Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 37: Yanzhong Village (19) Completed!



Thinking of the water that Wu Xuehua handed him before, and even thinking of the teapot that Wu Xuehua handed him when he first entered the village and was waiting alone for other teammates at the village chief's house, Xin Meng suddenly felt frightened!

If he had drank that glass of water, would he have died at the beginning of the game? !

Who would have thought that behind the smiles of those young men and women who surrounded him and talked to him warmly and friendly were actually murderous cannibals!

When they were chatting with him, were they thinking about how their meat tasted and whether it was delicious

Is the village chief’s deliberately changed dialect when broadcasting through the loudspeaker saying: “The food is here, prepare to eat when you find it”

The meat on the dinner table was all human flesh, and the woman they were talking about...could it be...could it be...

All the clues were connected together. Xin Meng felt an inexplicable sense of dissonance when she saw the coffin. It was because the coffin was too new. The unpainted wood had been buried in the ground for a year. It would never be the same when it was dug up again. Planting clean and brand-new light yellow wood grain, the whole village united to deceive them. The woman did not drown to death last year, but died shortly before they came, and because all the flesh and blood had been eaten clean, the coffin was There was no skin or muscle tissue left inside, and the originally misplaced time matched up, and then connected with Qi Xiaokui's state and the villagers' description of the drowned woman at that time...

He was almost certain that the woman was Qi Xiaokui!

As for whether she drowned or...

Xin Meng didn't dare to think about it anymore, because the truth was too terrifying, and he was not mentally prepared to accept all this cruelty.

But he finally understood the pain conveyed in Qi Xiaokui's eyes.

He finally understood that the tooth marks on the dead Dong Xiu and Li Yougen turned out to be important clues that he had ignored. Xiong Jiabao's legs, You Yi's arms, and the bite marks that appeared on the bodies before the ghosts left were all part of the game. I gave him reminders over and over again to "pay attention to details". It was ridiculous that he was still complacent, thinking that he had noticed enough details, but he did not expect that the truth is often more cruel.

Those evil spirits were released by them and came to the village to take revenge. They killed those who devoured their flesh and blood the most, but they did not kill Xin Meng and the two who had never eaten meat. This can be regarded as repaying injustice and taking revenge. .

Looking back at these "simple" villagers, they helped the villagers deal with the revenge of the ghosts, but they were really kind to them, but they still slaughtered Xiong Jiabao mercilessly, which shows how powerful these people are. He has lost his humanity and is not even as good as an evil ghost. His methods of harming people are endless, making it difficult for people to guard against them!

The first time he got away with it because the cup was too dirty, so Wu Xuehua handed him clean cups later. If he hadn't thought about the reservoir just now and hadn't put it down for psychological reasons, if You Yi had also drank with him , then they will still become pigs lying in the slaughterhouse to be slaughtered, and be eaten in their sleep.

There were traps one after another. Unexpectedly, I escaped from the cannibal ghost, but I almost didn't escape the cannibal.

No, these people can no longer be called humans, they are demons, demons that eat their own kind!

Xin Meng's whole body trembled. When he was about to pass the level, he was struck dizzy by this terrible fact. Once the simple and beautiful fig leaf was lifted, underneath was all bloody, rotten and stinking humanity.

Xiuse Village… Xiuse…

Why didn't he think of it? On the Internet, those who love to eat human flesh are sometimes called "showy".

It's as beautiful as a picture and as colorful as spring flowers, but it's simply a cannibal village with no humanity!

This is probably another main line. If they had not pushed down the stone, the plot of the cannibal village would have been triggered. The Rift Ghost would not have appeared, but they would have faced these more terrifying ogres in human skin, and then unknowingly become their A meal on the plate, just like Xiong Jiabao who is now lying on the bed and being dismembered...

It’s hard to say which of these two main lines is more terrifying, but looking at it now, at least choosing this one is more beneficial to Xin Meng. After all, although the Rift Ghost killed the other four teammates, for Xin Meng who didn’t eat meat, He Youyi was obviously letting go. They could still get help from Qi Xiaokui, which was much better than the villagers who wanted to kill the six of them and eat them without any distinction.

