How Come My Dog Becomes Unbeatable

Chapter 58: Can warriors also be actors?


Ren Jiayao's punch seemed to have poked a hornet's nest, and the violent energy immediately locked her.

Not only that, the children whose qi had been trapped here for a long time found an outlet at this moment. In everyone's shocked eyes, countless qi machines suddenly rushed towards them.

"not good!"

"Hurry up and take out the magic weapon for self-defense!"


"don't want!"

The protective magic weapons on these people didn't even have the power to resist, and they all burst apart.

Ren Jiayao was the first to bear the brunt and was directly bombarded by the chaotic aura of the avenue.

Seeing this scene, Bu Ningxuan quickly took out a bell and blocked it in front of Ren Jiayao. However, the seemingly hard bell collapsed into pieces.

"don't want!"

Bu Ningxuan panicked. She was still young and had not yet enjoyed these beautiful years. How could she pass away like this

This Jedi was much more terrifying than they imagined.

At the entrance of the valley, Zhang Xuan was a little scared when he saw Ren Jiayao taking action. After all, this world is too terrifying, and warriors are respected.

However, in the next scene, he was confused.

Are these people making a movie

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, they looked so terrifying, and then nothing happened, they all fell to the ground, with such exaggerated expressions on their faces.

So dedicated!

There are no special effects, but these people performed so well.

Unexpectedly, martial artists have begun to enter the entertainment industry now.

Zhang Xuan watched the scene in front of him with interest, and then walked aside, otherwise it would be bad if he was caught by the camera.

He looked around curiously, trying to find the location of the camera. He would tell the director later that the framing was fine, but everything in the valley must not be destroyed.

He built this valley bit by bit in accordance with the tasks issued by the system. Once it is destroyed, who knows what the dog system will do

Zhang Xuan watched, and his superb acting skills continued. He saw that the clothes on these people were torn by the wind. The most beautiful girl even had her snow-white skin exposed. Zhang Xuan even saw something that shouldn't be See things.

“So dedicated!”

Zhang Xuan shook his head, these actors sacrificed too much for the love in their hearts.

Originally, he thought that these people were warriors who might be reserved and unable to let go when performing, but he did not expect that the acting skills of these people were comparable to those of professional veteran actors.

I saw these people falling to the ground one by one, with expressions of pain, fear, and despair. The various expressions were really well performed.

If Zhang Xuan didn't know it was an act, he would almost be infected.

"Look at that man!"

At this moment, a person suddenly pointed at Zhang Xuan and shouted loudly. If you listen carefully, you can still hear the shock and surprise in his voice.

Everyone looked at Zhang Xuan and saw the most violent source of the great energy. Zhang Xuan was standing there, looking at them with admiration in his eyes.

These people are all in the realm of great martial arts masters and grand masters, and the magic weapons they carry are top-quality magic weapons they obtained from the academy or their respective families.

Even these magic weapons couldn't withstand a ray of Gang Qi, but the Gang Qi as thick as a bucket blew on this man, and the young man was unscathed.

Bu Ningxuan was stunned for a moment, and then she was overjoyed. They had met their savior.

Very good!

" us!"

Standing at the entrance of the valley, Zhang Xuan saw the man pointing at him, his eyes full of shock, and he was embarrassed.

Could it be that his appearance just now was captured in the camera.

Zhang Xuan said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, everyone, please continue!"

This crew is not simple. With so many warriors as actors, every frame is very precious. But just because of his appearance, the filming can't be ruined.

"Go on, but don't come in!"

Zhang Xuan said, stepping into the valley.

It happened that a gust of wind blew over, Zhang Xuan frowned, waved his hand, and said speechlessly: "It's so annoying, why is there wind here."

The next moment, the wind stopped and he walked into the valley.

Bu Ningxuan, Ren Jiayao and others were dumbfounded and shocked, looking at everything in front of them in disbelief.

Just now, there was such a violent qi machine. Even if the Emperor Wu came, I am afraid it would be torn apart by the qi machine. And that person just waved his hand and the wind dissipated


This is a strong wind that can tear Emperor Wu to pieces!

More than a dozen people stood up in embarrassment, looking at the valley shrouded in the strong wind with shocked eyes.

"Tell me... is that person the senior who took action that night?"

"No, he is so young."

"Some old-timers like the way they looked when they were young. When they become gods, they can make themselves look younger. There's nothing wrong with that!"

"Yes, this person may be that senior!"

"Why don't you say this person is from the Potian Sect?"

Someone put forward a different point of view, but as soon as his words came out, everyone was silenced.

"Idiot, if this senior was from the Potian Sect, you would have become a corpse by now."

"What should we do? Since the senior said this is his valley, it proves that the teleportation array will never be here. Do we still want to stay?" In fact, they already have the intention to retreat.

They came here full of enthusiasm, and first encountered a huge battle. That night, some of them were so frightened that they peed their pants and fell into a coma.

They encountered another life-and-death crisis today. If the senior hadn't taken action just now, they would have been dead at this moment.

This is the closest they have been to death in their lives.

"But the mission of the academy..."

"Who cares about his bullshit mission? We have used our best means to save our lives. As a result, if this senior hadn't taken action, we would have been dead right now and lost our lives. Why are you still doing this bullshit mission?"

"The purpose of the academy sending us here is to allow us to participate in training. This time we have experienced two deaths, and the purpose of training has been achieved."

"Oh, my protective shield. I spent hundreds of thousands of college points and saved it for two years to get it. It can't even stop a wisp of strong wind. We are still too insignificant.

We are all pretentious, claiming to be comparable to the proud students of Zhongzhou College, and are the unparalleled talents, but the result is... "

One person said dejectedly.

"I really want to take this senior as my teacher!"

Hearing this, everyone else's eyes lit up, especially Ren Jiayao. She thought she was unparalleled in appearance and wanted to become her disciple, and the senior would not refuse her.

Even the gentle and warm Bu Ningxuan has a heartbeat in her beautiful eyes.

"Then let's wait here, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"


Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the extinguished Gangfeng reappeared, and countless Dao Qi machines and divine patterns circulated. Seeing this scene, the faces of these people changed.