Horror University

Chapter 1269: Decide! war! (Nine)


Outside the "infinite barrier".

Although there is a barrier blocking the space, the barrier does not block the light. The inside can see the outside, so the outside can also see the inside.

Li Shuangmuzheng stared at everything happening in the barrier without blinking an eye.

He is waiting, waiting for the death of those who once controlled Haotian Tower. Once they are dead, he can stand up and fight that person openly!

Finally, as if God responded to his wait, Xiang Ba was famously killed.

However, at this moment, a joking voice suddenly came over, "Hey, when did our President Li also join my profession?"

Li Shuangmu turned around and saw Wang Ning raising his chin and spinning a black animal bone dagger with a playful look on his face.

"It has nothing to do with you." After saying that, Li Shuangmu was very "cool" and ignored Wang Ning.

But the next moment, Wang Ning turned into a black smoke and stood in front of Li Shuangmu, blocking his sight, "Oh, I said, why are you so cold? After all, we are also old friends. Let's laugh at least. "

Li Shuangmu frowned and asked directly: "Are you here to cause trouble on purpose?"

"Tsk," Wang Ning said, "Look how unpleasant your words are. But... if you are planning to help that lunatic, then I'm itching to play with you."

Li Shuangmu focused his eyes on Wang Ning and said, "I advise you not to meddle in other people's business." Wang Ning clicked his tongue and shook his head, "That's not possible. The world is so beautiful, but I haven't had enough fun. How can I let you destroy it? ?”

Li Shuangmu stopped talking and slowly held his hand on the hilt of the Chixiao Sword.

Then, Wang Ning turned into a black shadow and rushed over.


A black shadow and a sword light intertwined, and sparks flew away.

Wang Ning turned around and grabbed his head. The hair in his hand was cut off by Li Shuangmu's sword energy, "Oh, my hairstyle."


One of Li Shuangmu's cuffs split open and fell down.

Li Shuangmu glanced at the gap in his sleeves, and his eyes became increasingly gloomy.

Wang Ning whistled and said: "Hey, it's boring for you to wait anyway. How about I play with you?" Wang Ning knew that it would be difficult to kill Li Shuangmu with his own strength, but he had to entangle him and prevent him from doing it. Otherwise, hey, that's more than enough.

Li Shuangmu sighed, "Why do you need to wade into this muddy water?" After saying that, the person and the sword merged into one, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards Wang Ning...

Let’s talk about the “infinite barrier”.

In fact, Yin Kuang, Lu Xia Leng, and even everyone believed that if Ming Ming could not kill everyone in the room instantly, the first one to kill would be Yin Kuang or Rosalind.

Of course, Yin Kuang needless to say, everyone knows that his Ruyi Golden Cudgel can swallow the famous "source" at special times. As for Rosalind, the "infinite barrier" around her is controlled by her at the moment. If she wants to break through the barrier and rush out, she must get rid of Rosalind.

But the actual situation is very different from what everyone imagined - the target of the fourth sword of the famous savings is suddenly a monk, a Taoist priest, and of course Dou Tianli who is holding the Pangu axe!

He actually has nothing to do with Yin Kuang and Rosalind.

The purple light turned into a straight line and shot towards Dou Tianli and the others at the absolute speed of light. Because there was an error in predicting the famous target, at this moment, the monks and Taoist priests had no time to react. Of course, even if they reacted, it would be useless to think about it. As for Dou Tianli, he had already swung two axes with all his strength before, but this time he was able to use another axe. If Youming rushed forward in person, it would surely be a disaster.

In fact, at this moment, Zhao Kuang's split body had not yet had time to fall under the influence of gravity - if there was a mortal watching here, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to see anything, because his vision simply couldn't keep up. , everything happens in far less than one second!

The purple light passed between the two halves of Zhao Kuang's body. Zhao Kuang's body turned into nothingness in an instant.

The purple sword light at the speed of light suddenly zigzagged and penetrated Dou Tianli, the monk, and the Taoist priest in an instant, and then hit the golden shadow of the Ruyi Stick with a "boom". The unimaginable incomparable power directly caused the entire phantom of Ruyi Stick to shake.


After the third sword light hit and vomited blood, Yin Kuang sprayed out another mouthful of blood mist. If Lu Xia Leng hadn't caught him in time, Yin Kuang would have fallen down.

This time, the wishful stick still failed to swallow the famous "source".

