Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 134: Bloody Mary (18) The End


Until he died completely, the miracle he expected did not appear.

Li Chu lost his life for the second time. This time, it is difficult to find him in the world.

Everyone in front of the screen was silent, looking at the picture in front of them and unable to say a word.

Xin Meng spoke in such silence. His voice was not limited here, but echoed in the ears of every GM.

[The infinite reincarnation system was created by scientists a thousand years later after a hundred years of scientific research. It is carried by a supercomputer and can run 150 million horror games at the same time and accommodate 1.2 billion players at the same time.]

[The age limit of game players is between 18 and 40 years old, spanning all ages in the past, present and future. The original intention of the game is to save their lives and give these young people who died young a chance to live again.]

[Initially, all the lost souls could be properly placed in the game, but the number increased year by year, gradually exceeding the carrying capacity of the game, and they could only be screened. Finally, after the transformation of scientists, it became today's "horror game infinite reincarnation system". Players need to continuously survive in horror games and stimulate their potential. Those who are good enough can obtain permanent residency and have the obligation to maintain the system. Others will be gradually eliminated by the system to make room for the next batch of players to enter.]

Most people were immersed in this unheard-of "secret". Only Wan Xing, who was not far from Xin Meng, couldn't hear it. He couldn't help but criticize: "Don't ordinary people who are not outstanding enough not survive?" power?"

Xin Meng glanced at him, but seemed not to take him seriously at all.

[A person who is already dead, every second in the game is an extra gift.]

Wan Xing couldn't say anything to refute.

It's true to think about it this way. It's just that he died again and returned to his original destiny. He was not killed for nothing. From this look, the game system does seem to be doing good things.

At least it really gives these GMs a chance to live again...

Perhaps among the tens of millions of players, only a handful can survive, and the chance is very low, but for those selected, the chance is 100%.

They are all dead anyway, and one more person can be resurrected.

Xin Meng continued.

[Every job you do is meaningful. By maintaining the normal operation of the game, your companions will increase, and one more person will survive. If the system can be upgraded, it can accommodate more dead souls and give more people hope of survival.]

[The pain, fear, and torture during this period are just the corresponding price. Where is the good thing that can help you live one more time without any effort?]

[I told all the "survivors" about this because I don't want stupid "rebellion" to happen again. If anyone can't accept the truth and still wants to return to the real world, come to me and I will take you home.]

As soon as he said the words "Send you home", everyone present who witnessed his previous conversation with Li Chu broke out in a layer of white sweat. They were all as quiet as chickens. No one dared to speak for fear of being " send home".

I am afraid that for a long time, they will have a serious psychological shadow on these three words.

"Who are you?" Suddenly, someone asked.

This person is not in Xin Meng's world, but Xin Meng can hear it.

He said coldly:

[My name is Simon, I am an artificial intelligence and the main system of a supercomputer.]


Everyone invariably lowered their heads and looked at their arms. There was a uniform armband on it. On the black background was a capital S in silver artistic style. There was a small snake-like M on the hook, or maybe it was just a random drawing. wavy lines.


"Is anyone else going home?" Xin Meng's voice became colder and colder, and this time only the people in front of her could hear it.

Everyone was shaking their heads violently, even the weak Doudou didn't dare to say anything. He clasped his hands behind his back like a primary school student, trying his best to show him a well-behaved expression.jpg.

Xin Meng's expression softened a little.

"You do what you should do." Xin Meng pointed at Wan Xing and Cheng Jiali, "Untie them too."

The GMs honestly untied the two of them, and then they teamed up to run for their lives, running faster than being chased by ghosts, as if this was the most terrifying horror game scene.

Although Dou Dou wanted to stay, he was dragged away by his friends without turning around.

Everyone dispersed, and the place quickly became deserted, leaving only Xin Meng, You Yi, and Qi Xiaokui.

Xin Meng breathed a sigh of relief. Although the explanation this time may not be detailed enough, and various problems may arise in the future, he will solve them one after another, and will not allow Li Chu to be admitted in advance based on his excellent skills. .

People who have never experienced setbacks are not mentally mature enough and are always prone to making mistakes.

Then, Xin Meng turned to Qi Xiaokui, who had been silent.

"Do you have anything to say to me?"

He knew that Qi Xiaokui must have something to ask him.

Qi Xiaokui stood up from the ground, bit her lower lip, looked at Xin Meng with a complicated expression, and said after a long time: "I... I can't accept it. Since you are the system, have you been lying to me from the beginning?"

Pretending to be a player who has just entered the game, pretending to be ignorant, pretending to risk his life to save her, pretending to... be friends with her

But there was something Qi Xiaokui couldn't understand even more, "It's okay if you lied to me, why are you still pretending not to know You Yi? What does this mean, let him chase you again, so you can enjoy the process of being chased again?"

Xin Meng was anxious to explain when he heard it from the front, but when he got to the back, he showed a slightly embarrassed expression and glanced at You Yi next to him.

But he found that You Yi was smiling but not smiling, and his eyes clearly said: Watch a good show.

"Tsk," Xin Meng rolled her eyes and explained to Qi Xiaokui: "I didn't mean to lie to you, and I didn't mean to let him... cough."

