Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 38: Soul Seizing Bus (1) Play as NPC


The sound of a car engine rang in my ears, waking Xin Meng from her deep sleep. When she opened her eyes, she immediately saw the sky full of stars. Is it night

He turned over and sat up and found that he was sitting on an empty platform. The surrounding space was very large, a bit like a train station or a subway station. However, the platform was lower and more like a bus station. He turned his head and looked to his side. There stood a very tall bus stop sign, with the number of buses and the passing stops written on it. But no matter how he opened his eyes, it seemed that there was a thick layer of fog covering it, and it seemed that Covered by frosted glass, only the blurry outline of each word can be seen.

"Are you awake?" You Yi's familiar voice sounded behind him. He immediately turned around and found You Yi sitting on the ground. A little further away from him were four other people lying on the ground with their eyes closed.

Their bodies are now intact and their clothes are intact.

It's like it's never been hurt.

"Are we going to the next game?" Xin Meng was too lazy to stand up, so he crawled on the ground twice with all four limbs together, and came close to You Yi. You Yi saw that he was crawling and swaying like a kitten that had just learned to walk. , couldn't help laughing and touched his head, "Yeah."

Xin Meng stretched her neck and looked at the other four people, and breathed a sigh of relief, "There are not many people this time, which is great!"

"Are you scared?" You Yi's hand slid to his shoulder and patted him gently.

Xin Meng thought for a while, "It's a bit disgusting, cannibalism or something, and the people in our team died miserably. And even they ate... that..., it's also because I have the card, they It’s because I didn’t see it.”

"It has nothing to do with you," You Yi said lightly, "It depends on everyone's way of thinking. Even if I don't see the card, I won't eat their food to avoid the trap. For others, if they can't If they analyze the hidden meaning behind the message or fail to resist temptation, even if they get the card, they will still make the same mistake again."

"Yeah." Xin Meng nodded. The food in the backpack was actually enough for them to eat for two or three days. Moreover, when they came to an isolated and poor mountain village, there were so many meats and vegetables. It was very abnormal. If Xin Meng Without that card, he would not touch it because he thought it was weird.

Just as the two people were talking in a low voice, the other four people also woke up one by one. As soon as Xiong Jiabao woke up, he cried immediately, with tears and snot smeared all over his face, sobbing and speechless. Xin Meng went over to take pictures Patted him on the shoulder to comfort him.

"Brother, it's my brother and I'm lazy. You said that if I went with you at that time, how could I be given... by someone..." Xiong Jiabao cried loudly.

Looking at his look, those who didn't know thought he had been raped.

"Shut up!" Dong Xiu rubbed his temples and glared at Xiong Jiabao fiercely, "You were still unconscious when you died, but I was bitten alive!"

Li Yougen kept crossing his arms and shivering, his teeth were chattering, and his eyes were dull. He probably hadn't come back yet.

Qi Xiaokui, on the other hand, sat up quietly and smoothed her messy hair with her hands, her expression unusually calm.

Xin Meng hesitated for a moment, then walked over and asked her in a low voice, "Were you..."

He was thinking about what words to use to ask, but Qi Xiaokui told him readily, "I fell into the water as soon as I entered the game. I was rescued by the villagers and drank the water they handed me. The flesh was cut and eaten.”

Xin Meng shivered. It was so scary. Some players died as soon as they entered the game!

The villagers had indeed lied to them. Qi Xiaokui had not died a year ago. The reason why the coffin was so new was simply because it had just been made, and there were only bones left inside because the meat had been...

Xin Meng couldn't think about it anymore. He didn't dare to ask Qi Xiaokui about his psychological shadow. He just felt that if he had encountered such a thing, he would have gone crazy.

"When I woke up again, I became a ghost, and I already knew in my mind that I was your only escape prompt. In fact, every time you were attacked, I was there, but I couldn't speak or give you any prompts. You can only play as one NPC. When you find me, I will tell you the conditions for passing the level, which is to call me by my name. If you don’t know my name, or don’t call me all, it’s useless. When Li Yougen died, he was already He saw me, but unfortunately before he could finish speaking, his neck was bitten off by the ghost. He couldn't make a sound and had to die. And Dong Xiu didn't remember my name at all. You and You Yi were the only two who escaped successfully. of."

"Playing as an NPC..." Xin Meng muttered to himself.

"Yes, that's how I felt at the time." Qi Xiaokui's eyes were a little lost, "Although my consciousness was clear, I couldn't control my body. I somehow knew what I should do, and I had to do it. None of this was under my control. However, I am not a complete puppet. When it has nothing to do with you or the mission, I can still have a short period of freedom. I can talk to the ghosts and walk around the village. The system has given me the ability to become invisible. Who knows? Can't see me either.

