Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 18: Zombie Town (18) Completed!


You Yi stopped abruptly, and Xin Meng almost bumped into his back.

"What, what's wrong?" Xin Meng asked blankly.

However, You Yi reached over, protected Xin Meng behind his back, and took him two steps back, "Something's wrong."

Xin Meng blinked, tilted her head, walked around You Yi and looked forward. Is there nothing wrong

Just when he was confused, Li Yougen's familiar scream suddenly came from in front of him!


This sound is comparable to the scream when I suddenly saw hundreds of zombies in military uniforms at the Public Security Bureau. Of course, the situation is almost... exactly the same!

The door of the bungalow opened by itself at this moment, and what came out of it were those terrifying zombies in military uniforms, weren't they? !

The scene, as if time had reappeared, was extremely terrifying. Those nightmare-like entities came again without warning. Just when they were about to escape, they blocked the only way to survive, and were about to trap them to death. it's here!

One, two... fifty... a hundred...

The zombies were constantly coming out of the door, with ferocious faces and sharp claws, and they were running towards everyone quickly. The vast green ocean was almost ready to completely submerge everyone!

"Friends, we meet again!" Wild laughter suddenly sounded, and Jie Zi's figure appeared on the ordinary roof. He was shirtless, showing off his exaggerated muscles, and stepped on the eaves with one foot. , looked down at the four people below, his eyes paused on You Yi for a moment, his cheeks twitched inexplicably, he looked away, looked at Li Yougen, and chuckled, "Where are you going? My baby, you are going. I miss you so much that I have to come here to find you, tsk tsk, otherwise you can stay and accompany him, right? After all, he was your former teammate!"

As he spoke, a figure walked slowly behind him. Who could it be if it wasn't the mutated Xiong Jiabao

Or maybe it’s a purple monster…

At this time, Xiong Jiabao's appearance became even more terrifying. His body swelled again, almost as tall as two heroes. His skin was ulcerated, exposing his dense white bones. As he walked around, he could still hear the faint creaking sound of bones rubbing against each other, which was very disturbing. His hair stood on end, and only half of his face was lost. His thin eyelids disappeared, and his entire eyeball was exposed, staring at Li Yougen greedily.

Li Yougen stepped back step by step, trembling with fear, and almost didn't sit on the ground. When he saw Xiong Jiabao running towards him quickly, he turned around and ran away in panic, screaming angrily: "Damn bastard! It's not me who killed you. Yes, why are you chasing me! It's him!" He pointed at Dong Xiu on the other side and shouted loudly, "He killed you on purpose, he did it on purpose! If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have died! The injustice is right. You have a debtor, go to him! Go to him!"

"You!" Dong Xiu gritted his teeth, glared at Li Yougen hatefully, and then quickly hid behind the car in front of him.

The monster turned a deaf ear and still chased Li Yougen. In fact, Xiong Jiabao's consciousness was no longer in this body. Without human consciousness, only primitive greed and appetite remained, as well as the "food" he saw after the mutation. His slight obsession made him always pester Li Yougen, regardless of who killed him.

Because he is not Xiong Jiabao, just a rotten and mutated monster.

Xin Meng watched clearly from the side. He did not go up to help Li Yougen, but paid more attention to the group of uniformed zombies on the other side. They ran out with their teeth and claws, and were lured away by Li Yougen's scream. They followed him and have not affected him yet. When they arrived at the corner where Xin Meng and You Yi were, Li Yougen saw that no one came to help him. He was so angry that he wanted to give him a backstop, so he simply rushed towards Dong Xiu who was closest to him.

Dong Xiu finally couldn't keep calm and cursed Li Yougen loudly. However, in desperation, he could only escape with Li Yougen. Fortunately, the vehicles here were relatively dense and the loss of flexibility was very poor, so the large army was still blocked for the time being. Not all the zombies outside the traffic flow came in, and the zombies that came in were also affected and did not run fast, giving the two of them a short respite.

Pulling Dong Xiu was probably the most correct decision Li Yougen made. As soon as he joined, Li Yougen, who was running around like a headless fly, unconsciously followed Dong Xiu, who had a clear goal, and was led to the exit by him. Run, the two of them are probably less than 300 meters away from there, and their chances of escaping are very high!

Xin Meng and the others were still watching from a distance, far away from the zombie army and the exit.

"Ah!" Dong Xiu suddenly roared, and instantly increased his running speed to a 100-meter sprint!

The door is getting closer and closer to him. A little more, a little more, and he will be able to leave here!

"Boom! Bang!"

A deafening sound sounded without warning, and the car in front of Dong Xiu was instantly smashed away. Jie Zi teleported to the exit with a power and speed that a normal person would never have. With a raise of his hand, he lifted all the cars and knocked them away. An open space was cleared in front of the door, and some of the military zombies following him quickly occupied it. They stood neatly like soldiers in formation, all facing Dong Xiu, their eyes like black holes filled with malicious joy. and greed, staring closely at him.

Dong Xiu couldn't brake in time and almost hit him head-on!

