Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 3: Zombie Town (3) The first teammate


Xin Meng stared closely at the zombies, and even found the man and woman inside who had previously blocked the door of her home. They moved slowly and stiffly in the sun, but there were too many of them, and Xin Meng was not sure that she would be able to survive. Rush out without any damage.

This is how to do…

Xin Meng couldn't help but look around, but his eyes suddenly fell on a few cars parked in the community. He was a little moved. It seemed like a good idea to drive out

But not having a car key is also a problem. He can drive, but not unlock.

But this didn't bother Xin Meng. He looked at the environmental layout of the community, and after thinking about it, he came up with a vague guess. There are parking spaces everywhere in this community, but there are not many cars. As long as conditions permit, most car owners are accustomed to parking their cars in front of their homes, so he only needs to choose a unit with a car parked at the door and go in to see the situation. If you're lucky and someone opens the door, you can go in and look for the car keys. Most zombies will run out during the day, so there shouldn't be many inside the building.

Since it is a game, there must be a correct path to clear the level. If you cannot find it, you must have ignored some clues. After Xin Meng determined that this was a game, she thought about this conclusion while waiting for dawn. .

At this moment, there are no more than two hands of cars scattered around, which seems to be a vague clue. In Xin Meng's view, with cars everywhere now, which community would have so few cars? It must be a tip that can be used.

Just as she said, Xin Meng randomly selected a nearby unit where a Passat was parked, and quietly slipped in. The zombies at the door of the community were unaware, still walking slowly and letting out a rough growl.

As soon as he entered the corridor, Xin Meng was surprised to find that the doors of almost all the houses in this unit were open, and there were scattered debris in front of the doors. It seemed that they were in a hurry and did not have time to close them before leaving. As a result, he became more and more sure. My guess was correct, otherwise how could an entire unit have forgotten to close the door

Walking in carefully to make sure there were no zombies inside, Xin Meng began to rummage quickly. However, after searching four or five houses in a row, she could not find the car key. Instead, she found some biscuits and bread in packaging bags, as well as a few bottles of mineral water. , he put these into the backpack he had just found and carried them on his back. If he could not find the car keys before the sun set today, he would continue to hide. These food and water were the most important things to ensure his survival.

In the end, after searching the entire unit, he still couldn't find the key to the Passat. Xin Meng quickly went to find the next unit, until he spent nearly a whole day searching almost all the units where the car was parked. , but couldn’t even find anything in the shape of a key—whether it was for a car or not.

Could it be that he thought wrong

Xin Meng helplessly looked at the sun that was about to set, and then at the dark corridor in front of him. This was the last unit. If there was no key inside, it meant that he had really thought wrong, and zombies would appear at night. Maybe after entering the corridor, he could only find a safer house to stay for one night.

There was a brand new white Land Rover parked at the door of this unit. Xin Meng liked it as soon as she saw it, and she was looking forward to it unknowingly. This was better than a Passat or something like that! He mustered up the last bit of confidence and walked inside.

As usual, he started from the first floor. When he reached the fourth floor, he suddenly found that the door of 401 was closed.

This was a bit unusual, because the doors of all the units with parked cars he was looking for were open, and none of them had their doors closed. What was going on with this house

He was a little concerned, so he leaned over gently and put his ear against the door, wanting to hear what was going on inside. After listening for a while, his expression suddenly changed, and then he reached out and knocked on the door!

Soon, a carefree man's voice came from inside: "Who is it?"

Xin Meng did not answer, but continued to knock on the door until the door was opened from the inside. Xin Meng took a step back, only looked at the person who opened the door, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

It was a young man who was a little older than him. He had a typical country hair style, with long, feather-duster-like hair dyed in five colors of red, green, yellow, pink and blue. Only half of his ears were exposed. He had seven or eight holes pierced on his upper lip, earrings, earrings, a lip stud on his lower lip, and a nose ring in the middle of his nose. He looked like an old cow and wore a leather coat studded with rivets. He wore four or five miscellaneous necklaces around his neck. Skulls, metal teeth, and crosses were all mixed together without distinguishing each other. Below were ripped jeans and dirty white sneakers. He stood there with one leg straight and the other crooked. He didn't stand up, leaning against the door frame like a little gangster, with his chin raised high, as if he was the best in the world.

