Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 32: Valley Village (14) Disappearing time


Could it be that the woman really turned into a ghost because of drowning and returned to the village to kill innocent people

According to the routine of horror games, the possibility is very high.

At this moment, Wu Deli's horrified cry came from outside the house, "Uncle! Uncle! Come out quickly, another person is dead!"

Wu Dacheng was startled and ran out quickly. Xin Meng and You Yi looked at each other and followed behind.

Wu Deli was in the front yard, wandering around like a headless fly. When he saw Wu Dacheng coming out, he quickly grabbed Wu Dacheng's arm and pulled him out without caring about his dignity. He said urgently, "Uncle! Something big happened! Let's go to the reservoir. While collecting the body of Dong Zi, we found three more bodies in the water! They are Uncle Jianwei, Dongzi and Xiaomei!"

Wu Dacheng's face turned pale. Wu Jianwei was his biological brother, Dongzi was Jianwei's son, and Xiaomei was his daughter. Wu Jianwei's mother-in-law died early, and now the three members of the family died together. Isn't this the end of the family

Several people stumbled to the edge of the reservoir, and heard loud cries in the distance. Wu Dacheng's legs went weak. Fortunately, Xin Meng on the side gave him a hand, so he didn't fall to the ground. Wu Dacheng didn't even bother to say thank you. He hurried there, and when he pushed aside the crowd, he saw that the three corpses were all soaked, and their bodies were ragged and full of bite marks. His vision suddenly went dark and he fainted.

"Village Chief! Village Chief!"

"Village Chief! What's wrong with you!"

"Quick! Carry him back! Carry the village chief back!"

The crowd was in commotion again. Before the villagers could wipe away the tears from their eyes, they hurried to arrange for the village chief. Wu Deli looked at the familiar relatives and thought of his dead mother. He felt so sad that he couldn't help but howl. Crying, the sound of crying was heard one after another all around. The feeling of sadness was like a huge stone pressing on the human heart, making people feel heavy and uncomfortable when listening to it.

In this atmosphere, Xin Meng was also greatly affected, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten. He quickly wiped the corners of his eyes and stepped forward to help. After all, someone died in the village again, and he was too embarrassed to let others take care of him. Dong Xiu could only drag his body out of the water and then find a way to place it, but to put it simply, he couldn't find a place to start looking at Dong Xiu who didn't have a good piece of skin on his body.

"Why are you bitten like this?" Xin Meng whispered, "These ghosts are too cruel. They just kill people, and they have to be tortured like this..."

He didn't have much room to sympathize with them, because his previous experiences told him that even he himself might suffer such treatment at any time. Even that time, if he hadn't found Qi Xiaokui in time, now among these cold corpses, It will add one more self.

When the matter was over, Xin Meng did not carry the person away first, hold a funeral and then bury him in a coffin like the people in the village did. They did not have this condition. He directly dug a hole and put Dong Xiu and Dong Xiu in the village chief's house. Li Yougen was buried in it together.

If Dong Xiu knew that he was always in and out of five-star hotels and never wore clothes, he would be so dirty and buried in the ground for the second time, and that he would be "in the same hole" with a man he despised. I don't know what his expression would be. , thinking that she would see Dong Xiu jumping around in the next game, the sadness was washed away, and Xin Meng even felt a little bit excited.

"By the way, where is Xiong Jiabao?" After Xin Meng finished busying with Dong Xiu and Li Yougen, she suddenly remembered that she had never seen that stupid Shamate. Such a big thing happened in the village and he hadn't woken up yet. ? Speaking of which, it seemed that when they were talking at the village chief's house, even when Wu Deli was shouting to find someone, no one saw Xiong Jiabao come out and ask him, "Is he sleeping so heavily?"

Xin Meng's heart suddenly skipped a beat. Could something have happened to Xiong Jiabao

Just when he was anxious to return to the village chief's house, he saw Xiong Jiabao walking towards him unhurriedly with a confused expression. He saw Xin Meng's hands were covered with dirt and he was rubbing his belly innocently. I asked, "Are you going to dig sweet potatoes? Do you have any extra? I'm starving!"

