Hot Summer

Chapter 29: Undercurrent


Xia Yunian's left foot was still swollen and bruised when he woke up early. Fu Shizheng made another ice pack for him and applied ice again.

"You'd better not move around these two days, just lie on the bed, if you don't have any important classes tomorrow, don't go, take a day off."

After Fu Shicheng finished speaking, he frowned again: "I'll go buy breakfast later, what do you want to eat? I'll bring you meals these days."

"That's so embarrassing..." Xia Yu read halfway through her words, met Fu Shicheng's downcast eyes, and changed her words; "Then let's eat noodles with mixed sauce."

Fu Shizheng helped him finish the ice compress, and finally patted his calf: "It's still early, you sleep or read a book, I'll buy breakfast, and I'll come back to the dormitory to get something, up to forty minutes. "

Xia Yunian: "Thank you senior."

Before going out, Fu Shizheng looked back at him again, Xia Yunian sat on the bed and looked back at him quietly, smiling slightly.

The first time he came to live here, it was the same when he left in the morning. Fu Shizheng remembered the scene at that time, nodded, and walked out of the room.

After Fu Shizheng left, Xia Yunian turned on the phone. After he fell asleep last night, Fu Shizheng sent the photo over again. After staring at it for a while, he clicked to save, and then set the starry sky photo of the two of them together as desktop.

Fu Shicheng went back to the dormitory first, changed clothes and took a few books, and when he was about to go out, he ran into Lu Weize who had come back all night.

Lu Weize greeted him and asked him: "Did Xia Yunian twist his foot last night when you were on the mountain?" Fu Shicheng: "Who did you hear that from?" We had dinner together, and originally wanted to ask Xia Yu to go, but he said he sprained his ankle, I just sent him a WeChat message, but he didn't reply, is it true?" Lu Weize explained.

Fu Shicheng had no choice but to say: "I accidentally stepped on the ground when I was going down the mountain, and my left ankle was sprained."

Lu Weize asked: "Then what's going on now? Did you go to the hospital?" "I sent him to the hospital last night. He didn't hurt his bones. It's not a big problem, but he probably won't be able to go to the ground for a few days."

Fu Shicheng answered him patiently.

"If he can't go to the ground, what should he do to eat? He doesn't seem to live in the dormitory, and he doesn't have roommates to help." Lu Weize muttered a few words, and then asked, "Do you know where he lives? How about I go and deliver his meals."

Fu Shicheng: "... I was about to bring him breakfast."

Lu Weize immediately said, "I'll go with you."

Fu Shicheng: "You stayed up all night again, don't you need to catch up on sleep? I'll just go."

"No, I fell asleep after three o'clock last night, so I don't need to sleep anymore," Lu Weize insisted, "I want to visit him, please help me."

Fu Shicheng was unhappy, but he could only agree.

They went to the cafeteria together, ate something casually, and bought some miscellaneous sauce noodles.

"How do you buy this? He hurt his foot and eat lightly?" Lu Weize asked hesitantly.

Fu Shicheng: "He said he wanted to eat this."

Lu Weize shut up resentfully, thought for a while, and then suggested: "If you have other things, I can deliver meals to him alone..." Fu Shicheng took the packaged miscellaneous sauce noodles and interrupted him: " No need, let's go."

Back at Xia Yunian's residence, Fu Shicheng directly took the key to open the door.

Lu Weize asked him: "Why do you have the key here?" "Ask him what he wants, it's inconvenient for him to get down and open the door while lying on the bed."

Fu Shicheng said casually.

Lu Weize didn't think much about it, he just thought he wanted it when he sent Xia Yunian back last night.

Xia Yunian closed her eyes and squinted for a while, then woke up immediately when she heard the sound of the door opening outside.

As soon as he stood up, Lu Weize came in hurriedly: "Xia Yunian, did you hurt your foot? How is it? Are you okay?" Xia Yunian's eyes fell on Fu Shicheng who came in behind him, Fu Shicheng didn't Come closer and lean against the door to watch them.

Eyes met, and after a pause of two seconds, Xia Yunian moved away first, and said to Lu Weize: "No problem, it will be fine in two days, thank you Senior Lu for coming to see me."

Lu Weize sighed twice: "Don't be so polite with me, I'll bring you meals for these two days, anyway, I'm free."

