How Could I Lose to Him

Chapter 100: night party


Until the evening, the coaches were still dealing with the team that came one after another, and had no time to pay attention to Hou Mo. Hou Mo could only let Hou Yu go back to the dormitory first, and go back to the fourth floor by himself.

Can't sleep at night, and Hou Mo is not with him, and he can't play with his mobile phone, which makes Sui Houyu fall into anxiety again.

After sitting on the bed for a while, he got up and began to wipe the table.

When he left the dormitory, there was still an overturned meal on the table, and it had been cleaned up after he came back.

It's not that he thinks the table is dirty, he just can't rest.

Seeing him packing up his things like this, He Shibi, who was resting on the bed, panicked instead. First looked at him for a while, then got up and helped him tidy up.

For example, when he wipes the table, He Shibi will pick up the things on the table; when he wipes the chair, He Shibi will remove the clothes on the back of the chair.

He brought a broom to sweep the floor, and He Shibi would move all the things in the room to make him sweep more smoothly.

When he was mopping the floor, He Shibi would move things again.

The two people who seemed to have a fight when they met did not communicate in the dormitory, but they cooperated to clean up the dormitory thoroughly.

There is no communication, but the cooperation is tacit.

I'm afraid this is the cooperative awareness of the tennis doubles players

After tidying up the room, Sui Hou Yu pinched his waist and looked at the room, lost in thought: What can he do afterwards

He Shibi watched him follow silently, as if waiting for him, only when he fell asleep, He Shibi could sleep with peace of mind.

After a while, he looked at He Shibi and said, "You should rest first, I just can't sleep."

"Oh..." He Shibi didn't say much, and when he returned to his bed and was about to sit down, he saw Sui Houyu spread a piece of paper on the floor and started to stand upside down. He took a three-second stance before sitting down.

At this time, some coaches came in to check the dormitory, and they had photos on the dormitory check form, so there was no way to impersonate them.

After the coach came in, he explained some precautions. After scanning it once, he said, "I have entered so many dormitories, and the dormitory of the two of you is the most tidy. They still haven't exercised, and they haven't packed their luggage after so long. , and some don’t even know how to put on a quilt cover. Those who go out to compete all the year round can develop their self-care ability very early.”

After the coach finished speaking, He Shibi didn't respond, Sui Hou Yu was standing on his head, and no one spoke, so the coach didn't stay any longer, and left after confirming that everyone was there.

Their training schedule for the next month will be—

6:10—7:10 Morning exercises

7:30 Breakfast

8:30—11:30 Morning training

14:30—17:30 Afternoon training

19:30—21:00 Evening training

This schedule is the training time of the provincial team and the sports school. There is plenty of time for lunch breaks. After lunch, I can go back to the dormitory to sleep and rest.

Every night at 22:30, the dormitory will turn off the lights.

After Sui Houyu's mobile phone was confiscated, he didn't even know the time. After all, he lost the habit of wearing a watch after playing tennis. Now there is not even a thing in the dormitory that can tell the time.

He didn't know it was half past ten in the evening until he turned off the lights in the dormitory, and he didn't know if he could fall asleep before dawn.

He suddenly comprehended an idiom: it is hard to sleep alone.

After he stopped standing on his head, he went back to the bed to do plank support. After less than ten minutes, someone knocked on the door softly.

He was surprised. He walked over to open the door, and saw Hou Mo quickly enter his bedroom. After closing the door, he breathed a sigh of relief, and stretched out his arms to hug Sui Houyu without letting go: "Woo, I'm afraid of the dark..."

"How did you come here?" He raised his hand and patted Hou Mo's back and asked.

"The stairs with the fire escape outside were sealed with wooden strips in the middle of the stairs. I stepped down from the outside of the stairs, stepping on the gaps. But I held up the wooden strips on the way and was stabbed by wooden thorns. hand."

In fact, blocking the fire escape in this way does not meet the fire regulations.

But this is a last resort, after all, these boys are too noisy, and this is also to prevent them from running around between floors.

