Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 55: Soul Bus (18) Cooperation and Betrayal


Now there are only three people who still have room to test with their lives, Xin Meng, You Yi and Qi Xiaokui. According to the six people in the team, the total chance is only half, so even if the three of them agree, they still need to catch up with the opportunity. Next On a bus, Xiong Jiabao read Li Yougen's name. Naturally, Li Yougen refused to get on, so he had to let go of the opportunity and wait again.

"Dong Xiu, it's you this time," Xiong Jiabao pointed at the fake Dong Xiu in the car, "Look, who are you talking about?"

Dong Xiu narrowed his eyes and quickly showed a playful smile: "It's... Qi, Xiao, Kui!"

The girl whose name was called raised her head, glanced at Dong Xiu and Li Yougen who were watching the show, and then looked at Xin Meng who had a worried face. She nodded to him without being sloppy at all, and pushed back her bangs, revealing With a smooth forehead, he waved and said: "I'm going up!"

Even though she is the only woman, she is more chic and brave than most of the big men in the team. Xin Meng sincerely hopes that she will be safe and sound.

Qi Xiaokui got into the car and the door quickly closed.

The people waiting outside began to count the time. According to Dong Xiu, the time between each car is a hundred times, and no matter how much time the player who gets on the car spends in the car, the time it takes to appear on the platform after death It will not exceed this one hundred number. In other words, the time in the car was really still and was not synchronized with the outside.

If Qi Xiaokui has not returned to the platform after counting the hundred, it means the customs clearance is successful.

"... 97, 98, 99," Xiong Jiabao's eyes became brighter and brighter, and he clapped his hands vigorously: "100! Done!"

There happened to be a bus coming into the station, but Qi Xiaokui was nowhere to be seen. This method was right!

Finally finding the correct way to clear the level, the remaining five people became excited. Dong Xiu couldn't help but smile. However, he quietly glanced at Xin Meng who was high-fiving You Yi, and a bright light flashed across his glasses.

"Quick! Dong Xiu! Look who is in this car?" Li Yougen finally stopped huddled in the corner and ran over in a hurry. He wanted to grab Dong Xiu's collar and drag him to the front of the car. Dong Xiu was quick and quick. He ducked away and raised his eyelids towards the car. He waited until the car door was almost closed before he said calmly: "It's yours."

Li Yougen suddenly roared and rushed towards the closing car door at a speed that was completely inconsistent with his body. He got in just one second before the door closed completely and took the only road leading to life.

Both of them passed the level. Xiong Jiabao couldn't help but cheer, and almost wanted to rush over and pat Dong Xiu on the shoulder, but Dong Xiu's arm was gone. Although there were no symptoms of infection or excessive bleeding under the game settings, But it still looked scary, so Xiong Jiabao quietly retracted his claws.

Dong Xiu glanced at him and only sneered a few times.

The bus that continued to drive should belong to one of the four of them. The person who appeared on this bus was Xin Meng. He was sitting in the middle of the last row. There were many passengers blocking him, which was not easy to observe. .

Dong Xiu walked towards the car, tilting his head and tiptoing from time to time. It wasn't until he was almost at the car door that he squinted his eyes to see clearly. He turned back and glanced at the three people behind him, looking at Xin Meng and You Yi. He scanned them one by one, then raised his chin to Xiong Jiabao, "It's you, come quickly."

Xiong Jiabao was overjoyed, turned around and said to Xin Meng: "Brother, I will take the first step, the next game is waiting for you!"

Xin Meng nodded, and Xiong Jiabao happily walked towards the car door. Dong Xiu looked at it for a long time. At this time, the car door was about to close. Xiong Jiabao ran two steps quickly, raised his right foot, and was about to take the first step. One level of stairs…

"Bang!" Suddenly, Dong Xiu, who was standing next to the door, suddenly slammed into Xiong Jiabao. Xiong Jiabao was unprepared and was knocked to the ground. His palms were on the ground, and his palms were bruised and bloody. , exclaimed "Ah", and when he raised his head, he saw Dong Xiu's strong back, and he actually got on the bus before him!

The car door closed immediately, as if it was timed. Even if You Yi rushed over, he might not be able to open the door and pull him down.

Through the glass, Dong Xiu sneered at Xin Meng proudly. If he had hands, he might have waved it to them in a pretentious manner.

"You want me to stay until the end to help you pass the test. What a beautiful idea! Go to hell!" Dong Xiu cursed fiercely, and his voice passed through the cracks in the door and window, clearly echoing in the ears of the remaining three people.

"Fuck you, uncle!" Xiong Jiabao got up from the ground and ran after the bus, cursing as he ran: "Dong Xiu, you son of a bitch, a damn bastard, you're a bastard who gave birth to a son without X-eyes!"

However, the vehicle sped away, leaving only a trail of exhaust gas. Xiong Jiabao choked to tears. He knelt on the ground, clenched his fists and beat the ground hard.

"What to do, what to do!" Xiong Jiabao looked at Xin Meng with eyes red from crying, "If I had known that this grandson was unreliable, I should have tied his legs!"

He was a bastard just now, but in less than a minute he was demoted again.

