Hot Summer

Chapter 1: male god


At 7:10 p.m., Xia Yunian appeared outside the school gymnasium, and Fang Xinyi's WeChat was just being sent.

Fang Xinyi: "Have you come here yet? Why haven't you arrived yet?" Xia Yunian pinched her phone and slowly replied: "It's the door, where are you sitting?" .”

Xia Yunian hesitated for two seconds between entering the door and going to the library. Several student council officers who were in charge of ticket checking by the door were chatting, and saw Xia Yunian calling him: "Student, do you want to go in? It's already started. "

Xia Yunian stepped forward and handed out the ticket in her hand.

As soon as you enter the door, you can hear loud music and human voices, the stage ahead is brightly lit, and a band is singing rock and roll passionately.

The infield was overcrowded, and there were quite a few people in the square stands. The closing night of the Campus Music Festival was particularly hot.

Xia Yunian lowered her head and walked to the left. In the back row of the last aisle, she saw Fang Xinyi who was turning her head and waving vigorously at him.

He hurried forward, and the seat was on the side of the aisle. After sitting down, the girl asked him: "You are so dawdling, don't you want to come?" Xia Yunian looked a little embarrassed, Fang Xinyi gave him a look: " You said it earlier, my roommate still wants to come, so I got two tickets."

It is hard to find a ticket for the infield on the closing night of the music festival, and each college has a fixed number of tickets. She still got the ticket from the senior and suitor of the vice chairman of the student union of the college, and gave Xia Yu a ticket. This kid It's a waste if you don't come.

"Why are there so many people?" Xia Yunian asked softly.

"Fu Shicheng will perform on stage, don't you think most of them are girls?" Fang Xinyi became excited again, "Does Fu Shicheng know? A junior in the Department of Guangxin, male god, school grass!" Xia Yunian didn't know .

Fang Xinyi complained: "I don't know how many times Fu Shizheng will perform. The group of students from the student union deliberately didn't show the program list this time, just to hang everyone. Fu Shizheng won't really be on the finale..." Xia Xia Yu Nian was staring at the stage in front of him, the stage was noisy, he couldn't understand what those people were singing, but the arc-shaped stage in front of him was beautifully designed.

So I took out the picture book and pen that I carried with me, and started to draw with the light of the mobile phone flashlight.

"What are you doing?" Fang Xinyi came closer to look.

Xia Yunian kept writing, raised her eyes to look forward from time to time, drew very fast, but spoke softly: "I took a stage design class this semester, so I can draw casually."

Fang Xinyi was a little speechless: "It's so dark here, you don't have to be afraid of going blind, what are you doing here?" The music on the stage overshadowed Xia Yunian's voice: "The person you mentioned hasn't come out yet what?"

Two hours later, the atmosphere in the arena gradually reached its climax, and there were only a lot more spectators.

After Xia Yu read the picture, she lowered her head and closed her eyes with her schoolbag and album in her arms, and fell asleep already.

In such a noisy place, he slept very peacefully and quietly.

Fang Xinyi turned her head to look at him from time to time, seeing that his eyes were downcast and motionless, she couldn't help sighing.

If Auntie Xia hadn't been worried that Xia Yunian was too withdrawn in school, and begged herself several times to take him to play more, she really didn't want to waste this hard-won ticket.

Xia Yunian woke up again to the sound of singing, and opened her eyes in a daze to look forward. Under the lights and in the smoke, someone was sitting in front of the microphone with a guitar in their arms, singing a gentle old love song in a foreign language.

The man was wearing the simplest T-shirt and jeans, with neat short hair and deep and peaceful eyes. When his eyes turned inadvertently, Xia Yunian was slightly startled, as if attracted by those eyes, and his heart trembled.

Fang Xinyi asked in her ear: "Is he handsome?" Xia Yunian couldn't say a word.

"Fu Shicheng!" A voice came from an unknown direction, calling the name of the person on the stage.

Xia Yunian stared at that person, the screams and shouts of the audience were gradually isolated, all he could hear was singing, and his own accelerating heartbeat.

Coming out of the gymnasium, Xia Yunian held the picture album in her hand and listened silently to Fang Xinyi talking about Fu Shicheng all the way.

When he entered the school, he spoke at the opening ceremony on behalf of the freshmen. Since then, the whole school has known this name. The video recorded at that time is still hanging on the school forum, and the number of hits remains high, but it should be him from today on. Tonight's performance taped instead.

There are posts about him every day on the school’s confession wall. Whether it’s a confession to ask for a relationship, or a vow to take him down, no one has ever succeeded. Some people even deliberately say bad things on the confession wall because the girl they like likes him. He didn't respond to anyone who was provocative.

Not only is he good-looking, but he is also a god of learning. He ranks first in the department in his major every semester, and he won a scholarship. He was supposed to be the chairman of the student union this year after entering the school as a freshman, but he resigned on his own initiative.

He is also the president of the school's astronomy club, which has become a top ten club in the school because of him.

"It's a bit of an exaggeration."

Xia Yunian whispered.

Fang Xinyi smiled: "Really, you also think it's exaggerated? But the fact is that Colonel Fu's life is simply Jack Su with capital letters."

