How Could I Lose to Him

Chapter 131: save


Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo were very embarrassed along the way, and they were in a hurry all the way, but the journey was long and there was nothing they could do.

Sui Houyu's racket was brought to the original Qingyu campus, but the suitable sports shoes were all under Hou Mo's bed in Fenghua campus. When he moved away, Hou Mo left all his sneakers and planned to take the time to brush them all. At that time, he never thought that such a thing would happen.

The new shoes rubbed their feet, and this game was still very important, so the two of them made another trip to Fenghua Campus in the end.

After the two of them arrived at the provincial gym, Hou Mo didn't dare to rest, and kept warming up for Sui Houyu. After all, Sui Houyu had been out of training for a while, and it took time for the muscles to wake up properly.

This speed must be grasped well. Coach Wang is not yet by their side, so Hou Mo can only help them.

Liu Mo wandered over with a racket in his hand and asked Hou Mo, "You monkey, what's the matter? You suddenly called me to the game, and I was completely fooled."

Hou Mo couldn't say anything about it either. After all, Liu Mo had a big mouth, so he could only answer: "I just want to challenge you."

"Hey, do you value me so much?" Liu Mo was immediately happy, "It's right to choose me, I am a very good opponent."

"Your indoor venue isn't warm either." Hou Mo looked worried at the training ground.

During the competition, I can only wear short-sleeved tops and shorts. It is quite a pain to compete in such a cold place.

Liu Mo was upset for a while: "It's not time for heating yet. This place has been used for more than ten years, and there are air leaks everywhere. It's not like your Fenghua, eh, no, Fengyu, you have money and comfortable central air-conditioning .”

"Are you sour, how do you usually train?"

"Put on pants, with half sleeves on your upper body, and you'll get hot after practicing. It's like training camp, it all depends on your own energy reserves."

Sui Houyu jumped up and down on the edge of the field, simply moving his joints.

During the preparation period, he has been very silent, but he has returned to the original appearance of the indifferent young man.

Hou Mo looked at him, secretly worried.

Liu Mo wanted to chat with Sui Hou Yu with a smile, but when he saw that Sui Hou Yu ignored him, he asked Hou Mo in a low voice, "Is your family always like this?"

"Yes, there are too many people chasing him, so there will be fewer people asking for WeChat IDs with a cold face."

Liu Mo immediately showed a "kind" smile: "Hehe."

Love seems to be something that does not belong to Liu Mo.

Liu Mo was walking on the road, and most men in their twenties and thirties came to strike up a conversation with him: "Dude, how did you train your muscles?"

Students from provincial sports and other sports, who heard something, came to the gymnasium to watch. It's a pity that it was not Liu Mo, but his opponent.

"Fuck, I'm so handsome."

“Better than the pictures!”

"I don't want to practice volleyball anymore, I want to play tennis!"

Hou Mo, the legendary tennis god, and Sui Hou Yu, who made headlines because of his handsomeness, all came to them to save their body. They must do their best to show their greedy eyes.

Handsome guy, I'm going to use it to watch...

So much so that Liu Mo didn't have home court advantage, and these people were all waiting to cheer for Suihou Yu.

They waited at the side of the venue for a while, and Liu Mo asked them: "Would you like to have dinner with us later? I invite you."

Hou Mo was amused: "So generous."

"Really, you ordered all the dishes in our cafeteria, and a meal for the three of us can't exceed 150 yuan."

"Okay, try it later, but if you make our children unhappy..."

"I'm sure I'm not happy. How can I mess around if I can't beat him? This is my territory. Isn't it embarrassing for me?"

"you can… "

"No!" Liu Mo was overjoyed, as if he could pay back the breath he had held back for so many years, and he refused straightforwardly.

Hou Mo couldn't say it clearly, he could only nod in resignation.

It should have been his retribution, but it was Sui Houyu's retribution.

"Don't give in." Suihou Yu, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, his eyes swept over Liu Mo, and he spoke again, "You can do your best, and I will not show mercy. This is a respect for the opponent."

