How Could I Lose to Him

Chapter 123: National Finals


In fact, during these days, Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo also often went to watch the matches between He Shibi and Chu You, and studied the combination's habit of numbers, so as to make a countermeasure.

He Shibi is a style familiar to Suihou Yu, and he is very good at creating opportunities for his companions.

Chu You is an opportunist who is very good at seizing opportunities and making use of them to create scoring opportunities.

The two play styles are perfectly matched, showing the strength of "1 + 1 > 2", and only then did they achieve the first place in the country last year.

This is also the reason why He Shibi can only achieve better results if he cooperates with Chu You. They have proved it with their strength, and the twisted melon is quite sweet.

This year is different, He Shibi and Chu You no longer quarrel, and the relationship is still very harmonious.

Invisibly, the difficulty of defeating them has increased. At this time, this pair is even more difficult to deal with than when Jiang Wei and the others met last year.

Sui Hou Yu didn't believe that the world was "unified", but Hou Mo felt that these two people were already together, they had different views, and neither could convince the other.

They are also embarrassed to ask others.

Their confrontation depends on who is more stable.

Before tossing the coin, Suihou Yu deliberately went to hold hands with Ran Shu in front of the teammate's table, so as to get a little koi air.

Ran Shu watched Sui Houyu walk towards the court with the racket, and said quickly, "Brother Yu, take, take the number one and play."

"Okay, I'll work hard, don't forget the sculptures on the island."


Sang Xian crossed Erlang's legs and glanced at the two of them, and asked, "What's the secret code for you?"

Ran Shu sneered: "Tch, those who were eliminated early should stop talking."

Sang Xian rolled his eyes.

What happens if the draw is unlucky

In the second half of the game, Sang Xian and Hou Mo met each other, which caused Sang Xian's ranking not to be good this time, and he didn't make it to the finals.

Teammates concluded: Sang Xian made Koi angry, God punished him.

When tossing a coin to choose, Suihou Yu chose first, blindly chose, and he chose correctly.

He turned his head and gave Ran Shu a thumbs up, and soon saw Ran Shu raised his arm and made a heartbeat to him above his head.

Hou Mo respected Ran Shu a little more: "Brother Ran is a bit wicked."

"It's quite a bit."

In the first round, Sui Houyu served.

Hou Mo intercepted in front of the net.

The two of them chose a very conventional goose formation to deal with the double bottom line formation on the opposite side.

According to their current ability in front of the net, they are still very confident in receiving the ball from the double bottom line.

He Shibi's return is usually paving the way, his ball is very stable, and when he returns the ball, he is already paving the way for the lore later.

In such a situation of receiving and receiving, He Shibi will choose to slowly change the rotation and power of the ball, change it to his own comfortable style, and give the ball to Chu You after finding the right opportunity.

Chu You will find the right opportunity and hit the ball in an uncomfortable direction and position for the opponent.

Strictly speaking, Chu You can be regarded as a player of the landing point control type.

As for He Shibi, he was considered a pure support type.

However, the opponent Chu You met today clashed with him.

Suihou Yu happened to be the type who could restrain him.

An opportunist like Chu You can usually find an opportunity in an instant and hit the ball in an unexpected position. There is no rule in the changeable style of play, and the decisions are all made in an instant.

Many times his opponents saw that angle and shot and gave up directly, knowing that this kind of shot was impossible to save.

But Suihou Yu would not.

No matter how difficult the ball is to chase, Suihou Yu will never give up. And his physical reaction ability is amazing, and the speed of the instant burst is comparable to the sprint of a sprint.

Chu You hit a high-pressure ball, the ball landed against the net, the landing point was less than a punch away from the net, and then flew out obliquely.

Sui Houyu's attention was highly concentrated, only the opponent's racket and the moving position of the ball were in his eyes, and he caught the ball in an instant. With a kick on his toes, he rushed over like a bullet, rounded the racket, and slammed the ball hard. go back.

The ball bounced off Chu You's body, but Chu You still hadn't recovered and didn't move.

Only by becoming an opponent can you truly perceive the speed and explosive power, which is completely different from what you see in the auditorium.

In his opinion, the ball just now should be a dead ball, so can he catch up like this

He heard footsteps behind him, and He Shibi didn't give up, he immediately squatted down to give way to the ball.

He Shibi held the racket with both hands, let out a low cry before hitting the ball back.

Suihou Yu had already been waiting in front of the net to block the ball. Before the ball arrived, his body had already arrived.

Chu You went to the net and picked up the ball that Sui Houyu had returned. Before the ball rose completely, it was blocked by Sui Houyu again. The speed was fast and the attack was ruthless.

The ball bounced off and never came back.


Sui Hou Yu turned around and took the ball from the caddy. After a few shots, he threw the ball back and was caught by the caddy.

He picked up the second racket and felt that the air pressure of these balls was a bit wrong, so he went to the caddy with the ball in his hand.

