Horror Game Escape Guide

Chapter 93: No Survivors (14) Unexpected Rewind


Seeing Luo Yingying's pale face, Li Wenjun felt extremely distressed. He stopped talking several times, but Xin Meng thoughtfully spoke for him first and said, "Why don't you two wait on the shore? The four of us will Just go alone."

"You have to go to the sea, otherwise how will you get to the next level? The NPC doesn't seem to be returning the same way." Although she was tempted, Qi Xiaokui shook her head and refused.

"Just don't go to the next level," Dou Dou said with a smile, "There aren't many little black people anyway, so let us deal with the remaining levels."

Xin Meng also nodded, "Anyway, as long as one person reaches the finish line, the entire team will pass the level."

"But..." Luo Yingying was in a dilemma. She really felt that continuing to follow would only be a drag, but didn't this look bad

She couldn't help but look at Li Wenjun and asked for his opinion. Li Wenjun felt deeply sorry for everyone, but after all, his love for his wife prevailed, so he thanked everyone on Luo Yingying's behalf.

"Just stay here and take more care of Miss Qi." Li Wenjun whispered in Luo Yingying's ear, "It can be seen that Xin Meng and the others care about her very much. You can do more here, and I will be here." Just put in more effort over there, and I just want to repay them a lot.”

"Okay." Luo Yingying pursed her lips and couldn't help but grab his sleeve, "You have to be careful."

"I will."

"Why don't you go down?" On the other side, You Yi was also whispering to Xin Meng. He knew that Xin Meng was particularly afraid of water and could hardly move in the water.

"It's okay. I've thought of a way to temporarily breathe in the water. I'll try it first. If it doesn't work, I'll come up again." Xin Meng smiled mysteriously, and under the curious eyes of everyone, she took out the transparent condom from her backpack. He fanned it first, filling it with fresh air, and then quickly put the condom on his head.

Pulling on the soft mouth and making a small knot, Xin Meng smiled at everyone through the condom.

Dou Dou: "Although I really want to like it, but I want to laugh even more..."

No matter what, Xin Meng estimated that with the air stored inside, he could maintain breathing for about five minutes, but he didn't know whether he could withstand the water pressure and how long he would stay underwater.

But when You Yi saw this, he took out his own and filled it with air again, but this time he tightened the seal tightly, leaving no gaps. "If there is not enough oxygen, it will be punctured and sucked in."

Xin Meng smiled and took it.

You Yi is very good at water, so he doesn't need to carry this thing with him. If he does, it will affect his flexibility of movement.

Seeing this, Dou Dou and Li Wenjun also saved a pocket of air as backup.

The four of them got ready and started wading into the sea.

Luo Yingying stayed, and Qi Xiaokui also stayed with her. The two watched worriedly as the four men slowly sank into the sea. Luo Yingying turned around and was about to talk to Qi Xiaokui, when she suddenly felt a trance in front of her eyes.

Qi Xiaokui: "..."

Four men next to him: "..."

"What's going on!" Luo Yingying screamed, fell to the ground, and almost collapsed, "Why are you back again!"

Xin Meng looked at the archive tree, was silent for a while, and whispered, "Probably, we can't separate..."

Silence spread silently, weighing heavily on everyone's hearts.

"There is no other way, let's go again." Xin Meng said, "Cheer up and try to pass this time!"

He wanted to cheer everyone up, and the others smiled in cooperation, but he knew in his heart that according to the unexpected return conditions of this game, the possibility of really being able to get through everything in one go... was almost zero.

Xin Meng felt their reluctance and continued, "Don't be so negative. Think on the bright side. Including the herring level, there are only four levels left in total. Even if we go back, it will only be four times at most. If you persevere, you will always reach the finish line!”

These words gave everyone a little confidence, but what can you do even if you don't have confidence? In order to survive, no matter how far away the destination is, you still have to go.

The six people rested for a while and then continued to set off. This time the journey was much smoother, but everyone was getting more and more tired. No one had the energy to pay attention to everything around them. They just wanted to go to the beach and get to the next level quickly.

Even Xin Meng, who had been blessed with physical strength points, felt tired. Li Wenjun was not even as good as him. Only You Yi and Dou Dou remained unchanged. You Yi was once an excellent soldier, and it was normal to have good physical fitness. Dou Dou is particularly eye-catching.

Especially as he got closer to the bull, his expression became more excited, his pace became faster and faster, and he muttered, "It's another bullfight! It's fun! It's great!"

"Is it my imagination? I always feel that Dou Dou is enjoying it," Luo Yingying gasped and whispered to Li Wenjun, "Do you think he thought he was playing a game? This accident can be serious. He's dead, why aren't you scared at all?"

Li Wenjun wiped the sweat from her forehead, "I feel the same way. He seems to be a little abnormally happy... By the way, he went to talk to you before. What are you two muttering about together?"

"I didn't say anything. He just asked me if I still remember how I got into this game. I said that I came here in a daze after sleeping. I don't know what happened. He asked you again, so of course you and I It's the same. After hearing this, he said that he was the same, and then left." Luo Yingying couldn't help but hold on to the tree and stopped for a while, taking a few breaths, sweating like rain, "Maybe... just curious..."

"Can you still walk?" Li Wenjun stopped and looked at her worriedly, "I'll carry you."