Liu Mo nodded immediately: "I like this temper."

Hou Mo gave Liu Mo a pestle: "Is it your turn to like it?"

"I used to think that you were not human, but now I realize that you are a vat full of vinegar." Liu Mo said angrily.

At the start of the game, Sui Hou Yu played very aggressively from the very beginning.

Liu Mo is a powerful player, and there are very few people who can match him in terms of strength. Hou Mo's heaven-defying all-around type counts as one, and Sang Xian counts as one. The national youth group is full of players, and there are no more than ten people with this kind of strength and explosive power.

Liu Mo has learned a lot today, and it is the first time he has seen such a slender body be able to hit such a powerful ball.

Before, I watched Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo play doubles together, but I never really played against Sui Hou Yu.

In Liu Mo's impression, Sui Houyu's positioning is at best a net volley type and agility type.

I really played against singles today, only to find that Suihou Yu's strength is really good. Several times the serve went straight to 220 km/h, and Liu Mo's fighting spirit also came up.

Suihou Yu wouldn't have had a very uncomfortable fight with Liu Mo, after all, he had also played against Sang Xian before. When practicing on weekdays, his opponent is usually Hou Mo.

Hou Mo usually does a lot of training as a sparring partner, and it is rare for him to be jealous. He gets beaten hard, becomes angry inexplicably, and will play two serious matches with Sui Hou Yu.

So now he is pretty good in the match, and he won't look so amateur like when he first played against Hou Mo.

After a return, the ball ran towards Liu Mo and chased him.

Liu Mo dodged in embarrassment. After the ball was over, he didn't talk to Sui Hou Yu. He went all over the field to find Hou Mo and continued to babble: "Your family is really ruthless, almost hitting my five-pound suitcase."

"Shut up, why are you talking so much?" Hou Mo felt helpless after hearing this.

"It's not a formal match, let's discuss it! It's so serious." After finishing speaking, Liu Mo went back with his racket in his hand.

After going back, I stood up again, and when I looked up, I saw a few more people beside the railing on the second floor.

Several staff members, as well as their principal and coach, suddenly panicked. It was as if the head teacher suddenly appeared by the classroom window and looked in, which made Liu Mo feel guilty for a while.

What's wrong

Why are the staff here

Looking at Hou Mo again, he also had a stern face, and would point out Sui Hou Yu from time to time.

Judging from Sui Hou Yu's fighting posture with him, it is definitely Hou Mo who has followed Hou Yu to tell him about his playing habits, so Sui Hou Yu has been restraining him in a targeted manner.

This group of people were all too serious, and he was the only one with a playful smile on his face, which seemed out of place.

Liu Mo took advantage of the gap between the exchange of venues to talk to Hou Mo: "I don't know what's wrong with you, but I can't fight like crazy, my principal is here!"

"Well, you beat yourself, after all, you may not win."

"Hey, I'm getting angry..." Liu Mo staggered back, and realized that he changed the venue after walking back. He went back to the venue just now, stood aside with Suihou Yu, and trotted over quickly.

Hou Mo looked at Liu Mo and laughed angrily.

Suihou Yu watched in astonishment as Liu Mo ran to the opposite side, and followed the trend to look at Hou Mo.

Hou Mo mouthed to him: Don't be nervous.

He nodded.

In fact, the principal of the provincial body didn't know what happened. He just saw the staff coming and accompanied them, and he didn't even ask why these people came suddenly.

The staff is unwilling to wade into the muddy water.

What they are most afraid of is accidents, especially a ticking time bomb like Sui Hou Yu. If there is a big trouble, it will be a piece of negative news, and they all need to be held accountable, and a suspension for investigation is enough for them.

They also knew what the consequences of the three-year ban would be, it was almost a waste of a young player.

After thinking about it, they still wanted to be on the safe side and sacrifice a child to protect the overall situation.

But Coach Wang kept pestering him and refused to give up, obviously he valued this player very much.

Even Coach Huang called and said that he wanted to contact other people, saying that they were going to abolish a good seed, as if they were going to destroy the hope of domestic tennis. Tangled.

