Horror University

Chapter 1252: Ruyi is the only one!


Is this considered a failure

Yin Kuang smiled bitterly in his heart.

But then he put aside all distracting thoughts, including his hatred for Li Shuangmu and his doubts about Lu Xialeng's appearance.

Despite all the difficulties, he is going to nail the Ruyi Golden Cudgel!

So, he turned his head and rushed towards Sun Wukong. Unlike him, his body is always wrapped with a wishful stick.


He opened his mouth and roared, then sprayed out a beam of colored flames that condensed the last ancestral dragon soul power, and shot it directly at the huge Sun Wukong.

The colorful purple dragon also faded due to losing the support of the ancestral dragon soul power, and returned to its original purple color.

Sun Wukong suddenly felt that the power on the Wishful Stick decreased suddenly, and saw the colorful dragon fade into a purple dragon. His mental power (his understanding) was exhausted, and he immediately spun the Wishful Stick even harder.

As for the colorful flames sprayed out by Yin Kuang, he ignored them. Thinking that he was transformed from fairy stone and made into fine steel, how could he be afraid of flames


Pulled by the vainly increasing centrifugal force, Yin Kuang's body wrapped around the Ruyi stick retreated outwards. The sharp dragon claws grabbed the Ruyi stick and made a harsh sound, sparks flying everywhere.

Just when Yin Kuang was about to be thrown out, the colorful flames also shot at Sun Wukong's body, burning him immediately and making him scream strangely. The soul power of the Ancestral Dragon is an energy that even a guy like "Youming" is afraid of. Can Sun Wukong be more resistant to burning than him? Stimulated by severe pain, he loosened his hands, and Yin Kuang flew out with the wishful stick.

Sun Wukong screamed and jumped wildly, slapping the colorful flames on his chest with both hands. He was surprised to see the wish-fulfilling stick flying out of his hands. He immediately twisted his butt, and the monkey's tail suddenly extended, and wrapped around the end of the wish-fulfilling stick with a "swish" sound.

"You! Stop! Think!" Sun Wukong's voice was trembling with pain, but he was equally determined and tenacious.

At this moment, Yin Kuang also fell into weakness without the support of the ancestral dragon soul power, and Sun Wukong was also burned by the dragon soul flame, and wrapped the wishful stick with the monkey's tail. One and the other disappeared, but he was deadlocked again. Together.

That monkey's tail was stretched five to six hundred meters long.

"Damn! It's just a little bit close. It would be nice to have even a little outside help at this time. Where did that guy from Gaia go!?" Yin Kuang rarely puts his hope in others, but at this moment he has no choice but to pray for someone to help. he. Yin Kuang really tried his best.

Suddenly, as if God heard and responded to Yin Kuang's desire, an arc of marble-colored light suddenly flew out of a cloud on the right, hitting the target very fast and accurately. On the tail of Sun Wukong's monkey.


The monkey's tail was actually chopped off.

Yin Kuang only felt that the tension was loosened and he quickly moved away.

Yin Kuang turned around subconsciously, and out of the corner of his eye he spotted a figure in the clouds on the right, and it was Tan Shengge!

Tan Shengge was holding an ax with both hands that looked like a product of the Stone Age, but had a domineering name like "Pangu Ax". He seemed to realize that Yin Kuang was looking at him, so he nodded lightly in response.

It turns out that when he appeared in this world, Tan Shengge asked Bei Dao what we could do. Bei Dao's answer was "either wait to die or wait to live", which made Tan Shengge roll his eyes. In the end, Bei Dao couldn't defeat Tan Shengge, so he said, "I guess that guy Li Shuangmu will do something extraordinary if he is not willing to be alone. If you really want to make some contribution, find a way to find him and keep an eye on him."

Then Tan Shengge found and followed Li Shuangmu. To be honest, before Li Shuangmu interfered with Yin Kuang, Tan Shengge thought that Li Shuangmu was helping Yin Kuang, so he did not stop him. When he found out that Li Shuangmu was attacking Yin Kuang, it was too late to stop him. Therefore, Tan Shengge helped Yin Kuang to compensate when Yin Kuang and Sun Wukong passed the tail tug-of-war.

Needless to say, his ax was really timely.

"Quack, quack, quack!"

The severe pain left by the burnt Ancestral Dragon Soul Power, the pain of having his tail chopped off, and the anger of losing the Ruyi Stick again... Sun Wukong could only vent his anger by holding his head and yelling. After yelling for a while, he continued to chase Yin Kuang, really persevering.

However, as soon as he rushed out, he felt a crisis and his figure was in vain. A marble-colored arc of light flew past him. Then, a man stopped you in front of him, holding a stone ax in his hand.

