Hot Summer

Chapter 17: Threesome


A ten-minute walk from the big teaching building is the small gate on the east side, and outside is a food street that A college students love to go to.

Lu Weize was the only one talking along the way, babbling nonsense nonsense, Fu Shicheng occasionally responded perfunctorily, and Xia Yunian remained silent from the beginning to the end.

Lu Weize picked a barbecue restaurant on the food street, the three of them went in and sat down, the boss brought over the menu, Lu Weize took it and handed it to Xia Yunian to order.

Xia Yunian didn't answer: "I can eat whatever I want, you can order."

He pushed the menu in front of Fu Shicheng, Fu Shicheng glanced at him and picked up the pen.

Lu Weize graciously helped Xia Yu read the dishes, and Fu Shicheng said coldly when he saw this, "It's not like he has no hands, so he can't iron himself?" Lu Weize paused for a moment with the hand holding the kettle, and sneered: "What's the matter? It doesn't matter, my god, don't be jealous, I'll iron it for you too."

"No need."

Fu Shicheng pushed away his outstretched paw.

Xia Yunian whispered, "I'll iron it myself."

He looked gentle, but his tone was firm, Lu Weize was a little embarrassed, and handed him the water bottle.

Fu Shizheng randomly checked two dishes and then threw away the pen. Lu Weize took the menu and asked Xia Yunian: "What else do you want to eat?" Xia Yunian still said: "I'll do whatever you want, you order."

Lu Weize had no choice but to look at the menu by himself.

Xia Yunian carefully scalded the dishes and chopsticks. When he was about to pour water, Fu Shicheng suddenly reached out to help him take it, and the water in the bowl was poured into the trash can beside him.

Xia Yu Nian Qingmin's lips cornered, Fu Shicheng's movements were natural, but Lu Weize, who was buried in the menu, didn't notice.

The grilled skewers were served one after another, and Xia Yunian was also slow to eat, and he didn't seem to be very good at spicy food, but Lu Weize didn't mention it when he asked just now.

Fu Shicheng poured a glass of warm water and put it in front of him, without saying anything.

It was only then that Lu Weize noticed that Xia Yunian's mouth was turning red, and asked him annoyedly: "Is it too spicy, do you want a drink?" Xia Yunian shook her head, picked up the water glass and took a big sip: "Just drink water , fortunately, it's not particularly spicy."

"Eat less spicy food."

Fu Shicheng frowned.

Xia Yunian looked at him with a smile in his eyes: "Senior, you are so lenient."

Fu Shicheng also looked at him, calmly.

"He took the wrong medicine today," Lu Weize complained smoothly, "The whole thing is abnormal."

Thinking of something, Lu Weize pushed Fu Shicheng's arm: "Hey, you didn't have a fight with your girlfriend, are you having fun here?" Fu Shicheng frowned.

Xia Yunian twitched her eyelashes, and asked, "Have you got a girlfriend, senior?" Lu Weize said "ah", "Of course he doesn't admit it, but you know he's been out of sorts lately, he wears earphones and cuddles every night. Don't let go of the phone, and..." "Shut up," Fu Shicheng interrupted him, with a displeased tone, "Don't talk nonsense about disappearing."

As if seeing that Fu Shicheng was really unhappy, Lu Weize shut up sullenly.

Xia Yunian said, "I thought the senior really got a girlfriend, so how many people will be disappointed and sad."

Fu Shicheng ignored him.

Xia Yu Nian Heiliang still looked at him: "Senior, what kind of girl do you like?" Lu Weize seemed to be very interested in this topic, and took the opportunity to boo: "Yeah, my god, tell me, what kind of girl do you like?" Girl?" Fu Shizheng only looked at Xia Yunian: "Why do you ask this?" "Curious," Xia Yunian said, "I saw someone in the forum betting on what type of girl would be the senior? But I heard that the senior has never had a girlfriend before, so I am a little curious."

Under his gaze, Fu Shicheng slowly poured his saliva into his mouth, and then said, "It will scratch people."

Lu Weize: "Huh? What the hell is tickling people?" Fu Shicheng continued eating without explaining.

Xia Yunian lowered her eyes, hiding the smile in her eyes.

He just suddenly thought of the story Fu Shicheng told him on Secret, and it really meant something.

During the supper, Lu Weize was talking most of the time, trying to find Xia Yunian the topics he was interested in, and asked him if the Astronomical Club was fun, Xia Yunian answered casually: "The president and the vice president's classes are very good. it is good."

"Are you joining the club and still taking classes?" Lu Weize couldn't stand this.

"Popularize the basic knowledge of astronomy. I heard that there will be outdoor activities later."

After Xia Yunian finished speaking, he asked Fu Shicheng, "Does the senior know when he can go?" Fu Shicheng said casually, "I will make arrangements after the social classes are over."

Lu Weize thought of something, and asked Fu Shicheng: "Do you go outdoors at night, right? Why don't you go in the middle of the night?" Fu Shicheng: "Do you go to stargazing during the day?" Let me join your club too, I can serve you tea and water, and I am also interested in your outdoor activities, can you bring me one too?" "This semester's recruiting is over, so hurry up next semester."

Fu Shicheng said.

Lu Weize begged him: "We share the same dormitory anyway, can't we accommodate a little?" "No."

Fu Shicheng's tone was non-negotiable.

