Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 4: Zombie Town (4) Crisis Racing


A night of silence.

Early the next morning, the two took their car keys and weapons, quietly walked out of the door, and headed downstairs.

The sun is nice today, and the zombies went to bathe in the sunshine early. Fortunately, they did not encounter any accidents. Xin Meng pressed the unlock button on the key, and the Land Rover headlights flashed twice silently and turned on. He got up and threw his backpack into the back seat, while Xiong Jiabao quickly climbed into the passenger seat and closed the door.

"Um..." Xiong Jiabao could see several zombies wandering outside through the car glass, and he was quite nervous, "Are we just going to rush out like this?"

"Yes," Xin Meng did not drive directly, but turned on the car navigation, trying her luck to see if there was a map or something like that. Unexpectedly, there was actually one. Although it was only for this small town, the outside of the town was full of chaos. blank.

Is it really a game prop provided by the system? The only key, the only vehicle that can be started, and the only map that can be seen after starting, it seems that their general direction of action is right.

"After we go out, we have to find a place like a shopping mall or supermarket to get some food. It is best if this place is higher. Then we can make a more eye-catching reminder at the highest point to let others go. Meet there." Xin Meng studied the map and analyzed it, and finally found a shopping mall three streets away from the community. It seemed to occupy a large area, but the height was unknown. You could only know it by looking over there.

"Let's go here first," Xin Meng decided. He turned the key, started the car, put it in gear, stepped on the accelerator and rushed out. The huge inertia caused the back of Xiong Jiabao's head to hit the back of the chair. Oops. called out.

In fact, it wasn't that Xin Meng had to drive so hard. In fact, as soon as he started the vehicle, he was horrified to find that almost all the zombies around him had their heads twisted in an instant, with terrifying blue and white eyes staring straight into the sky. Staring at the two people with hunger and greed in their eyes, they were attracted by the sound of the engine. Their terrifying blood-red eyes stared straight at the two people, as if people who had been hungry for a year finally saw the last thing. They couldn't help but eagerly rush over to eat their favorite dishes - even if their stomachs already had a big hole.

Xin Meng still has the same strength as the zombie beasts, so she can only rush out before they come around!

"Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! They are coming! They are coming! Drive quickly! Hurry!!!" Xiong Jiabao was the first one who couldn't stand it. He stared wide-eyed, trembling all over and holding his head, watching in horror. The disgusting monsters gathered around, urging Xin Meng heartbreakingly, their raised voices shaking like chaff, even breaking their voices!

Xin Meng naturally wanted to drive faster, but it was easier said than done. Although the speed of the zombies was not fast, there were too many of them. Soon the Land Rover was surrounded by zombies on both sides, and the collision was as violent as a bullfight. It hit the Land Rover body, making a bang bang bang bang sound. The thin iron sheet made the sound sound much more terrifying than through the wall. The overwhelmed Land Rover staggered around and almost overturned, and the two people inside were hit. Dizzy, Xiong Jiabao was already screaming, and Xin Meng was also covered in cold sweat. His hands were knocked off the steering wheel several times, but if he stopped at this time, he could only die. He gritted his teeth and held on with both hands. Holding the steering wheel tightly and stepping on the accelerator, the Land Rover suddenly jumped forward like an offline arrow, knocking away the three or four zombies blocking the front and running over them!

Fortunately, this was a Land Rover. If it had been the previous Passat, I'm afraid it would have overturned!

The wheel hit an obstacle, causing the vehicle to jolt violently. Xin Meng didn't have time to fasten his seat belt before, and his forehead hit the front glass. Suddenly, a stream of warm liquid flowed down, and severe pain broke out. It was getting dark, but Xin Meng didn't have time to pay attention. There were many zombies in front of him, so he had no time to be distracted. He just wiped it casually with the back of his hand to prevent the blood from flowing into his eyes, and continued to focus on staring ahead towards the gate of the community. After driving, the zombies outside were stimulated by the smell of blood emanating from the car and became even crazier. They hit the car one after another like moths flying into the flame, almost knocking the car off the main road.

"It's over! We're going to be over! Ah! Help me! Mom! Mom, help me -" Xiong Jiabao huddled up in a ball on his seat in fear, holding his head and yelling, which was really upsetting, but Xin Meng really didn't have the time to comfort him at this time, so she could only endure it.

He tried his best to steady the car, veins popped out on the back of his hands holding the steering wheel, and his palms were covered in cold sweat. Finally, after running over twenty zombies, the vehicle suddenly rushed out from the gate of the community and drove onto the main road outside. It was a very spacious road, lined with shops on both sides, but all the signs were missing and the doors were dilapidated, as if they had been abandoned for a long time. He rubbed hard, let out a dull scream, and then accelerated violently, heading towards the shopping mall marked on the map. The zombies chased out of the community were chasing after him relentlessly. In addition, there were many of those things on the road itself, and they all heard it. There was a crowd of people who wanted to gather around, but after all, the road was much wider than the road in the community. It also gave Xin Meng the opportunity to show off his driving skills and the performance of the Land Rover. He kept swerving left and right, and the car was making a snake on the road. Moving forward in shape, the harassment received was much less than before. Gradually, the zombies walking on two legs were left behind by the four-wheeled cars. There were also fewer zombies around. Xin Meng finally had A chance to breathe.