Qi Xiaokui listened with wide eyes.

"This is my second task besides overall control of the game, which is to test newly generated games and adjust the difficulty. After all, if the difficulty is too high or too low, the meaning of screening will be lost."

Xin Meng said embarrassedly, "When the computer first started running, I was brought in to control the overall game. It can be said that I cannot be left out. But there are advantages and disadvantages. The producers have been worried that I will live too long." For a long time, there will be unpredictable changes in emotions and thoughts, causing losses to the game. At first, I wanted to destroy mine after a while, but the loss would be too great, and the cost of finding a new artificial intelligence would be too high. , simply set up a secondary command for me, that is, every fifty years, the memory bank must be formatted and put into a new game to reincarnate with the players. So when I met you, I really I don’t know anything, I can’t even remember who I am, and I can’t find my memory until now in this game.”

After hearing this, Qi Xiaokui finally calmed down and sighed: "It's been hard for you too."

Xin Meng was noncommittal.

Qi Xiaokui forgave Xin Meng, but she ignored one question: He lost his memory, but You Yi didn't, so why didn't he tell him the truth

If she could really think of it and ask Xin Meng, she would definitely see the other party's more embarrassed expression again.

Xin Meng felt a little guilty now.

In fact, You Yi doesn't have to follow him. He gave You Yi the authority second only to him in the game. Everything that can be opened is open. You Yi can do whatever he wants, but before entering the game, he not only acted coquettishly but also acted like a spoiled brat. She asked You Yi to promise to keep her lost memory a secret, and also asked him to follow her and play games with her, euphemistically calling it fun...

To put it bluntly, Qi Xiaokui really got it right - he just wanted the other party to pursue him once.

Who said that she had always chased him before? Xin Meng had never enjoyed the process of being pursued.

As a result, I really lost my memory and entered the game, but I was worried about the gain and loss because of his concealment, and I was unhappy.

What the hell is he doing!

No wonder You Yi wanted to take out his heart during the Demon King game, probably to... punish him

Thinking of that incident, he immediately turned to look at You Yi, and was about to question, but heard You Yi say: "What to do with these two knives?"

"..." She knew he was changing the topic, but Xin Meng felt guilty and couldn't really get to the bottom of it. She could only vent her frustration and said: "I don't know, just keep it. If you don't want to see me someday, just hack me to death." ."

You Yi glanced at him lightly, and Xin Meng was shocked, "Ah? What did I just say? Why can't I remember it?"

Seeing him change from being smart to acting stupid in seconds, Qi Xiaokui laughed out loud. It seemed that the saying "one thing brings down another" was really true.

You Yi put the knife on the ground, put a stone under one side, raised the knife, and stamped it hard with his heel. With a "click" sound, the knife broke!

However, things were not that simple. The knife was broken, but the blue electric light was still there.

Xin Meng leaned over to take a look, and stretched out her hand to touch it lightly, but You Yi grabbed her hand halfway and prevented him from getting closer.

"Now that things have happened, we can only find a way to remove this knife from the game and send it to the real world. It will turn into ordinary scrap metal and will no longer pose a threat to the game." Xin Meng pondered.

It's easy to say, but it is a very huge project.

Xin Meng couldn't touch the knife, let alone move it directly, so You Yi had to take the weapon through thousands of game worlds and reach the game closest to the border. Xin Meng would open the border, and You Yi would move it. Throw the knife.

It must take a long time, but it doesn't matter. What they don't lack most is time. They have a lot of time to travel together, fall in love, and get things done at the same time.

After hearing their plan, Qi Xiaokui nodded to express his relief. Now everything is on the right track and everyone is back to their respective positions. Qi Xiaokui is still the GM, You Yi is to some extent, and Xin Meng has restored his identity in the system. In other words, they If you want to meet again, you don't have to be restricted by the game and can contact you at any time.

In the end, Qi Xiaokui hugged Xin Meng and told him to visit her often, and Xin Meng was teleported back to the main god space.

"Let's go." Xin Meng stretched out his hand to You Yi and smiled, with the dimples looming at the corners of his mouth.

You Yi looked at him for a while and held his hand.


The author has something to say: I finally hit END~Spread flowers~~~

Don’t worry, little angels who are not satisfied, there will be an important extra chapter tomorrow, which can be regarded as a puzzle chapter (actually it is the real ending ORZ). It will dig out and fill in all the previous foreshadowings~ but it may be a little bit To cure (cause) and heal (depression), just eat it selectively~~ Just think of it as a "cute bedtime text" for the little angels who read this!

I was suddenly reminded that I should create an anti-theft chapter. I wanted to try and see if it worked, so I set the anti-theft time for the next chapter to 72 hours... Hey, please pay attention to the time. [Laughing and crying]

Please allow me to be willful at the end, after all, it feels uncomfortable to have your text stolen haha... ORZ...

PS, a new article is here, next door. Although I am busy with my personal journal recently and cannot keep it updated, the little angels can collect and fatten it up first! Mmm~~333


small theater:

Xin Meng complained: Who would regard this kind of article as a cute bedtime article

You Yi: Me.