In their view, players who can only play tennis doubles are of little value, and if they give up, they give up. It's no big deal. They don't understand why this group of people care so much.

Especially after seeing Sui Houyu, I feel that this appearance is not a serious tennis player, is it just a joke

Sui Hou Yu was only brought up by his teammates, without Hou Mo he is nothing.

But these two insisted again and again, they also wavered, ready to give Suihou Yu another chance.

If Suihou Yu can beat Liu Mo, and all the indicators can return to normal after inspection, the penalty can be changed.

Finding Liu Mo as an opponent, this choice can be said to be really ruthless, Liu Mo is not easy to win. It is simply difficult for a strong man to let a player who specializes in doubles training play against a player with a relatively high level in the singles field.

As a result, in the first round of Sui Hou Yu and Liu Mo's confrontation, they entered a tie-break state.

Anyone who knows a little bit about penalty kicks can see that not only was Suihou Yu not crushed, but he was able to fight Liu Mo evenly.

Of course, Liu Mo did underestimate the enemy at first, giving Suihou Yu some opportunities to take advantage of.

In addition, Hou Mo and Liu Mo are old rivals, and he has figured out Liu Mo's path clearly. Suihou Yu himself is also a top student, so he can play against one or two if he uses it.

However, without absolute strength, there is no way to persist until the tie-break.

Not just anyone can grasp this kind of opportunity.

Liu Mo didn't intend to let the water go, he played quite hard, especially after the principal and coach came, and he entered the state of the official game.

Suihou Yu held the racket and took a deep breath.

He was visibly nervous.

The psychological pressure in the previous games was not as great as it is now.

He knew that he had to fight for himself once, and to reassure Hou Mo and the others.

The most important thing is that if he can change the punishment, Ran Shu's guilt will also be relieved.

Fighting for himself and for those who care about him is of extraordinary significance.

After reopening his eyes, he followed the method Hou Mo taught him before, imagining the entire stadium as a three-dimensional space, and every position in this space can be used.

And Liu Mo is the person he needs to deal with in this space.

Every time Liu Mo swings his racket, he analyzes the direction and trajectory of his movements when he runs without the ball, and then predicts.

When the prediction reaches a certain level, all of Liu Mo's movements seem to be in slow motion. He can analyze where Liu Mo is about to go, so that he can hit the ball in the opposite direction of Liu Mo's movement, or he can Find an opening and hit there.

The angle is vicious, and the attack is ruthless.

After getting used to playing doubles, the court will feel empty when playing singles.

There are two people facing each other in doubles, and the field seems to be fully occupied. After the doubles has reached a certain level, and he tries singles again, he will feel that there are loopholes in many places on the field. Liu Mo alone cannot cope with his high intensity. Move left and right to lose points.

Play with your brain.

This is the style formed after Sui Hou Yu and Hou Mo got along for a long time, it is no longer simply relying on intuition.

It took 2 minutes for Sui Hou Yu to secure his serve in the second set and hit an ace.

After Suihou Yu won a game, the audience burst into thunderous applause and screams.

Liu Mo was so angry when he heard that he obviously won the first set, but only a few of his brothers applauded him. But as long as Suihou Yu scored points, the others would be as excited as if they had stepped on a switch.

It was Liu Mo's serve again.

Liu Mo sometimes serves the ball with his left hand and adopts close-pressing tactics.

As we all know, when encountering a left-hander in a game, sometimes you will fall into confusion, not knowing whether to catch with a forehand or a backhand, so that you will make a mistake.

After Hou Yu gradually got used to it, Xiao Suibu mobilized his body and fought back.

This shot made the handle of his racket tremble, and the fingers holding the handle of the racket were a little numb. After playing just one set, he was a little embarrassed by this force.

As expected of an old opponent who was evenly matched with Hou Mo.

Hou Mo was watching the game seriously when he suddenly received a call from Sang Xian.

