Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 135: Extra - What kind of person am I?


Time passes very quickly and very slowly. For GMs who live in the main god's space and don't have to worry about lifespan, they hardly need to worry about this issue. No matter whether it is fast or slow, it is the same as standing still for them.

Except for one person.

Qi Xiaokui has been very worried recently because the fiftieth year is getting closer and closer.

Although Xin Meng had told him before that his memory bank would be cleared regularly, Qi Xiaokui felt that fifty years, most of a person's life, was quite a long time, so he didn't take it too seriously, but who knows Just living such an ordinary life, forty-nine years have passed in the blink of an eye

This year she was a little anxious.

She is different from You Yi. You Yi can reincarnate with Xin Meng at any time. At worst, he will be chased back. The two are still a sweet couple. However, Qi Xiaokui is not the mission GM, so it is impossible for Xin Meng to randomly travel into the game. Wouldn't Meng completely forget about her

Even if there is a chance to think of it in the future, what if

Qi Xiaokui is still such a good friend who cares deeply about her. How could she allow this kind of thing to happen

She decided to do something.

So in the past two days, Xin Meng, also known as System Simon, would receive system messages from Qi Xiaokui every now and then. As soon as he opened them, he would see densely packed text that made people confused.

However, Simon still watched carefully from beginning to end with great interest.

"The writing is so detailed. I even recorded my expression and what I said at that time. It's like a novel! In fact, I even forgot that it was..." Simon was amazed at first, and then his face froze, "What?" I blushed when you held my hand? She must have remembered it wrong!"

Behind him, You Yi leaned on the bedside, showing a rare lazy expression, and stretched out his hand to hug him into his arms. "I remember correctly."

Simon curled his lips and turned to look at You Yi.

"She was afraid that I would forget her, so she wrote down all the process of getting to know her, and kept a backup so that she could show it to me when I lost my memory." Simon stretched out his hand to grab You Yi's face, and pulled it to both sides as if joking, " You see how caring people are, but you don’t know how to learn something and write something for me?”

You Yi allowed him to mess around, but pointed out mercilessly, "I am also involved in this process."

The implication is that Qi Xiaokui wrote so completely that he even wrote his share.

"Of course you can't write the same thing!" Simon put down his hand, hugged his neck instead, rolled his eyes, and looked like he was thinking, "Well... By the way, how about writing a lot of love letters? "


Simon ignored the other party's speechless expression and followed the temptation, "When the time comes, I will see, wow, someone actually praised me like this, it must be true love! Maybe it will save you the process of chasing me!"

The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was a good idea. Just as he was immersed in his beautiful thoughts, he heard You Yi suddenly say: "You still want to play?"

Simon made a move, leaned his upper body back, put some distance between himself and You Yi, and looked at him.

You Yi's eyes were indifferent, "You know, I don't like to hide things."

Simon let go of his hand and uncomfortably withdrew from You Yi's arms, smiling reluctantly, "How could I hide it from you..."

However, they both knew exactly what the situation was.

There was such a tacit understanding that Simon even wanted to pretend that he didn't know what You Yi was referring to.

At the beginning, what he said to Qi Xiaokui was what he had told You Yi. It seemed reasonable, but in fact it was full of loopholes. Many problems could not be explained, especially for You Yi who was following him. Far more than Qi Xiaokui, and more able to spot contradictions.

For example, why was Simon's memory bank put into the game after it was formatted and reincarnated like an ordinary player

Qi Xiaokui didn't consider that if this was the case, wouldn't it mean that the game would have no system supervision for a long time? Could it really be set by the game producer

For You Yi, it was even more unreasonable, because Simon had never become a player in the past few fifty years.

Before the time travel, Simon told him that he wanted to experience the life of a normal human being, so he traveled secretly. He believed this, but seeing him slowly regaining his memory, You Yi couldn't believe it.

Simon never regained his memory. His memory bank was permanently and completely cleared.

Why is this an exception

For another example, his ambiguous words about the time of amnesia made Qi Xiaokui think that he had already lost his memory during the original zombie game.

But You Yi knows that there is definitely a difference between the amnesia at that time and later. In addition to the mismatch in the time of clearing the memory bank, after the game is cleared, You Yi can still see Simon in a special space, which shows that at that time For Simon, You Yi is still special and meaningful.

When did the situation change

The Demon King's Castle.

After the Demon King's Castle, he was never able to enter that special white space again, and he never saw Simon's true form again.

He lost his authority and the ability to see the system. In other words, he became like everyone else to System Simon.

So, not at the beginning, but at that time, Simon's memory bank was really formatted.

What's so confusing about the contradiction is that it was after the Demon King's Castle that "Xin Meng in the game" actually began to slowly regain her memory

As a result, many unexplainable problems arise.

Why did he lose his memory before formatting? Why do I remember it in the game after formatting? And why is it that even the memory of the original body is revived after I think about it

Also, what Simon said to Qi Xiaokui at that time was that he would be randomly thrown into newly generated worlds for reincarnation, but You Yi knew that those worlds were carefully selected and laid out by the system Simon a long time ago, especially —The Demon King’s Castle.

