Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 133: Bloody Mary (Seventeen) Back to reality


"You're not lying to me, are you?"

After the initial surprise, Li Chu began to become suspicious. He stared at Xin Meng warily, "What are your plans? Do you want to take the opportunity to kill me?"

"I don't have to go to such trouble to kill you. I understand that you want to go home so much, and I will help you." Xin Meng looked at him and then at everyone present.

"Your lives depend on this game. If you kill me, you will disappear into the world with me and will not return to reality."

He said: "Of course, I may also tell lies, but the question is, do you dare to bet?"


Another unsolvable problem.

"Don't confuse the situation. In order to avoid being killed, of course you will lie. Do you even need to ask?" Li Chu sneered.

Xin Meng ignored him and continued, "I have the authority to let you go. This is the only chance. Will you go?"

This time it was Li Chu who hesitated. He wanted to go home, but was afraid that Xin Meng would lie to him. He thought about it, rolled his eyes, and said, "Cheng Jiali is anxious to go out and marry her boyfriend. Since you have this opportunity, you Let her out first."

"Brother Li!" Cheng Jiali looked at Li Chu in disbelief. Who didn't know that he wanted her to test the waters first? This is too despicable!

Li Chu ignored Cheng Jiali, pointed the back of his head at her with a guilty conscience, and asked Xin Meng, "How is it?"

"No." Xin Meng dismissed his request, "Only you can leave."

When Li Chu heard this, he felt that this was a conspiracy against him. He was about to refuse when he heard Xin Meng say: "I am an artificial intelligence and I am restricted by the program. You should have discovered it just now. I can't kill the player directly." , including you of course."

Hearing this, Li Chu thought about what had just happened and believed it, but he was still troubled by the problem, "Then why am I the only one who can leave?"

Xin Meng gave him this answer: "You can create destructive weapons, this game has no room for you."

Although it didn't sound like a good thing, Li Chu finally accepted it. He said, "Yes, but I request that the entire process be broadcast publicly for everyone to see!"

He is very thoughtful. If everyone can supervise, the system will not dare to cheat.

But Xin Meng refused again, "Not the players, only the GM."

Li Chu thought for a while and settled for the next best thing, "That's okay. Just show all the GMs the process of my return home. Everyone present is my witness!"

A sneer flashed across Xin Meng's lips, and she nodded, "Let's get started, close your eyes."

Li Chu closed his eyes.

Everything that happened next was unclear. He only felt a ball of warmth wrapping around him, and then his body became light and weightless. He slowly floated up like a balloon, and then floated up again, as if he had floated to the ninth heaven. …

Then the warmth suddenly disappeared, and a biting cold wind blew. His body stopped and never rose again. Instead, it swayed with the wind, and he almost lost his balance and fell. He was so frightened that he opened his eyes suddenly.

He found himself standing at a familiar intersection.

On the left is an office building under construction. Tower cranes are hoisting construction materials. Workers are busy. On the right is the People's Park invested and constructed by the municipal government. There are several piles of gray-haired old people, some singing and some dancing. Yes, there are also a few children playing and office workers passing by in a hurry.

There is a wide road with no end in sight in front and behind. The traffic on the road is very congested and there are long queues.

He moved his eyes, as if someone had suddenly taken off his earplugs. The rumble of machines, the shouts of workers, the sound of singing, music, children's laughter, and the sounds of cars passing by and honking, all came together. The sound poured into his ears, leaving him at a loss for a moment, unable to adapt.

Is he... back to reality

The red light in front of him turned to green, and he quickly followed the crowd across the zebra crossing to the sidewalk on the opposite side.

He still remembers that this is the road he walks every day after work. He continues forward, crosses an intersection, and turns right into a community. The first building is his home. At this time every day, his parents will make warm meals. There was plenty of food, and when he returned, the whole family would gather around to eat.

The lights in the restaurant are warm yellow. His father told him at first that white was brighter, but his mother insisted on buying yellow because it was warm and warm. In the end, he and his father gave in. It turned out that in terms of the taste of life, they were very different. Everyone has to bow to their mother.

This is as familiar as a lifetime ago.

Li Chu almost shed tears. He stood on the road and looked up desperately, fearing that if his tears fell, people around him would think he was crazy. Fortunately, no one noticed him yet.

go home! go home!

Li Chu's face flashed with excitement and he ran towards home quickly, but maybe he was running too fast. Someone always bumped into him without looking at him on the road. He had no choice but to dodge and curse at the same time, as if he was trying to catch up. The time wasted and the wind was blowing under my feet while running.

Soon, he came to the downstairs of his house. He ran too fast, panting and his feet became weak. At this time, he supported his knees with one hand and wiped the sweat from his chin with the other.

The one in front of him was Unit 5. His family lived in the innermost unit. He calmed his breathing and walked forward. At the door of Unit 3, there were two familiar aunts carrying vegetable baskets talking. He called them. He greeted them and asked them if they had seen their parents, but the two aunts may have said it too warmly, and no one paid him any attention.