Xin Meng: "..."

"Such a big thing happened just now, where have you been?" Xin Meng asked suspiciously.

"Ah?" Xiong Jiabao was confused, "What big thing happened? I had been sleeping. When I woke up, I found no one in the village chief's house and no one next door. I was hungry, so I wanted to come out and see everyone. Where are you going to find something to eat... By the way, I also met Wu Dong on the road. I'm not telling you, but his sister is really pretty, only a little bit worse than Wu Xuehua... "

"Wait!" Xin Meng suddenly interrupted his chatter, "Who did you say you met?"

"Wu Dong," Xiong Jiabao said stupidly, "and his sister Wu Xiaomei. I originally wanted to say a few words to Wu Xiaomei, but her father kept staring at me, so I left."

Xin Meng grabbed his arm and widened her eyes, "When did that happen?"

Xiong Jiabao scratched the back of his head, "Just... ten minutes ago? I can't remember exactly."

Ten minutes ago? That's not right! Ten minutes ago, they saw the bodies of Wu Jianwei and three people by the reservoir!

Xin Meng felt that the hairs on his back stood up. He stared at Xiong Jiabao and asked nervously, "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely," Xiong Jiabao looked at Xin Meng strangely, "What's wrong with you? I must have remembered correctly. I even looked at my watch at that time, and it happened to be nine o'clock..." He glanced at his watch, and then suddenly shouted in surprise. Said, "Damn it! Why is it already ten o'clock now? No way, I just looked at my watch, it was clearly only nine o'clock!"

Xiong Jiabao looked confused, but Xin Meng grabbed his wrist and looked at his watch. The hands were moving normally. He thought for a while and asked him again, "Look at the sun. Was it at this height when you came out?" ?”

Xiong Jiabao looked up and was even more surprised, "No, the sun wasn't so high when I came out!"

He said belatedly, "The temperature doesn't seem right either... What's going on?"

Looking around, and then at Xin Meng who looked serious, Xiong Jiabao was dumbfounded, "Did I travel through time? An hour later... This is so fucking cheating, why don't you go forward more? It’s best to wear it before I enter this game, that would be so cool!”

Seeing him like this, Xin Meng couldn't help but frown, "Do you really have no memory of this hour?"

Xiong Jiabao thought for a while, "I don't feel like anything is missing. I just met the three of them, said a few words, and then walked up the mountain... By the way, what do I want to do when I go up the mountain?"

Xiong Jiabao murmured to himself in confusion, and when Xin Meng reminded him, he seemed to have discovered something was wrong.

"Aren't you looking for something to eat? Why don't you go to the village? What are you doing here in the mountains?" Xin Meng asked sharply.

"I... why did I go up the mountain...?" Xiong Jiabao finally realized something was wrong, "I don't know why I went up the mountain, it's just... it just came naturally..."

The three people stood in the woods, facing each other, silent. Except for You Yi, who was always expressionless, Xin Meng and Xiong Jiabao both had an ominous premonition. Although the temperature had warmed up near noon, they still felt like it from the bottom of their hearts. It's cold, my fingertips are cold.

"Well... I'm a little scared..." Xiong Jiabao rubbed his arms, "We, let's go back quickly. It might be safer if we go to a crowded place."

Xin Meng didn't have any other ideas. He looked at You Yi and saw You Yi nodded. The three of them reached a consensus and walked down the mountain.

However, when Xin Meng was about to turn around, he suddenly caught sight of... a pale dead face from the corner of his eye!

The man's face was weirdly twisted, and his bloody mouth, which was split to the base of his ear, was tilted upward, revealing an extremely terrifying smile, and he was staring directly at Xin Meng!

"Ah!" Xin Meng shouted, took two steps back, and was immediately supported by You Yi. You Yi lowered his head and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xin Meng immediately turned around to look, only to see Xiong Jiabao standing there, looking at him in confusion.

The grimace disappeared.

Xin Meng composed herself, waved her hands to the two of them, and said with a forced smile, "It's okay, I just misread it and mistook the branch for a snake."