Where did chuunibyou come from? !

Xin Meng really wanted to turn around and leave, but his eyes were attracted by an armband on the young man's arm. On the black background was a capital S in silver artistic style, with a small snake-like M on the hook, or It's just a casually drawn wavy line, which is very special.

Just like what Xin Meng wears on his own arm.

Xin Meng helplessly stopped retreating, stretched out her hand, and reluctantly introduced herself, "Hello, I am Xin Meng, your teammate..."

He originally thought that based on the style of the young man's attire, he would hold his chin high and only glance at himself from the corner of his eyes, then ignore him in an awkward manner. However, he did not expect that the other party would fly over to him upon hearing this and grab him with both hands. His arms shook violently, and he burst into tears for a while: "Oh my God, I finally saw a living person! What the hell is this place! I just finished drinking with my buddies, and then I went to the toilet... I Either I wanted to urinate or I wanted to release some water, but everything went dark in front of my eyes. When I woke up, I ran to someone else’s house. I thought my buddy paid for me and took me back to his house. I still missed him today. Why is it so generous? The sun almost rises from the west, but when I open the door, I encounter a monster! A man-eating monster! Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise I would have been eaten!"

The young man's voice broke with excitement, and his accusations were so sad that those who heard them cried, but Xin Meng held her forehead speechlessly, her teammates were so unreliable, could they really pass the level

At this time, the sun finally set, and the last red glow disappeared under the horizon. The sky turned completely dark. The zombies outside were ready to move, raising their heads and letting out hungry roars, and began to slowly walk out of the area limited by the sunlight, looking for food everywhere.

Xin Meng was afraid that the two people's movements would attract zombies, so she pushed the young man into the house first and quietly closed the security door.

The young man was quite frightened at first sight, and was still twitching, but fortunately he was not particularly stupid. Seeing his cautious look, he consciously lowered his voice, but he was still complaining dissatisfiedly.

"I don't drink Bawang Liquor often, really," the young man explained angrily, "Only a few times... These gangsters are really not good enough to be friends. They just sneaked away a few times when paying the bill. As for being so cruel Me! How nice I am to them, how unloyal! Let me tell you, the most important thing in life is to be loyal, otherwise there will be little brothers following you... "

Xin Meng ignored his thoughts. He listened to the young man say a few words and got a general understanding of his character. So he only made a quiet gesture to him and went to the room to check. Here and him The house he woke up in was surprisingly decorated. He also found a white card on the bedside of a bedroom, with familiar words and content vaguely printed on the front. He waved to the young man, who wiped his nose with his index finger. He walked over reluctantly, and the metal pendants all over his body jingled when he moved them.

Xin Meng was speechless and held her forehead.

"What is this?"

The young man asked curiously while holding the card. It was too dark in the room and he couldn't see the words on it clearly. Xin Meng could only use the same method. She found a quilt to cover the lamp and asked him to look closer. After reading it, the young man was so excited. He was dumbfounded and opened his mouth for a long time without saying anything. Finally, he choked out, "Damn it! Which grandson is really pulling a prank!"

"Although I really want to think so, unfortunately it doesn't seem to be a prank," Xin Meng explained patiently, "The environment here and the monsters outside are all real. I have carefully observed that these zombies are not The machine is not artificially disguised. Although I don’t know what kind of game can make people immersive, I think we have encountered a strange encounter. The content on this card is the only clue we have now. There is no food or drink here. I If we don’t want to die, you definitely don’t want to either, so we can only escape.”

"But..." The young man murmured, and raised his hands to scratch his colorful hair, "The monsters outside are very scary. Do we really... really want to go out? Can't we call the police and have someone come and save us?" "

"I don't think calling the police will work," Xin Meng told him the various analyzes she had done before. "There were a lot of zombies outside, but no other living people were seen. I think this should be a story about zombies." Escape games. I have played similar computer games before. There are no police in them, and some have turned into zombies. According to this routine, the whole city is full of zombies, and it is not impossible for the six of us to be the only ones alive. . ”

Shamate shuddered. He also thought of the several zombie games he had played. Indeed, most of them were of this nature, so he cried sadly, "What should we do? Even if we get out, where can we escape?"

