Horror University

Chapter 1246: East-West VS North-South (Part 2)


ps: I have some delays today, so I will update you three times first, and then I will update again tomorrow.


Changes always come so suddenly!

On the way to the classroom, Yin Kuang probably told Lian Nishang and Tang Rouyu his conjecture.

In fact, Yin Kuang had already guessed when this change occurred. It should be that Long Aotian from the South China Sea invaded the Hokkaido in some way, and Gaia and others were defeated, so that the Hokkaido merged with the South China Sea, and then Long Aotian forced Gaia to declare war on the East and West Universities - this is the only way. My guess is the most reliable, almost right!

As for why Rosalind accepted the challenge, Yin Kuang somewhat understood her considerations. She wanted to do everything possible to get rid of Long Aotian while he was only one-quarter or one-half. What Yin Kuang doesn't know is that Rosalind knows that the inter-school examination scene was jointly created by the principals, with the starting point of maximizing the difficulty of the examination, so more than 80% of the examination scene this time may be from the ninth era world! In this way, the struggle is not only about strength, but also about resourcefulness and so on.

At this time, the northern and southern universities have also merged. It is entirely possible to create the ninth era world with the combined power of the two merged principals.

"Alas! Why does the whole school have to participate in the war? Freshmen, sophomores, and even some juniors will only die if they take part in this exam." Tang Rouyu's face was deeply worried. Yin Kuang sighed: "That lunatic Long Aotian wants to kill us all! Don't worry, I will protect you this time and I will never let you get hurt at all."

Lian Nishang suddenly said: "Go this way to the third area. Bye." After saying that, she flashed away.

Tang Rouyu smiled and said: "Yin Kuang, I guess she is jealous. You should say 'I won't let you get hurt at all'."

Yin Kuang rolled his eyes and said, "Even if she is an uncle, I am not a lolita. Come on, let's go this way to pick up Qianqian."


Arriving at Rosalind's manor in a hurry, Yin Kuang hugged Qian Qianqian and rushed to the classroom with Tang Rouyu.

"Yin Kuang, is this Long Aotian's fault again?"

Yin Kuang nodded and said: "Well, it's probably that shit-stirring stick again that can't stop. Don't worry, I won't let you get hurt at all. I swear."

Qian Qianqian first pursed her lips and smiled, then pouted, "I don't need your protection. Right, Sister Tang?"

Yin Kuang smiled and said: "Okay, okay, our Xiao Qianqian is the best."

Perhaps with the help of Rosalind, Qian Qianqian is already a strong person in the axis-condensing stage. Although Yin Kuang has never actually seen her take action, the strength of Ningzhu is not much different.

At the road intersection, Yin Kuang happened to meet Tan Shengge and Bei Dao, who were walking side by side. Seeing these two people, Yin Kuang couldn't help but feel sad. After careful inspection, he found that Tan Shengge had condensed the "axis", but Bei Dao showed no sign of condensing the "axis". It seems that Tan Shengge Ning's "axis" is probably related to the "Pangu Ax" in his hand.

The two sides said hello and went their separate ways.

Tan Shengge smiled at Bei Dao and said: "Now Yin Kuang has caught up with us. How sad." Bei Dao curled his lips and said: "There are always stronger people in this world. As long as we can protect ourselves, Why should we expect anything else? Besides, he is stronger than us, but the dangers and pressures he bears are also greater than us. So, just live freely and happily." Tan Shengge said: "I just sighed a little, You just made a long speech. Let’s go. I’m afraid this school-wide exam won’t be so easy.” Bei Dao sighed: “In my opinion, this is an unreasonable disaster for us.”

Yin Kuang was still a sophomore at this time, so he, Qian Qianqian, and Tang Rouyu came to the sophomore teaching building.

At the entrance to Building C of the teaching building No. 1, Yin Kuang met Wang Ning by chance. This guy is dressed in black. Even under the light of the teaching building, he still gives people the feeling that he is hiding in the shadows, as if he may melt into the darkness and disappear at any time. The posture with his hands in his pockets looks like It's also very carefree.

Not surprisingly, this guy was also frozen.

In fact, to be serious, Yin Kuang is indeed full of talents this year. In the past, there was no one who could condense the "axis" in the sophomore year, and there were quite a few who couldn't condense the "axis" in the junior year. As for Yin Kuang's current term, it goes without saying that Yin Kuang was the first to consolidate his "axis". Then there are Li Shuangmu, Tan Shengge, Qian Qianqian, and now Wang Ning, so there are five.