Xin Meng didn't expect such a situation to happen. It seemed that Dong Xiu had planned it a long time ago, so he just approached the car door by observing, so he named Xiong Jiabao, because with You Yi's strength, he hit It is not certain who fell down in the past, and Xin Meng is also very vigilant. If he accidentally dodges and gets on the bus first, even if he gets on the wrong bus and dies, he will return to the platform to expose his intentions. He wants to take advantage of it again. It will be difficult if you are not prepared.

Still let him take advantage of the loophole.

"Don't worry, there is no sure way, there must be another way!" Xin Meng said, "We are not the only ones who have played this game, there must be many players who have also played it. What if there is no one in the team who can understand lip reading?" No, are we going to destroy the team directly? I don’t believe it.”

The more he talked, the clearer his thinking became and the calmer his mood became. "Understanding lip reading is just a shortcut, but even if you are unlucky and don't have this shortcut, you will definitely be able to pass the test in the normal way."

Xiong Jiabao looked at Xin Meng blankly. He was obviously much younger than him and his shoulders were still thin, but in his eyes at this time, the figure looked unusually tall.

You Yi crossed his arms across his chest and leaned against the signpost. His brown eyes fell quietly on Xin Meng's back, who was doing an analysis of the cocoons. His thumb touched his lips lightly, eliciting a faint smile.

The bus came roaring and stopped beside the three people.

Xin Meng looked up at the car and met her eyes inside. It was not his car, but it might be You Yi's.

He looked at his other self's slightly squirming lips, but he couldn't tell whose name it was. But he was not in a hurry. The thoughts he had smoothed out just now were still very clear, and the details that had been ignored before had also found a place to be used. .

"Qi Xiaokui" whom Xiong Jiabao met before spoke to him and said: "The name I called was not yours."


"Can you tell me whose name you called?" Xin Meng looked at the eyes that were exactly the same as hers and asked slowly.

"If you ask him like that, how can he sue..." Xiong Jiabao was almost dizzy. He even thought that he just thought Xin Meng was reliable because he had an illusion. However, before he could finish his words, he saw Che "Xin Meng" on the screen actually bent her eyes and showed a gentle smile that no man could refuse, unique to him, then opened her mouth and said in a mechanical voice that three people could hear clearly. : "Xiong-jia-treasure-"

Xiong Jiabao's jaw almost dropped to the ground.

"It's true!" Xin Meng said, "This special NPC can speak. Since it can speak, it is very likely that it can communicate. If you can't hear clearly what he said, just ask him to speak louder."

"Is... is it that simple?" Xiong Jiabao thought he hadn't even woken up yet, so how could he suddenly change from a life-and-death problem to a question-and-answer game of house


Indeed, even if it seems simple now, it does not mean that it is easy to find. It can even be said that the simpler the method, the harder it is to think of it. They are made neurotic by this game and will only guess at increasingly difficult places. , but I never imagined that I could pass the level like this!

But if you think about it carefully, you can find that this is also a common escape route for all players. Even a person with a temper like Xiong Jiabao, if pressed, might yell at the NPC angrily. If he shouts The content that comes out contains content such as "What are you talking about?" "Louder" and the like. Even angry words or curses can trigger NPCs to answer their questions.

This kind of clearance method is both obscure and difficult to guess, and easy to trigger. Even Xin Meng can't help but sigh that this game is exquisitely crafted and high-end intelligent.

"Get up quickly, or the car will drive away!" Xin Meng urged.

Xiong Jiabao didn't have time to speak, so he rushed into the car. Before the door was closed, he looked at Xin Meng gratefully: "Brother Xin, I, Xiong Jiabao, owe you a favor. As long as you don't let me die, I will definitely do it if I have the chance." Pay it back!"

Xin Meng smiled and waved to him.

The vehicle drove Xiong Jiabao into the distance, and Xiong Jiabao was lying on the glass door, still waving to them.

"It's a pity that it's not your car." Xin Meng waited until no one was around and expressed her disappointment. "Let Xiong Jiabao get on first."

"It's okay, it will come soon." You Yi touched his head.

After counting one hundred, one of the last two cars drove over full of Xin Meng's expectations. The moment he saw the person inside, he felt dissatisfied with seeing this person for the first time. "It is you… "

No need to ask, this is the correct car that belongs to Xin Meng, because the person sitting on it is You Yi, it cannot be You Yi's car.

"How about I wait for the next round?" Xin Meng hesitated and did not get on the bus immediately, "This bus is cyclic. When these six cars drive away, they will come back again. I want to watch you get on the bus. "

You Yi shook his head with a smile, put his hand on Xin Meng's back, and pushed him into the car, "Let's go, we will meet again soon. I'm... looking forward to the next game."

When the car door closed, Xin Meng immediately turned around and dug into the gap and asked loudly, "What do you mean?"

He felt that there was something in You Yi's words. What happened to the next game...the next game

However, he only saw You Yi waving to him and quickly disappeared out of the window as the car accelerated.

He turned around and found that all the passengers in the car had disappeared, including the fake You Yi.

Xin Meng walked to the seat where fake You Yi was sitting, grabbed the armrest, and sat down slowly.

You Yi, who stayed on the platform, watched the bus go away and waited on the platform for a while. The last bus finally came.

The people in the car showed a familiar docile smile to him and stretched out their hands to him. You Yi smiled back and slowly got into the car.

The car doors close and drive to the finish line.

"It's an overkill. The difficulty of the test chapter is too low to achieve the purpose of elimination."

"Turn it up a little more appropriately."
