Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 129: Bloody Mary (Thirteen) Data Abyss


Calculating that You Yi would probably be delayed for a while, Xin Meng decided to just deal with it before he came.

He observed the weapon calmly, but Cheng Jiali seemed to notice that women are more attentive. She found Li Chu and whispered a few words. Li Chu glanced at Xin Meng and turned sideways to avoid Xin Meng. gaze.

This is a bit tricky, because the special function of that weapon has a great possibility of causing harm to Xin Meng. In other words, it is very risky for him to even touch it directly, let alone grab it and destroy it.

If she relies on Qi Xiaokui, the danger may be passed on to her. Xin Meng is in a dilemma and finally decides to observe again.

How powerful this weapon is and what kind of damage it can cause to him are all unknown. The scan result is empty and the system cannot identify it.

The group continued to walk forward under the leadership of Li Chu. Unfortunately, no other NPCs were found along the way. It seemed to be a problem with the route. It was all crop fields. At a glance, there was not even a scarecrow, let alone a real person.

Xin Meng frowned and was thinking about finding an opportunity to show him the way out when she suddenly heard the man named Zhang Qinghe say: "There seems to be someone in the cornfield!"

Xin Meng turned around and looked to the left. There was a small cornfield there, but there was no movement.

"Where is there anyone?" Wan Xing watched warily for a long time, but only the leaves were swaying in the breeze. Not to mention people, not a single bird was seen.

Zhang Qinghe scratched the back of his head, "Maybe I saw it wrong... I thought I saw a black shadow coming over just now."

However, Li Chu was still a little concerned. After all, Zhang Qinghe was also very discerning and his words were worthy of attention, but generally NPCs would not hide in that place. He thought for a while and asked Xin Meng: "How many people are left in your team?"

Xin Meng said: "Three."

Li Chu thought for a while and continued to ask: "Where are they all?"

Xin Meng shook his head: "I don't know about that. The small personal tasks we took on were all done separately. Who knows where they went."

"However," Xin Meng showed an unclear smile and no longer looked at the cornfield. Instead, she pulled Qi Xiaokui and continued walking forward until she reached the front of the team. Then she turned back and said quietly to the five people waiting for him. , "There is a perverted murderer among them, so be careful."

Perverted murderer

Li Chu and others were confused by what Xin Meng said. They had never met such a teammate - of course, if they had, they probably wouldn't be able to stand here.

So Xin Meng downplayed Shen Tukou's actions of killing other teammates, hiding many heartbreaking details, which made people feel that what he said was not worthy of the truth.

"What kind of perverted murderer? I think you are making too much fuss. Even if he takes pleasure in killing people, so many of us can't be afraid of him." Wan Xing snorted disdainfully.

Xin Meng shook his head and pulled Qi Xiaokui a few steps forward, showing a scared and uneasy expression: "He will not confront us head-on. He will only hide and attack. He might be in the cornfield now. I don't want to fight with him." He's facing him, let's leave quickly."

Even Li Chu showed contempt at this time. He thought this person was very powerful, but he didn't expect to be frightened by a murderer, even when there were so many people on his side.

He began to reflect on whether he had made a mistake. Could it be that this kid had passed so many tests just because of luck? Speaking of which, there are indeed such people who are extremely lucky. They can get the easiest tasks, can turn danger into danger, and can live well without any skills. Maybe this kid is such a person.

If Xin Meng or even Qi Xiaokui could know his thoughts, they could only say that he was "living in a dream".

The world is so big that there may indeed be such people, but in this cruel game, trying to survive by luck is simply a fool's errand. Li Chu still has too few games to correctly understand this basic common sense. .

But now he thought that what he was thinking was correct, and his attitude towards Xin Meng had also become indifferent. Instead, in order to give him some power and re-establish his status, he simply ordered Zhang Qinghe, "Hezi, go to the cornfield and take a look." ."

Zhang Qinghe didn't think so much, so he responded, took out a pistol and walked over.

Of course, no one except Xin Meng had any expectations for the result. They were all watching Xin Meng's jokes secretly. Qi Xiaokui, who had a basic understanding of Xin Meng, remained silent and followed Xin Meng honestly. Let him just do whatever he wants, but instead watch other people's drama in his heart.

Li Chu had even thought of the words to mock Xin Meng, but he didn't expect that as soon as Zhang Qinghe walked to the cornfield, a man suddenly rushed out from inside, brandished a huge machete, and hit him directly on the neck. Zhang Qinghe reacted Unable to catch up, he took the knife firmly. The blade sank into the fragile flesh and got stuck between the spine. Warm blood spurted out and sprayed on the man's face!

The blood slid down the cheek, and the red tongue stretched out and licked it on the lips. The blood he drank seemed to be some kind of delicious food, and he showed an intoxicated expression.