Hou Mo followed him, covering his mouth and whispering. When others saw this behavior, they must have thought that the two were talking about tactics.

Even Sui Hou Yu listened carefully at first, but what he heard was not tactics at all.

Hou Mo suddenly remembered something, followed Hou Yu and said: "Last year, when I reported on Sang Xian, I took a photo of Sang Xian's serve, and someone commented that this boy's penis is so big. Let's take a closer look, it's Sang Xian There's a ball in your pocket."

Suihou Yu was still waiting for the ball to come over, when he heard this, he burst out laughing.

The joke is inexplicable.

The caddy brought a bucket of new tennis balls and handed it to Sui Houyu. He wanted to put one in his pocket, but suddenly felt a little awkward, so he looked down on purpose.

Looking up, I saw Hou Mo turning his head and smirking at him, and I was immediately upset, why mention this at this juncture? It made him uncomfortable.


Hou Mo squatted down again and continued the game.

He intentionally distracted Hou Yu's attention.

Because he noticed that if Suihou Yu forcibly concentrated, he would overuse his brain. His lips are pale, and he even has a headache, and then he will be so tired that he falls asleep without him getting close.

Both Jiang Wei and Lu Qinghui are strong players, the difficulty of playing against them is that it is very difficult to break serve.

But this team's style is different. Chu You's style of play requires a high degree of concentration to break through.

He needs to distract Sui Hou Yu's attention from time to time, so that Sui Hou Yu can rest his mind.

After the second serve, Chu You seemed to have come to his senses, and he no longer slacked off.

He was confident in his mutant ball before, but he didn't expect anyone to react. Now that we know that Suihou Yu can crack it, we can only use a hundred times more energy, even if we use the lore ball, we must follow it to block it, which is more stable.

Suihou Yu can block it once, so how many more times

If you keep moving from side to side, will Sui Houyu's physical strength last until the end

No one can be energetic all the time.

Sui Houyu also quickly discovered that Chu You's style of play made him extremely embarrassed. Every time he was in a tricky position, it would be awkward for him to make up for the next ball after returning one ball.

Forehand, backhand, forehand so rotate.

This sequence is similar to "moving times and hitting times", but there is no sense of rhythm.

He Shibi's net grabbing, off-ball running and positioning on the court are all among the best.

This kind of person is naturally suitable for doubles. While being good at cooperating, his own skills are also solid enough to make no mistakes.

If he went to singles, He Shibi would be mediocre all of a sudden, everything was stable, and he had nothing to show for it.

The teammate is a highly variable partner like Chu You, and he can also help deal with it, and he has also cultivated some tacit understanding with Chu You in the past six months.

During the interval, they still stood together and talked about tactics in a low voice, which shows the progress of the relationship.

In the stands, Lu Qinghui put his arm on the back of the chair in the front row, looked at the field lazily, and said: "Chu You and He Shibi have to adapt to their ball and speed, after they adapt, it will become very difficult for them. Let's deal with it, I don't know if the little guy and the cheap monkey can win."

"It seems that you subconsciously sided with the cheap monkey?" Jiang Wei was also watching the game with a bottle of water in his hand.

"After all, it is a province, and the cheap monkey just won us. If they lose to Chu You and the others, doesn't it mean that we will also lose to them?"

"We lost last time."

"Chu You is really tricky. He doesn't know what's going on in his head or where he will hit the next ball. A person like Chu You who has a lot of variables is also the most difficult for Hou Mo to deal with, because Hou Mo can't predict Chu. Yu's way."

"Well, Hou Mo has participated in a lot of competitions, and there are a lot of expansion packs, so the way has been sorted out. The key to winning this round depends on whether the little guy can restrain Chu You."

Chu Youke Hou Mo.

Suihou Yuke Chuyou.

The magic triangle.

This also made this match almost a contest between Sui Hou Yu and Chu You. If Hou Mo was smart enough, he should be an assistant like He Shibi to help Sui Hou Yu relieve some of the burden.

The one who needs to adapt to the speed and power of the ball is Ho Shibi.

When he gets used to it, his ability will be able to show. He can change the ball path and spin instantly after receiving the serve, and change it to a situation that makes Chu You comfortable.

Even when returning the ball to the opponent, it has been predicted where the opponent will return the ball.

And that position must be the best position for Chu You to fight back.

What he predicted was also the movement route of his teammates, and he gave up his position in an instant, and silently went to the appropriate position to continue to cooperate.

This made Sui Houyu feel more and more difficult to fight.

Chu You's burst ball became more and more difficult to defend.

After the game was divided to 3:3, no team still broke serve.

It was Sui Houyu's serve again. He Shibi caught Sui Houyu by surprise with the spinning ball returned after receiving the serve. Too successful a lob.

Sure enough, Chu You quickly caught the mistake and made a backhand shot. The ball landed behind Sui Hou Yu and bounced out.

Sui Hou Yu turned around, but failed to catch the ball.

