Horror University

Chapter 1248: It's called famous


"Breathe-breathe-the air here is so fresh."

This is a place full of ashes, and everything you see is scorched earth. There were burnt plants and burnt corpses all over the mountains and plains. Not long ago, it had a very beautiful and delicious name, Huaguoshan.

The speaker, who would be familiar if Yin Kuang, Rosalind and others were here, is Long Aotian. Wearing a cool and stylish amethyst armor and a rusty dragon purple robe, he is extremely domineering.

"Do you agree?"

The camera turned sharply, and a group of people suddenly stood in front of Long Aotian, and the person he asked about was Gaia from the North and South Colleges.

Gaia said calmly: "Long Aotian, don't play any tricks. I have already started a war against the Eastern and Western Universities as you wished. Now I only hope that you will fulfill your previous promise."

Long Aotian awkwardly picked his ears with his little finger, then picked his nose, flicked his index finger, and said: "I have seen too many people who are rushing to survive, and there are really not many people who are rushing to die. Hehe, but... Suddenly I changed my mind again."


"No, no, no, don't look at me like that. What I mean is... I won't kill you." Long Aotian said with an evil smile, "How about it, you are feeling deeply moved in your hearts now, and then you feel like You have the urge to prostrate yourself and cry as you look to be my little brother’s lap to hug me in order to report my kindness of not killing you? Isn’t that right?”

Long Aotian waggled his fingers, "You!"

Then one person flew out.

Long Aotian said: "Kneel down and beg me. Hold my thighs and beg me. You want to cry and shout, 'Oh, boss, please accept me as your younger brother. If you don't agree, I won't get up.'" Jiang Zi ( Like this). Hurry up, so I won’t kill you.”

The person who was randomly selected was a sophomore student. He couldn't stand the powerful power that naturally emanated from Long Aotian's body. His feet shook and he knelt down with a pop. However, the next moment, a fist hit his head, and his whole head exploded instantly.

Gaia casually shook off the blood on her hands, turned around and looked at the Hokuriku students. All the Hokuriku students who were unable to resist the principal's restraints were here (not all Hokuriku students participated in the war), and shouted: "Take all of you" Stand upright on your feet!"

With a "swish" sound, all the Hokuriku students stood upright, just like elite soldiers who had received the "stand at attention" command.

"Alas, alas, alas!" Long Aotian sighed three times in a row, "It is said that once Long Aotian shows his domineering power, his tiger body is shaken, he will fall to his knees in all directions, and he has countless younger brothers. How come this name is of no use to me. Sure enough, I am still too kind and kind. Forget it, I'd better change my name. Long Aotian is outdated. Let me think about it, what should I call it?" Then he picked up his fingers as if no one else was around, He muttered: "Long Potian? Or Long Batian? Hey, why do I have to be named Long? Xuanyuan is not bad, right? Nangong Dongfang, there are many styles of compound surnames. Ye Feng, Lin Feng and so on are also quite popular. Alas. , it’s really hard to choose.”

Gaia, and all the students in Hokuriku, just watched him in silence, acting crazy alone, but no one outside Gaia dared to breathe.

"By the way, I thought of it!" Long Aotian smashed his fist, "It's called 'Famous'! Hey, Gaia, what do you think of this name? No matter what it is called, it's 'Famous', covering all names, simple , I understand. Tsk, you could give me some advice."

"… good."

"It's okay? That's okay? Okay! From now on I will be called 'famous', hehe, famous is famous, famous is still famous. A famous person is the mother of all things. I am so smart." Long Aotian... maybe It should be called "Famous" now, he said.

Gaia said: "Long Aotian... is famous. Do you know that every second you waste now will give Rosalind one more second to prepare to kill you?"

Youming smiled and said: "This is interesting. It's boring to just stand and let me kill them. I might as well go chop wood. The same goes for you. So I decided to let you go and let you go and talk to Rosalind." Join that rotten bitch in Germany. Then, try your best to kill me, haha, isn’t this more fun? What’s even more fun is that when you try your best to kill me, you finally find that you can’t kill me at all. At that time, in despair, pain, grief and anger, I was pinching him to death bit by bit. This sense of accomplishment is really the best!"

Gaia said: "You will regret it." After saying that, he stopped talking nonsense and turned around to leave.