Xia Yunian stopped in her tracks, and asked hesitantly, "Has he really never had a girlfriend?" Have you fallen in love with him too?" The dim streetlights set off Xia Yunian's side profile, illuminating the faint smile in those beautiful eyes: "Yeah."

Fang Xinyi let out a soft "ah", and suddenly had nothing to say.

Xia Yunian was completely unaware that she had said something particularly shocking, and continued to walk forward. Fang Xinyi recovered and followed, reminding him in a low voice: "Well, generally speaking, he has never had a girlfriend, and it doesn't mean he will like it. For boys."

"He's different."

"What's different?" Xia Yunian thought for a while and said, "It's a feeling."

At ten o'clock sharp, I sent Fang Xinyi back to the dormitory, and Xia Yunian also went back to his rented room in the faculty's family building on campus. He was used to living alone, and after freshman year he was not forced to live in a dormitory, so he moved out and rented a room here.

Turned on the computer, went to the school forum for the first time, and found the video of the freshman representative Fang Xinyi mentioned.

In just a few minutes, Xia Yunian read it three times.

At that time, Fu Shizheng was calmer than most of his peers. Standing on the rostrum, he was calm, confident and vigorous, and he could easily attract people's attention.

Slowly enter Fu Shizheng's name in the search box. There are dozens of pages of search results. Xia Yu reads to the end and clicks on the posts one by one.

Fu Shizheng is indeed a famous person on campus, and even when they meet him in the school cafeteria, some people will post specially. These people say that Fu Shicheng is a flower of Gaoling, unattainable, and some people even gamble, betting on Fu Shicheng's final outcome. What kind of girl won.

Before dawn, Xia Yunian read the last post and picked up a pen to complete the picture she drew last night. On the originally empty stage, there was a figure singing quietly with a guitar.

He was so sleepy that he couldn't open his eyes, threw away the pen, just lay down like this, and fell into a deep sleep with the album in his arms.

It was already after noon when I woke up again, my stomach was hungry and my legs were numb, and I overslept.

Fortunately, today is Sunday and there is no class, so after taking a shower, Xia Yunian put the album back into her schoolbag, picked it up and went out again.

It was raining outside, so he went to the nearest cafeteria to fill his stomach, and went directly to the old library.

The old museum was built decades ago, and the conditions are far inferior to the new one, but there are few people here and it is clean. Xia Yunian likes to come here to read books and pictures, especially the westmost room on the fourth floor, which collects less popular ones. Foreign language original books, fewer people come.

There is only one table by the window in the room, Xia Yunian always sits there.

But today, his place is taken by someone else.

Fu Shicheng leaned against the window with his head on his arms, slowly flipping through the book in his hand.

Xia Yunian paused, turned a corner, and walked to the side of the bookshelf.

Fu Shicheng kept the same posture all the time, and read the book casually. If it weren't for the occasional movement of turning the pages of the book, Xia Yunian almost thought he was dozing off.

Raising his hand, his fingers slowly traced the lines of Fu Shicheng's side face in the void.

As the last finishing touch, Xia Yunian took out her phone and clicked on the app market.

Secret is the most commonly used social app for making friends in China. Xiayu Nian is the first time I use it. After downloading and installing, log in directly with WeChat after opening, and then click to find nearby.

There are many search results, and there is only one closest one, which shows that it is within 20 meters, and there are only the two of them on this entire floor.

The profile picture of the other party is a starry sky map taken by the camera, and the id is a string of garbled characters. Xia Yunian clicked on his personal profile, but there was nothing in it.

He stared at the enlarged map of the starry sky for a moment, then blinked slowly.

Fang Xinyi said that Fu Shicheng is the president of the Astronomical Society.

Fu Shizheng had finished reading the book in his hand, so he got up and put it back where he had taken it before.

Across a bookshelf and the books full of books, Xia Yunian saw his slightly dry lips and perfectly curved jaw through the gap in the partition.

The sound of footsteps gradually receded, Xia Yunian walked over, brushed the entire row of books with her fingers, and pulled out the one that Fu Shizheng had just put back.

It was a handbook of star maps in Spanish. Xia Yu couldn't read it, so I flipped through a few pages, but the colorful star maps were very beautiful.

He didn't think much, took the book and sat down where Fu Shizheng sat just now.

Looking out of the window, Fu Shicheng downstairs was walking into the rain and fog holding an umbrella.

He was tall and tall, and his back was even taller and straighter. Xia Yunian watched him quietly for a moment until the man walked away.

A WeChat message from Fang Xinyi popped up on the screen of the mobile phone: "The one you said last night, I thought you had a hot head, and I still want to persuade you. Well, Ji Bao, you are different, I think you have never said who you like since you were a child, don't be so stupid and fall into it, if you knew this, I shouldn't have dragged you there last night."

Xia Yu read back: "My feeling is right."

Fang Xinyi: "??" Xia Yunian clicked on the secret again, stared at the head portrait of the starry sky for a while, then pressed the black phone screen, and opened the star map manual at hand.

The author has something to say: 鐤: cheng, a new article will be updated, please collect and starfish ~ please collect the author's column ~ Rexia

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