Lu Weize complained endlessly, and finally gave up, and continued to talk to Xia Yunian about something else.

Xia Yunian was eating all the time, Lu Weize said four or five sentences, and he only answered a sentence, Lu Weize talked to himself, and didn't seem to feel embarrassed.

Fu Shicheng didn't say anything more, Xia Yunian's way of getting along with Lu Weize was quite different from what he thought before, there were some things he didn't need to ask Lu Weize, and he guessed that there was a high probability that he had misunderstood.

After supper, Lu Weize rushed to pay the bill, only Fu Shicheng and Xia Yunian were left on the table.

Xia Yunian was drinking water while looking at his mobile phone. Wei Xinyou sent him a WeChat message: "Senior, are you free tomorrow? Do you want to go to the library together?" Yu Nian's mobile phone, but he has good eyesight, so he saw the contents of Xia Yu Nian's WeChat dialog box in a blink of an eye.

So he asked casually, "A girl asked you to go to the library with me?" Xia Yunian glanced at him, nodded, and replied, "Sorry, I'm used to studying alone."

Fu Shicheng asked again: "Isn't it comfortable to study with girls?" Xia Yunian smiled dryly: "It's uncomfortable to be with girls."

After two seconds of silence, Fu Shicheng said, "Go to the classroom on the fifth floor if you want to study by yourself in the future."

Xia Yunian: "Oh."

In fact, he prefers to go to the library on Saturdays and Sundays.

After paying the bill, Lu Weize came back and proposed to go outside to play: "It's a rare weekend, let's go to a night out, go to ktv or go to an Internet cafe to play games online."

Before Fu Shicheng could refuse, Xia Yunian said first, "Okay, I want to play outside too."

Fu Shicheng swallowed the "no" on his lips, Lu Weize happily asked Xia Yunian what he wanted to play, Xia Yunian thought about it, and said, "Go to the Internet cafe."

So they went to the Internet cafe and opened a private room for three people.

Lu Weize asked Xia Yunian if he wanted to play games, and Xia Yunian put down his schoolbag: "Go ahead and play, I don't know how to play games, I just surf the Internet."

Fu Shizheng frowned: "Why would you go to an Internet cafe if you don't know how to play games?" Xia Yunian said indifferently, "I also want to try whether it's fun to spend a night outside."

Seeing that Xia Yunian sat down and opened the video website directly, Lu Weize couldn't hold back, and pulled Fu Shicheng to sit in front of the two side-by-side computers on the other side, asking him to complete the game tasks with him.

Fu Shicheng was a little speechless, did this kid come to chase someone, or did he take the opportunity to drag him to earn game experience? Fu Shicheng also has an account for the game Lu Weize plays, and the level is still very high, but in fact, he lost interest after playing for a while. Lu Weize teamed up with others to pull him in. He was absent-minded the whole time, and he glanced at Xia on the other side from time to time. Yu read.

Xia Yunian was wearing earphones, her side face looked very quiet in the dim light of the computer screen.

Lu Weize was completely addicted to the game, and he was chatting privately with someone while playing the game. Another member of the team, Fu Shicheng, also knew him, and he chased and hacked Lu Weize before he went online. Knowing what this kid Lu Weize was doing, he got mixed up with others again.

Moreover, Fu Shizheng felt that this person seemed to be targeting him, but Fu Shizheng was really not interested in talking to him, and spent time doing missions one after another.

A new secret message popped up on the phone, Fu Shizhen subconsciously looked at Xia Yunian again, he was still staring at the computer screen, holding the phone in his hand.

Xia Yu read: "Mr. Fomero, watch a movie with me."

Fu Shicheng: "Are you watching a movie?" Xia Yunian: "Well, watch it on the computer."

Xia Yunian took a picture of the screen and sent it over. It was a comedy.

Fu Shicheng: "Take it easy."

Xia Yunian: "You don't have time to accompany me?" Fu Shicheng: "Playing games."

Xia Yunian: "Well, you are really boring."

Fu Shicheng ignored him.

At one o'clock in the morning, Lu Weize, who was talking about staying up all night, lay down on the keyboard and fell asleep first.

Fu Shicheng took off his earphones, turned his head and saw Xia Yunian was still staring at the computer screen, moved his chair over, and handed him a bottle of juice.

Xia Yunian also took off the earphones, took the juice and said thank you.

Fu Shizheng asked him, "Don't you want to sleep? There is a sofa over there, don't stare at the computer all the time."

Xia Yunian: "Watching a movie, do seniors want to watch it together?" Xia Yunian unscrewed the cap of the juice bottle and took a sip. Fu Shizheng stared at his throat sliding up and down with an inexplicable expression.

Xia Yunian put down the bottle, shook it in his hand again, and asked him, "Do you want a drink, senior?" Fu Shizheng took it back, and under Xia Yunian's gaze, he brought the mouth of the bottle to his mouth.

The lights in the private room were not turned on, only the gloomy light from a few computer screens. Fu Shicheng drank slowly, and the emotions in his eyes were hidden in the darkness, a little dim.

Fu Shizheng drank half of it, the bottle was put on the table, Xia Yunian took it nonchalantly and continued to drink the rest, his eyes turned back to the computer screen, and he put on the earphones again.

Fu Shicheng didn't leave, sat with him, picked up another earphone and put it on.

Arms stuck together, Xia Yunian didn't move, neither did Fu Shicheng.

The long night has only just begun.