Hot Summer

Chapter 4: deep cabinet


Just after ten o'clock, Xia Yunian came out of the self-study room and sent a message to Fu Shicheng while walking towards the residence: "What is Mr. Fomero doing?" Playing the game, I happily taught the opponent who chased and hacked Lu Weize every time he went online, Lu Weize looked at the rising experience points, his eyes lit up: "Master, please help me with two more, I can do it right away!" Upgraded!" Fu Shicheng threw the mouse: "What's the point of me helping you upgrade?" After he finished speaking, a new message notification suddenly popped up on the mobile phone placed on Lu Weize's desk, Lu Weize's eyes flicked over, and Fu Shicheng had already moved Pick up your phone very quickly.

Lu Weizehu questioned him: "...that icon that seems to be secret just now? Are you still playing secret?" He only saw the application icon in the notification with a blink of an eye, but couldn't see the specific content. Fu Shicheng said casually: "I didn't play, It's a system notification."

Lu Weize said "Oh", and Fu Shicheng believed it when he said so: "I thought you had already uninstalled it."

"I forgot yesterday."

Fu Shicheng said calmly.

Instead of wasting time with Lu Weize, when Fu Shicheng went to take a shower and climbed into bed, Xia Yunian's second message came in: "Are you asleep?" Fu Shicheng clicked on the settings and changed the message notification of secret Into a corner mark prompt.

Xia Yu read the door and turned on the desk lamp, Fu Shicheng replied: "No."

Xia Yunian sat down and typed slowly: "Mr. Fomero is finally willing to talk to me."

Fu Shicheng: "If I keep ignoring you, what are you going to do?" Xia Yunian: "No, if you really don't want to talk to me, you should delete me a long time ago."

Fu Shicheng was a little speechless, he imagined Xia Yu's possible expression when he read this, and he was a little confused about what this elementary school boy wanted to do.

Lu Weize said that Xia Yu read all kinds of good things, but he has never taken it seriously, and he still thinks this way, but Xia Yu reads this person quite "knowledgeably".

Fu Shicheng has never been in a relationship, but there are too many people who have confessed to him and pursued him. He can usually tell what the other party is thinking, whether he is innocent or pretending to be innocent, because it is too easy to see through people, so before I have been unable to bring up the interest of further communication with anyone.

But from yesterday to today, the messages sent back and forth with Xia Yunian made him somewhat confused about this elementary school boy.

The preconceived bad impression made him intuit that Xia Yunian was pretending, and even suspected that Xia Yunian actually knew who he was deliberately approaching him, but the angry and smiling "Mr. Fomero" this morning made Fu Shicheng feel Even if it was pretending, Xia Yunian did it too well.

Fu Shizheng: "Are you idle? Waste time on chat software every day? You play this just to find someone to chat with?" Xia Yunian: "Mr. Question Mark asked a total of three questions this time. Where should I start?" How about one to start answering?" Xia Yu read: "I'm not free, I have a lot of classes, today the whole day's classes are full, and I just came back from the self-study room."

Xia Yunian: "But chatting with Mr. Fomero is not a waste of time."

Xia Yunian: "I just downloaded the secret yesterday, what else can I do if I don't chat?" Fu Shicheng: "If you want to chat and make friends, there is no one like you around you, so you must look for it on the Internet?" Xia Yunian : "What's the same? Are you talking about sexual orientation? I don't know."

Fu Shicheng: "I don't know?" Xia Yunian: "Well, I don't have many friends around me, and I don't know most of my classmates well."

Fu Shicheng took a look at Lu Weize, who was still staring at the computer screen and playing games. Xia Yu wanted to hang on to this kid, but made friends on virtual social software, but how many serious friends could he make in this kind of place? Xia Yunian: "Why does Mr. Fomero ask such a question? Even if there is someone like me around me, I might not like it."

Fu Shicheng: "You don't even know what you look like on the Internet."

Xia Yunian: "I think Mr. Fomero must not be bad looking."

Xia Yunian: "I believe in my feelings."

Fu Shizheng pulled the chat box to the top, took a screenshot of Xia Yunian's sentence "Little brother, do you want an appointment~" when he first sent the application, and threw it over.

Fu Shicheng: "Are you actually playing this to find someone to have sex with?" Xia Yunian blinked slowly, and replied: "You play too."

Xia Yunian: "That's the system's default pick-up line, I forgot to change it."

He also sent two screenshots: "The registration time in Mr. Fomero's profile is last year, and I was yesterday."

Fu Shicheng put down his cell phone and picked up the book he had brought to bed last night and hadn't read.

Half a minute later, he threw away the book again, took back the phone, and replied: "Someone registered with my number, I didn't know it before."

Fu Shicheng: "I'm not gay, whether you're looking for someone to chat with or have sex with, don't waste your time with me, go find someone else."

The corner of Xia Yunian's mouth twitched slightly, he didn't believe that Fu Shicheng was a deep cabinet.

Xia Yunian: "Mr. Fomero doesn't want to chat with me, why didn't you delete me?" Before Fu Shicheng could reply, he sent another message: "Just treat me as boring, if it doesn't bother you too much, you Can you chat with me when you have time?" Another voice.