If not Shen Tukou, what kind of pervert would he be

"Ahhh!" Cheng Jiali covered her mouth and screamed!

"Hezi!" Li Chu and Wan Xing roared sadly, but no one dared to step forward.

Zhang Qinghe's body fell to the ground, and the gun in his hand also fell to the ground. It made a muffled sound, attracting Shen Tukou's attention. He looked down and was immediately happy. He quickly bent down and picked up the gun.

"Oops, he got a gun!" Li Chu realized something was wrong and immediately shouted: "Run!"

At this time, Xin Meng had already pulled Qi Xiaokui and jumped four to five hundred meters.

In addition, the original distance between him and Shen Tukou was beyond the optimal shooting range of the pistol, which made Shen Tukou feel very sorry for setting him as the first target, but it didn't matter, there were still three little mice, which was enough for him. So cool.

However, he was not very lucky. The first person he chose was Li Chu.

Li Chuyi was also panicked at first, but when he saw the muzzle of the pistol pointed at him, he calmed down and pulled out the big knife hanging from his waist to block it in front of him. When the gunfire sounded and the bullets came, , waving the big knife vigorously, forming a big blue net in front of him.

The bullet hit the back of the knife and disappeared silently before the violent impact could reach the wrist.

It's as if such a thing has never existed.

Shen Tukou was stunned.

He did not believe in evil and fired three or four times at Li Chu again, but the results were the same without exception. Those bullets hit the blue sword, and there was no news.

At this time, Li Chu's counterattack arrived. He waved his knife and ran towards Shen Tukou. Wan Xing followed behind him, using him as a shield and holding an ordinary knife, following him up. , when he arrived in front of Shen Tukou, Li Chu tilted to the right, Wan Xing bypassed him and jumped directly on Shen Tukou, knocking him down, and the two fought together.

Xin Meng watched the fight over there intently. Wan Xing and Shen Tu Kou were in a ball. Li Chu tried to help but was unable to intervene, so he could only stand aside. Xin Meng keenly noticed that the blue sword had just struck It passed the back of Shen Tukou's hand, but... did not cause any injuries.

In order to confirm his guess, he deliberately shouted at Li Chu, "Brother Li, why don't you help! Get a knife and chop him to death, otherwise we will all die!"

Li Chu was extremely angry and thought to himself that if you only know how to compare and run so fast, you won't be able to kill anyone who dies!

But there was nothing he could do. He really couldn't do nothing. He didn't tell anyone about some things, and Wan Xing didn't know about them. It would be bad if Wan Xing separated from him because of his inaction.

So he pretended to wave the blue sword, occasionally accidentally cutting the two of them, but indeed, he did not cause any wounds to anyone.

Is this knife useless to players

And it seems that Li Chu doesn't want anyone to know yet.

Xin Meng yelled again and shouted: "Brother Li, why don't you use that knife hard? Cut him on the back! Cut hard!"

"Fuck, Brother Li, help!" Wan Xing was pinned under Shen Tukou, and gradually became weaker, and shouted at Li Chu at the top of his lungs.

"Brother Li!" Cheng Jiali also called him anxiously.

Li Chu's face darkened, he glared hard at Xin Meng who had caused this series of troubles, and raised the knife in his hand.

Just when Xin Meng felt that the power of this weapon was no more than that and lowered his guard, Li Chu gave him a big "surprise".

The knife struck down hard.

It didn't fall on Xin Meng, or even on Shen Tukou's back, but on the ground aside.

Like a knife cutting tofu, the sharp blade sank into the ground silently, cutting a long and slender black space. The black was bottomless and ten thousand times more dense than the night. There was no sound inside, and even the air was still, like a life-devouring thing. After looking at a black hole for a long time, you can find that the blue electric light of the data stream that occasionally flashes inside is very dim.

The long knife cut horizontally to one side, and the soil, stones, and weeds on the ground were all decomposed and disappeared, as if the characters in the play had finally pierced the fragile floor, revealing the abyss below that could shatter one's body into pieces. .

Shen Tukou didn't know it at first, because there was no special sound at all, but as the black area spread and expanded, it inevitably broke into the corner of his eye. He took the time to turn his head and glanced, and he was suddenly shocked!

It was this pause that gave Wan Xing the opportunity. He turned a blind eye to the sight he had long been accustomed to, and took the opportunity to punch Shen Tukou on the temple, knocking him until stars appeared in his eyes. Then he turned around and kicked Shen Tukou. Toward the abyss!

"No!" Shen Tu Kou waved his hands in fear, trying to grab the ground beside him, but Li Chu immediately inserted the knife in his hand, and a large piece of the ground disappeared again, and the last hope was gone. Shen Tu Kou Kou fell in despair and soon disappeared.

Xin Meng looked at the darkness in disbelief, the database running crazily!

Gone! there is none left!

That piece of data, including Shen Tukou, all disappeared!