All Hokuriku students automatically moved out of the way to let him pass. Then the Hokuriku students followed him and left in an orderly manner. No one dared to look at the crazy guy.

Long Aotian, who has been renamed "Youming" - will also be called Youming from now on. Watching the large group of people from the Hokuriku leaving, he chuckled "hehehe", then looked up at the sky and murmured: "Lights." , pay attention to the speakers, the show is about to begin. Action!!"

Ashes spread.

Huaguo Mountain is extremely rugged. Except for the junior students, the students below the sophomore level are struggling to walk. Several people fell off the cliff even if they were not careful, and fell to their deaths in a cowardly manner. More than 1,600 people from three grades gathered together, and it took them two hours to get down to the foot of Huaguo Mountain. Then everyone had to stay and rest. In order to resist the strong wind on the mountain, even the sophomores were exhausted to death.

Maxim, the only remaining member of the White Bear Team, walked to Gaia and said, "Sir, this can't go on. With such a large group of people, there is nothing we can do." Gaia said, "I know. But since they If you choose to follow me, I will never abandon them. Find a city on earth to settle them. Go around to see if there are any living monsters and get some necessary information."

"Yes, sir." Maxim summoned a few more people with a casual move, and then left quickly.

About half an hour later, Maxim returned with his people and reported to Gaia: "There is a human city six hundred miles southwest of here, called Fangwai City. In addition, sir, I also heard that Sun Wukong has already made trouble. Heavenly Palace." Gaia stood up and said: "Huaguo Mountain was burned to this state. You can guess it without asking. Let's go, let's go to Fangwai City." Maxim said: "But we have More than 1,600 people. Six hundred miles away..." Gaia said, "Don't worry."

After saying that, Gaia made a move, and a transparent vortex immediately appeared above everyone's heads, and then a group of people were pulled into the transparent vortex by a strong suction force.

Maxim nodded with an "I see" look, and said to himself: "As expected of Lord Gaia, you can open an 'autonomous world' even in the ninth era."

In this way, only Gaia and Maxim are left. At this time, these two people are considered the two strongest people in Hokuriku.

"Let's go!"

As soon as Gaia finished speaking, she soared into the sky, took one last look at the direction of Huaguo Mountain, and then flew towards the southwest.

Six hundred miles is nothing to students with the strength of Gaia and Maxim. However, out of caution, the two slowed down and took half an hour to reach the city named Fang Waicheng. In a secluded place outside the city, Gaia released the Hokuriku students in the "autonomous world" and ordered Maxim to settle them. But he entered the city alone, and soon blended into the crowd in the city, and began to wander seemingly aimlessly. In fact, he had just released his perception.

An hour later, when Gaia turned a street corner, suddenly an arm was put on Gaia's shoulder.

"Lord Gaia, we meet again."

Gaia turned around, looked at the person who fought alongside her not long ago, and said, "I never thought we would have a chance to meet again."

Yin Kuang pointed to the tea stall beside him and said with a smile: "How about I treat you to a cup of tea to quench your thirst?"

Gaia said: "Thank you very much."

The two sat down and ordered a pot of Tieguanyin. Gaia drank it in big gulps, then looked at Yin Kuang and said: "Do you know that my life now has become a toy in the hands of others." Yin Kuang said: " My life has been played by others before. As long as I can live, there will always be a day when I can play it back." Gaia said: "If I say that Long Aotian is already half as good as now, I don't know if you can still play with it. I can't maintain your confidence." Yin Kuang smiled and said: "At least I never sit still and wait for death." Gaia said: "Where is Rosalind?" Yin Kuang shook his head and said: "We haven't found it yet." Gaia said: " Just the two of us, I'm afraid our lives will be played with." Yin Kuang said: "So I happen to ask you for help with something."

"What's the matter? No need to discuss private matters."

"I need the wish-fulfilling stick in Sun Wukong's hand. If we grab it, our chances of winning will increase." Yin Kuang poured him tea as he spoke.

Gaia Cow finished his drink and said, "When?"


The tea cup was put down with a "snatch" sound. Gaia stood up and said: "Let's go." He said simply and neatly.

On the way out of the city, Gaia said: "By the way, that madman Long Aotian changed his name again."

"What is it called, Long Dingtian or Long Batian?"
