Hot Summer

Chapter 26: Teacher Fu


The next Saturday, the first group outdoor activity of the Astronomical Club will gather outside the north gate of the school at 6:00 pm.

Xia Yunian arrived ten minutes early, and the rest of the people had already gathered together in twos and threes, talking and laughing, very excited, especially the new members.

Fu Shicheng was also there, talking to Zhang Sheng and the others.

Xia Yunian was standing outside the crowd, when someone came over and asked him, "Does the senior eat cake?" It was the girl Wei Xinyou, who was holding a bag of custard cakes she just bought, and she shared them with everyone she saw.

Xia Yunian: "No, thank you, I just had my fill."

The girl smiled and said, "It's okay to eat a cake, right? Everyone else took it, and the senior will save face."

The bag was delivered to him again, the girl was so enthusiastic that Xia Yunian had no choice but to reach out and take one.

Wei Xinyou asked him again: "I just heard from senior sister Zhang Sheng that after going up the mountain, they will observe in groups, and you can form a team by yourself. Senior, can I be in a group with you?" Xia Yunian was a little embarrassed, and Wei Xinyou had asked him out several times , Sometimes he would send him a WeChat message, and his affection for him was obvious, and he hesitated how to refuse completely so as not to hurt the girl's self-esteem.

"Xia Yunian, come and get something."

Fu Shicheng's voice suddenly sounded behind him, Xia Yunian turned his head, Fu Shicheng said again, "Come and get something", and continued talking to other people.

Xia Yunian hurried over.

This was the first time Fu Shicheng called his name.

Fu Shicheng handed him a camera: "Remember to take pictures for a while, and I will publish a promotional draft later."

Xia Yunian reached out to pick it up, he didn't need him to take pictures of the starry sky, he only needed to take pictures of people.

Xia Yunian fiddled with the camera, and took a picture of Fu Shicheng in front of him.

Fu Shicheng frowned, Xia Yunian turned his eyes away: "I'll try it first."

After everyone arrived, Zhang Sheng started roll call, and then talked about grouping, let everyone go up and down the mountain together in groups of four, so as not to get separated.

Two more people were retired from the club before, and now there are twenty-six people in total. The two vice presidents and several ministers consciously lead a group of people, and Fu Shizheng said directly: "Xia Yunian and I are in the same group. let's go."

Naturally, no one would have any objections when he said that, everyone started off talking and laughing, Fu Shizheng walked at the end, and Xia Yunian fell behind with him.

The first time I went out for activities, the selected observation point was on the mountain behind the school. It took ten minutes to walk up the mountain from the north gate of the school.

"I don't understand anything, will it slow down the senior if I go up the mountain in a while?" Xia Yunian was out of words.

Fu Shicheng said casually: "If you know it will slow you down, be honest."

Xia Yunian: "..." This person is really not as cute as Secret.

The relationship between him and Mr. Fomero has improved by leaps and bounds this week, but Fu Shicheng himself, Xia Yunian thinks about it, the last time they spoke was after the social class ended last week, and he asked Fu Shicheng if he would go to self-study , Going to eat supper was rejected.

Xia Yunian didn't know what to say for a while, so she just shut up.

"Is the cake delicious?" Fu Shicheng asked suddenly.

The custard cake was only a little big, Xia Yunian took it and didn't want to waste it, so he finished it in two bites, but he didn't expect Fu Shicheng to ask this.

Xia Yunian smiled and said, "It's delicious, senior, do you want to eat it? I'll go get one for you."

Fu Shicheng: "No need."

He added another sentence: "Don't take things from girls casually in the future."

Xia Yunian: "Oh."

After six o'clock in winter, the sky is already very dark, and there are no lights on the road up the mountain. Everyone took out flashlights one after another, and the girls held hands.

Xia Yunian followed Fu Shicheng cautiously, with the flashlight carefully illuminating the path under his feet.

"Go slowly if you can't see it."

Fu Shicheng spoke again abruptly.

"I can see it," Xia Yunian insisted, "I don't want to hold you back."

The people around were silent for two seconds, then softened their voices: "Don't be brave, no one will say you are slow."

Xia Yunian: "Can't you?" Fu Shicheng: "No."

Xia Yunian: "Thank you."

He took back what he wanted to say just now, Fu Shicheng himself is actually quite cute, but a little awkward.

It was past 6:30 when we reached the top of the mountain. The weather was fine today, and some stars could already be seen in the night sky.

Each team found a suitable stargazing spot, and Fu Shicheng took Xia Yunian to choose an open location a little far from the cliff, and sat down on a big rock.

"Why did you choose this place?" Xia Yunian asked him.

Fu Shizheng took out his laptop, turned it on, and opened the stargazing software directly. While debugging the data, he answered him: "You can't see clearly at night. You are too close to the cliff, what should you do if you step on the sky and have an accident?" Sit down beside him: "I'm not that stupid."

"Not always."

Xia Yunian didn't argue, just let Fu Shicheng say whatever he wanted.

Fu Shicheng handed him a laser pointing star pen. Xia Yunian opened it and tried it. It was quite easy to use. He pointed to the bright star in the eastern night sky and asked Fu Shicheng, "Is that Mars?" ?” Fu Shizheng looked up, and said “Hmm”, “You have learned the basics well.”

