Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 132: Bloody Mary (16) brings you home


Because of his concession and the lack of more effective measures to punish Wan Li and others for a long time, they vaguely discovered the problem. Wan Xing didn't care about what appeared in front of him, he chopped it with a knife and rushed to Qi Xiaokui's side. He grabbed Qi Xiaokui's hair and pulled her up from Cheng Jiali!

"Let me go! Bastard!" Qi Xiaokui hit her behind with her backhand, but it was like a cricket shaking a tree. It hit the strong Wan Xing as if it was tickling him. In the end, he grabbed his neck and fixed it in front of him without saying a word. No, his face was twisted in pain.

Xin Meng frowned and seemed to want to rush over, but had to stop.

"Ha! You also have people you are afraid of hurting? What a joke!" Li Chu staggered to Wan Xing's side. Xin Meng, who was watching, laughed and said, "If you are really afraid of hurting her, why don't you let her leave the game? You It’s the system, don’t say you can’t do it!”

Xin Meng said nothing.

"Why don't you say anything? Ah? Do you dare to say that you didn't let her stay on purpose?" Li Chu was aggressive.

Xin Meng sneered, "You've finished talking, what else can I say?"

Li Chu's face darkened and he said angrily, "You are just a machine, how do you understand human emotions? You say you care, but you still refuse to let her go. A heartless and unjust thing like you shouldn't exist at all. !”

After saying that, he signaled Wan Xing to loosen his grip a little and stop strangling Qi Xiaokui to death. Then he smiled and said to Qi Xiaokui, "You heard it? He can let you go but refuses to let you go. He did it on purpose! In this way, you still can't." Want to help him?"

There was a fire in his heart. He had been very angry since the recruitment was not going well from the beginning. Is it meaningful for these people to be trapped in this false place and live day after day like zombies? Why not fight the system together and return to the warmth of your own home

This woman even more, actually helped it? Are you still "friends" with the system

He wished that the system that had been destroyed by a thousand cuts still had friends

Do not make jokes!

He said viciously like a revenge: "If you want to be friends with it, you have to see if the devil who kidnapped you is willing to do it!"

Qi Xiaokui was choked and couldn't speak. Her face was red from suppressing it, but she still tried to stare at him with wide eyes and spat on his face!

Angry, Li Chu raised his hand to slap her!

At this moment, Xin Meng suddenly said: "Do you want to know why I didn't let her out?"

Li Chu's hand paused in mid-air for a moment, then fell down fiercely, hitting Qi Xiaokui's head to one side. Her face suddenly became swollen like a steamed bun and turned purple, blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, and she was almost knocked unconscious. Almost fainted.

Xin Meng's hands were tightly clenched into fists, and there was extreme anger brewing in her eyes.

"I know what you want to do. If you want to change the subject, there's no way!" Li Chu said with a nasty smile. "I'm not interested in the love or hatred between you. I only know that if I kill you, we can go home!"

Xin Meng suddenly looked behind him and sneered again, "I'll tell you the same thing... No way!"

Before Li Chu could react, Wan Xing felt a gust of wind coming from behind him, but before he could dodge, he was grabbed by the back of the neck and thrown aside like a chicken. Qi Xiaokui in his arms was also pulled away. Only he fell heavily to the ground.

Li Chuyi turned around and encountered the same attack, but it was even worse. He fell face down and was stepped on his back severely. He could even hear the sound of his ribs breaking. There was a smell of fishy sweetness, and he spit out blood foam.

Xin Meng met the visitor's eyes, her heart suddenly relaxed, and she smiled.

You Yi is here.

In fact, it wasn't just You Yi who came, there were about a dozen people following him, all GMs. Several of them had traitors tied up in their hands, and they seemed to be on their side.

There were actually acquaintances among these GMs, and Dou Dou was among them. When the other GMs were stunned speechless by the scene in front of them, he rushed over to say hello to Xin Meng.

"Hey, Xin Meng, long time no see, what's going on?"

The co-author simply didn’t understand the situation.

Xin Meng didn't know how to answer the conversation for a moment. He wanted to say something to You Yi, but saw that You Yi acted quickly and immediately picked up the knife in Wan Xing's hand. There was another one on his waist, which might have come from It was taken from another gang.

He made sure that both knives were in his hands before signaling Xin Meng to come down.

Xin Meng quickly understood what he meant. He was afraid that someone present would take advantage of the knife and steal it to continue destroying the game.

However, it was no longer necessary. Xin Meng had made up his mind to resolve this matter completely and leave no further trouble.

Dou Dou first tied up Wan Xing and Li Chu, who were seriously injured by You Yi three times, with ropes. He then tied up Cheng Jiali, whose face was covered in blood after being scratched by Qi Xiaokui, and then threw all the people caught by GM together. , the GM stood in a circle around them, but they all turned their heads and looked at Xin Meng not far away with complicated eyes.