Seeing that there was no way forward, Dong Xiu immediately turned to the right. According to his opinion, when the two of them were attacked from both sides, the most correct move should be to escape separately and disperse the pursuers, which would increase the chance of survival. However, the pig teammate Li Yougen behind him was so scared that he couldn't make a correct judgment. He followed Dong Xiu and turned right. There were not a few zombies behind, and they all chased after the two of them again.

"You idiot!" Dong Xiu wanted to strangle him to death!

The soldier zombies lined up in front of the door did not move. Only their heads slowly rotated with the two people. The two dark eye holes were still stuck to the two people. The movements of dozens of them were completely synchronized, just like they were trained and trained when they were still alive. white.

Seeing this supernatural and terrifying scene, Xin Meng's hands shook, and she clenched the clothes behind You Yi's back with some fear, but was patted by the man comfortingly.

Those zombies were attracted by Dong Xiu and the two, but the two people standing further away were not affected. Jie Zi didn't seem to be interested in them either, playing tricks on Dong Xiu and the others like a cat playing with a mouse. Xin Meng and You Yi were safe for the time being, but Even so, it doesn't mean that they can stay out of the situation. The group of military zombies is blocking the exit. If they don't find a way to rush past, they will still be consumed here.

"What should I do?" Xin Meng looked anxiously at Dong Xiu and Li Yougen, who were running slower and slower, and then at the airtight exit that was blocked. She couldn't help but ask You Yi, "Can you kill these zombies with a gun?"

You Yi glanced at Jie Zi and raised his gun, "You stand back and find a safe place to hide."

Xin Meng has always been self-aware of his own strength and did not show any pretense. Instead, he immediately ran back obediently, found a van, hid behind it, and observed the situation in front through the window glass.

Without Xin Meng, You Yi's face returned to its usual indifference, and his beautiful brown eyes were filled with frost. He raised his gun, pulled the trigger, and fired a round of shots at the heads of the military zombies in front of the door. !

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang..."

It is said to be a strafing shot, but the accuracy is astonishingly high. Almost no bullets are wasted. Each shot will hit a zombie in the head. Before the zombies have time to react, they fall to the ground softly. In the blink of an eye, only Less than half of the zombies were still standing. When Dong Xiu and Li Yougen heard the gunfire, they turned back to look at You Yi in surprise. They immediately turned on their heels, dragging another large wave of zombies behind them, and started to run towards him again.

"You..." Xin Meng stomped her feet angrily. Did she want to kill You Yi again

However, You Yi turned a blind eye to the two of them and didn't take them seriously at all. He quickly changed a new magazine and quickly returned to Xin Meng before they could get closer, pulling him towards the exit. , and continued to shoot with the other hand, killing the remaining zombies one by one. However, the strange thing was that Jie Zi, who was originally blocked there, disappeared at some point.

The ground was full of completely "dead" zombies. You Yi took Xin Meng's hand and led him to the exit smoothly. Dong Xiu was overjoyed when he saw the situation clearly and rushed there. He was closer to the exit than Xin Meng. Meng and the others were close, but in order to bring the zombies to You Yi for him to kill, they made a circle instead and fell behind them.

At the exit, You Yi pushed Xin Meng to the small door first, "Go first!"

Seeing that he gave herself the chance to escape first, Xin Meng felt a little touched, and somehow she held You Yi's hand, "Let's go together."

You Yi didn't push it away, but held it back with his backhand. When Xin Meng stepped into the small door first, his figure immediately disappeared into the dark space. He followed suit. Before entering, he glanced sideways and behind.

"What are you doing! Bastard! How dare you bite me!"

Dong Xiu roared crazily and kicked Li Yougen hard, but Li Yougen hugged his waist tightly. His raised face had already turned pale, his pupils disappeared, and blood stained his lips and teeth, and covered his entire chin. , and then downward, starting from the base of the thigh, then between the legs, the calf, the skin and flesh rotted rapidly, and gradually spread to the whole body.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Dong Xiu's eyes turned red. He picked up a broken part of the car from the ground and smashed it crazily on Li Yougen's face. Rotten flesh, pus and blood flew everywhere, and his facial features were completely smashed. The hard The teeth were not damaged at all, and they were still biting and tearing Dong Xiu's flesh crazily!

"Just a little bit... Just a little bit I can leave..." Dong Xiu looked desperately at the exit, which was less than fifty meters away from him, but it had become so far away...

It seems like it will never be reached.

The last thing You Yi saw before leaving was that Dong Xiu stretched out his hand in his direction, as if begging him to give him a hand. However, there was nothing in You Yi's eyes, his steps fell, and he disappeared through the door in an instant.

In the strange white space, two figures gradually emerged.

One stop, one sit.

The man sitting on the ground opened his eyes, his eyes were misty, as if he hadn't completely woken up from his dream. The man standing looked at him for a while, then slowly walked to him, bent down, and gently placed his hand on the top of his head.


The person sitting looked up and smiled at the other person.