Knowing that Sui Hou Yu was easily distracted, he purposely hid behind the crowd, kept his eyes on the playing field, and connected the phone at the same time: "Hey, what's the matter?"

"Ran Shu was taken away by his father."

Hou Mo had never heard such a voice as Sang Xian's, and his voice was so nervous that it was empty, as if he would cry in a second, but he was still holding on.

Now is not the time to cry.

Hou Mo was a little surprised: "What's going on? Haven't you been watching in the hospital?"

"He said he was hungry and wanted some porridge. I went downstairs to buy something for him. He was resting alone in the ward. He disappeared after I went back. I asked the nurse. The nurse said that he was taken away by his father. The anti-inflammatory drug was not finished and the needle was pulled out."

Hou Mo immediately felt uncomfortable.

Ran's father is a character who must retaliate, and they have discovered it.

He and Sang Xian beat Ran's father. Ran's father had a grudge in his heart, and he knew that Sang Xian was among the people who beat him, and Sang Xian was Ran Shu's boyfriend. Wanting to make them feel uncomfortable, he took Ran Shu away so that Sang Xian would never see Ran Shu again, this was what made them feel most uncomfortable.

Every time Papa Ran attacked, he would attack where they hurt the most.

In this situation, Hou Mo could only stabilize Sang Xian first: "Don't worry, is there any communication equipment at Ran Shu's side?"

"I bought him a new mobile phone, but when I went back, I saw that he hadn't taken it away, and it was still charging. I don't know where to find him now. I sent someone to the airport to watch, and the train station also went , but... But what if they drive away?"

"Isn't there a section of highway in your house?"

"Not in this city."


Hou Mo still has to watch Sui Hou Yu's game. This game is really important, and it is related to Sui Hou Yu's future.

But when Ran Shu disappeared over there, he was also anxious, and if Suihou Yu found out, he would definitely be very anxious.

The decision he made was to finish the competition first. After all, even if Suihou Yu stopped now, there was nothing he could do, so he could only be anxious.

But if the game is won, Sui Hou Yu can continue to play tennis after that.

Hou Mo spoke again: "Communications are very developed now, and Ran Shu is not stupid. He will definitely find a chance to contact us. His father is his own father after all, and he will not treat him badly. At most, he will be locked up in a closed place. "

"Dad..." Sang Xian sneered, "He caused the wound with his own hands. He just finished stitching up the wound and took away his son just to vent his emotions. He just wanted to take revenge on me. Is this still a real father?"

"..." Hou Mo was suddenly speechless, unable to speak words of comfort.

"Suihou Yu is still competing?"


"Go on first, I'll contact Su Anyi."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Hou Mo stood at the front again to watch Sui Houyu's match, his palms were sweaty.

He had never felt so bad.

What is it all about! Is this scumbag finished? !

This time, Sui Hou Yu played very seriously, and didn't even notice that Hou Mo quit to answer a phone call.

There was no distraction throughout the whole process, and I focused on playing this game.

It was very difficult to win the second set, but this was hope for Sui Houyu. According to his own belief, he did not want to be sentenced to a suspension.

In the fence on the second floor, the provincial sports coach couldn't help but said: "This kid is also good in singles, why don't you let him participate in the singles competition?"

The provincial sports coach also didn't know about it, and thought he was going to set up a recommendation quota, so he came to their school to find out, and he talked to Sui Hou Yu overtly and secretly.

This sentence seems to be a question, but it is actually a compliment to Hou Yu, deliberately boasting to the staff, which can be regarded as an indirect help.

Coach Wang took advantage of the situation and replied: "He first practiced doubles. The practice time was short. Doubles just got a little bit of shape. Let's see what he thinks about singles in the future."

"After practicing for such a short period of time, it is already very good to be able to make it like this. He has a good understanding and a good foundation. This kid is as smart as Hou Mo, and his future is boundless."

Coach Wang followed suit and nodded: "Yes, it's a good seedling."

"Tsk tsk, why did all the good seedlings go to your place?"

"I got it in exchange for good deeds."