Li Chu had an unparalleled obsession with going home. When he saw that everyone was silent, including several colleagues who he had known before, and who had been unsuccessfully instigated by him to rebel, he vomited out the blood from his mouth. , while coughing and sneering, he spoke first: "It just so happened that you were all here. At that time, none of you believed me, saying that I was fanciful, but now it's better, I found the system! It's him! It's time for you to believe me, right? ? If we kill him, we can all leave the game, don’t you want to go home?”

The expressions of the others were complicated and unspeakable. Only Dou Dou was still outside the situation and looked at Xin Meng in surprise: "What? Brother, you, you are the system?!"

Xin Meng stood next to You Yi expressionlessly, holding hands with him, the blue light in his eyes still flashing. Whoever he glanced at shivered, but everyone saw him nodding.

Dou Dou murmured in disbelief: "How could... So, I have played games with the system?"

The words outside of the situation unexpectedly loosened the stagnant atmosphere a bit. Two people who had a good relationship with Dou Dou couldn't help but roll their eyes at him.

Seeing that the situation did not go as he imagined, Li Chu said anxiously: "What's wrong with you? The system is standing in front of you. The knife that can kill him is also here. Why don't you grab the knife and kill him!"

"If you think about it carefully, without him, we would not have experienced so many terrible things, we would not have to struggle between life and death, we would not have to have nightmares every night, we would not leave our relatives and friends, and we would not live in this false world. This ruthless place consumes time, and you can’t even die even if you want to! Think about it, who caused this!”

"Have you really never had any resentment? Didn't you hate him so much that you wanted to kill him immediately?"

I have to say that Li Chu's words still had a great impact. The GMs present were all former players who had experienced many games. Although they survived and gained various superpowers that they could not even imagine before, The process is so arduous and painful, and the near-death experience cannot be easily forgotten. Honestly speaking, how many people are willing to take this path

I'm afraid most people prefer an ordinary, but happy and peaceful life.

If they have not entered the game, they may have married or married, have one or two lovely children, can accompany their parents as they grow old, and can watch their children grow up until they close their eyes peacefully amidst the reluctant cries of their relatives.

This is the best life.

Instead of being trapped here and never seeing the important people in reality again.

It can be said that this is also a knot buried deep in the hearts of all GMs. They also have their own ideas, grievances, and even hatred, but they have never been able to find the right person, so they can only suppress it in their hearts, but now the right person is right in front of them...

Except for Dou Dou, a game maniac with a strange painting style, the way everyone else looked at Xin Meng changed more or less.

You Yi took a step forward and stood in front of him, his inorganic eyes sweeping over them one by one.

If Xin Meng's eyes full of cold data made them tremble, You Yi's gaze was frightening. They thought of his terrifying skills that they had just experienced, and the thoughts that had just arisen tended to be suppressed.

"What are you afraid of? There are so many of us, but why are you afraid of him?" Li Chu encouraged, "Two fists are hard to beat with four hands. How can he protect the system by himself! As long as he kills the system, he is not afraid. ! ”

Xin Meng and You Yi didn't say anything. The other GMs looked at each other, and the hesitation in their hearts was clearly visible.

Their hearts are torn between returning to their loved ones, gaining super powers and eternal life, and they don't know which answer to lean towards.

If they choose to return to their relatives, it means killing the system. Without the support of the game, they will lose their superpowers and immortality. No matter how angry they are, after all they have tasted the taste of the strong, they don't know if they can return to ordinary people. life.

If you choose power and eternal life, you will never have the chance to see your relatives and loved ones again.

This multiple-choice question is even more difficult to choose than whether to save your mother or your wife first.

The only thing they have in common is that once you make a choice, you can never look back.

In the end, the first one to speak was Dou Dou. He was relatively simple. He did not think too much and immediately fell into a dilemma. Instead, he relied on his first reaction to let Xin Meng solve his long-standing doubts: "Old... Xin Meng, I have a question that I don’t understand. Can you tell us first why we entered the game?”

As soon as this question came out, everyone else temporarily put aside their entanglements and looked at Xin Meng, waiting for his answer.

Not just Dou Dou, not just the GM present, but a question for all players.

why me

Why did I enter the game and encounter such a thing

Xin Meng was silent for a while, then spoke again, but instead of answering the question as everyone expected, she looked directly at the tied Li Chu.

"You want to go home, don't you?"

"Nonsense!" Li Chu spat at him.

"I'll let you go home." Xin Meng said.

"I knew... what?" Li Chu thought he would say he couldn't let him go, but he didn't expect to hear such words. He almost suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

The others were even more shocked when they heard this. Qi Xiaokui, who was sitting and resting next to him, also looked up at him sharply.

Xin Meng ignored the various gazes on her body and repeated her words:

"Don't you want to go home? I'll let you leave the game and go home."