Xin Meng thought for a while and said softly, "Following the instructions on the card, we should first find the other team members and collect everyone's information. Maybe we will know how to clear the level."

Shamat lowered his shoulders, as if even the feather duster on his head was a little listless, "...Okay, that's all." After saying that, he remembered that he hadn't introduced himself yet, so he quickly cheered up and spoke with a bit of exaggerated boldness. He patted Xin Meng on the shoulder and said, "I forgot to mention it. My name is Xiong Jiabao. I am 22 years old. I work in a bar as a waiter. Although I don't have much money, I think it is enough to have one thing in life. That's loyalty! Brother, you should look younger than me, don't worry, brother, I will protect you!" Then he patted his chest, which he had deliberately puffed out.

Xin Meng twitched the corner of her mouth, said thank you against her will, and ignored Xiong Jiabao, who was still muttering about "loyalty theory". She took his card and turned it to the back to read his message.

[The peaceful town received an extraterrestrial meteorite one day. The falling meteorite carried a special virus and turned the people in the town into man-eating monsters.]

[Three days later, the town fell.]

"Sure enough," Xin Meng handed the two cards to Xiong Jiabao, "This town is full of zombies. There should be no living people except us."

Xiong Jiabao struggled to see with the weak light of the desk lamp, and couldn't help but ask Xin Meng, "Why don't you turn on the light? You're so sneaky."

Xin Meng asked him, "Don't you know that turning on the lights will attract zombies? How did you spend last night?"

Xiong Jiabao scratched his hair in embarrassment, "I drank too much, and I didn't wake up until the morning."

Xin Meng: "..."

He didn't explain because Xiong Jiabao had already seen the content on the back of his card.

"Okay, I know everything," Xiong Jiabao threw the card aside and looked at him expectantly, "What should we do next?"

Xin Meng's face suddenly darkened, and she quickly picked up the card. This thing was of great use! He put all the cards in his pocket, looked around the room, and said hesitantly, "Zombies may enter the building as soon as it gets dark. We can't do anything. We'd better sleep first and get some rest. We'll look for you tomorrow." Find if there are car keys in this building, and let’s drive out.”

Unexpectedly, Xiong Jiabao said as soon as he heard this, "Why do you want the car key? There is one in this house!"

Xin Meng was overjoyed, "Is it the Land Rover downstairs?"

"Damn, there's a Land Rover downstairs? What a great car!" Xiong Jiabao walked to the door, rummaged through the pile of debris on the ground, took out something like a key from under a book, and stuffed it into Xin's pocket. In Meng's hand, "I saw this in the afternoon. I wonder if it's the one downstairs. I can't drive, can you?"

Xin Meng touched it carefully with her hand and found that there was indeed a small Land Rover logo on the key. Knowing that her judgment was correct, she was immediately happy and nodded, "Although I don't have a license, I can drive it."

"You don't have any money? If you are caught by the police on the road, won't you be sentenced?" Xiong Jiabao said casually.

Xin Meng's eyes twitched, "I hope they still know how to impose sentences."

"Yeah, they've all turned into zombies." Xiong Jiabao slapped his forehead.

Xin Meng couldn't help but give him a big eye roll.

The two moved light furniture to block the door, then divided the biscuits and bread in Xin Meng's backpack, each drank a bottle of water, and found a kitchen knife for the killer Xiong Jiabao to defend himself, and then they went their separate ways. Sleeping in a house.

The author has something to say: Ding! Your teammate "Kill Matt to Dominate the Jianghu" is now online.


small theater:

Shamate will dominate the world: Yo~yo~Cheke Nao~Shamate will dominate the world for eternity~~

Cute in just one word: ... Is your vagina still there

Shamat dominates the world: How can we talk, can we still have fun together? !

Cute in just one word: If it’s no longer there, it won’t be possible!

Shamat dominates the world:…