He stood there stupidly for a while, then slapped his head fiercely, "What the hell, let's go home first!"

Arriving at Unit 1 and climbing to the fourth floor, he hesitated in front of the door and then knocked.

At this time, something terrible happened.

His fingers did not knock on the security door, but went straight through.

Li Chu was shocked. He quickly pulled his hand back as if he had been burned. He rubbed his eyes, stared at the security door, and carefully put his hand on it again.

Passed through.

He was stunned.

Not just his hands, but his arms, legs, and finally his whole body passed through the security door and entered the house directly!

How is this going

After the shock, he immediately thought that the system must have done something to prevent him from really coming back!

He thought that there should be many people watching his live broadcast at this time, and he immediately started to yell and curse, saying that this system is a lie, no one should believe him, he has harmed himself, kill him quickly!

Tired of scolding, he finally stopped and took a deep breath. Seeing that nothing had changed, he felt indescribably frustrated and couldn't help but wander around in his familiar home.

Dad is not here, and neither is mom. Have you gone out

He walked to the wine cabinet and was suddenly attracted by the photos placed on one of the shelves. He picked it up and saw that it was a family photo. His parents were sitting side by side, and the one holding them in the middle was... not him

Li Chu's eyes widened. What's going on? Who is this little four or five-year-old kid in the middle? !

He began to wander around the house crazily, and found many new photos and a photo album just in the living room, all of this little baby. There was even a photo of his mother's pregnancy that he had never seen before!

Li Chu was shocked. The child in his mother's belly couldn't be him, because when he was born, cameras were not popular yet, and there were no pregnancy photos left at all. His mother couldn't be that old!

His mother gave him another brother

How much time has passed

He suddenly remembered that the two aunts he saw just now seemed to be older than before...

By the way, look for the desk calendar to see what year it is now!

Remembering that his mother still had the habit of putting desk calendars in the bedroom, he walked into the bedroom...

Then I saw something I regret seeing all my life.

In the corner of the bedroom, there was a black table. On the table was a 12-inch black and white photo. The person on it... was him.

Li Chu rushed over in disbelief and tried to pick up the photo, but couldn't touch anything.

Posthumous photo? How could it be a posthumous photo

He...he's dead

When this idea first came up, a door seemed to be opened in his mind, and the forgotten memories were completely revived. Li Chu squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, unable to recover for a long time.

That day, when he was at work, his mother called him and said that his father had broken his leg and wanted him to go back early. He was anxious and quickly asked for leave, completely ignoring his mother's instructions to him: "Don't worry, be sure to go all the way." "Be careful", I just want to go back quickly.

Later, when he walked to the intersection where he woke up, the traffic light in front of him turned red. He was anxious, looked around and saw no cars, and wanted to rush through.

As soon as I reached the middle of the road, a truck...

"Ahhh!" Li Chu yelled crazily, holding his head.

"I'm dead! I'm dead! I'm already dead!" He yelled, "Why did I forget, I'm already dead!"

He cried out in pain, tears and snot running all over his face.

"I'm already dead..."

On that day, he was hit by a car and killed.

Then, he time-traveled into the game.

"Yes, yes, I died. I entered the game only after I died. I remembered... I..." He fell into a trance and collapsed to the ground. "Even if I come back...where can I go..."

Not long after, something even more horrifying happened to him.

His body is slowly disappearing.

Staring at his fingers that were slowly becoming transparent, Li Chu's heart started beating wildly.

"Why come back! Why come back! I want to go back to the game! I want to live, I want to live..." He suddenly raised his head and shouted upward, "System! System! I know you can hear me! I I wronged you! I apologize, I apologize to you! Please take me back!"

Got no response.

Li Chu was really scared and regretted it. He couldn't remember why he had given up on being a good GM. He didn't want a good eternal life. He had to come back to seek death. He crawled to the living room and knelt down. The people on the ground begged the system, hoping to give him another chance.

He showed the most embarrassed and ugly posture in his life, burst into tears, and kept kowtowing desperately in a direction he didn't know.


The disappearance of the body has not stopped, nor can I see the place that I was tired of and hated, and now I want to go back to.

Finally, Li Chu finally understood something. He collapsed on the ground, his lower body completely disappeared. He only supported his upper body with his hands, looked at the roof desperately, and then laughed crazily and desperately, laughing and crying at the same time.

"You're right, you can't tolerate me anymore, you can't tolerate me anymore..."

The author has something to say: The next chapter is about to be finished, and then there will be an extra chapter. I will explain all the foreshadowing before, and then you can spread the flowers~~

I have been proofreading the full text for the past two days. Looking back, I found that there were many immature aspects in the previous writing, such as the description of Xin Meng’s eyes and the description of emotional scenes. Everything that could be changed was changed, but the V text was not allowed to be overhauled. So there is no way to change QAQ on JJ...

If you bought Little Angel of Personal Zhi, you can pay attention when watching it. The content of the show has been corrected~ Although I don’t know how many people will see ORZ in the end...

My Weibo name is: [Tangtang Yaoer-Jinjiang Literature]