gain trust so quickly. He was still with Qi Xiaokui most of the time. At the same time, the girl named Cheng Jiali followed closely. It seemed that she was deeply in love with Qi Xiaokui, but in fact It also played a surveillance role.

Fortunately, they were all recruited by the system in advance because of their superb computer skills. They were not so slick when it came to conspiracies and intrigues, and Xin Meng soon learned a lot of information.

Li Chu mobilized many people at that time, but not many actually followed him. After all, most GMs still relied on hard work to get ahead and became leaders in various fields, even like Dou Douzhi, the master of the game. Liu, he was thriving in the game, but he didn't want to return to the ordinary reality.

So he only found a dozen programmers who were known for their skills and were admitted early. They didn't have enough experience, their ideas were simple, they didn't have so many twists and turns, they were easier to fool, and their skills were very useful. They formed A small team.

Li Chu believed that with the power of the weapons in his hands and a dozen highly sophisticated technicians, it should be almost enough.

In the team, he is considered the leader, and there is another one named Zhang Jingli who has the best relationship with him. He is not only smart, but also very good at fighting. The two of them have destroyed several worlds by working together, although they have not caused any damage to the system yet. What a big trouble, but it went smoothly so that everyone could see a bright future.

However, when they arrived in this world, they were finally caught up by the GM who was fixing the bug. They took hostages and divided their troops into two groups. Zhang Jingli took half of the people to stop and harass the GM, while they destroyed the main NPCs along the way. Almost, we will meet again then and go to the next game together.

The place where Zhang Jingli and GM were fighting was exactly the direction You Yi was going.