Moreover, sometimes there are not enough dormitories, and there will be situations where men and women sleep on the same floor, which can also prevent problems.

There is a security door on each floor of their dormitory, and there are coaches watching inside the door. If you want to cross the floor, you can only climb the window or use this passage.

Sui Houyu was shocked: "Are you crazy? This is the third floor, and you are on the fourth floor. Do you think this is the first and second floors?"

"Isn't it because you're afraid that you won't be able to fall asleep or fight with your roommate?"

Before Suihou Yu could answer, He Shibi asked first, "Why did you fight?"

This sentence was really too serious to ask, so sincere that Hou Mo got stuck and didn't answer.

Could it be that you replied: You are not good-looking enough

Suihou Yu answered for Hou Mo: "I have a bad temper."

He Shibi said seriously again: "Well, I can see it."

Sui Hou Yu took Hou Mo to the bedside and sat down, holding Hou Mo's hand and trying to look in the dark: "Where did you prick?"

"There is no light on the side of the palm of the left hand. Let's see tomorrow." Hou Mo said.

He Shibi said again: "I have."

After speaking, he leaned over and took out a small charging lamp from his suitcase, and handed it to them.

Hou Mo stretched out his hand to take it in surprise: "Thank you."

After turning on the desk lamp, Sui Hou Yu held Hou Mo's hand, looked at the thorns on it, and muttered, "Can I pull it out with my fingers? There are no tweezers here either..."

He Shibi's voice came again: "I have."

As he spoke, he took out a tool box from the suitcase and handed it to them.

After Hou Mo took it, he finally couldn't help but sigh: "Are you Doraemon?"

He Shibi lay on the bed and replied lazily: "When we checked the luggage, we heard that there was a strange person who was even more strange. He also brought wool, as if he was going to knit a sweater, and something to wash his eyes."

Sui Hou Yu tasted this sentence, and said quietly: "That strange person may be me, but what I brought was made of felt, and it was just packed in a bag. Why would it be recognized as wool?"

He Shibi felt very strange: "Why do you bring such a strange thing?"

Suihou Yu replied in a low voice, "I played when I was bored."

He Shibi didn't speak any more, just lying on his back on the bed ready to sleep, when suddenly there was another person in the dormitory and didn't say anything.

Suihou Yu was serious about helping Hou Mo pick the thorns, looking very serious.

He knew that Hou Mo was timid. If he was so timid to climb the outdoor stairs alone at night, it could be seen that Hou Mo was really going all out.

Thinking about it carefully, he still wanted to scold Hou Mo, but he was afraid of disturbing He Shibi's rest, so he held back.

After carefully picking out the thorns for Hou Mo, he held Hou Mo's hand and looked carefully, wanting to see if there was anything missing, and yawned when he looked.

"Probably not anymore..." After Sui Hou Yu insisted on finishing these words, she fell asleep in Hou Mo's arms.

He Shibi on the side was taken aback by Suihou Yu, sat up and asked, "Fuck, he fainted?!"

Hou Mo supported Sui Hou Yu and replied awkwardly: "He just fell asleep."

In the eyes of others, Suihou Yu's situation is indeed quite scary.

He Shibi was so shocked that he didn't blink for a while, and it took a long time to recover: "It's amazing..."

After sighing, he lay down again.

Hou Mo supported Suihou Yu to lie down on the bed, put away the tool box and the small desk lamp, and returned them to He Shibi, and then returned to Suihouyu's bed to lie down.

There is no heating or air-conditioning in the dormitory here. Sleeping at this temperature depends on being upright.

After he got into the quilt, he felt that Sui Hou Yu was crawling into his arms, and the hands holding him were tighter than before. Obviously he felt cold, and he hugged him tightly to keep warm.

He tidied up the quilt, then picked up Suihou Yu's legs and put them on his body, holding Suihou Yu's feet with his hands so that he would not freeze his feet.

When he felt that it was almost done, he fell asleep with Sui Houyu in his arms.

After He Shibi woke up in the morning, he sat up and looked at the other bed.

Just looking at the bulge of the quilt, it looks like a person. If it weren't for the fact that there were two heads on the pillow, He Shibi would have thought that Hou Mo had sneaked away again last night.