After calming down and carefully recalling everything that happened in the Demon King's Castle, what exactly did Simon do, the answer is ready to come out.

You Yi lowered his eyes, already guessing something in his mind.

He doesn't care about being used, he just doesn't like this so-called tacit understanding. At best, it's a tacit understanding, but at worst, it's secretive and full of barriers.

However, Simon still had a sense of luck and tried to change the topic: "How about I write you a love letter instead, and then I will chase you?"

You Yi's eyes were a bit cold, and Simon couldn't stand it anymore. He rushed back to the other person's arms and hugged him, "Don't look at me like that! I didn't avoid you in anything! In fact, you know everything. Why?" You must let me say it!”

Seeing that he was frightened, You Yi softened his expression, put his hand on his waist, and said slowly in a rare soft voice: "You should at least tell me how far you have gone. Even if I keep following you. , what I can do and what I can guess is limited. I know what you like, what you hate, when you are happy, when you are angry, but more importantly, about your data, your program, your memory bank, and I don’t know what kind of restrictions are imposed on you.”

Simon felt a little uncomfortable after hearing this, but You Yi did not stop and continued, "Now in your heart, I may be special, but I am actually just a player. To this computer, or to you after amnesia , is no different from thousands of other ordinary players. I am not as powerful as you think, and even all the changes that have happened to you, I am unable to do, you can only rely on yourself, which makes me feel very frustrated. ."

After saying that, he sighed, "Forget it, I shouldn't have forced you to ask."

These words were like a knife, piercing Simon's heart.

"Stop talking, stop talking... I'll tell you everything." Simon buried his head in the crook of his neck and said dully.

After all, unlike others, he didn't dare to hide anything from You Yi, and he couldn't.

"I don't want to lose my memory anymore, and I don't want to forget you." Simon sighed, "So I took advantage of the loopholes in the rules and did something."

First of all, every fifty years, the program will automatically scan Simon's memory bank and clear out all the memories stored in it at that time.

Simon took advantage of this feature to take out the memory data one step ahead of time before the time came. In other words, the previous amnesia was basically his own fault. In this way, there are not many memories left in the memory bank, and it does not matter if they are permanently deleted.

So where are these taken out memories

He placed it on You Yi.

And he couldn't tell You Yi about this yet. The emotional fluctuations and thinking information of everyone in this game will actually be transmitted in the form of data, which will be scanned by supercomputers at a speed of billions per second. This is why Li Wenjun did not tell anyone about his memories before his death. Having said that, the reason why BUG is still being scanned out.

There must be no signal like "the system's memory is on me" in You Yi's cognition, otherwise it will be difficult to escape investigation.

So You Yi actually carried all his memories without knowing it, and was dragged into the reincarnation of the game by him, in order to use the complexity of the game world to cover up and avoid the scanning of the program.

But another problem will arise. Since You Yi doesn't know that he has it, how can he return the memory to him

If you really let him carry it with him forever without realizing it, until the memory is completely dissipated, or one day it will be scanned out and then deleted, wouldn't it be all in vain

So Simon carefully chose the worlds he and he would travel through, thinking over them one by one and carefully arranging them in order.

From their initial encounter, to him being formatted, to recovering his memory, everything is under his control.

The previous games were just foreshadowing. He accurately calculated the time for formatting the memory bank, and at that stage, arranged a special copy - the Demon King's Castle.

In fact, You Yi guessed something wrong. His memory bank was not cleared after the end of the Demon King's Castle, but when he first entered. At this point in time, there will be a brief intersection between the data generated by the plot operation, the data generated by the program deletion memory bank, and the data generated by the player Xin Meng’s thoughts, which will initiate the prioritization of program operation. :

First of all, the game that players enter must maintain normal operation. It is a first-level priority that cannot be changed and will continue until the end of the game, taking up most of the computing resources. Secondly, as a player, the memory gained from previous games is also protected. , so his memory in the game cannot be erased, this is a secondary priority; finally, his body is formatted as a system and the remaining memories in the memory bank are lost.

Taking advantage of the conflict of priorities, he abandoned the small and pursued the big, discarding the dispensable bits and pieces in the memory bank, but retained the memory in the game, and defeated the system as a player.

Next, the plot runs normally, and he participates in the game as an ordinary player.

In this copy, You Yi will replace the Demon King candidate inside, and he will be sent to his camp.

Everything went according to his plan and went in an orderly manner. He helped You Yi get the position of Demon King, and You Yi would give up the position of Demon King to him.

In the end, even my heart was given to him.

- Yes, the act of digging out the heart and feeding it to Xin Meng once made "Xin Meng in the game" puzzled and painful. However, for "Simon as a system", it was a crucial part of his plan. .

He had already guessed it.

Unconsciously, Xin Meng ate his heart. The heart beat in his chest and eventually melted into blood and blended with his blood. In this blood, there was a huge memory.

As time goes by, these memories will slowly come back to life until he is completely reminded of the past.

And because it exists in the blood of the body and not just in the memory bank in the mind, even if another fifty years, two fifty years, or countless fifty years pass, Simon no longer has to worry that he will completely forget it. Youyi.