Xia Yunian: "Thank you, but the president has already promised to deliver meals to me, so we don't need so many people."

Lu Weize didn't take it seriously: "He's very busy, and recently he has to represent the department to participate in a national competition, how can he have so much time."

Fu Shicheng, who was still leaning against the door, frowned.

Xia Yunian looked at Fu Shicheng again: "I haven't heard from the president before that if your affairs are delayed..." "It won't be delayed."

Fu Shicheng interrupted him in a deep voice.

Lu Weize turned his head and winked at Fu Shicheng, wanting him to create opportunities for himself and Xia Yunian.

Fu Shizheng turned cold and said nothing.

Lu Weize said: "Just let me give it to you. I can buy any canteen food you want."

Xia Yunian was silent for a while: "Forget it, it's troublesome to ask you to deliver food, I can order takeaway myself."

"It's not troublesome, it's just a matter of passing, it's not good to eat too many takeaways..." "You can order more takeaways, I'm used to it."

Xia Yunian insisted.

Fu Shizheng stepped forward and put the packed miscellaneous sauce noodles and keys on the bedside table, motioning to Lu Weize: "Let's go."

Lu Weize was reluctant, he still wanted to say a few more words to Xia Yunian, Fu Shicheng said impatiently: "His foot hurts and needs more rest, let's not stay here to bother him."

Lu Weize: "...Okay."

Xia Yunian raised her eyes, and said to Fu Shicheng, "I'll transfer the money for the miscellaneous sauce noodles to you on WeChat."

Fu Shicheng: "No need."

After speaking, he left with Lu Weize who was still reluctant to part.

When going downstairs, Lu Weize complained endlessly: "You really are, you can leave as soon as you want, why are you dragging me together, I want to stay a little longer, it was hard to find a chance to be alone with him."

Fu Shizheng ignored him and looked down at his phone. Xia Yunian had already transferred the money.

He didn't click receive, and directly pressed the screen to black out.

Xia Yunian kept picking out the sauced noodles, recalling Fu Shicheng's unattractive expression since he entered the door just now, and he felt a little uninspired.

He seemed to guess that it was the reason why Fu Shizheng refused to admit that he was Mr. Fomero.

He knew a general idea of Lu Weize's thoughts, but Lu Weize was not his type, so he kept rejecting him. Lu Weize didn't chase after him too closely, so it wasn't particularly troublesome, and Lu Weize didn't say it clearly, even if he wanted to completely There is no opportunity to refuse.

But Fu Shizheng and Lu Weize are roommates, and their relationship should be pretty good, so they will definitely have concerns about it.

He actually understood Fu Shicheng. If Fang Xinyi really had a crush on Fu Shicheng back then, instead of saying that Fu Shicheng was a male god, no matter how much he liked Fu Shicheng, he would not have hooked up with him. Fu Shicheng would definitely be embarrassed. If you really start a relationship with him seriously, you will basically have to break up with your roommate.

But he is still not reconciled, Xia Yunian is not reconciled no matter what he thinks, people have double standards, he will be strict with himself, but he hopes that Fu Shicheng can put aside those scruples for him, maybe in Fu Shicheng's heart, there is no To the point where he has to, so I won't consider ruining my relationship and stepping out of my comfort zone for him.

He really had to keep working hard.

After that, Xia Yunian spent the whole morning processing photos and writing promotional drafts. At 11:30, Fu Shizheng sent a secret message asking him what he had for lunch. Xia Yunian replied casually: "Order takeaway, I haven't thought about it."

Five minutes later, Fu Shicheng threw over a few screenshots of the food delivery app, all of which were nearby stores: "Choose one."

Xia Yunian: "??" Fu Shicheng: "Let me help you order."

Xia Yunian was inexplicably funny, this man, even if he was really hanging on him, he was really hanging on to him seriously.

Xia Yunian chose the casserole porridge they had for supper last time.

Xia Yunian: "Why did you think of ordering takeaway for me today?" Fu Shizheng: "I promised you to eat before."

Xia Yunian: "So your invitation to eat is to invite takeaway? Mr. Fomero, you are really perfunctory."

Fu Shicheng: "One meal is not enough, please ask for a few more."