The provincial sports coach couldn't help but get angry: "I don't accumulate virtue?"

"You think about my team members every day. I only have a few of them, but you call them every day. Are you not good?"

When the provincial sports coach heard it, Coach Wang knew it, and laughed "hehe" for a long time.

The staff looked at the two coaches, then looked at the two players on the field who were serious about the game, and suddenly spoke to Coach Wang alone: "If all the indicators fail, I will not help you change your decision."

Coach Wang's eyes lit up immediately after listening, and he nodded again and again: "Sure."

The staff took one last look at the playing field, turned their heads and left, and did not wait until the end of the game.

Suihou Yu's hard work on the field, and his strength visible to the naked eye, finally made him shake.

After the staff left, the provincial sports coach asked, "What's going on?"

"Don't worry about it, it's just that the child has gone through a catastrophe, but he succeeded in overcoming it with his strength." Coach Wang finished his answer, and went downstairs to Hou Mo's side, "I changed my mind there, but there is a premise."

Hou Mo burst into ecstasy: "What premise?"

"All his indicators need to return to the normal range."

Hou Mo's joy disappeared visibly with the naked eye: "This... is a bit difficult, right?"

In fact, it is difficult for normal people to reach the "normal" level.

It is a state on weekdays, but if you feel nervous during the inspection, or have experienced something unhappy recently, it may cause the indicators to be "abnormal", but people are normal.

Sui Houyu has experienced too many things recently, and it is very difficult to return to "normal". In addition, Sui Houyu himself has mania, and it is really too difficult to make the test results normal.

"How to do this?" Hou Mo didn't know whether to be happy or sad for a moment.

"Anyway, it's good to have a chance. Let's think of a way."

"If he knows that Ran Shu was taken away by his father, as long as Ran Shu doesn't come back for a day, the indicators will not be normal for a day."

"What's wrong with Ran Shu?" Coach Wang was a little bit overwhelmed.

Hou Mo told Coach Wang about the previous incident, and Coach Wang felt uncomfortable clutching his stomach after hearing this.

Stomach trouble again.

Hou Mo could only help Coach Wang to the side and sit down. Coach Wang lowered his head and asked, "Can you find someone?"

"Sang Xian is working hard, he must have used all methods."

Coach Wang sighed, and then said: "I remembered the phone number of the doctor who checked last time. When you went to pick up the racket, I called and asked. If you want to return to normal levels in a short time, the most effective way is electroshock therapy. "

"Inject electric current from the head?" Hou Moguang heard the name of the treatment method, his voice trembled with distress, and his eyes were red.

"Yes, he will be given anesthesia, without too much pain, once every two days, usually eight to twelve times is considered a course of treatment. It depends on his recovery after treatment, if it is good, five times will be enough. The effect is not good If he can't adjust it by himself, maybe it will take twelve times."

Hou Mo looked at Sui Hou Yu who was still playing seriously on the field.

The game was coming to an end, and it was already the match point of the third set. Sui Hou Yu was gradually losing, so he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Not interrupting the game is a respect for Sui Houyu's hard work, and also a respect for Liu Mo, an opponent.

He asked again: "Will there be any side effects?"

"Well, yes, there may be symptoms such as nausea and vomiting after the operation, and it will also affect memory. Generally, it can be recovered within a week to a month. But... he is in the third year of high school, and he has been treated for such a period of time, plus the recovery time , I am afraid it will affect his studies. Moreover, he is destined not to participate in the World Youth League."

"I'm not going to participate either." Hou Mo said suddenly.

"Are you crazy? When your game is over, the walk will be considered a deal! Do you know how much attention is paid to this game in China?"

"I have to be with him... Coach, I understand the truth, but I really have to be with him. I left him once when I was a child, and I can't leave him a second time. When he is uncomfortable, I can't do it without me."

Coach Wang clutched his stomach, feeling terribly uncomfortable.

Hou Mo wanted to get him a cup of hot water, so he could only ask the students in the province to do it.

In the end, Coach Wang only replied: "Follow Hou Yu's own decision."