"I don't know how to describe it. This game is more terrifying than we imagined. The NPCs in it are all highly intelligent, and the plot will change accordingly according to the player's actions. If you don't know that you are still there, In the game, treat all of this as reality. In the end, in the woods, if you want to escape, you have to call me. Originally, only I and those ghosts died together, so you can survive, but you may not finish the level before I was surrounded and killed by the villagers, but I talked a lot with those ghosts before, and I accidentally raised my favorability level, so they just looked at me at that time, did not hurt me, and let you go, but the system will Automatically correcting the trajectory, I was forced to disappear temporarily, and those ghosts went berserk. Although they still caused obstacles to you, the degree was different.

"Then, you successfully complete the conditions, and I also survive, so that you can pass the level at the last moment."

In this way, everything is connected together, and some details that I didn't understand at the time now know what is going on.

Putting aside the unusual aspect of this game that was against science, the girl in front of her who had always been silent spoke a lot in one breath. Xin Meng was a little unbelievable and asked Qi Xiaokui: "Why do you seem... different from before? "

Qi Xiaokui lowered her head slightly, combed her bangs with her fingers, and whispered, "I originally thought that my life was a mess and that there was no one more pitiful than me. But after meeting those ghosts, I discovered that the world There are many people in the world who are suffering more than me, but they have not given up on themselves and are still brave enough to seek revenge, so why can’t I?”

But, they are NPCs...

Xin Meng thought this in her heart, but didn't say it out loud. Qi Xiaokui finally had some good changes. He didn't want to hurt her, but Qi Xiaokui seemed to know what he was thinking and continued, "Although it's just an NPC, it feels so real when we get along with her." , I have actually seen some reports on the Internet. Such cannibals actually exist. If the people who were eaten could become ghosts, would they be like them, desperately trying to survive? What about revenge? Drink the blood of the enemy and eat the flesh of the enemy... "

As Qi Xiaokui talked, her eyes shone brightly for the first time, and became brighter and brighter. However, Xin Meng couldn't help but feel anxious. Did their conversation go to a strange place

He quickly interrupted Qi Xiaokui, "Fortunately, it's over. It's a good start this time. We are all together. At least we won't suffer due to the problem of information transmission."

Then he walked up to everyone one by one, picked up the cards, and read them out one by one.

His own card read:

[After transferring three times to the bus, you will reach the next game.]

This is obviously a condition for clearing customs. Just transfer three times? He and You Yi looked at each other, then picked up You Yi's card, which read:

[Everyone has five chances to be resurrected on the spot. After five times, the player will be deemed dead in this round of the game.]

"Fuck, five chances of resurrection!" When Xiong Jiabao heard this, he immediately slapped his thigh with joy, "This thing is great! It's equivalent to giving four more lives!"

Xin Meng and Dong Xiu were not so optimistic. Dong Xiu said coldly: "What's there to be happy about? The higher number of resurrections means it's more difficult and easier to die!"

When Xiong Jiabao heard this, he wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

Xin Meng originally wanted to comfort him and tell him that although it might be more dangerous, as long as he pays more attention and tries to avoid making the same mistakes, six people in a team are equivalent to thirty lives, and the possibility of survival is still very high. But then he thought about Xiong Jiabao's reckless temper and swallowed his words. It would be beneficial and harmless for him to be more cautious.

He continued to read the cards, and the next one was from Xiong Jiabao:

[On the first bus, there is a devil hidden on the bus. Find it before getting to the next stop.]

Li Yougen shuddered when he heard this, his lips turned white, and he couldn't speak clearly, "I, I, we are going to get on a bus with a demon, and we have to find it??"

He rolled back and crawled two steps, as if he wanted to get further away from the bus stop.

The card that belonged to him was originally suppressed under him, but now it was exposed. Xin Meng walked over and picked it up to read:

[On the second bus, there is a Medusa on the bus. Please don’t look at it.]

"Is there any reminder about the third train?" Xin Meng looked at Dong Xiu and Qi Xiaokui and asked.

Dong Xiu adjusted his glasses and handed over his card with a smile on his face. Xin Meng didn't even look at him, she just lowered her head and read the card:

[On the third bus, find the right bus that belongs to you and you can go straight to the destination.]

"It seems that these three cards are both prompts and conditions for clearing the level. They are much clearer than the previous game." After reading it, Xin Meng breathed a sigh of relief. She knew what to do and what to guard against. From this point of view alone, it is more comfortable than the previous Cannibal Village game, at least it will not make them too passive.

Finally, it was Qi Xiaokui's. This time the girl did not avoid it like before. Instead, she flipped up her hair and walked over to hand the card to Xin Meng. At the same time, she also walked around everyone in an exaggerated manner, even wearing clothes to avoid them. …

[It may or may not be a human being.]

"Holy shit! It's possible that it's not a human being!" Xiong Jiabao shouted in surprise, "That means even a broken stool might be a demon?! You're not kidding me! How the hell are you going to find this!"

This is the worst case scenario. Could the ghost be anything in the car

Even a screw

Just when they were having headaches, a whistle suddenly sounded, and along with the hum of the engine, the first bus slowly drove into the platform from the end of the empty passage...