Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 67: Demon King's Castle (12) Pass the level, pass the level!


"Time is up."

The fat guard banged his spear on the ground. Everyone who heard the noise immediately raised their heads. Most of their eyes were surprised and uncertain. They looked at the fat guard, and then quickly looked at the people around them. Some of them had faces that were obviously not as fat as others. There was an iron color, and the two branches were fighting.

Xiong Jiabao also raised his head and glanced at the others, but his attention never shifted, still staring at the fat guard.

The fat guard waved his hand, and a dense rope suddenly dropped from the ceiling. There were three corresponding ropes above each seat, and the tail ends were hanging just above the head, next to the hair, swaying gently.

The dozens of fat men in the room didn't know why. They all raised their heads to look at the rope, and saw that the rope seemed to be suddenly injected with life. It snaked down quickly like a snake, one wrapped around his waist, and the other wrapped around his thigh. The other formed a golden hoop and put it on everyone's heads.

"What the hell is this?"

"What are you going to do? Are you going to hang us!"

Everyone was uneasy and lacked confidence in questioning sporadically, but the fat guard ignored them. Instead, he changed his gesture and stabbed the spear heavily on the ground again. The banging sound seemed to be a signal, and the ropes moved again, slowly. Tighten.

Xiong Jiabao was not spared either. He felt that the rope around his waist was getting tighter and tighter. Even through the inflatable outer skin, he could hardly breathe. The simulated swimming ring was strangled deeply. A mark was dented until the rope could no longer be tightened no matter what. Xiong Jiabao also suppressed the blood in his head and face, almost fainting, and then he suddenly let go and was dragged back to the ceiling.

The ropes on the thighs and head were open to one side. Although they were almost cut into the flesh, they were much looser than before.

Xiong Jiabao had always been worried that being strangled would lead to betrayal, so he held back his voice due to his guilty conscience. However, the others did not have such worries, and they kept moaning in pain one after another!

These fat men have long been burdened with fat, and it is difficult to move, let alone resist. When in danger, they can only sit and wait for death. Although they can still vaguely see the outline of a human being, they are no longer the same as the pigs that are about to be slaughtered. No difference.

Xiong Jiabao saw it and felt chills in his heart.

It's not that he sympathizes with these people. They are just NPCs and there is no need to sympathize with them at all. He is only afraid because he sees what he looks like in them.

In the eyes of others, do you look the same as them? Is it also like a pig that is waiting to be slaughtered because it doesn’t know that it is about to die

He couldn't help but shudder. At this moment, the remaining two ropes had been measured, rose back to the ceiling, and disappeared. He looked up and saw the fat guard with a serious face, his hands dancing, his mouth He muttered something, and soon, the disappearing ropes suddenly appeared from directly above him, and then flew in circles above his head, forming a strange tornado.

Look carefully, the length of each rope is more or less different, some are longer and some are shorter. The fat guard stared intently at the rope that was tangled and swimming like a snake. Then with a pinch of his fingers, he pulled out the longest rope and held it in his hand.

The magic disappeared, the other ropes lost their lives, and they all fell to the ground.

The fat guard didn't even look down. With a wave of his hand, another batch of ropes flew up, spinning and gliding in the air. They were constantly comparing the lengths of each other. Some were even particularly short. Before the fat guard could deal with them, they were beaten by other ropes. Fall to the ground.

This batch of ropes is obviously shorter than the previous one, and it should be the one used to measure their leg circumference.

Xiong Jiabao was almost fascinated by what he saw. He had never seen anyone use magic. Even though he had entered this unscientific game and had seen ghosts, he had never seen anything as fantasy as magic. It was really an eye-opener!

Of course, he was in this mood because he was confident. Others were not as confident as him, especially the people around Xiong Jiabao who turned their heads and saw his size. They wanted to run away, but because he was too big, it oppressed his legs. I can't even run away...

The fat guard picked out another one.

When the third batch came, it seemed shorter. This was the one used to measure the circumference of the head. Others also saw the fat guard's intention and held their breath nervously. Some even clasped their hands and prayed desperately, praying that they could Be the last winner.

Xiong Jiabao's heart was also in suspense. There was nothing wrong with him. Thanks to the inflatable skin, he successfully expanded his body, enough to crush everyone, but his head was the only one he couldn't disguise. In order not to It seemed too abrupt. He was still eating desperately these days, trying to make his head look bigger.

The results were pretty good, but just looking at the heads, there were several other people in the room whose heads were between him and his, or even faintly ahead of him. Xiong Jiabao was not sure of victory.

But from another point of view, he was lucky to have made some progress. If he had been complacent as soon as he got the prop and did not continue to make his face and head fat, now when he measured it, he found that the data on his body and head were so different. If it is too big, problems will be discovered and he will die.

There are no bugs to exploit, and you cannot let your guard down for a moment.

This game sets up a dragnet that is so thorough that it makes one’s hair stand on end.

The fat guard picked out the last rope, and then put the three ropes side by side. He looked at the number on the other end of his body. The fat guard raised his head and his eyes accurately fell on Xiong Jiabao. He saw that he was looking at him nervously. Not even daring to blink, the fat guard smiled at him, and Xiong Jiabao's heart stopped.