By this time, the feeling of repression had already come, like a huge wave, beating on Sui Houyu's self-confidence.

Hou Mo hurried over to encourage him: "It's okay, come again."

"En." Suihou Yu nodded in response.

At this time, Hou Mo has realized that he should give up his prediction and play with his intuition instead.

However, due to years of habit and the fast pace of men's doubles, he would subconsciously predict, but Chu You did not play according to his prediction at all.

Cleverness is misunderstood by cleverness.

The opponent adapted to them, but they failed to adapt to the opponent's way.

This round was broken successfully.

Until the end of the first set, both Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo failed to break serve.

Lost the first set.

Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo returned to the chair to rest with their hands in their hands, and Sui Hou Yu took a sip of water.

Hou Mo suddenly reached out and pressed his head against his shoulder.

Suihou Yu was stunned by him, and said in surprise: "I'll be sleepy."

"You have to rest your little head. It's okay. I'll pinch you when you're sleepy."

Sui Hou Yu hesitated for a while, but did not move away, but rested briefly against Hou Mo's shoulder. Leaning on Hou Mo will allow him to find a sense of security in an instant, return to tranquility in an instant, and it seems that all his troubles have disappeared.

Hou Mo comforted: "Don't worry, we can win, I'm adjusting."


"You did really well just now."


"After a good comparison, the condom can be used."

Sui Hou Yu broke free from Hou Mo in an instant, and took another sip of water.

Hou Mo looked at him smiling slyly, and when he noticed it, his cheeks blushed instantly, pretending to be calm.

I'm not afraid that the gangster is handsome, but I'm afraid that the gangster is always thinking about him.

As soon as the two of them got close to each other, there was a burst of screaming from the auditorium, the sound was so loud that He Shibi was startled, and she turned her head to look in their direction.

Then he turned his head and said to Chu You: "What are their names?"

"I don't know, just let him go."

"Idols play tennis... Will we be scolded if we win?"

Chu You rarely laughed: "You don't care what those people do, you haven't even downloaded the APP."

Not only did he not download the APP, He Shibi was afraid that playing on his mobile phone would affect his training. The mobile phone still had a black and white screen, so he could only make calls and send text messages, and he could not use WeChat.

The biggest mobile game is Snake.

He Shibi is a standard stupid bird flying first type, people are not very smart, and they all rely on their own efforts.

The previous scolding incident was still a big deal, and his teammates all went to write a self-criticism, and he didn't know that there was a scolding war on the Internet.

In this regard, he still doesn't understand why he has to curse people online, can't everyone compete well

During the break, He Shibi took out his small notebook again, and looked at the notes written on it. He had a few pages dedicated to Hou Mo and Sui Houyu.

I'm afraid these two people don't even know their style of play.

Chu You leaned over and took a look: "Your really not good."

"As long as I can understand it." He Shibi continued to tickle on it with a pen, and said at the same time, "My serve will make me very uncomfortable when it reaches Hou Mo's hands. He can predict all my movements. And if he can decipher the changes I made, Hou Mo should be able to think of a way to restrain me in the next game."

"and me."


The second set begins.

Both sides have gradually adapted to each other's style of play, and it can be seen that they are both trying to break the other's style of play.

Chu You returned the ball, and it was another ball with a tricky angle.

Sui Hou Yu ran towards the backcourt to catch up with the ball, but it was difficult to turn his body around.

So he simply jumped up with his back to the net and hit the ball under his crotch. He couldn't see behind him at all, and he could only hit blindly by feeling.

This kind of juggling ball can pass the net smoothly! It's totally against the sky!

Chu You took a sideways step, and attacked Suihou Yu again, in a standard way of "beating the dog in the water".

"Turn around and swing at four o'clock!" Hou Mo saw that Sui Hou Yu hadn't turned around yet, so he directed.

Sui Hou Yu trusted Hou Mo's judgment unconditionally. Without seeing the ball, he swung his racket the moment he spun, and successfully hit the ball and hit it back.

Hou Mo leaned back in front of the net and gave way to the ball.

The way the ball came was in the blind spot blocked by Hou Mo's body, and Chu You couldn't see it.

He Shibi hurried to chase the ball, but failed to catch it.

After the ball flew out, it was called out of bounds.

Hou Mo walked up to the referee, as if he wanted to watch the replay. From his point of view, the ball just now was in bounds.

After waiting for a while, the big screen did not play the playback.

Hou Mo gritted his teeth, somewhat unwilling. No wonder there were people making trouble before, this referee is indeed more towards the provincial team.

At this time He Shibi came over: "The ball fell right in front of my eyes, I could see it clearly, it was within bounds."

The referee did not expect that He Shibi would come to speak for the opponent team. If the ball just now was in bounds, then Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo would have successfully broken serve in this round, which is a very important ball.

Chu You also walked over: "He is determined and will not lie. The ball just now should be in bounds."

After the referee and other staff signaled, the replay was finally played.

within bounds.

Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo successfully broke serve for the first time.