Although Xiong Jiabao's reckless behavior failed to save himself, it allowed Xin Meng and You Yi to avoid many fatal dangers and increased the possibility of passing the level. Now it seems that it is not a good or bad thing. broken.

The villagers had eaten so many people that even the village dogs had no reaction to the smell of blood. They were probably used to it.

Players are too stuck on the appearance of things and ignore the obvious prompts around them, but reality will always give them a slap in the face, and they may even have to pay for it with their lives.

The scary-looking Rift Ghosts were actually victims who were brutally killed by them and devoured their blood and flesh. The seemingly innocent villagers who were tortured by the ghosts were actually executioners full of evil. At this moment, Xin Meng suddenly understood the card. The words above: [Poor people must be hateful.]

He remembered that he had always felt pitiful for these villagers who were warm and friendly to them but died one by one. The card had clearly told him that these seemingly pitiful people must have something hateful about them. But he understood too late—Xiong Jiabao was still dead after all.

In fact, he had a chance to escape. If he had been willing to go up the mountain with them, he might have cleared the level with them long ago...

I can't blame Xin Meng for this incident. Xin Meng didn't feel any guilt, just a little sad.

But the most urgent thing is that they can't stay here any longer!

He grabbed You Yi's arm with force. You Yi didn't need to speak at all. He had already understood his intention and pulled him quietly away from the window. But it was too dark outside, with no moonlight or street lights, and the candlelight exposed in the room caused the problem. The blind spot of his vision made it impossible to see clearly what he was doing. When Xin Meng walked forward, he didn't see a dry branch on the ground. He stepped on it and broke it, making a crisp sound.

"Who?!" The three people in the room were alerted. They immediately put down the kitchen knives in their hands and rushed to the window, just in time to see the two people fleeing from behind!

Wu Deli and Wu Xuehua immediately rushed out of the house to arrest the person, but Xin Meng was already carried on You Yi's back and ran quickly towards the mountain road. The sound of a loudspeaker broadcast soon came from behind. This time the village chief did not have time to use it. Speaking in dialect, Xin Meng heard a huge voice echoing in the valley: "The food is gone! The food is gone! Chase! Chase!"

The originally dark valley suddenly lit up with dots of candles. Every household no longer hid and lit candles one after another. The villagers ran out of their houses shirtless, holding torches and chasing Xin Meng and the two of them. Meng lay on You Yi's back and couldn't help but look back. The villagers who had smiled kindly at him before now had distorted and ferocious expressions on their faces. They no longer looked human, even though they didn't look like humans yet. Change, but their hearts have long become demons...

You Yi ran very fast, but the speed of the villagers was not slow either. People who grew up in the mountains ran all over the mountains every day and had excellent physical fitness. In addition, they were more familiar with the mountain roads than those who had only been here for a few days. They were not far behind, they were far behind them.

Seeing the exit getting closer and closer, the villagers raised their kitchen knives and threw them at Xin Meng's back!

"Be careful!" Xin Meng exclaimed, her arms instinctively tightened around You Yi's neck, but You Yi seemed to have eyes behind his back, his ears moved slightly, and he accurately dodged two kitchen knives based on the slight wind sound, and then one He lowered his head and dodged another boning knife that flew over his head. He stepped hard on the ground and used the force to jump forward another two meters!

But when he landed, the ground beneath his feet floated, and the dead leaves on the surface slipped away, revealing the animal trap below, which instantly wrapped the two of them and lifted them into the air!

Is there a trap buried here? !

He had never heard anyone mention the trap. The people in the village hid it well!

Xin Meng suddenly panicked. In terms of physical strength and force value, he could only be a drag on You Yi. Looking at the hundreds of ferocious-looking villagers who quickly caught up and gathered under the animal trap, he quickly made up his mind. If you want You Yi to put himself down, you must first clear the level!

But before he could say anything, You Yi seemed to already know what he was thinking, turning his head and whispering in his ear, "We can go together, but it takes some time."

Xin Meng was infected by his calm mood, and slowly calmed down from the panic. Thinking of You Yi's force value, she gained some confidence. After all, no matter how vicious they are, these are people of flesh and blood, which is better than ghosts that appear and disappear. Handle.

He clenched the knife in his hand, thinking that no matter what, he couldn't hold himself back too much. If he could kill one, he would kill one. These couldn't be called human beings anyway!