How tight are these two hugging

This is to sleep together, right

As if hearing the voice, Hou Mo opened his eyes and looked towards He Shibi, and then sat up.

Not long after he got up, the morning bell rang in the dormitory, proving that it was already six o'clock in the morning.

He Shibi looked at Hou Mo and asked, "Is this how you all get along with your doubles partners?"

For the way Hou Mo and Suihou Yu get along, He Shibi is really amazed. Compared with this, the way he gets along with his partner is simply another extreme.

He Shibi and his partner were sitting on the same bench, and they both kicked each other easily.

If this is lying on a bed, the picture is unimaginable.

Hou Mo could only reply with a smile: "Others don't know, the two of us have had a good relationship since childhood."

"Oh… "

Hou Mo quickly woke up Suihou Yu: "Brother Yu, it's time for morning exercises."

Said he began to put on clothes.

Sui Houyu lay under the quilt and frowned. The indoor temperature made him unwilling to wear clothes, and he just wanted to lie under the quilt all the time.

Hou Mo could only finish putting on his own clothes, and put his hand under the quilt to help Sui Hou Yu get dressed.

After getting dressed, the two rushed to the water room, and only when they met acquaintances did they get a tap.

Two people use one faucet, wash their faces and brush their teeth for five minutes, and then quickly go downstairs to line up.

On the first day of morning exercises, the teams in each province were scattered.

The coach asked the players from each province to stand in a queue and rearrange the queue according to their height.

The number of people in each province is different, and their province has relatively more people, and the number of people can be ranked in the top three.

This time, Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo were farther away, but they were very close to Deng Yiheng and Shen Junjing.

If there is a centimeter difference in height on the tennis team, there will be many people. The coaches love boys with a height of 185-190 centimeters. Sui Hou Yu's height of 183 centimeters is acceptable in tennis, but not within the golden height range.

After the run, when Hou Yu and Hou Mo were going back to the dormitory to wash their hair, Lu Yanxin came over and said, "Brother Yu! When our women's team was running, we saw your hair dangling all the way. You are the most conspicuous, like shaking corn in a dustpan."

Hou Mo was delighted after hearing this: "This description is very appropriate!"

Lu Yanxin snapped his fingers excitedly: "Really! But you are more ostentatious than Brother Yu, so it's very easy to find you. If anyone is particularly innocent, it must be you."

Hou Mo didn't agree with each other anymore.

Deng Yiheng has been very particular lately, getting up early and washing his hair in order to look the most handsome when he sees Lu Yanxin.

When many people returned to the dormitory, Deng Yiheng asked Lu Yanxin full of energy: "Do you want me to bring you a meal?"

"No, I'll go to the cafeteria too." After Lu Yanxin answered, she leaned over to look into Deng Yiheng's eyes, "The swelling has completely subsided, and he looks much more handsome after the adjustment."

Being approached suddenly, Deng Yiheng blushed completely.

Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo are like kind old fathers, looking at Deng Yiheng's appearance, they want to laugh.

Hou Mo said to Deng Yiheng: "Bring me and Brother Yu's breakfast, we'll go up and wash our hair."

"Okay, I'll see and bring them to you." Deng Yiheng is also familiar with the tastes of these two, after all, it is not the first time to bring food, "But I think you will come soon, I wash my hair at the speed of life and death in the morning. Drying hair with teeth."

Hou Mo glanced at Sui Hou Yu's thick hair sympathetically.

Suihou Yu took a deep breath.

When going upstairs, Hou Mo and Sang Xian went to the fourth floor, followed Hou Yu to the third floor and left.

Hou Mo and Sang Xian sighed: "Deng Yiheng is about to run away with others, and I haven't caught up yet. But fortunately, I'm single with you and Shen Junjing."

Hearing this sentence, Sang Xian glanced at Hou Mo with meaningful eyes, but he didn't say anything, just smiled with the corners of his mouth curled up.

Hou Mo patted Sang Xian on the head: "You are really Daddy's big boy!"
