Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 92: No one survived (13) No malice


"Do you still remember how you got here?" Dou Dou asked another question.

Xin Meng shook her head, "I just took a nap and came in when I woke up. I don't know what happened."

Dou Dou looked at him vaguely for a while, as if he was judging whether his words were true or false, and finally said with a smile, "Me too, it's really baffling, right?"

Xin Meng frowned, Dou Dou's tone sounded very strange, why did he ask that

What on earth did he want to find out

As if he knew what he was going to ask, before he could say anything, Dou Dou walked away from him with a haha, ran to Qi Xiaokui's side, and said something with a shy face, which attracted a slap from Qi Xiaokui, making him smile. He ducked away and ran to tease Luo Yingying again.

Xin Meng finished feeding the little black man, and the others had enough food and started running after them.

You Yi came to Xin Meng and handed him the lettuce set aside for him. Xin Meng picked up a piece of lettuce and put it in his mouth, chewing it, and whispered to You Yi, "This Dou Dou is so strange. He seems to be interested in You are very interested, I can’t say there is any malicious intention, but you always feel like you are inquiring about something.”

"This is not his first time playing games." You Yi said, "No one has ever mentioned that switching games will restore the original physical condition, but he knows."

Xin Meng thought of what Dou Dou said that time, and he probably spilled the beans, "It's true, and he also asked about your medical kit. He was very curious about everything that made you different from other players. Let's not talk about it first." Talking about the reason, if you can find something special, it means that he must have met many other players, and he is not a newcomer like he said. But why does he pretend to be participating in the game for the first time? What does he want to do? "

You Yi shook his head, "So far, I can't tell."

"Although I lied, I didn't hurt anyone in the team. Instead, I kept rescuing people and taking care of Qi Xiaokui." , he put in a lot of effort... I don't understand, since you don't want to harm anyone, why do you still lie? Is there any conspiracy like Jie Zi? But... "

You Yi was silent for a moment and whispered, "It's useless to think too much, just wait and see what happens."

"That's all." Xin Meng nodded.

When they came to the hanging road full of crows, several people each took out the soft and transparent giant condom from their backpacks.

This is the method discussed before. They will put burgers on the road to attract crows, and then use this to catch them. If they catch few, they will concentrate them into one, and then use the remaining five nooses to continue catching until they catch them. When it was full, Doudou pulled it personally and found that this thing was just like a real condom. It was extremely elastic and could be stretched to a large extent without breaking.

The path is very narrow. If you only put one pile, at most one person can stand at the front and back to capture. Others can't pass, so they can only worry. So Xin Meng simply put a pile at a distance, three piles in total, two people in a group. Guarding one after another, You Yi was the only one in the group. Because Xin Meng had to go to the end to feed the little black man after he was done, there were only five people left, lined up on the path.

Soon, the sound of flapping wings was heard, and a bunch of dark crows swooped down, eating the burgers enthusiastically. Almost in the blink of an eye, the burgers were carved up.

When the five people saw it, they immediately used condoms to pounce on them, but crows are very cunning and smart birds. They dispersed to both sides with a huff. In the end, except for the one in You Yi's condom, no one else caught a single one. .

"Did you fail?" Li Wenjun waved his hand and said helplessly, "The idea is good, but the reality is that it is not that easy."

To be honest, several of them had never caught birds before and had no experience at all. They originally thought that they could eat while they were eating. As long as they moved quickly, they could always catch them. However, they forgot that crows are different from pigeons and how cunning these creatures are. , how can it be so easy to catch

"Ah!" "Ah!"

The crows screamed, as if laughing at them.

However, just when they were about to think of another way, they found that the crows were flapping their wings and flying back. This time, none of them attacked them. Instead, they all stood on the path and looked at the five people quietly.

"What's going on?" Luo Yingying was a little scared, took a step back, and touched Qi Xiaokui on her back.

Qi Xiaokui supported her and said, "Be careful."

A crow was very close to Qi Xiaokui. When she looked over, it gently took two steps forward. Seeing that Qi Xiaokui didn't hide, it took two more steps and got closer and closer.

"I think... they don't seem to be malicious." Qi Xiaokui looked at the crow, and the crow's black bean-like eyes looked at her, and even tilted its head. She actually thought the crow was quite cute...

The crow crookedly walked forward, and finally came to Qi Xiaokui's feet, flew up, and landed on her shoulder. Qi Xiaokui turned her head sideways, and her cheek touched its warm and smooth feathers.

feel good…

Other crows also flew up and landed on them. A few crows stood close to each other on their shoulders and heads.