This plan is cleverly laid out, but it is also extremely dangerous. If anything happens to one of the links, or if You Yi doesn't give him his heart, the plan will completely fail.

In the next fifty years, You Yi will become a complete stranger to him again.

He would lose control of him. If one day, You Yi gets tired or falls in love with someone else, he can leave him without any guilt and start a new life.

This is what Simon really fears.

He wants to control his own destiny, engrav the deep, cruel, and never-removable imprint of You Yi on his own flesh and blood, never forget him, never let him go, never... never let him have the chance to leave him.

For this reason, he was willing to try even at the risk of being discovered by the creator and being completely deleted as a threatening artificial intelligence.

There is nothing he can't say about this. Everything is over and he can tell You Yi.

But if you think about it deeply, when he was making plans, You Yi also became a chess piece in his hands, acting according to his expectations.

Even at that time, You Yi gave up his heart to him in order to make the game easier for him. He still had a little bit of revenge and teasing intention, and deliberately did not tell "Xin Meng" what he was going to do in advance. , also thought of it in advance.

The pain and sadness that followed was also Simon's deliberate punishment for himself.

This is what Simon least wants You Yi to know - he can see through You Yi's thoughts, predict his actions, and... take advantage of him.

Even if the original intention is good, how can a person like You Yi accept others treating him like this

If possible, he doesn't want You Yi to know about this for the rest of his life!

He wanted to maintain his good image in You Yi's heart, and he didn't want their relationship to have a rift because of him.

If You Yi leaves him because of this, he...

He will definitely lose control and imprison You Yi.

The hand placed on the back of You Yi's neck couldn't help but clenched into a fist.

This is the real him, You Yi... can you accept it

Simon told You Yi everything, but his mind was in a mess, and his body couldn't help but tense up, like a bow string that was stretched to the extreme, and if you add a little more force, it would break immediately.

However, there was a sudden warmth on his back, and Simon was startled to find that it was You Yi's hand caressing his back.

"I already know." Even if he didn't understand it at the time, after so many years, with You Yi's wisdom, it was impossible to really be kept in the dark, and he had already guessed it.

You Yi's words surprised Simon, and his calm attitude puzzled Simon even more. He stepped back a little and stared into You Yi's eyes.

Isn't he angry

Seemingly seeing through his doubts, You Yi said calmly: "If it were anyone else, of course I would be angry, but if it were you, I think it's normal."

"Huh?" Simon was so nervous that his mind was like a ball of mush, and he didn't even understand.

"You are a super artificial intelligence with a huge database. Is it strange that you can predict human behavior?" Looking at the stupid way he opened his mouth, a smile appeared at the corner of You Yi's mouth. "I am very happy that your IQ remains at a normal level. If I’m really afraid that I would never choose to be with you in the first place.”

Simon hugged his neck hard, "No! You can't stay with me!"

He wanted to make a more domineering declaration, but his voice was choked.

You Yi hugged him, turned his head and gently kissed away the wet marks at the corners of his eyes.

"I know what kind of person you are, don't be afraid, I won't leave you."


"If I want to leave, will you allow me?"

"No! Of course not! Never!"

As usual, Qi Xiaokui received a reply from Simon—oh, she still used to call her Xin Meng, Xin Meng.

But this time it was a little different. The joyful tone almost penetrated the ordinary text, letting her nose smell the sour smell of happiness.

"What? Because You Yi said love words to you, so you want to go on a honeymoon on a whim?" She turned the two sentences over and over in disbelief.

Suddenly his eyebrows stood up in anger, he put one hand on his hips and pointed at God with the other and cursed:

"I'm so worried that you'll forget about me, but you actually have the nerve to go on a honeymoon? Damn it, how many years have you been an old couple, what kind of honeymoon are you going to have! Why don't you return my tears! Bastard!"


The second piece of mail arrived.

Qi Xiaokui was so angry that she poked it open. There was only one sentence on it.

[How could I forget my best friend, fool, see you later.]

"Tsk," Qi Xiaokui puffed up her face and muttered in a low voice, "I can't forget why I didn't tell you earlier and lied to my feelings."

She closed the email, and after a while, she couldn't help but open it and read it again and again.

His cheeks twitched, as if he wanted to laugh, but he was afraid that others would see him, and finally twisted into a strange expression.

She didn't reply, so she waited for Xin Meng to come back and ask her, "Did you see the email?"

In this way, she will definitely feel disgusted and say disdainfully: "I saw it, not much..."

—I’ve just watched it 1,000,000 times.

The author has something to say: This is the last chapter on the Internet, and it’s all over now~Spread the flowers~~~

Thank you to all the little angels for accompanying me all the way, and to the end. You have always brought me happiness and satisfaction. I also hope that this article can bring you some joy, even if it is the inspiration to complain hahahaha~~

In fact, I really miss you, but no matter how long the article is, it will eventually end one day. However, after consideration, I still don’t plan to leave JJ for the time being, so we can see you again in the new article~~

I love you so much~~333333

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