Fu Shicheng looked at the five-second-long voice, and put on the earphones after hesitation.

"Mr. Fomero, are you angry again?" Xia Yunian's slightly slow and sticky voice penetrated into her ears word by word, as if there was a warm wind blowing through her ears, that kind of inexplicable itchiness Head up again.

Fu Shicheng was finally convinced that that kid Lu Weize was indeed no match for this elementary school boy.

Xia Yunian is indeed a master at provoking people with plausibility, no wonder Lu Weize couldn't stand it.


Fu Shicheng came back anyway.

Xia Yunian: "It's fine if you're not angry, so what are you doing now?" Fu Shicheng: "Reading."

Xia Yunian: "Should we still read when the lights are almost out? Now there is no exam."

Fu Shizheng casually took a photo of the cover of the book beside him and sent it over.

Xia Yu read a little, it was also a book on astronomy, the name was much more profound than the ones he borrowed.

Xia Yunian: "Is Mr. Fomero also from the Astronomical Society?" Fu Shicheng: "No."

Xia Yunian looked at the two words sent back, thinking that Fu Shicheng probably didn't want him to know who he was, so he said that on purpose.

He pushed open the door of the room and walked to the balcony. There was a moon outside and a lot of stars could be seen. Their school was in the mountains in the suburbs, and the night was always good.

Xia Yunian took a random photo and sent it to Fu Shicheng: "Can you distinguish these stars?" Fu Shicheng clicked to look at them, and replied, "It's not difficult to distinguish the approximate constellations."

Xia Yunian: "Look for the Big Dipper first? That's what I read in the book."

Fu Shicheng: "In autumn, the Big Dipper is almost below the northern horizon, so it's hard to find."

Xia Yunian: "Then Mr. Fomero can teach me how to distinguish the constellations?" Fu Shicheng: "You don't want to join the Astronomy Club, why ask me to teach you."

Feeling the coolness of the autumn night, Xia Yunian wrapped the coat tightly around her body: "You are so stingy."

Xia Yunian: "I may not be able to join the astronomical club yet. I heard that their president is very strict. When recruiting new recruits, they will check in person. Those who have no basic knowledge of astronomy will not be able to get in."

Seeing Xia Yunian mentioning himself, Fu Shizheng's eyes paused slightly, and he replied: "Isn't it better to be strict? And you don't have to join the club, they will also hold lectures and training courses on astronomy for the outside world."

Xia Yunian: "I want to go in."

Fu Shicheng: "Why?" Xia Yunian: "I want to participate in their outdoor stargazing activities."

What he said to Fang Xinyi, "I didn't go after Fu Shicheng" was not lying to her. He was really interested in it after reading the star chart manual in the library yesterday.

Fu Shicheng: "Outdoor stargazing is not as romantic as most people imagine. Most of the time, there is nothing to see, and you have to endure the severe cold and heat, mosquitoes, snakes and rats outdoors. Many people will not want to go to the second place after going there once. Next time, are you sure you can persevere?" Xia Yunian: "Have you been there?" Xia Yunian: "If Mr. Fomero can persevere, so can I."

Fu Shicheng suddenly felt that he was bewitched, so he told him this.

The light in the dormitory was turned off at some time, Lu Weize climbed into bed after washing in the dark, and was surprised to see Fu Shizheng, who always went to bed early, was still leaning on the head of the bed, wearing earphones and focusing on playing with his mobile phone: "Hey, my god, you have changed Ah, you probably have a girlfriend, right? Why are you holding onto your phone so tightly in the middle of the night?" Before Fu Shicheng could say anything, he muttered to himself again: "It shouldn't be, you If you really have a girlfriend, the forum and the confession wall will definitely go crazy, why haven't you seen anyone say..." Fu Shicheng didn't bother to talk to him, and lay down, still holding the phone in his palm.

Xia Yunian's new message came in: "Do you think the astronomical society wants me?" At that moment, Fu Shicheng felt a little hesitant in his heart, and paused for a few seconds to reply: "If you perform well in the interview, maybe Have chance."

Xia Yunian looked at the sentence sent by Fu Shicheng, and slightly curled the corners of her lips: "Well, with Mr. Fomero's good words, it would be even better if you would teach me first."

Another voice was sent: "Mr. Fomero, can you really teach me?" In the dark, Fu Shicheng subconsciously repeated this short voice for a few seconds three times, but he still didn't let go, and returned to him: "When you encounter things, you always like to pin your hopes on others?" Is it because you are so soft and nice to everyone, that you can easily get others' help? Fu Shicheng didn't ask this sentence.

All of a sudden, he lost interest, and Fu Shicheng didn't reply.

Xia Yunian waited for five minutes, and then sent another message: "Forget it, don't ignore people."

There is still no return.

When Xia Yunian sent the second photo, Fu Shizheng had already planned to exit Secret and turn off the phone, but he clicked on it after a flick of his finger. It was Xia Yunian's selfie.

In the photo, the handsome boy smiles at the camera, with the moonlight and starry sky behind him.

Xia Yu read: "Mr. Fomero, good night."

Fu Shizheng was a little startled, but when he came back to his senses, he had already recovered.

"Good night."