No matter how eager Sun Wukong was to take back the Ruyi Stick at this moment, after seeing the stone axe, Sun Monkey, who had never known fear, suddenly took a few steps back and stared at the Pangu Ax in Tan Sheng's singer with horror and confusion.

That is definitely a treasure that can kill him!

Sun Wukong blinked and suddenly thought: "Why don't I snatch that treasure?"

Tan Shengge was so knowledgeable. When he saw Sun Wukong's twinkling eyes, he knew that Sun Wukong had set his sights on his Pangu Ax. He couldn't help but feel happy, "Is this Sun Wukong really addicted to grabbing weapons?"

In the distance, Yin Kuang saw Tan Shengge stopping Sun Wukong from the corner of his eye, and secretly prayed: "Brother Tan, hold on, it only takes ten seconds." Then he no longer wasted precious time and once again summoned the wishful stick in his body. , the wishful golden cudgel that wraps the world.

This time Yin Kuang learned a lesson and ran in the opposite direction to where Li Shuangmu was. At this time, at a glance, in Li Shuangmu's battle group in the distance, three divine dragons, one white and two red, were entangled and swirling with each other. Li and Lu were swinging swords and halberds, roaring. Yin Kuang's heart was filled with fear. Li Shuangmu was actually able to tie with Lu Xia Leng. His strength was growing rapidly. But so what? When I fuse the wishful stick, I'll ask you to taste the taste of a sap!

1, 2, 3, 4…

This time, Yin Kuang almost counted the seconds.

The more critical the moment, the easier it is for some annoying accidents to occur, and he can't help but be nervous.

Unfortunately, there were no more accidents this time.

When Yin Kuang silently counted "10" in his heart, a golden light that almost blinded his eyes bloomed from the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. In an instant, the entire "sky space" was enveloped in the golden light. .

Sun Wukong and Tan Shengge paused. Feeling the familiar light, Sun Wukong screamed "quack", leaving Tan Shengge behind and rushed towards the source of the golden light. Li Shuangmu and Lu Xialeng also stopped moving and looked at the source of golden light. Even the gods and demons who were fighting fiercely in the Nth level were forced to stop by the golden light. They all covered their eyes and screamed in shock.

In the Yunxiao Hall, swords and axes collided and then separated. But when they were about to collide again, golden light enveloped them.

"What's the reason for this!?" The Bull Demon King covered his eyes with his magic axe, "Jade Emperor, what tricks are you playing?"

The Jade Emperor sheathed his sword and said with undiminished demeanor: "The treasure of chaos is just born! Bull Demon King, with this little knowledge, do you also want to take charge of the Heavenly Palace?"

"Bullshit treasure!" The Bull Demon King said, "Nothing can beat the magic ax in my hand. Let's fight again!"


On the thirty-third heaven, in the palace where the "Tushita Palace" hung, a certain old man with a long beard swept his fly whisk away without opening his eyes, and murmured: "Tao, I gave birth to one (liao)..."

In the center of the golden light blooming, Yin Kuang felt the changes in the Ruyi Stick most directly. Regardless of judging it from the perspective of weapons, in terms of "axis", Yin Kuang can really feel the so-called solidity in front of his "axis". If we want to make a comparison, it is the same as the difference between wooden chopsticks and iron rods. This change can only be felt through personal experience. Yin Kuang subconsciously injected the "Source" into the Ruyi Stick, and instantly felt a power no less than that given to him by the soul of the Ancestral Dragon pouring into his limbs and bones, making Yin Kuang feel energetic all over his body.

As for weapons, you have to really look at their power before you can compare them.

Roar! !

The overall feeling of comfort is simply wonderful. Yin Kuang couldn't help but raised his head to the sky and let out a dragon roar.

At this moment, Sun Wukong rushed forward, trying to seize the Ruyi Stick again, but his eardrums were stung by the sudden roar of the dragon, and he subconsciously pressed his ears and screamed.

All around, the white clouds and clouds floating in the sky of heaven radiated to the surroundings.

Tan Shengge was secretly surprised and thought: "It seems that his Ruyi Stick has become the only one! Alas, it is a pity that with our current strength, we cannot make Pangu Ax the only one. What will happen to the Pangu Ax that created the world after becoming the only one?" A different look."

The next moment, the golden dazzling light suddenly shrank, and Yin Kuang and Ruyi Stick came into everyone's sight again.

Yin Kuang also changed from dragon form back to human form. The wishful stick changed and fell into his hand.

Sun Wukong stared at the Ruyi Stick eagerly with hatred in his heart, but found that he had lost contact with the Ruyi Stick, and his big eyes blinked unwillingly.

Yin Kuang said: "Still not leaving? Still want to rob? Watch!"