"There are not many stars, it's easy to recognize."

Xia Yunian muttered.

"After seven o'clock, there will be a little more. There are fewer stars in winter, but they are brighter, which is more friendly to beginners. You can see for yourself first."

Fu Shicheng said.

Xia Yunian asked him: "Every time you come to stargazing, is it just stargazing?" Fu Shizheng: "Otherwise?" Xia Yunian: "What the senior said in the social class last time, don't combine outdoor stargazing with fun and romance. Connecting together, you need to focus more on stargazing itself, what about you? Every time you come to watch it for a few hours, or even a whole night?" Fu Shicheng shook his head: "It's not that it can't be associated with fun and romance, it's because I'm afraid Some people have too much hope, and in the end they don't see the disappointment they want to see."

Xia Yunian: "I won't be disappointed."

Being able to sit here with Fu Shicheng, he has nothing to be disappointed.

Fu Shicheng looked at him, not knowing why.

Xia Yunian smiled slightly.

Fu Shicheng turned his eyes away.

Xia Yunian picked up a pair of binoculars, adjusted her sitting posture, calmed down, and carefully observed the starry sky.

The stars that can be seen in the telescope are more and bigger, and Xia Yunian is quickly addicted to it. Fu Shizheng has adjusted the star map in the software and reminded him: "You can distinguish the stars and constellations more easily if you compare the star map. Easier."

Xia Yunian put down the binoculars and made an inch of it: "It's hard to watch by yourself, please tell me, senior."

His smiling face was reflected in Fu Shicheng's eyes. Fu Shicheng flicked the touchpad and asked casually, "Did your teacher teach you this?" "Yes, but he's not here now. I still have a lot of things that I don't understand, so I can only ask the senior to teach me again."

Xia Yunian said flatteringly, and looked at him: "Is that okay?" Fu Shicheng said with a half-smile, "So I'm your second best choice?" Xia Yunian choked.

Fu Shicheng was pleased by his expression: "Can't tell?" Xia Yunian: "That's not true."

Fu Shicheng: "So what is it?" Xia Yunian: "There doesn't have to be only one teacher, right? He is a teacher, and you are a teacher too."

Fu Shicheng nodded: "You also call me a teacher, and I will teach you."

Xia Yu read obediently and called him: "Teacher, Teacher Fu."

There was a fleeting smile in Fu Shicheng's eyes: "Call me one more time."

Xia Yu was a little helpless, and dragged her voice: "Mr. Fu, teach me."

Satisfied, Fu Shicheng took the laser pointer from Xia Yunian and began to teach him about the starry sky bit by bit.

Fu Shizheng taught carefully, and Xia Yunian also listened carefully. Occasionally, they turned their heads and looked at each other at the same time, and they met for a short while and then moved away from each other.

Time slipped by little by little.

"President, why don't you give junior Xia a small class here alone?" Zhang Sheng's voice suddenly appeared behind them interrupted them, the girl stepped forward with a smile, and said to Fu Shicheng, "Don't hide here all the time , everyone is waiting for your lecture."

Fu Shicheng was not interested: "You can just talk, your lectures are better than mine."

"You are very charming, and they will listen more carefully when you talk about it."

Zhang Sheng teased with a smile.

Fu Shicheng ignored her.

Zhang Sheng clicked his tongue, and then asked Xia Yunian: "There is an astronomical telescope over there, do you want to see it?" They brought up two astronomical telescopes and put them in the best place for stargazing, and each group took turns to go there Watching, Xia Yunian has been sitting here with Fu Shizheng, and hasn't seen it yet.

Xia Yu's heart was moved, and he said to Fu Shicheng, "Senior, let me go and have a look", got up and walked over.

Fu Shizheng sat there without moving, raised his camera and took a picture of the starry sky.

Zhang Sheng asked amusedly, "What can you get by taking pictures like this?" Fu Shicheng looked at the photos he took, and said after a long time: "It's pretty nice."

This is the starry sky he and Xia Yunian saw together.

"Actually, you surprised me."

Zhang Sheng said suddenly.

Fu Shicheng raised his eyelids to look at her.

The girl smiled: "Hey, my bet on the school forum is about to lose. President Fu, reminding everyone that going out to star is not a chance to fall in love. Have you set an example?" After a moment of silence, Fu Shi Cheng got up and walked to Xia Yunian's side.

"What did you see?" Hearing Fu Shicheng's voice, Xia Yunian raised his head from the astronomical telescope, his eyes were burning: "Senior, the starry sky you see here is really different."

Fu Shicheng: "Yes."

Fu Shicheng: "Does it look good?" Xia Yunian nodded: "It looks good, I'm so happy to see this."

Xia Yunian was seldom excited, but tonight and at this moment, under the starlight at night, his bright and smiling eyes showed rare excitement, and he told Fu Shicheng that he was really happy.

Fu Shicheng was bewitched by those eyes and was slightly startled.

"It's a pity that all I can see are fleeting lights. I don't know how to take pictures of their original colors."

Xia Yu said regretfully.

"I will teach you later," Fu Shizheng's eyes moved, "This place is not a very good observation point. Later, I will take you to a more suitable place to see and teach you."


There was starlight in Xia Yunian's eyes: "Thank you senior."