Luo Yingying smiled bitterly, "I can still persist. When it really doesn't work, you can carry me on your back. I always feel that I will go back..."

Li Wenjun supported her and sighed, "This is not as easy as the previous game."

After killing the bull, several people came to the beach again. When they came here for the third time, everyone's mood changed from heavy to disgust, but there was no way, no matter how disgusted they were, they couldn't escape.

Although they turned back as soon as they got into the water, Xin Meng also tested the effectiveness of using condoms as temporary oxygen bubbles, so this time Luo Yingying and Qi Xiaokui also put on condoms and followed the four men into the water.

The sting of the seawater sting on the wounds on my body was unbearable at first, but after a while, I got used to it.

At the bottom of the sea, a huge herring was waiting for them. It suddenly jumped out and killed a small black carp in one bite. Dou Dou and Li Wenjun rushed over and quickly grabbed the remaining three small black carps and pulled them away from the fish's mouth. You Yi held a dagger and swam forward like a fish to fight with the real giant fish.

Dou and Dou gave the little black men to Xin Meng and Qi Xiaokui, and then went back to support You Yi. Xin Meng grabbed two with one hand, Qi Xiaokui grabbed one, and with the other hand, she dragged Luo Yingying, who was unable to swim, to prevent her from sinking. seabed.

The three men started a battle with the giant fish. Dou Dou and Li Wenjun had no weapons. Their only function was to distract the Qingyu so that You Yi, as the main force, could attack east and west and catch them by surprise.

You Yi's attack was not unorganized. He first cut off the fins of the fish, and then cut off the herring's tail, making it lose the ability to swim flexibly. However, the sea water also became turbid, and the dirty blood quickly flowed along the floating sea water. Spreading around, visibility immediately dropped.

You Yi was cautious and did not dare to delay. He turned around and swam under the violently swinging herring, inserted the dagger into the soft white belly, and slashed hard, making a bloody gash. The internal organs fell out from the inside, and the herring made no sound. The screams were like real sound waves surging underwater. The three people who were close to him were almost stunned. Bloody threads flowed down their ears and spread in the water.

Those who were further away were not spared. Xin Meng and Qi Xiaokui were okay, but Luo Yingying was already exhausted, and the shock made her roll her eyes and fainted.

The body that had lost its consciousness became dead. Qi Xiaokui could not hold it with one hand, but was dragged downward by her. Xin Meng looked down and found that the broken sand on the seabed that was clearly visible just now had disappeared without knowing when and turned into A bottomless darkness!

Don't fall!

But he was holding the little black man with both hands and couldn't free his hands, and Qi Xiaokui was the same, no one could hold the other. Xin Meng could only try to get closer and push them up with his shoulders, although it temporarily slowed down the fall. However, Xin Meng had the worst water quality among the few people. This move not only failed to completely stop the sinking trend, but also caught up with him, and was entangled in sinking deeper and deeper.

At this critical moment, You Yi, who had killed Qingyu and came back to check on Xin Meng's condition, came over!

You Yi grabbed Xin Meng and pulled him up. Dou Dou and Li Wenjun, who came back shortly after, also grabbed one person each and dragged the little black people up together. The six people and three little black people kept swimming up. , but just like the bottom of the sea turned into an abyss, the sea surface that was originally only a few meters away became a place that could never be reached. They swam for several minutes, but they could not get out.

The air in the condom was getting less and less, so Xin Meng simply shook the little black man in Qi Xiaokui's hand, and then let go. When Qi Xiaokui saw it, she also let go.

The three little black people were not bothered by the sea water at all, and they had no breathing difficulties, and they could still sing!

"Four little black men went to sea together and met with disaster; the herrings devoured the blood, and only three of the four were left..."

The sound spreads rapidly in the water, with obvious distortion, but the content is extremely clear:

"Three little black men, a disaster occurred in the zoo; a bear suddenly fell from the sky, and only two of the three were left..."

After they finished singing, they kicked off their legs and swam quickly in a certain direction, with six people quickly following behind.

Suddenly, Xin Meng felt the change in the water flow behind him. He couldn't help but look back, and his eyes suddenly widened!

I saw a group of sharks with sharp teeth, rushing over in groups, surrounding the body of the giant herring, and gnawing ferociously!

Although the herring is big, it cannot hold up too many sharks. The flesh on its body is rapidly reduced to the extent visible to the eyes, revealing its white skeleton...

too fast!

If they haven't left after the herring is eaten...

Xin Meng suddenly shuddered. He pulled You Yi. You Yi turned around and saw the horrifying scene, but his expression did not change. He just led him to swim faster, almost parallel to the little black man.

Looking at the little black man next to him, Xin Meng almost immediately understood what You Yi was thinking. As long as they followed the NPC closely and didn't fall too far behind, they should have enough time to escape.

But Li Wenjun struggled to pull the unconscious Luo Yingying, and gradually fell behind the team.

He was so anxious that he was sweating all over even in the water. He seemed to be able to hear his rapid heartbeat in his ears. He looked at the unconscious Luo Yingying, and then at the NPC and teammates who were gradually moving away. He paddled his legs desperately, but after all, Although he was still unable to follow up with him, he looked back and was horrified to find that the herring had been almost eaten, and several sharks that couldn't get enough to eat swam in their direction following the smell of blood!