"Hey, long time no see," Wang Ning raised his chin and said lazily, looking Yin Kuang up and down with his dark eyes, "It seems like you've grown a lot."

Yin Kuang said: "Both each other. You are not bad either."

Wang Ning said: "How is it? Now do you have any thoughts of killing me to avenge the previous knife attack?" Yin Kuang said: "In what year did Chen Sesame rotten millet happen?" Wang Ning laughed "chi" and said : "Okay. For your words, I will give you a free sentence." Yin Kuang asked: "What words?" Wang Ning said: "Be careful of Li Shuangmu. This guy here..." Wang Ning pointed to his head, "Something is wrong. Alas. , People with brain problems are the most troublesome." After saying that, he shook his head and left with a sigh.

Qian Qianqian muttered: "I think this guy has something wrong with his brain."

Yin Kuang said: "Haha. Let's go."

In fact, there was something in Yin Kuang's heart that he didn't say: We have all changed, but we didn't see much change in him. Is there something wrong with his brain, or has our brain changed

Coming to the classroom, which is the re-established Class 1257, the class members include Wei Ming, Zeng Fei, Shen Kou, Murong Yan, etc. whom Yin Kuang knows, and there are also a few whom Yin Kuang does not know - some of the fixed class members are Tang Rouyu's class special treatment.

Yin Kuang greeted his former friends and comrades one by one. Wei Ming, Zeng Fei and others also responded with smiles. Although they were happy on the surface, Yin Kuang could still feel that the relationship between them was somewhat alienated. It’s hard to say who is alienated from whom. In short, there seems to be a gap between them. The reasons are various. Yin Kuang could only express his helplessness about this. Just like before, when I entered high school, my friends in junior high school and elementary school gradually drifted apart. Individuals have their own life trajectories and cannot force them. Whether it is love or friendship, fate is very important.

On the other hand, those students from the former Western God were respectful to Yin Kuang and did not dare to make any mistakes.

About four minutes before the exam, on the twelfth floor of the library.

A porcelain doll-like Goth loli stood beside Rosalind and said, "Dear Linda, are you really sure this time?"

Rosalind said: "Although it is very difficult to deal with one-half, there is still a chance. If it is four-in-one, let alone me, you can't handle it either, Lucius, right?"

"Yes, Linda." Goth Loli nodded her porcelain-like little head.

Rosalind said: "So we can only fight hard. Now, let's bring our old friends back. Let us listen to their choices."

"Since you insist on doing so." The Goth Loli twisted her skirt and bowed, then disappeared.

The next moment, six figures appeared in the chaos.

If Yin Kuang were here, he would be surprised, because these five people are suddenly Dou Tianli, monk, Taoist priest, Xiang Ba, Zhao Kuang, and Lu Xia Leng, whom he is already very familiar with.

The moment they appeared, the six people's expressions were still a little dazed, but two seconds later, everyone regained their due power and sharp gaze.

"Rosalind, what are you doing again!?" Dou Tianli said in a deep voice.

He remembered everything in those two seconds. Dong Sheng was defeated and he was imprisoned in an eighth era world. His strength was blocked and his memory was blocked. He was a waiter in the eighth era world. Thinking about it now, this was simply a shame for him!

Lu Xialeng also said coldly: "Why did you call me back? I have given you the history books, and you promised me not to disturb my life anymore. What does it matter now?"

"It's a great dream in the Spring and Autumn Period, and the yellow beams are ruined." The Taoist priest shook his head, "I'm afraid this master will just go to the Three Treasures Hall for no reason."

The monk said "Ami Tofu": "Cause and cause are connected. It is enough for a poor monk to be a novice monk. Why drag me to wade in muddy water again. Alas."

Xiang Ba looked at Zhao Kuang and said, "I didn't expect that I couldn't get rid of you." Zhao Kuang curled his lips and looked at Rosalind.

Rosalind said: "There are still about two minutes. The battle between East and West against North and South will begin. 'Long Aotian' controls the North and South. Dou Tianli, you should be familiar with him, right? So, if East and West fail this time, everything will , will be destroyed by him. You should know that I am not an alarmist."

Dou Tianli's brows jumped a few times.

Lu Xia's expression turned ugly as she cooled off.

Two minutes passed quickly.

"You still have a chance to think about it. In the exam scene. This time whether we fight side by side or remain enemies depends on your choice." Rosalind said.

Then, Lucius's voice rang:

The battle begins!

Battle scene: "Havoc in Heaven"

Scene notes: Please note that this scene is a special scene developed for the battle between two schools, and it is the world of the ninth era!