Hot Summer

Chapter 6: Stubborn


Xia Yunian went to the balcony to take another photo of the night sky and sent it to Fu Shicheng. It was roughly the same as the one taken a few days ago. Today the weather is clearer and there are more stars to be seen.

Fu Shicheng: "There are two major signs in the starry sky in autumn. You can see four bright stars forming an approximate square above your head, called the autumn quadrilateral. The star in the northeast corner is Alpha Andromeda, and the other three are Pegasus. α, β, and γ stars, these four stars are also called fixed stars in the Book of Songs, and they are the symbols of the high halls of temples worshiped by the ancients."

Fu Shicheng: "The east side of the quadrilateral extends to the northern sky, and you can see the second sign, a constellation of five bright stars that is approximately W-shaped, which is Cassiopeia, the extension of the two sides of Cassiopeia The junction connects to the gamma star in the middle, and Polaris is found about five times further north."

Fu Shicheng: "The east side of the quadrilateral extends south twice, and you can see a bright star, which is the β star of Cetus, which is also the tail of the whale. The slightly dimmer third-magnitude star to the east is the whale. The nose of the whale, which forms the head of the whale with four other nearby stars."

Fu Shicheng: "The west side of the quadrilateral extends southward. It is the brightest main star α in the constellation of Pisces Antarctica. It is easy to distinguish at the position of the fish's mouth. Together with the six or seven dark stars to the west of it, it forms a fish. The shape of the constellation, so it is called Antarctica."

Fu Shicheng: "..." Fu Shicheng: "..." Xia Yunian opened the computer drawing software, imported the photos he took, and drew constellations on the stars while reading the message from Fu Shicheng image of.

Fu Shicheng is a very patient person. He explained to him one by one after he taught him, very earnestly.

Xia Yunian didn't interrupt him until Fu Shicheng identified most of the stars in the photos he took.

After sending the last one, Xia Yunian replied: "Mr. Fomero is amazing."

Fu Shicheng: "If you are really interested, watch and observe more carefully. It is not difficult to learn to distinguish these constellations."

Xia Yunian: "What constellation is Mr. Fomero?" Fu Shicheng: "What constellation?" Xia Yunian: "Birthday."

Xia Yunian actually knew about Fu Shicheng's birthday, and Fu Shicheng's basic information was posted on the school forum, but I heard that he never seemed to celebrate his birthday with anyone.

Fu Shicheng replied vaguely: "At the end of December."

Xia Yunian: "That's Capricorn, calm, powerful, cold, and coquettish, which fits Mr. Fomero very well."

Fu Shicheng: "It's your feeling again?" Xia Yunian: "Is it wrong?" Fu Shicheng didn't reply, if he said something wrong, Xia Yunian would definitely have to ask him what was right, since Xia Yunian said so I thought, let him go.

Xia Yunian: "I heard that although Capricorns are wary of love, they long for romantic love in their hearts. Is that Mr. Fomero? Are you longing for love?" Fu Shicheng: "I don't believe this, Everyone has a different personality, and it is nonsense to roughly divide them simply by the constellation of the date of birth."

Xia Yunian sent back a smiling face: "Oh."

Fu Shicheng: "Oh what?" Xia Yunian: "Since so many people believe it, there must be some reason."

Xia Yunian: "You haven't answered my question yet."

Xia Yunian asked him if he was thirsty for love.

Fu Shicheng felt some inexplicable emotions in his heart, but he still didn't answer.

Fu Shicheng: "What zodiac sign do you have?" Xia Yunian: "I was born in summer, Cancer, my mother always said that I am very stubborn, which can be considered to be in line with the characteristics of the zodiac sign."

Fu Shicheng: "Stubborn?" Xia Yunian: "Yeah, Mr. Fomero, do you find me annoying? I chat with you every day, and I always talk to myself, will it bother you?" Xia Yu Is it annoying? Fu Shizheng asked himself, this week he seemed to be fascinated by a ghost, that's why he chatted with Xia Yunian on secret like this every day.

He really didn't have a good impression of this elementary school boy before, but now it has gradually turned into a strange emotion that he can't explain clearly. He always wants to see what Xia Yunian is going to do and what his purpose is.

Fu Shizheng does not consider himself a very curious person, but Xia Yunian has become a secret accident for him inadvertently. He does not want anyone to know about Xia Yunian chatting with Xia Yunian on secret, including Xia Yunian himself. .

Fu Shicheng: "It's okay."

Xia Yu read: "Okay?" After a few seconds, another message came back: "It's not very annoying."

Xia Yunian lay down on the table, laughing silently.

He himself felt that it was annoying for him to pester people like this, but he didn't know how to communicate with Fu Shicheng other than this.

Mom said he was a stubborn person, and he was. He liked Fu Shicheng and wanted to chat with him, so he kept pestering him.

Xia Yunian: "Thank you, Mr. Fomero, for not annoying me."

Fu Shicheng: "...Aren't you going to bed yet?" Xia Yunian: "Still drawing, sleep later, are you going to sleep?" Fu Shicheng: "Drawing so late?" Xia Yunian: "The inspiration came. Just draw it."