"What's going on? You've become so friendly all of a sudden!" Dou Dou endured the flapping of his wings with a grimace. He accidentally ate several feathers and quickly spat them out.

"It means the guess is correct." You Yi said calmly. His state was like killing everyone in an instant. Those crows seemed to know who not to mess with. There was only one standing on his shoulder. It was still relatively large, and it looked like a group of crows. The strongest crow in the crow stood quietly with his head raised, looking like a boss. The other crows did not dare to come close, so they could only harass the other four... Of course, when Xin Meng returned, the one who was harassed would become Five.

However, Xin Meng was still very happy with the bird on his head, "I guessed it right! These crows are indeed the right props! We were always afraid that they would eat the burgers and come back to attack, so we left in a hurry every time, but missed the changes! This puzzle is one after another. We must first get the burger and feed it to the crows. Then they can be transformed into the keys to the following levels. We don’t even need to catch them ourselves, they will follow us. This must be used to deal with bees. The right way!"

The others were convinced, but Doudou was the only one who looked at the condom over and over and muttered: "This thing is not used here, what is its use? Should it be given to a bull as a condom? Give it a hair stroke, Are you just going to let us go?"

Qi Xiaokui slapped him on the forehead, his face turned red with anger.

The facts perfectly confirmed what Xin Meng said. When they tried to catch up with the little black man, the crows flew up and followed them.

Everyone was inspired by this fact and became more energetic. They ran quickly to catch up with the little black man, passed through the castle and the woods, and came to the location of the beehive.

What happened next once again proved the correctness of this move.

The crows flying in the air saw the big bees knocked out by the little black people in front of them, and they all made hoarse cries of excitement, as if a cat that had been hungry for three days saw a delicious mouse, regardless of the difference in size, like a A black sword swooped down from mid-air and rushed into the swarm!

When the bees encountered their natural enemies, they almost fled in panic. Although they tried to resist with their tail pins, the feathers of the crows were as impenetrable as steel for some mysterious reason. Instead, the bees were pecked through the softness of the crows' sharp beaks. belly!

The small black figure rushed through the yellow and black clouds, breaking up the swarm of bees, and easily killed a prey that was twice as big as itself.

Everyone's eyes widened. Only Xin Meng and You Yi still remembered about the little black man. Before all the bees were dead, they killed one of the little black men first and then pulled the others out of the melee. Protected.

The battle only lasted for more than ten minutes, and none of the bees who had been showing off before survived. The crow, as the winner, flew into the air and circled, shouting with joy, and then flew away with a huff in the direction it came from.

All that was left was the remains of bees all over the ground.

"So it can still be like this?" Dou Dou was dumbfounded. "It opened the door to a new world for me... Ah! I suddenly want to raise a crow. What should I do?"

other people:"… "

They were not given more time to be in a daze. There were a group of little black men and a bull waiting for them in front of them.

In fact, there is no better way to deal with the bull. Their previous strategy can be used. It saves trouble and does not have to run around. As long as the control is good, there is no danger.

Moreover, the division of labor was clearer this time. Dou Dou and Li Wenjun were able to subdue two little black men by themselves, so the four little black men were handed over to them directly. At the same time, they also stood separately beside Luo Yingying and Qi Xiaokui, just in case. Luo Yingying, Qi Xiaokui and Xin Meng stood in a triangle, surrounding the bull in the middle, taking turns to annoy it, while You Yi was responsible for slicing its buttocks to bleed.

The bull has a terrifying size, as well as terrifying brute strength. As a balance, it also has a stupid head. Three people walked it like this, but it still didn't have a long memory. It still ran wherever anyone hit it, and finally died. Was consumed to death for the second time.

Now it seems that as long as you do it again for the second time, many dangers that seemed very fatal at the time have become easier.

It seems that it is so easy to pass the level.

However, the question is, how many times can players afford to go back and start over

The first level is okay, the second level is okay, but how many people are left who can persist to the tenth level

A few people walked exhausted to the beach. The snow-white and clean sand, the endless blue water, and the gentle and salty sea breeze should have been like a fairyland. However, no one was in the mood to enjoy it, let alone the thought of the water. A behemoth that can eat people is waiting for them, and they have to go to the tiger mountain knowing that there are tigers in the mountain. Several people feel heavy in their hearts.

The pace of the two women was even slower. The situation when they went into the sea was urgent and they didn't care so much. When they returned to the save point, the stinging sensation of the wound wrapped in salt water spread throughout the body very quickly, and even the man frowned. , let alone them, but neither of them mentioned this matter, and they still ran all the way, and they didn't show any hesitation until they were about to enter the sea.