Xia Yunian took a photo of her ankle and sent it over: "I forgot to tell you yesterday, I sprained my foot when going down the mountain, and now I can't move."

Xia Yunian: "Mr. Fomero, can you come and see me?" There was no reply, and after waiting for two minutes, Xia Yunian sent another message: "No, forget it, I know you don't plan to see me, we are online dating , so you can't run now, can you?" The voice call asked to come in, this was the first time Fu Shizheng called him on his own initiative, and Xia Yunian clicked to answer it.

Fu Shicheng: "Angry?" Xia Yunian: "Yeah, I'm angry. You promised me that you wouldn't ignore me. Why didn't you reply to the message just now?" There was a smile in the tone of the person over there: " You're being reasonable, how can I ignore you, I'm two minutes late, right? I was just ordering takeaway."

Xia Yunian: "Oh, that's because I misunderstood you, so can you come and see me?" Fu Shicheng: "If I say I can't go, will you be angry?" Xia Yunian was slightly disappointed: "I knew it, we Is there any possibility of this online dating?" Fu Shizheng sat alone in the empty classroom on the fifth floor, the sunlight coming in from the window fell on the desk, he stared at the small area, thinking about the same question.

When he parted ways with Lu Weize in the morning, he asked Lu Weize what he would do if Xia Yunian fell in love with someone else, Lu Weize thought for a long time and said, "I don't know, we'll talk about it when the day comes".

This answer was not beyond Fu Shizheng's expectation. Lu Weize's personality is just like that. He could even predict how Lu Weize would cry and drink away his sorrows when he found out that Xia Yunian was in love. The object of love is him, Lu Weize may fight with him, and then break up with him.

Fu Shizheng admitted that he is indeed a cold-hearted person, no matter how good a friend is, it is not important to have someone he likes, he didn't care about Lu Weize's mood, he just thought it was troublesome, and he didn't want to cause trouble for himself.

And, more importantly, he has his own life plan, before he is not sure that he can go on with Xia Yunian, he wants to be more cautious.

Xia Yunian was actually right, he was indeed thinking about Xia Yunian.

He used to have a prejudice against Xia Yunian, but in fact, he himself is the kind of person he least likes rationally.

Fu Shicheng: "If you work hard, it may be possible."

Xia Yunian: "Okay, then I will continue to work hard."

Fu Shicheng: "Yes."

Fu Shicheng: "Disappointed?" Xia Yunian said honestly: "How can it be possible not to be disappointed at all, please coax me."

Fu Shizheng laughed lowly: "Don't be unhappy, I'll order you milk tea after dinner later."

Xia Yu read: "Farewell, I don't want to drink, I'm tired."

Fu Shicheng: "Really don't want to drink?" Xia Yunian: "No, my feet hurt and I can't drink it."

Fu Shicheng: "Is the foot injured seriously? Can't you move?" Xia Yunian: "Yes, I can't move. Last night, the president carried me down the mountain, sent me to the school hospital, and carried me back. He even brought me breakfast this morning."

Fu Shizheng: "Why doesn't he continue to bring you lunch? After delivering breakfast once, he doesn't care about you? Let you fend for yourself in the next few days? Then he is not very authentic. You sprained your leg when you participated in club activities. He is already responsible, and he should do all these things, and you still speak good words for him."

Xia Yunian: "..." You have a thick skin.

Fu Shicheng coaxed him: "Remember to take two days off, tell me what you want to eat, and I'll give you some."

Xia Yunian was a little annoyed: "I want to eat you."

Fu Shicheng: "It's not dark yet, you should be more reserved."

Xia Yunian: "...forget it, I can't say no to you."

He changed the subject: "Mr. Fomero, what are you doing? Have you eaten? What are you having for lunch?" Fu Shicheng: "I ordered two servings of the same porridge as you, and it's in the study room."

Xia Yunian: "What about in the afternoon? What are you doing in the afternoon?" Fu Shicheng: "Go to the laboratory, there is a project to be done."

Xia Yu thought that it should be the competition that Lu Weize mentioned, Fu Shicheng must be really busy.

Xia Yunian: "Then read the book first, I won't bother you anymore."

Before hanging up the call, Fu Shicheng finally said seriously: "Don't be unhappy, I won't bully you."

Xia Yunian: "Huh?"

Fu Shicheng: "Well, I won't lie to you."