Xia Yunian: "I won't bother you when you sleep. Are you unable to sleep? Are you insomnia?" The word insomnia has never been in Fu Shicheng's dictionary, but he really doesn't feel sleepy tonight. He glanced at his phone The time in the upper right corner of the screen was almost two o'clock in the morning before he knew it.

The dormitory lights were on all night on Saturday, Lu Weize was still staying up late playing games, and the milk tea cup in hand was already empty.

Fu Shicheng sat leaning against the head of the bed for too long and changed his position. When Lu Weize heard the movement and looked up, he was startled: "Are you still asleep?" Fu Shicheng ignored him.

Lu Weize threw away the mouse, he got tired of playing games, and got up to wash up, when Fu Shizheng suddenly asked, "Is the milk tea good?" "Of course the milk tea is delicious," Lu Weize said quietly, "Master, you are not normal .”

Fu Shicheng lowered his head again, and replied to Xia Yunian: "What about insomnia?" Xia Yunian thought for a while, and replied, "Let me sing for you."

Fu Shicheng was noncommittal, and the other party's voice call request had already been sent.

He hesitated for a few seconds before clicking to answer. Xia Yunian's voice came with a smile: "Is Mr. Fomero really insomnia?" After reading that line for a while, he replied vaguely.

Fu Shicheng's voice was low and hoarse, but Xia Yunian could still hear it.

"I'll sing for you, what do you want to hear?" The person over there didn't answer, but Xia Yunian continued, "Then I'll sing casually, don't dislike my bad singing."

Xia Yu Nian cleared her throat and hummed softly. It was the love song in a foreign language that Fu Shicheng played and sang on stage at the campus music festival.

Xia Yu's singing voice is the same as when he speaks, soft and sticky, and very slow, not to mention any skills, but it sounds good.

Fu Shicheng didn't say a word, but quietly listened to the person on the other side singing.

He didn't know whether it was intentional or a coincidence that Xia Yu chanted this song, he didn't bother to think about it, his impetuous mood gradually calmed down, and all the voices were blocked except for Xia Yu's singing.

After a song was sung, there was no movement over there.

Xia Yunian called him twice, but got no reply, and finally said: "Mr. Fomero, good night, sweet dreams."

The voice call was hung up, Xia Yunian continued to refine the unfinished drawing before the computer, the stars outside the window flickered, the moon set and the sun rose.

Fu Shizheng was stunned for a moment, then slowly closed his eyes.

Xia Yunian didn't get up until noon on Zhou Tian, went out to the cafeteria to finish her meal, and arrived at the school's central playground before 1:30.

The recruiting work of the Astronomical Society has just started, and the long table with the banner hung up is placed on the side of the road, and there are already many people queuing up for consultation.

But I didn't see Fu Shicheng.

Xia Yunian didn't ask questions like everyone else, so she carefully read the flyer she got.

"Student, do you want to sign up?" Xia Yunian looked over, and the girl sitting behind the long table smiled at him, and raised the registration form in her hand: "If you want to sign up, first fill out the form."

Xia Yunian went to get the application form, and the other party asked him which department he wanted to apply for.

"Propaganda Department."

Xia Yu said.

The girl was a little surprised, and reminded him: "The Propaganda Department only recruits one person, and someone who has art skills and can write copywriting, can you do it?" Xia Yunian nodded and didn't say much.

He knew that the astronomy club was not easy to advance. The number of people in their club was always controlled within 30 people, but they could handle large-scale events with thousands of people, and they did well. Last year's astronomy knowledge exhibition took the whole school's club activities. Excellence Award.

It is true that many girls came here because of Fu Shicheng's living sign, but there were also many people who were really interested in their club and wanted to join. The number of places was limited, so the competition was naturally fierce.

Xia Yunian took the pen, bent down and filled out the registration form carefully.

When Fu Shizheng just arrived, he saw Xia Yunian filling out the form at the long table from a distance, paused, and walked to the convenience store on the side of the road.

After buying a bottle of sports drink, Fu Shicheng stood at the door of the convenience store drinking water while looking in Xia Yunian's direction.

The elementary school boy was wearing a hoodie and jeans, with natural curly hair and drooping eyelashes. When filling out the application form, he subconsciously licked his lips and looked very focused.

Fu Shicheng couldn't quite connect him with the person who sang to him in his ear last night. The first row of the theater watched people perform quietly, and their expressions were as focused as they are now.

If it weren't for the things that Lu Weize said, Xia Yu would not make people think that he is a thoughtful person just by looking at his appearance.

After Xia Yunian finished filling out the form and left, Fu Shizheng walked over. People in the club greeted him one after another. Many students who came to sign up were peeping at him. Fu Shizheng had long been accustomed to such eyes focused on himself. , He picked up the stack of completed registration forms, flipped through them one by one, and quickly found Xia Yu's.

Xia Yunian's handwriting is very round and looks a little cute, the same as what he wrote on the note paper last night. In the reason for joining the club, he wrote it very simply, with only one sentence "I want to go outdoors for stargazing, I can persist."

Fu Shicheng's mind moved, and his eyes fell on the birthday column of the basic information. July 6th is indeed summer.

It turned out that the elementary school brother had just turned eighteen.