"I'm going to be eaten! It's over! Ah-Mom, save me-" Xiong Jiabao was still yelling, hysterically calling his mother to come and save him.

"Stop shouting!" Xin Meng patted him on the shoulder unbearably and shouted, "Do you want to recruit all the zombies?"

"Hoo! Hoo!" Xiong Jiabao finally stopped shouting. He just opened his mouth like a frog, his eyes were bulging, and he was breathing heavily. His face was as white as paper and his eyes were straight, "I... we are still alive. … ?"

Xin Meng really couldn't spare the time to comfort him. He quickly checked the status of the Land Rover, and his heart sank. The zombies were really powerful. Although the car could still be driven now, after the impact just now, the car was covered with debris. If the terrible dent hits a person, the consequences can be imagined. They may lose the ability to move instantly and become a meal for zombies.

And he had noticed before that even if they were repeatedly run over by cars, the zombies would still get up intact and continue to chase them.

This was a really bad fact and meant they couldn't let the zombies get close.

"When we enter the mall later, remember to look for longer weapons and don't let the zombies get too close to you." Xin Meng stared at the road ahead and drove, telling Xiong Jiabao, but Xiong Jiabao seemed to be frightened and just stared. With a pair of frightened eyes, he stared outside in a daze, not knowing whether he heard it or not.

The Land Rover quickly crossed the street. From the scenery on both sides, it could be seen that the town had indeed been completely destroyed. There was no traffic, no bright lights, no feasting, only dilapidated buildings and walking corpses all over the streets. There was not a single living person. People and even plants have withered and fallen, like a dead city or a prison.

Soon, a high-rise building with more than ten floors appeared in front of the two of them. It should be the shopping mall marked on the map. The town's economy is underdeveloped and there are very few high-rise buildings, so this building is particularly eye-catching and can be seen from far away. arrive.

This is one of the few good things, at least other teammates can easily find this place.

When Xin Meng saw the mall, it was actually across a street. For some reason, there were not many zombies nearby, only a few here and there. With his previous experience, he got around easily. Did he see any of them? Xiong Jiabao seemed to have recovered from the danger. Seeing Xin Meng's face covered in blood, he took out a handkerchief and handed it to him to wipe his face. Xin Meng took it and said thank you.

"You lost a lot of blood, are you okay..." Xiong Jiabao asked hesitantly. He also stumbled a little, but it was not serious. He only had a bump. Instead, Xin Meng's face was prickly with blood, which looked a bit scary.

"It's okay, it's just a broken layer of skin, the blood has stopped flowing." Xin Meng smiled at him.

Xiong Jiabao scratched his hair, and his feet on the seat moved uncomfortably because he was curled up, "It's incredible, you are obviously younger than me, how can you be so brave? You don't know, I almost peed out of fear just now. Pants!"

"It's a good thing you held back, otherwise we would have had to change cars." Xin Meng said jokingly, turning the steering wheel, and the car passed smoothly through the last street. At this time, the gate of the shopping mall had appeared on both sides. In front of the person, but something was wrong with the situation in front of him, Xin Meng hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

A large group of zombies were blocked in front of the huge revolving door of the shopping mall. They formed a circle in layers, roaring and rushing in with their claws and teeth, as if there was something inside that was attracting them.

"So many zombies!" Xiong Jiabao was startled and quickly pushed Xin Meng's arm, "Don't go there, take a detour!"

Xin Meng thought more, what attracted these zombies? There is a big sun in the sky now, so there is no light problem. The only thing that can make zombies so excited is living people!

"There is someone there, maybe one of our teammates." Xin Meng wanted to see the situation clearly and drove the car closer. Xiong Jiabao was even more anxious than him when he heard this. He pressed his neck against the front glass and stretched his neck to look forward. I vaguely saw a figure waving a long knife.

"It's true," Xiong Jiabao hurriedly dropped the glass, stuck his head out, and shouted over there without thinking, "Hey, buddy!"

Xin Meng couldn't stop him, and it was already too late to pull him away. The large group of zombies heard the movement, and the more than 20 zombies surrounding the outside suddenly turned around and discovered other humans. They actually abandoned their previous prey and headed towards them. Rushing over!

"Fuck!" Xiong Jiabao looked at it and was so frightened that he quickly retracted his head and climbed up the window, looking at Xin Meng with a sad face, "It, it, they are coming..."

Xin Meng twitched the corner of her mouth, if you shout so loudly, there will be ghosts if they don't come over!

However, this was good, just to disperse the group of zombies. Xin Meng did not turn around and walk back. Instead, he stepped on the accelerator and took the initiative to meet them. Using the Land Rover body as a weapon, he immediately knocked away several zombies and crushed them hard. They rolled over and drove all the way into another group of zombies, knocking another group away, revealing the revolving door, and the people standing in the revolving door appeared in front of the two of them.