Xiong Jiabao teased, "I thought you were calm, but that's all in vain. Relax, don't scare yourself!"

Xin Meng forced a smile. After Xiong Jiabao left first, he leaned into You Yi's ear and lowered his voice, "I just saw that there was 'that thing' wrapped around Xiong Jiabao."

He didn't think he was hallucinating. The thing's face was smiling at him, but its body was wrapped around Xiong Jiabao as softly as a snake. Although it was just a glance from the corner of his eye, he was sure that something was wrapped around Xiong Jiabao. The hour he disappeared was also very intriguing.

Combined with the time when Wu Jianwei and his son disappeared and died, some chilling speculations emerged in his mind -

I'm afraid that Xiong Jiabao carried that thing with him and met Wu Jianwei and the others, which caused their deaths!

But there is still a question, why didn't that thing attack Xiong Jiabao, but instead attacked Wu Jianwei and the others first? Could it be that... it used Xiong Jiabao as a tool to move, possessed him, and attacked everyone he met

Did he come to the mountain because of that thing's will? Did he come up... to find the two of them

Planning to kill them? !

"It seems that Xiong Jiabao himself doesn't know about it." Xin Meng said, "Should we... keep a distance from him for the time being?"

The fear of almost being eaten by countless ghosts in the water still remained in Xin Meng's heart. Coupled with his physical discomfort, it made him feel a little weak.

The big hand gently fell on his head and stroked it gently. Xin Meng raised his head and saw You Yi looking at him gently, Xin Meng's figure reflected in his beautiful brown eyes. He heard him whisper, " You can’t run away, running away won’t solve the problem.”

"But..." Xin Meng's eyebrows dropped, looking a little pitiful, "I'm a bit..."

It is extremely rare for Xin Meng to show weakness, but in front of the powerful You Yi, it should be... nothing, right

Moreover, although You Yi rarely participated in their discussions, he was always so calm. No matter what danger he encountered, he never showed an expression of panic or fear. Just like Xin Meng made others feel before, You Yi Yi also gave Xin Meng a sense of stability and support invisibly. Just looking at his calm eyes could calm her down quickly.

If Xin Meng is the tranquilizer for others, then You Yi is Xin Meng's backbone.

In fact, You Yi is the most suitable person to lead this team. With his leadership, the people in the team would not be so confused.

But one team has You Yi who has no will, and the other team has Dong Xiu who always wants to fight for power but is selfish. The split is inevitable. Fortunately, You Yi is on his side.

Thinking of this, Xin Meng felt more at ease. He asked the man directly, "What should I do?"

"Find the problem and solve it." You Yi did not hesitate at all. Just like him, he has a strong self-confidence and perseverance. He will always move forward. Nothing and no difficulty can make him retreat or waver.

"Yes." Xin Meng nodded vigorously, and the short-term weakness was finally put aside. His eyebrows were curved and he smiled again.

The two of them went down the mountain. Xin Meng asked You Yi on the way, "Do you want to sleep for a while? You took care of me all night..."

You Yi shook his head, "It's okay, I'm not sleepy."

He had a fever yesterday, but he didn't expect You Yi to take care of him sleeplessly. If not for this, he probably wouldn't be able to get out of bed today. Xin Meng was very moved and felt very warm, but she always felt that it was inappropriate to say anything. Saying thank you would seem too foreign, so she had to talk about the previous question again, "There must be something strange about Xiong Jiabao. What do you think is the strangest thing?" Could there be a problem?"

You Yi said, "See if there is anything extra on him."

Unexpectedly, You Yi and she wanted to go together. Xin Meng suddenly gained some confidence and said excitedly, "Every time I see him, I always feel that there is something wrong with the necklace he is wearing, but I asked him once and found nothing. question."

You Yi reminded, "Don't forget to 'pay attention to details' written on the card. In other words, the problem may be hidden in the details. If you think there is a problem, you should pay attention to it. Ask him again."

"Yeah," Xin Meng thought about it and nodded.