"No, the wishful stick is not turning! It must be turned to swallow the famous 'source'!" Yin Kuang thought in his mind. He just held Lu Xia Leng's hand and said with consciousness: "Let's do the same as before, you inject the 'source' into my body." Lu Xia Leng nodded.

Immediately afterwards, another "source" explosion occurred in Yin Kuang's body.

Sure enough, after receiving Lu Xia Leng's "source", the wishful stick started spinning slowly again.

But at this time, the straight sword light transformed by Yu Ming suddenly folded, crashed into the "boundary film", and appeared from the opposite direction space. At this time, there was a sneer on his face.



The monk and the Taoist priest exploded one after another and turned into blood mist, leaving not even a hair behind.

On the other hand, Dou Tianli's body was also distorted and swollen, as if it would burst at any time, and he gritted his teeth without making a sound. But only the muscles of the hands holding Pangu's ax bulged, looking extremely strong.

You Ming said "Hey", grabbed it in the air with his big hand, and Pangu's ax shook, and actually flew towards him again.

Is he going to snatch Pangu's axe? !

"Don't even think about it!"

Dou Tianli let out a loud roar, followed by a violent shudder of Pangu's ax, and Dou Tianli's figure returned to normal in an instant. However, his expression looked particularly depressed. This is the second miraculous effect of Pangu Ax: immortality! With enough "source", Pangu Ax can reshape a person in an instant. Therefore, the Dou Tianli now is no longer the Dou Tianli before. The previous Dou Tianli had died along with the Taoist priests and monks. The current one is a new Dou Tianli reshaped by Pangu Ax - but it can also be said that he is still Dou Tianli, because he has inherited everything about Dou Tianli, including memories, status, etc.

"Tsk! Why is it so troublesome?" Youming said.

Then, he laughed, "But it doesn't matter. It's only a matter of time before I kill you. What? Don't you understand?" Youming returned to his smiling appearance and glanced at Yin Kuang and others, " Hey, I said, can you stop the wish-fulfilling stick? It spins so hard that I feel dizzy. Even if you calculate like this for thousands of years, you still won’t be able to swallow up all my sources. Of course, if you think there are too many sources, I can’t do anything about it. .”

Yin Kuang could only stop. At the same time, Yin Kuang was also thinking about one thing in his mind: why did you want to kill the Taoist priests and monks.

The Taoist priests were not as threatening as Rosalind and Yin Kuang who had the Ruyi Stick, but Youming used all his accumulated strength to kill both the Taoist priests and the monks, even destroying the corpses. There must be some reason for this. But what exactly is it

Just when Yin Kuang was racking his brains, Youming pointed at them and said: "So, you deserve to die! Qi, you are the only ones who still want to save the world. A world with people like you should Destroyed. Hey, don’t you guys understand why I want to kill those trash fish that pose no threat to me? Forget it, don’t even think about it. Let me tell you. I see you are all confused. You What kind of brain is that? I have said before, 'Everyone is for one, and I am for everyone.' There is strength in numbers! Unity is strength! By the way, where have you guys thrown all this positive energy? Got it? Still don’t understand? Okay, I surrender!”

"Now, let me have a famous teacher tell you the last lesson in life! Where does the 'source' come from? The energy that makes the world run? Just kidding, the world runs completely on the consumption of the 'source'. The 'source' is through the smallest The 'source particles' collide, fuse, fuse, and explode when kneading dough, so the fusion between worlds can produce a large number of 'sources'. The more worlds collide and fuse, the higher the epoch level. The more 'sources' there are. You all know this. But why don't you know how to make an analogy? The world is like this, but the same is true for people? Therefore, when the 'sources' of different people come into contact with each other, they can detonate. Source energy', thus producing a large number of free 'sources'. Young man, the reason why your wishful stick can rotate is because the 'sources' of you and the female doll detonate each other. As for the wishful stick, five thousand years ago, it was used as a It exists as the 'axis' of the real world. Of course it can absorb my 'source'. Alas, what kind of world is this? You want me to teach you how to beat me."

"But... Hee hee, even if you know it now, what can you do? Several miscellaneous fish are dead, and no one will provide you with a 'source'. Xiao Luo needs to support the barrier, otherwise I will run away. As for the one with the axe , Pangu Ax will first restrain your Ruyi Stick, even if he is willing to contribute his own 'source', it will be of no use. So, you can only wait to die now. How about it, don't you feel more desperate?"