You Yi moved his body and adjusted a movement to facilitate the use of force. Even if something unexpected happened, the saber in his hand was still stable and there was no slippage at all, which shows his good psychological quality. The saber he gave to Xin Meng was much sharper than the one he gave to Xin Meng. Because he was afraid that Xin Meng, who couldn't use a knife, would accidentally hurt himself, the knife he gave him was as sharp as an ordinary knife, and the one in his hand was said to be Blowing and cutting hair is no exaggeration, and cutting off this simple animal trap is even easier. The trouble is how to protect Xin Meng intact when he breaks out of the siege.

Brown eyes quietly looked at the bustling crowd below, and sketched out the best plan in his mind. He raised his hand and was about to cut the rope above, but heard the crowd below suddenly quieted down, and then separated into a passage. The village chief was still wearing his clothes. The apron was stained with dazzling blood, and he walked over slowly, holding a kitchen knife.

"Where are you going in the middle of the night?" the village chief asked with a smile. His smile was no different from usual, but against the background of blood and darkness, there was a hint of terror and weirdness.

"..." You Yi stopped and looked down at him.

"We are not from here, so we should naturally go back to our own place." Xin Meng said, "We already have four people staying here. Isn't that enough?"

"No~ enough, of course not enough," the villager smiled and touched his beard, not caring that the beard was stained red by the blood on his palm. "Young man, you may not know that whenever outsiders come to our village, there will be no One can go out. In recent years, there have been fewer and fewer people coming. People from the village can only go out. Occasionally, they can bring two back to satisfy the big guys. But now it’s hard to fool people outside, big guys. I haven’t eaten meat for a long time, and finally you guys came here. The meat is tender, plump, and very fragrant. How can I let you leave like this? We can’t leave any of you behind!"

"You!" Xin Meng was furious and was about to curse when he suddenly heard a familiar, shrill howl, ringing in the sky!

Is it... is it a ghost crying? !

Xin Meng felt that the ghost cry this time seemed to be less powerful than the previous one, at least it did not make him faint. However, the behavior of the villagers below was different. They covered their ears and screamed, and blood flowed from their eyes, ears, mouth and nose. Writhing on the ground in pain, the village chief, who had smiled strangely at Xin Meng just now, was not spared. It was even worse. He fell to the ground and could not get up, and even his moans were weak.

Looking past the tumbling villagers, Xin Meng looked towards the place where the sound came from, only to see Qi Xiaokui who had disappeared inexplicably before.

Behind Qi Xiaokui, stood those grinning slit ghosts with bent black eyes. When they saw the villagers rolling on the ground, their eyes suddenly burst out with hatred. With a scream, they pounced on their exposed skin like tigers. Bite it hard and blood immediately splatters!

The villagers screamed heart-breakingly. These demons who were accustomed to eating others finally had a taste of being eaten by others.

As the saying goes - good and evil will eventually be rewarded, and the way of heaven is reincarnation!

Xin Meng raised her eyes and met Qi Xiaokui's gaze. Qi Xiaokui pointed in the direction of departure but did not move.

He was a little sad. Indeed, in a sense, Qi Xiaokui was dead. Even if he became a ghost, he could not leave with them.

You Yi moved very quickly. With a flash of the blade, the rope tied to the animal trap broke into two pieces. He jumped down first and then helped Xin Meng down.

They walked past the villagers and evil spirits at their feet. Some villagers struggled to grab their ankles, but before they could reach out, they were bitten off by the evil spirits. The two walked away smoothly. At the end of the mountain road, before leaving, Xin Meng turned around.

Qi Xiaokui did not participate in the evil ghost's revenge, nor did she follow Xin Meng and the others. She still just stood there, silently watching everything happening around her. Feeling Xin Meng's eyes, she raised her head and waved to Xin Meng. .

For some reason, Xin Meng felt that Qi Xiaokui seemed to be more cheerful than before...

Before he had time to think about it, he was dragged by You Yi and stepped into the chaos, losing consciousness.

In the white space, two figures are still standing and sitting.

"Is there anything that needs improvement in the game module under testing?"

"It's more difficult."

"Well... Next time, let's lower the difficulty."