"Number 100," the fat guard shouted loudly, "What's your name?"

"Xiong, Xiong Jiabao..." Xiong Jiabao was overjoyed and quickly reported his name.

"Come with me." The fat guard waved to him, and then walked out of the house.

Xiong Jiabao naturally wanted to follow him quickly, but his body was too bulky and it was difficult to even stand up from the chair. Fortunately, the fat guard thought of this quickly and immediately turned back and waved at Xiong Jiabao. With the spear, Xiong Jiabao's body suddenly became light, and he floated up with difficulty, but maybe the fat guard's magic was not used enough, maybe he was too heavy, and he did not leave the ground at once. Only his buttocks lifted a centimeter from the stool. , still fooling around, and almost fell down again.

The fat guard raised his hand and pushed up his helmet. He looked at his body and muttered something. Then he swung his spear into an electric fan and Xiong Jiabao was launched into the air with a whoosh.

A sudden feeling of weightlessness hit his heart. Unable to maintain his balance, Xiong Jiabao turned around in the air and his head accidentally fell down. His uncomfortable head was filled with blood, but the fat guard nodded with satisfaction and walked out of the room with a spear. There seemed to be an invisible thread attached to the bottom of the Xiongjiabao balloon. It was being pulled and it was involuntarily floating outwards.

Xiong Jiabao looked down and gave up the idea of calling the fat guard to help him correct his posture. The only thought in his mind was to get out quickly, otherwise the fat men who were left behind could eat him with just their eyes!

He slid his limbs and quickly walked out of the door, leaving only half of his foot still in the door.

Suddenly, crazy and high-pitched screams came from the door, and the smell of blood was so strong that even the air was dyed red. Xiong Jiabao didn't dare to look back. He just kicked his legs hard and left the room completely. The door was closed behind him. Completely isolate the tragedy.

Although he had passed this level, Xiong Jiabao felt frightened and shuddered when he thought that he almost became one of them, and waves of fear surged into his heart.

The fat guard swayed leisurely and led him to the Gluttonous Demon General.

Seeing the Gluttonous Demon General again, Xiong Jiabao himself had almost changed his appearance, but the Gluttonous Demon General had not changed much. He was still eating. His body was a little fatter than before, but it was not very obvious.

The Gluttonous Demon swallowed what was in his mouth, glanced at Xiong Jiabao, took another bite of beef, chewed the food and said vaguely: "That's pretty much it, passed!"

Xiong Jiabao took a big breath.

When Li Yougen was brought back to the Jealousy Demon General, he went crazy. His clothes were in tatters, his expensive white shirt was almost torn into rags, his body was covered with filth, and his hands were wrapped around a bloody chainsaw. , the sharp spikes of the chainsaw were still hanging with pieces of meat and bone residue. His eyeballs were protruding and bloodshot, and he was in a trance. When he staggered past, he looked like a schizophrenic murderer.

"My lord, he actually completed the mission!" The pudgy guard knelt down in front of the Jealous Demon General, with a look of disbelief on his face, "Houston the Axe, Edward Scissorhands, Gain the Chainsaw... were all killed by him. , in addition, there is Eagle Claw Xiko and... "

The short and fat guard reported a list of names, "These five people are also dead. He exceeded his mission!"

The Demon General of Jealousy was sitting on a high throne, holding the beautiful and boneless maid in his arms, and carefully observed Li Yougen. Originally, when the fat guard said that the other party had completed the task, he was somewhat satisfied, but the more he listened, his His brows gradually wrinkled...

"It's so courageous..." He trailed off in a tone of unknown meaning, with no emotion in his eyes.

Li Yougen glanced at him, and then suddenly threw the chainsaw out. As if he had just woken up from a nightmare and realized what he had done, he squatted on the ground holding his head and burst into tears!

"I-I killed someone! I killed someone! Ah! Help! Help!"

The short and fat guard was startled by him and looked at him confused. He didn't understand why Li Yougen, who was so impressive just now, suddenly showed up like this. Didn't he kill people a long time ago, and he killed eight people at once? Well, even he was startled, but this guy was terrifyingly calm all the way. Why did he have an attack now

Reflex arc too long

The short and fat guard blinked, and then suddenly looked at the jealous demon general on the high seat, and found that the jealous demon general opened his brows and smiled a little when he saw him being so timid and cowardly.

He was suddenly enlightened and his cheeks twitched. Just when he was about to remind the adults, the sweet taste of chocolate suddenly appeared in his mouth. Thinking of the previous pieces of chocolate, he hesitated for a moment and finally said nothing.

"Okay, don't be afraid. You have completed your mission. I agree with you to join. Faith, take him down." The jealous demon general's voice became softer.

"Yes!" The short and fat guard bowed his head deeply and saluted, then stood up, turned around, turned his back to the Jealous Demon General, and winked at Li Yougen suggestively, "Come with me!"

Li Yougen covered his face and lowered his head, looking cowered and ridiculous. He followed Faith tremblingly and left the hall, almost falling down on the way.

However, the eyes that no one saw were filled with numbness and cruelty, and there was no trace of fear anywhere.

—Once your hands are stained with blood, they can never be washed away.